local modutils = {} local function check_depend(this, modname) local depends = this.depends if depends[modname] then return true else return false end end function modutils.get_depend_checker(modname) -- Definition of returning object attributes local this = { } this.modname = modname this.depends = {} -- depends.txt parsed this.check_depend = check_depend -- method -- get module path local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) if not modpath then return nil -- module not found end -- read the depends file local dependsfile = io.open(modpath .. "/depends.txt") if not dependsfile then return nil end -- parse the depends file for line in dependsfile:lines() do if line:sub(-1) == "?" then line = line:sub(1, -2) end this.depends[line] = true end return this end return modutils