local hudHandlers = {} areas.registered_protection_conditions = {} areas.registered_on_adds = {} areas.registered_on_removes = {} areas.registered_on_moves = {} areas.callback_origins = {} function areas:registerProtectionCondition(func) table.insert(areas.registered_protection_conditions, func) local debug_info = debug.getinfo(func, "S") areas.callback_origins[func] = { mod = core.get_current_modname() or "??", source = debug_info.short_src or "??", line = debug_info.linedefined or "??" } end function areas:registerOnAdd(func) table.insert(areas.registered_on_adds, func) end function areas:registerOnRemove(func) table.insert(areas.registered_on_removes, func) end function areas:registerOnMove(func) table.insert(areas.registered_on_moves, func) end --- Adds a function as a HUD handler, it will be able to add items to the Areas HUD element. function areas:registerHudHandler(handler) table.insert(hudHandlers, handler) end function areas:getExternalHudEntries(pos) local areas = {} for _, func in pairs(hudHandlers) do func(pos, areas) end return areas end --- Returns a list of areas that include the provided position. function areas:getAreasAtPos(pos) local res = {} if self.store then local a = self.store:get_areas_for_pos(pos, false, true) for store_id, store_area in pairs(a) do local id = tonumber(store_area.data) res[id] = self.areas[id] end else local px, py, pz = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do local ap1, ap2 = area.pos1, area.pos2 if (px >= ap1.x and px <= ap2.x) and (py >= ap1.y and py <= ap2.y) and (pz >= ap1.z and pz <= ap2.z) then res[id] = area end end end return res end --- Returns areas that intersect with the passed area. function areas:getAreasIntersectingArea(pos1, pos2) local res = {} if self.store then local a = self.store:get_areas_in_area(pos1, pos2, true, false, true) for store_id, store_area in pairs(a) do local id = tonumber(store_area.data) res[id] = self.areas[id] end else self:sortPos(pos1, pos2) local p1x, p1y, p1z = pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z local p2x, p2y, p2z = pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z for id, area in pairs(self.areas) do local ap1, ap2 = area.pos1, area.pos2 if (ap1.x <= p2x and ap2.x >= p1x) and (ap1.y <= p2y and ap2.y >= p1y) and (ap1.z <= p2z and ap2.z >= p1z) then -- Found an intersecting area. res[id] = area end end end return res end -- Returns smallest area at position and its id or nil. -- If multiple areas have the same volume, larger id takes precedence. function areas:getSmallestAreaAtPos(pos) local smallest_area, smallest_id, volume local smallest_volume = math.huge for id, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do volume = (area.pos2.x - area.pos1.x + 1) * (area.pos2.y - area.pos1.y + 1) * (area.pos2.z - area.pos1.z + 1) if smallest_volume >= volume then smallest_area = area smallest_id = id smallest_volume = volume end end return smallest_area, smallest_id end -- Checks if the area is unprotected, open, owned by player -- or player is part of faction of [smallest] area at position. function areas:canInteract(pos, name) if minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then return true end local areas_list if areas.config.use_smallest_area_precedence then local smallest_area, _ = self:getSmallestAreaAtPos(pos) areas_list = { smallest_area } else areas_list = self:getAreasAtPos(pos) end local owned = false for _, area in pairs(areas_list) do -- Player owns the area or area is open if area.owner == name or area.open then return true elseif areas.factions_available and area.faction_open then if (factions.version or 0) < 2 then local faction_name = factions.get_player_faction(name) if faction_name then for _, fname in ipairs(area.faction_open) do if faction_name == fname then return true end end end else for _, fname in ipairs(area.faction_open) do if factions.player_is_in_faction(fname, name) then return true end end end end owned = true end return not owned end -- Returns a table (list) of all players that own an area function areas:getNodeOwners(pos) local owners = {} for _, area in pairs(self:getAreasAtPos(pos)) do table.insert(owners, area.owner) end return owners end --- Checks if the area intersects with an area that the player can't interact in. -- Note that this fails and returns false when the specified area is fully -- owned by the player, but with multiple protection zones, none of which -- cover the entire checked area. -- @param name (optional) Player name. If not specified checks for any intersecting areas. -- @param allow_open Whether open areas should be counted as if they didn't exist. -- @return Boolean indicating whether the player can interact in that area. -- @return Un-owned intersecting area ID, if found. function areas:canInteractInArea(pos1, pos2, name, allow_open) if name and minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then return true end self:sortPos(pos1, pos2) -- Intersecting non-owned area ID, if found. local blocking_area = nil local areas = self:getAreasIntersectingArea(pos1, pos2) for id, area in pairs(areas) do -- First check for a fully enclosing owned area. -- A little optimization: isAreaOwner isn't necessary -- here since we're iterating over all relevant areas. if area.owner == name and self:isSubarea(pos1, pos2, id) then return true end -- Then check for intersecting non-owned (blocking) areas. -- We don't bother with this check if we've already found a -- blocking area, as the check is somewhat expensive. -- The area blocks if the area is closed or open areas aren't -- acceptable to the caller, and the area isn't owned. -- Note: We can't return directly here, because there might be -- an exclosing owned area that we haven't gotten to yet. if not blocking_area and (not allow_open or not area.open) and (not name or not self:isAreaOwner(id, name)) then blocking_area = id end end if blocking_area then return false, blocking_area end -- There are no intersecting areas or they are only partially -- intersecting areas and they are all owned by the player. return true end