-- ████████ ███████ ███████ ████████ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ██ █████ ███████ ██ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ██ ███████ ███████ ██ local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local wea_cmd = worldeditadditions_commands local test_dir = wea_cmd.modpath .. "/commands/test/tests/" -- Load tests with init function local tests = dofile(test_dir .. "init.lua")(test_dir) -- Helper functions local set_colour = function(colour, text) return minetest.colorize(colour, text) end wea_c.register_command("test", { params = "list || || help ", description = "Run a test or list all tests", privs = {worldedit = true}, parse = function(params_text) local ret = wea_c.split(params_text) if #ret < 1 then return false, "Error: No params found!" elseif ret[1] == "help" and #ret < 2 then return false, "Error: No test found!" end if (ret[1] ~= "list" and not tests[ ret[1] == "help" and ret[2] or ret[1] ]) then return false, "Error: Test '"..ret[1].."' not found!" end return true, table.remove(ret, 1), ret end, func = function(name, subcommand, params_text) if subcommand == "list" then local ret = "" -- List in rows of 7 local count = 0 for k, _ in pairs(tests) do ret = ret .. k count = count + 1 if count % 7 == 0 then ret = ret .. "\n" else ret = ret .. ", "end end return true, ret elseif subcommand == "help" then if not params_text[1] then return false, "Error: No test found!" elseif not tests[params_text[1]] then return false, "Error: Test '"..params_text[1].."' not found!" else return true, table.concat({ set_colour("#55FF55", "//test"), set_colour("#55B9FF", params_text[1]), tests[params_text[1]]:help()}, " ") end end return tests[subcommand](name, params_text) end })