-- Copyright (c) 2013-18 rubenwardy. MIT. local S, NS = awards.gettext, awards.ngettext awards.registered_awards = {} awards.on = {} awards.on_unlock = {} local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() -- Table Save Load Functions function awards.save() storage:set_string("player_data", minetest.write_json(awards.players)) end local function convert_data() minetest.log("warning", "Importing awards data from previous version") local old_players = awards.players awards.players = {} for name, data in pairs(old_players) do while name.name do name = name.name end data.name = name print("Converting data for " .. name) -- Just rename counted local counted = { chats = "chat", deaths = "death", joins = "join", } for from, to in pairs(counted) do data[to] = data[from] data[from] = nil end data.death = { unknown = data.death, __total = data.death, } -- Convert item db to new format local counted_items = { count = "dig", place = "place", craft = "craft", } for from, to in pairs(counted_items) do local ret = {} local count = 0 for modname, items in pairs(data[from]) do for itemname, value in pairs(items) do itemname = modname .. ":" .. itemname local key = minetest.registered_aliases[itemname] or itemname ret[key] = value count = count + value end end ret.__total = count data[from] = nil data[to] = ret end awards.players[name] = data end print(dump(awards.players)) end function awards.load() local old_save_path = minetest.get_worldpath().."/awards.txt" local file = io.open(old_save_path, "r") if file then local table = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) if type(table) == "table" then awards.players = table convert_data() else awards.players = {} end file:close() os.rename(old_save_path, minetest.get_worldpath().."/awards.bk.txt") awards.save() else awards.players = minetest.parse_json(storage:get_string("player_data")) or {} end end function awards.player(name) assert(type(name) == "string") local data = awards.players[name] or {} awards.players[name] = data data.name = data.name or name data.unlocked = data.unlocked or {} return data end function awards.player_or_nil(name) return awards.players[name] end local default_def = {} function default_def:run_callbacks(player, data, table_func) for i = 1, #self.on do local res = nil local entry = self.on[i] if type(entry) == "function" then res = entry(player, data) elseif type(entry) == "table" and entry.award then res = table_func(entry) end if res then awards.unlock(player:get_player_name(), res) end end end function awards.register_trigger(tname, tdef) assert(type(tdef) == "table", "Passing a callback to register_trigger is not supported in 3.0") tdef.name = tname for key, value in pairs(default_def) do tdef[key] = value end if tdef.type == "counted" then local old_reg = tdef.on_register function tdef:on_register(def) local tmp = { award = def.name, target = def.trigger.target, } tdef.register(tmp) function def.getProgress(_, data) local done = data[tname] or 0 return { perc = done / tmp.target, label = S(tdef.progress, done, tmp.target), } end function def.getDefaultDescription(_) local n = def.trigger.target return NS(tdef.auto_description[1], tdef.auto_description[2], n, n) end if old_reg then return old_reg(tdef, def) end end function tdef.notify(player) assert(player and player.is_player and player:is_player()) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = awards.player(name) print(dump(data)) -- Increment counter local currentVal = (data[tname] or 0) + 1 data[tname] = currentVal tdef:run_callbacks(player, data, function(entry) if entry.target and entry.award and currentVal and currentVal >= entry.target then return entry.award end end) end awards["notify_" .. tname] = tdef.notify elseif tdef.type == "counted_key" then local old_reg = tdef.on_register function tdef:on_register(def) local tmp = { award = def.name, key = tdef:get_key(def), target = def.trigger.target, } tdef.register(tmp) function def.getProgress(_, data) local done data[tname] = data[tname] or {} if tmp.key then done = data[tname][tmp.key] or 0 else done = data[tname].__total or 0 end return { perc = done / tmp.target, label = S(tdef.progress, done, tmp.target), } end function def.getDefaultDescription(_) local n = def.trigger.target if tmp.key then local nname = tmp.key return NS(tdef.auto_description[1], tdef.auto_description[2], n, n, nname) else return NS(tdef.auto_description_total[1], tdef.auto_description_total[2], n, n) end end if old_reg then return old_reg(tdef, def) end end function tdef.notify(player, key, n) n = n or 1 assert(player and player.is_player and player:is_player() and key) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = awards.player(name) print(dump(data)) -- Increment counter data[tname] = data[tname] or {} local currentVal = (data[tname][key] or 0) + n data[tname][key] = currentVal data[tname].__total = (data[tname].__total or 0) + n tdef:run_callbacks(player, data, function(entry) local current if entry.key == key then current = currentVal elseif entry.key == nil then current = data[tname].