local S = minetest.get_translator("areas") function areas:player_exists(name) return minetest.get_auth_handler().get_auth(name) ~= nil end local safe_file_write = minetest.safe_file_write if safe_file_write == nil then function safe_file_write(path, content) local file, err = io.open(path, "w") if err then return err end file:write(content) file:close() end end -- Save the areas table to a file function areas:save() local datastr = minetest.write_json(self.areas) if not datastr then minetest.log("error", "[areas] Failed to serialize area data!") return end return safe_file_write(self.config.filename, datastr) end -- Load the areas table from the save file function areas:load() local file, err = io.open(self.config.filename, "r") if err then self.areas = self.areas or {} return err end local data = file:read("*a") if data:sub(1, 1) == "[" then self.areas, err = minetest.parse_json(data) else self.areas, err = minetest.deserialize(data) end if type(self.areas) ~= "table" then self.areas = {} end if err and #data > 10 then minetest.log("error", "[areas] Failed to load area data: " .. tostring(err)) end file:close() self:populateStore() end --- Checks an AreaStore ID. -- Deletes the AreaStore (falling back to the iterative method) -- and prints an error message if the ID is invalid. -- @return Whether the ID was valid. function areas:checkAreaStoreId(sid) if not sid then minetest.log("error", "AreaStore failed to find an ID for an " .."area! Falling back to iterative area checking.") self.store = nil self.store_ids = nil end return sid and true or false end -- Populates the AreaStore after loading, if needed. function areas:populateStore() if not rawget(_G, "AreaStore") then return end local store = AreaStore() local store_ids = {} for id, area in pairs(areas.areas) do local sid = store:insert_area(area.pos1, area.pos2, tostring(id)) if not self:checkAreaStoreId(sid) then return end store_ids[id] = sid end self.store = store self.store_ids = store_ids end -- Finds the first usable index in a table -- Eg: {[1]=false,[4]=true} -> 2 local function findFirstUnusedIndex(t) local i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 until t[i] == nil return i end --- Add an area. -- @return The new area's ID. function areas:add(owner, name, pos1, pos2, parent) local id = findFirstUnusedIndex(self.areas) self.areas[id] = { name = name, pos1 = pos1, pos2 = pos2, owner = owner, parent = parent } for i=1, #areas.registered_on_adds do areas.registered_on_adds[i](id, self.areas[id]) end -- Add to AreaStore if self.store then local sid = self.store:insert_area(pos1, pos2, tostring(id)) if self:checkAreaStoreId(sid) then self.store_ids[id] = sid end end return id end --- Remove an area, and optionally its children recursively. -- If an area is deleted non-recursively the children will -- have the removed area's parent as their new parent. function areas:remove(id, recurse) if recurse then -- Recursively find child entries and remove them local cids = self:getChildren(id) for _, cid in pairs(cids) do self:remove(cid, true) end else -- Update parents local parent = self.areas[id].parent local children = self:getChildren(id) for _, cid in pairs(children) do -- The subarea parent will be niled out if the -- removed area does not have a parent self.areas[cid].parent = parent end end for i=1, #areas.registered_on_removes do areas.registered_on_removes[i](id) end -- Remove main entry self.areas[id] = nil -- Remove from AreaStore if self.store then self.store:remove_area(self.store_ids[id]) self.store_ids[id] = nil end end --- Move an area. function areas:move(id, area, pos1, pos2) area.pos1 = pos1 area.pos2 = pos2 for i=1, #areas.registered_on_moves do areas.registered_on_moves[i](id, area, pos1, pos2) end if self.store then self.store:remove_area(areas.store_ids[id]) local sid = self.store:insert_area(pos1, pos2, tostring(id)) if self:checkAreaStoreId(sid) then self.store_ids[id] = sid end end end -- Checks if an area between two points is entirely contained by another area. -- Positions must be sorted. function areas:isSubarea(pos1, pos2, id) local area = self.areas[id] if not area then return false end local ap1, ap2 = area.pos1, area.pos2 local ap1x, ap1y, ap1z = ap1.x, ap1.y, ap1.z local ap2x, ap2y, ap2z = ap2.x, ap2.y, ap2.z local p1x, p1y, p1z = pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z local p2x, p2y, p2z = pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z if (p1x >= ap1x and p1x <= ap2x) and (p2x >= ap1x and p2x <= ap2x) and (p1y >= ap1y and p1y <= ap2y) and (p2y >= ap1y and p2y <= ap2y) and (p1z >= ap1z and p1z <= ap2z) and (p2z >= ap1z and p2z <= ap2z) then return true end end -- Returns a table (list) of children of an area given its identifier function areas:getChildren(id) local children = {} for cid, area in pairs(self.areas) do if area.parent and area.parent == id then table.insert(children, cid) end end return children end -- checks all possible restrictions registered with -- areas:registerProtectionCondition -- builtin callbacks below function areas:canPlayerAddArea(pos1, pos2, name) local allowed = true local errMsg for i=1, #areas.registered_protection_conditions do local res, msg = areas.registered_protection_conditions[i](pos1, pos2, name) if res == true then -- always allow to protect, no matter of other conditions return true elseif res == false then -- there might be another callback that returns true, so we can't break here allowed = false -- save the first error that occurred errMsg = errMsg or msg elseif res ~= nil then local origin = areas.callback_origins[areas.registered_protection_conditions[i]] error("\n[Mod] areas: Invalid api usage from mod '" .. origin.mod .. "' in callback registerProtectionCondition() at " .. origin.source .. ":" .. origin.line) end end return allowed, errMsg end -- Checks if the user has sufficient privileges. areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name) if privs.areas then -- always allow administrators to create areas return true end -- Check self protection privilege if not areas.config.self_protection or not privs[areas.config.self_protection_privilege] then return false, S("Self protection is disabled or you do not have" .." the necessary privilege.") end end) -- check if the area is too big areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name) local max_size = privs.areas_high_limit and areas.config.self_protection_max_size_high or areas.config.self_protection_max_size if (pos2.x - pos1.x + 1) > max_size.x or (pos2.y - pos1.y + 1) > max_size.y or (pos2.z - pos1.z + 1) > max_size.z then return false, S("Area is too big.") end end) -- Check number of areas the user has and make sure it not above the max areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name) local count = 0 for _, area in pairs(areas.areas) do if area.owner == name then count = count + 1 end end local max_areas = privs.areas_high_limit and areas.config.self_protection_max_areas_high or areas.config.self_protection_max_areas if count >= max_areas then return false, S("You have reached the maximum amount of" .." areas that you are allowed to protect.") end end) -- checks if the area intersects other areas that the player do not own. areas:registerProtectionCondition(function(pos1, pos2, name) local can, id = areas:canInteractInArea(pos1, pos2, name) if not can then local area = areas.areas[id] return false, S("The area intersects with @1 [@2] (@3).", area.name, id, area.owner) end end) -- Given an id returns a string in the format: -- "name [id]: owner (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) -> children" function areas:toString(id) local area = self.areas[id] local message = ("%s [%d]: %s %s %s"):format( area.name, id, area.owner, minetest.pos_to_string(area.pos1), minetest.pos_to_string(area.pos2)) local children = areas:getChildren(id) if #children > 0 then message = message.." -> "..table.concat(children, ", ") end return message end -- Re-order areas in table by their identifiers function areas:sort() local sa = {} for k, area in pairs(self.areas) do if not area.parent then table.insert(sa, area) local newid = #sa for _, subarea in pairs(self.areas) do if subarea.parent == k then subarea.parent = newid table.insert(sa, subarea) end end end end self.areas = sa end -- Checks if a player owns an area or a parent of it function areas:isAreaOwner(id, name) local cur = self.areas[id] if cur and minetest.check_player_privs(name, self.adminPrivs) then return true end while cur do if cur.owner == name then return true elseif cur.parent then cur = self.areas[cur.parent] else return false end end return false end