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from .models import db, PackageType, Package, ForumTopic, License
from .utils import isNo
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
from flask import abort
class QueryBuilder:
title = None
types = None
search = None
def __init__(self, args):
title = "Packages"
# Get request types
types = args.getlist("type")
types = [PackageType.get(tname) for tname in types]
types = [type for type in types if type is not None]
if len(types) > 0:
title = ", ".join([type.value + "s" for type in types])
self.title = title
self.types = types
self.search = args.get("q")
self.random = "random" in args
self.lucky = self.random or "lucky" in args
self.hide_nonfree = isNo(args.get("nonfree"))
self.limit = 1 if self.lucky else None
self.order_by = args.get("sort") or "score"
self.order_dir = args.get("order") or "desc"
def buildPackageQuery(self):
query = Package.query.filter_by(soft_deleted=False, approved=True)
if len(self.types) > 0:
query = query.filter(Package.type.in_(self.types))
if self.search is not None and self.search.strip() != "":
query = query.filter(Package.title.ilike('%' + self.search + '%'))
if self.random:
query = query.order_by(func.random())
to_order = None
if self.order_by == "score":
to_order = Package.score
elif self.order_by == "created_at":
to_order = Package.created_at
if self.order_dir == "asc":
to_order = db.asc(to_order)
elif self.order_dir == "desc":
to_order = db.desc(to_order)
query = query.order_by(to_order)
if self.hide_nonfree:
query = query.filter(Package.license.has(License.is_foss == True))
query = query.filter(Package.media_license.has(License.is_foss == True))
if self.limit:
query = query.limit(self.limit)
return query
def buildTopicQuery(self):
topics = ForumTopic.query \
.filter(~ db.exists().where(Package.forums==ForumTopic.topic_id)) \
.order_by(db.asc(ForumTopic.wip), db.asc(ForumTopic.name), db.asc(ForumTopic.title)) \
.filter(ForumTopic.title.ilike('%' + self.search + '%'))
if len(self.types) > 0:
topics = topics.filter(ForumTopic.type.in_(self.types))
if self.hide_nonfree:
topics = topics \
.filter(Package.license.has(License.is_foss == True)) \
.filter(Package.media_license.has(License.is_foss == True))
if self.limit:
topics = topics.limit(self.limit)
return topics