#!/usr/bin/env bash # Make sure the current directory is the location of this script to simplify matters cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" || { echo "Error: Failed to cd to script directory" >&2; exit 1; }; # To run Luacheck: # # luacheck . --ignore 631 61[124] 412 21[123] --globals minetest worldedit worldeditadditions worldeditadditions_commands worldeditadditions_core vector assert bit it describe bonemeal --codes -j "$(nproc)" --quiet --exclude-files .luarocks/* ############################################################################### log_msg() { echo "[ $SECONDS ] >>> $*" >&2; } # $1 - Command name to check for check_command() { set +e; which $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; exit_code=$? if [[ "${exit_code}" -ne 0 ]]; then log_msg "Error: Couldn't locate $1. Make sure it's installed and in your path."; fi set -e; } # Display a url in the terminal. # See https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda # $1 - The url to link to. # $2 - The display text to show. display_url() { local URL_START='\e]8;;'; #shellcheck disable=SC1003 local URL_DISPLAY_TEXT='\e\\'; #shellcheck disable=SC1003 local URL_END='\e]8;;\e\\'; url="$1"; display_text="$2"; if [[ -z "$display_text" ]]; then display_text="${url}"; fi echo -e "${URL_START}${url}${URL_DISPLAY_TEXT}${display_text}${URL_END}"; } ############################################################################### check_command luarocks; luarocks_root="${PWD}/.luarocks"; # Setup the lua module path if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == *"msys"* ]]; then PATH="$(luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" path --lr-bin):${PATH}"; LUA_PATH="$(luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" path --lr-path);init.lua;./?.lua;${LUA_PATH}"; LUA_CPATH="$(luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" path --lr-cpath);./?.so;${LUA_CPATH}"; else eval "$(luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" path)"; fi export PATH LUA_PATH LUA_CPATH; mode="${1}"; if [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; then shift; fi run_setup() { log_msg "Installing busted"; luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" install busted; if [[ "${OSTYPE}" != *"msys"* ]]; then luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" install luacov; luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" install cluacov; luarocks --tree "${luarocks_root}" install luacov-html; fi } run_syntax_check() { find . -type f -name '*.lua' -not -path '*luarocks*' -not -path '*.git/*' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P "$(nproc)" luac -p; } run_test() { if [[ -r "luacov.stats.out" ]]; then rm "luacov.stats.out"; fi if [[ -r "luacov.report.out" ]]; then rm "luacov.report.out"; fi if [[ -d "luacov-html" ]]; then rm -r "luacov-html"; fi busted_path=".luarocks/bin/busted"; if [[ ! -r "${busted_path}" ]]; then busted_path=".luarocks/bin/busted.bat"; fi if [[ ! -r "${busted_path}" ]]; then echo "Error: Failed to find busted at .luarocks/bin/busted or .luarocks/bin/busted.bat" >&2; exit 1; fi if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == *"msys"* ]]; then "${busted_path}" --no-auto-insulate --pattern ".test.lua" .tests; else "${busted_path}" --coverage --no-auto-insulate --pattern ".test.lua" .tests; # Delete any pre-existing coverage info from any prev runs if [[ -d "luacov-html" ]]; then rm -r "luacov-html"; fi # If it doesn't begin with a dot, then Minetest *will* complain if [[ -d "luacov-html" ]]; then mv "luacov-html" ".luacov-html"; fi # Remove, but only if empty if [[ -s "luacov.report.out" ]]; then : else rm "luacov.report.out"; fi echo -e "Output written to $(display_url "file://$PWD/luacov-html/index.html" "./luacov-html/index.html")"; fi } case "${mode}" in setup ) run_setup; ;; run ) if [[ ! -d "${luarocks_root}" ]]; then run_setup; fi run_syntax_check; run_test; ;; * ) echo -e "Usage: path/to/run.sh setup # Setup to run the tests path/to/run.sh run # Run the tests" >&2; ;; esac