local S = minetest.get_translator("areas") -- I could depend on WorldEdit for this, but you need to have the 'worldedit' -- permission to use those commands and you don't have -- /area_pos{1,2} [X Y Z|X,Y,Z]. -- Since this is mostly copied from WorldEdit it is mostly -- licensed under the AGPL. (select_area is an exception) areas.marker1 = {} areas.marker2 = {} areas.set_pos = {} areas.pos1 = {} areas.pos2 = {} local LIMIT = 30992 -- this is due to MAPBLOCK_SIZE=16! local function posLimit(pos) return { x = math.max(math.min(pos.x, LIMIT), -LIMIT), y = math.max(math.min(pos.y, LIMIT), -LIMIT), z = math.max(math.min(pos.z, LIMIT), -LIMIT) } end local parse_relative_pos if minetest.parse_relative_number then parse_relative_pos = function(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos) local x = pos and minetest.parse_relative_number(x_str, pos.x) or tonumber(x_str) local y = pos and minetest.parse_relative_number(y_str, pos.y) or tonumber(y_str) local z = pos and minetest.parse_relative_number(z_str, pos.z) or tonumber(z_str) if x and y and z then return vector.new(x, y, z) end end else parse_relative_pos = function(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos) local x = tonumber(x_str) local y = tonumber(y_str) local z = tonumber(z_str) if x and y and z then return vector.new(x, y, z) elseif string.sub(x_str, 1, 1) == "~" or string.sub(y_str, 1, 1) == "~" or string.sub(z_str, 1, 1) == "~" then return nil, S("Relative coordinates is not supported on this server. " .. "Please upgrade Minetest to 5.7.0 or newer versions.") end end end minetest.register_chatcommand("select_area", { params = S(""), description = S("Select an area by ID."), func = function(name, param) local id = tonumber(param) if not id then return false, S("Invalid usage, see /help @1.", "select_area") end if not areas.areas[id] then return false, S("The area @1 does not exist.", id) end areas:setPos1(name, areas.areas[id].pos1) areas:setPos2(name, areas.areas[id].pos2) return true, S("Area @1 selected.", id) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("area_pos1", { params = "[X Y Z|X,Y,Z]", description = S("Set area protection region position @1 to your" .." location or the one specified", "1"), privs = {}, func = function(name, param) local pos local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player then pos = vector.round(player:get_pos()) end local found, _, x_str, y_str, z_str = param:find( "^(~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)$") if found then local get_pos, reason = parse_relative_pos(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos) if get_pos then pos = get_pos elseif not get_pos and reason then return false, reason end elseif param ~= "" then return false, S("Invalid usage, see /help @1.", "area_pos1") end if not pos then return false, S("Unable to get position.") end pos = posLimit(vector.round(pos)) areas:setPos1(name, pos) return true, S("Area position @1 set to @2", "1", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("area_pos2", { params = "[X Y Z|X,Y,Z]", description = S("Set area protection region position @1 to your" .." location or the one specified", "2"), func = function(name, param) local pos local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player then pos = vector.round(player:get_pos()) end local found, _, x_str, y_str, z_str = param:find( "^(~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)[, ](~?-?%d*)$") if found then local get_pos, reason = parse_relative_pos(x_str, y_str, z_str, pos) if get_pos then pos = get_pos elseif not get_pos and reason then return false, reason end elseif param ~= "" then return false, S("Invalid usage, see /help @1.", "area_pos2") end if not pos then return false, S("Unable to get position.") end pos = posLimit(vector.round(pos)) areas:setPos2(name, pos) return true, S("Area position @1 set to @2", "2", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("area_pos", { params = "set/set1/set2/get", description = S("Set area protection region, position 1, or position 2" .." by punching nodes, or display the region"), func = function(name, param) if param == "set" then -- Set both area positions areas.set_pos[name] = "pos1" return true, S("Select positions by punching two nodes.") elseif param == "set1" then -- Set area position 1 areas.set_pos[name] = "pos1only" return true, S("Select position @1 by punching a node.", "1") elseif param == "set2" then -- Set area position 2 areas.set_pos[name] = "pos2" return true, S("Select position @1 by punching a node.", "2") elseif param == "get" then -- Display current area positions local pos1str, pos2str = S("Position @1:", " 1"), S("Position @1:", " 2") if areas.pos1[name] then pos1str = pos1str..minetest.pos_to_string(areas.pos1[name]) else pos1str = pos1str..S("") end if areas.pos2[name] then pos2str = pos2str..minetest.pos_to_string(areas.pos2[name]) else pos2str = pos2str..S("") end return true, pos1str.."