local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 --- -- @module worldeditadditions -- TODO add `minetest.find_nodes_with_meta(pos1, pos2)` support ref https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5.9.1/doc/lua_api.md?plain=1#L6112 for locked chests, inventories etc. Perhaps for copy add a flag to allow for disabling such support? -- ██████ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ██ ██ ██ ██████ ████ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ██████ ██████ ██ ██ --- Copies a region to another location, potentially overwriting the exiting region. -- @param source_pos1 Vector3 pos1 of the source region to copy. -- @param source_pos2 Vector3 pos2 of the source region to copy. -- @param target_pos1 Vector3 pos1 of the target region to copy to. -- @param target_pos2 Vector3 pos2 of the target region to copy to. -- @param airapply=false bool Whether to only replace target nodes that are air-like, leaving those that are not air-like. If false, then all target nodes are replaced regardless of whether they are air-like nodes or not. -- @returns bool,numbers 1. Whether the copy operation was successful or not -- 2. The total number of nodes copied. function worldeditadditions.copy(source_pos1, source_pos2, target_pos1, target_pos2, airapply) if airapply == nil then airapply = false end source_pos1, source_pos2 = Vector3.sort(source_pos1, source_pos2) target_pos1, target_pos2 = Vector3.sort(target_pos1, target_pos2) local offset = source_pos1:subtract(target_pos1) -- {source,target}_pos2 will always have the highest co-ordinates now -- Fetch the nodes in the source area local manip_source, area_source = worldedit.manip_helpers.init(source_pos1, source_pos2) local data_source = manip_source:get_data() local data_source_param2 = manip_source:get_param2_data() -- Fetch a manip for the target area local manip_target, area_target = worldedit.manip_helpers.init(target_pos1, target_pos2) local data_target = manip_target:get_data() local data_target_param2 = manip_target:get_param2_data() -- z y x is the preferred loop order (because CPU cache, since then we're iterating linearly through the data array backwards. This only holds true for little-endian machines however) local total_replaced = 0 for z = source_pos2.z, source_pos1.z, -1 do for y = source_pos2.y, source_pos1.y, -1 do for x = source_pos2.x, source_pos1.x, -1 do local source = Vector3.new(x, y, z) local source_i = area_source:index(x, y, z) local target = source - offset local target_i = area_target:index(target.x, target.y, target.z) local should_replace = true if airapply then should_replace = wea_c.is_airlike(data_target[target_i]) end if should_replace then data_target[target_i] = data_source[source_i] data_target_param2[target_i] = data_source_param2[source_i] total_replaced = total_replaced + 1 end end end end -- Save the modified nodes back to disk & return manip_target:set_param2_data(data_target_param2) worldedit.manip_helpers.finish(manip_target, data_target) return true, total_replaced end