__total else return end if current > entry.target then return entry.award end end) end awards["notify_" .. tname] = tdef.notify elseif tdef.type and tdef.type ~= "custom" then error("Unrecognised trigger type " .. tdef.type) end awards.registered_triggers[tname] = tdef tdef.on = {} tdef.register = function(func) table.insert(tdef.on, func) end -- Backwards compat awards.on[tname] = tdef.on awards['register_on_' .. tname] = tdef.register return tdef end function awards.increment_item_counter(data, field, itemname, count) itemname = minetest.registered_aliases[itemname] or itemname data[field][itemname] = (data[field][itemname] or 0) + 1 end function awards.get_item_count(data, field, itemname) itemname = minetest.registered_aliases[itemname] or itemname return data[field][itemname] or 0 end function awards.get_total_keyed_count(data, field) return data[field].__total or 0 end function awards.register_on_unlock(func) table.insert(awards.on_unlock, func) end function awards.register_achievement(name, def) def.name = name -- Add Triggers if def.trigger and def.trigger.type then local tdef = awards.registered_triggers[def.trigger.type] assert(tdef, "Trigger not found: " .. def.trigger.type) tdef:on_register(def) end -- Add Award awards.registered_awards[name] = def local tdef = awards.registered_awards[name] if def.description == nil and tdef.getDefaultDescription then def.description = tdef:getDefaultDescription() end end function awards.enable(name) local data = awards.player(name) if data then data.disabled = nil end end function awards.disable(name) local data = awards.player(name) if data then data.disabled = true end end function awards.clear_player(name) awards.players[name] = {} end -- This function is called whenever a target condition is met. -- It checks if a player already has that achievement, and if they do not, -- it gives it to them ---------------------------------------------- --awards.unlock(name, award) -- name - the name of the player -- award - the name of the award to give function awards.unlock(name, award) -- Access Player Data local data = awards.player(name) local awdef = awards.registered_awards[award] assert(awdef, "Unable to unlock an award which doesn't exist!") if data.disabled or (data.unlocked[award] and data.unlocked[award] == award) then return end -- Unlock Award minetest.log("action", name.." has unlocked award "..name) data.unlocked[award] = award awards.save() -- Give Prizes if awdef and awdef.prizes then for i = 1, #awdef.prizes do local itemstack = ItemStack(awdef.prizes[i]) if not itemstack:is_empty() then local receiverref = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if receiverref then receiverref:get_inventory():add_item("main", itemstack) end end end end -- Run callbacks if awdef.on_unlock and awdef.on_unlock(name, awdef) then return end for _, callback in pairs(awards.on_unlock) do if callback(name, awdef) then return end end -- Get Notification Settings local title = awdef.title or award local desc = awdef.description or "" local background = awdef.background or "awards_bg_default.png" local icon = awdef.icon or "awards_unknown.png" local sound = awdef.sound if sound == nil then -- Explicit check for nil because sound could be `false` to disable it sound = {name="awards_got_generic", gain=0.25} end -- Do Notification if sound then -- Enforce sound delay to prevent sound spamming local lastsound = data.lastsound if lastsound == nil or os.difftime(os.time(), lastsound) >= 1 then minetest.sound_play(sound, {to_player=name}) data.lastsound = os.time() end end if awards.show_mode == "chat" then local chat_announce if awdef.secret == true then chat_announce = S("Secret Achievement Unlocked: %s") else chat_announce = S("Achievement Unlocked: %s") end -- use the chat console to send it minetest.chat_send_player(name, string.format(chat_announce, title)) if desc~="" then minetest.chat_send_player(name, desc) end else local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local one = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", name = "award_bg", scale = {x = 2, y = 1}, text = background, position = {x = 0.5, y = 0}, offset = {x = 0, y = 138}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) local hud_announce if awdef.secret == true then hud_announce = S("Secret Achievement Unlocked!") else hud_announce = S("Achievement Unlocked!") end local two = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "award_au", number = 0xFFFFFF, scale = {x = 100, y = 20}, text = hud_announce, position = {x = 0.5, y = 0}, offset = {x = 0, y = 40}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) local three = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "award_title", number = 0xFFFFFF, scale = {x = 100, y = 20}, text = title, position = {x = 0.5, y = 0}, offset = {x = 30, y = 100}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) local four = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", name = "award_icon", scale = {x = 4, y = 4}, text = icon, position = {x = 0.4, y = 0}, offset = {x = -81.5, y = 126}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) minetest.after(4, function() player:hud_remove(one) player:hud_remove(two) player:hud_remove(three) player:hud_remove(four) end) end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "awards:awards" then return false end if fields.quit then return true end local name = player:get_player_name() if fields.awards then local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.awards) if event.type == "CHG" then awards.show_to(name, name, event.index, false) end end return true end) awards.load() minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() awards.save() end)