\n"..pos2str else return false, S("Unknown subcommand: @1", param) end end, }) function areas:getPos(playerName) local pos1, pos2 = areas.pos1[playerName], areas.pos2[playerName] if not (pos1 and pos2) then return nil end -- Copy positions so that the area table doesn't contain multiple -- references to the same position. pos1, pos2 = vector.new(pos1), vector.new(pos2) return areas:sortPos(pos1, pos2) end function areas:setPos1(playerName, pos) areas.pos1[playerName] = posLimit(pos) areas.markPos1(playerName) end function areas:setPos2(playerName, pos) areas.pos2[playerName] = posLimit(pos) areas.markPos2(playerName) end minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher) local name = puncher:get_player_name() -- Currently setting position if name ~= "" and areas.set_pos[name] then if areas.set_pos[name] == "pos1" then areas.pos1[name] = pos areas.markPos1(name) areas.set_pos[name] = "pos2" minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Position @1 set to @2", "1", minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) elseif areas.set_pos[name] == "pos1only" then areas.pos1[name] = pos areas.markPos1(name) areas.set_pos[name] = nil minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Position @1 set to @2", "1", minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) elseif areas.set_pos[name] == "pos2" then areas.pos2[name] = pos areas.markPos2(name) areas.set_pos[name] = nil minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Position @1 set to @2", "2", minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) end end end) -- Modifies positions `pos1` and `pos2` so that each component of `pos1` -- is less than or equal to its corresponding component of `pos2`, -- returning the two positions. function areas:sortPos(pos1, pos2) if pos1.x > pos2.x then pos2.x, pos1.x = pos1.x, pos2.x end if pos1.y > pos2.y then pos2.y, pos1.y = pos1.y, pos2.y end if pos1.z > pos2.z then pos2.z, pos1.z = pos1.z, pos2.z end return pos1, pos2 end -- Marks area position 1 areas.markPos1 = function(name) local pos = areas.pos1[name] if areas.marker1[name] ~= nil then -- Marker already exists areas.marker1[name]:remove() -- Remove marker areas.marker1[name] = nil end if pos ~= nil then -- Add marker areas.marker1[name] = minetest.add_entity(pos, "areas:pos1") areas.marker1[name]:get_luaentity().active = true end end -- Marks area position 2 areas.markPos2 = function(name) local pos = areas.pos2[name] if areas.marker2[name] ~= nil then -- Marker already exists areas.marker2[name]:remove() -- Remove marker areas.marker2[name] = nil end if pos ~= nil then -- Add marker areas.marker2[name] = minetest.add_entity(pos, "areas:pos2") areas.marker2[name]:get_luaentity().active = true end end minetest.register_entity("areas:pos1", { initial_properties = { visual = "cube", visual_size = {x=1.1, y=1.1}, textures = {"areas_pos1.png", "areas_pos1.png", "areas_pos1.png", "areas_pos1.png", "areas_pos1.png", "areas_pos1.png"}, collisionbox = {-0.55, -0.55, -0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55}, }, on_step = function(self, dtime) if self.active == nil then self.object:remove() end end, on_punch = function(self, hitter) self.object:remove() local name = hitter:get_player_name() areas.marker1[name] = nil end, }) minetest.register_entity("areas:pos2", { initial_properties = { visual = "cube", visual_size = {x=1.1, y=1.1}, textures = {"areas_pos2.png", "areas_pos2.png", "areas_pos2.png", "areas_pos2.png", "areas_pos2.png", "areas_pos2.png"}, collisionbox = {-0.55, -0.55, -0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55}, }, on_step = function(self, dtime) if self.active == nil then self.object:remove() end end, on_punch = function(self, hitter) self.object:remove() local name = hitter:get_player_name() areas.marker2[name] = nil end, })