--- Shallow clones a table. -- @source http://lua-users.org/wiki/CopyTable -- @param orig table The table to clone. -- @return table The cloned table. function worldeditadditions.shallowcopy(orig) local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(orig) do copy[orig_key] = orig_value end else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end --- SHALLOW ONLY - applies the values in source to overwrite the equivalent keys in target. -- Warning: This function mutates target! -- @param source table The source to take values from -- @param target table The target to write values to function worldeditadditions.table_apply(source, target) for key, value in pairs(source) do target[key] = value end end --- Polyfill for unpack / table.unpack. -- Calls unpack when available, and looks for table.unpack if unpack() isn't -- found. -- This is needed because in Lua 5.1 it's the global unpack(), but in Lua 5.4 -- it's moved to table.unpack(). function worldeditadditions.table_unpack(tbl, offset, count) if type(unpack) == "function" then return unpack(tbl, offset, count) else return table.unpack(tbl, offset, count) end end --- Returns only the last count items in a given numerical table-based list. function worldeditadditions.table_get_last(tbl, count) return {worldeditadditions.table_unpack( tbl, math.max(0, (#tbl) - (count - 1)) )} end --- Returns the key value pairs in a table as a single string -- @param tbl table input table -- @param sep string key value seperator -- @param new_line string key value pair delimiter -- @return string concatenated table pairs function worldeditadditions.table_tostring(tbl, sep, new_line) if type(sep) ~= "string" then sep = ": " end if type(new_line) ~= "string" then new_line = ", " end local ret = {} if type(tbl) ~= "table" then return "Error: input not table!" end for key,value in pairs(tbl) do ret:append(key) ret:append(sep) ret:append(value) ret:append(new_line) end return ret:concat("") end --- Executes the given function on every item in the given table. -- Ignores return values that are nil and doesn't insert them into the table. -- @param tbl table The table to operate on. -- @param func function:any|nil The function to execute on every item in the table. -- @returns table A new table containing the return values of the function. function worldeditadditions.table_map(tbl, func) local result = {} for i,value in ipairs(tbl) do local newval = func(value, i) if newval ~= nil then table.insert(tbl, newval) end end return result end --- Filters the items in the given table using the given function. -- The function is executed for each item in the list. If it returns true, the -- item is kept. If it returns false, the item is discarded. -- @param tbl table The table of values to filter. -- @param func function:bool The filter function to execute - should return a boolean value indicating whether the item provided as the first argument should be kept -- @returns table A new table containing the values that the given function returned true for. function worldeditadditions.table_filter(tbl, func) local result = {} for i,value in ipairs(tbl) do if func(value) then table.insert(result, value) end end return result end --- Builds a new table with the elements of the given table appearing at most once. -- @param tbl table The table of values to make unique. -- @returns table A new table containing the values of the given table appearing at most once. function worldeditadditions.table_unique(tbl) local newtbl = {} for i,value in ipairs(tbl) do local seen = false for j,seenvalue in ipairs(newtbl) do if value == seenvalue then seen = true break end end if not seen then table.insert(newtbl, value) end end return newtbl end