title: API ## Resources * [How the Minetest client uses the API](https://github.com/minetest/contentdb/blob/master/docs/minetest_client.md) ## Responses and Error Handling If there is an error, the response will be JSON similar to the following with a non-200 status code: ```json { "success": false, "error": "The error message" } ``` Successful GET requests will return the resource's information directly as a JSON response. Other successful results will return a dictionary with `success` equaling true, and often other keys with information. For example: ```js { "success": true, "release": { /* same as returned by a GET */ } } ``` ### Paginated Results Some API endpoints returns results in pages. The page number is specified using the `page` query argument, and the number of items is specified using `num` The response will be a dictionary with the following keys: * `page`: page number, integer from 1 to max * `per_page`: number of items per page, same as `n` * `page_count`: number of pages * `total`: total number of results * `urls`: dictionary containing * `next`: url to next page * `previous`: url to previous page * `items`: array of items ## Authentication Not all endpoints require authentication, but it is done using Bearer tokens: ```bash curl https://content.minetest.net/api/whoami/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" ``` Tokens can be attained by visiting [Settings > API Tokens](/user/tokens/). * GET `/api/whoami/`: JSON dictionary with the following keys: * `is_authenticated`: True on successful API authentication * `username`: Username of the user authenticated as, null otherwise. * 4xx status codes will be thrown on unsupported authentication type, invalid access token, or other errors. * DELETE `/api/delete-token/`: Deletes the currently used token. ```bash # Logout curl -X DELETE https://content.minetest.net/api/delete-token/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" ``` ## Packages * GET `/api/packages/` (List) * See [Package Queries](#package-queries) * GET `/api/packages///` (Read) * Query arguments * `formspec_version`: Optional. If present, `long_description` is returned a hypertext (see /hypertext/ below). * `include_images`: Optional, defaults to true. Only used if `formspec_version` is provided. * PUT `/api/packages///` (Update) * Requires authentication. * JSON dictionary with any of these keys (all are optional, null to delete Nullables): * `type`: One of `GAME`, `MOD`, `TXP`. * `title`: Human-readable title. * `name`: Technical name (needs permission if already approved). * `short_description` * `dev_state`: One of `WIP`, `BETA`, `ACTIVELY_DEVELOPED`, `MAINTENANCE_ONLY`, `AS_IS`, `DEPRECATED`, `LOOKING_FOR_MAINTAINER`. * `tags`: List of [tag](#tags) names. * `content_warnings`: List of [content warning](#content-warnings) names. * `license`: A [license](#licenses) name. * `media_license`: A [license](#licenses) name. * `long_description`: Long markdown description. * `repo`: Source repository (eg: Git) * `website`: Website URL. * `issue_tracker`: Issue tracker URL. * `forums`: forum topic ID. * `video_url`: URL to a video. * `donate_url`: URL to a donation page. * `translation_url`: URL to send users interested in translating your package. * `game_support`: Array of game support information objects. Not currently documented, as subject to change. * GET `/api/packages///hypertext/` * Converts the long description to [Minetest Markup Language](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.md#markup-language) to be used in a `hypertext` formspec element. * Query arguments: * `formspec_version`: Required, maximum supported formspec version. * `include_images`: Optional, defaults to true. * Returns JSON dictionary with following key: * `head`: markup for suggested styling and custom tags, prepend to the body before displaying. * `body`: markup for long description. * `links`: dictionary of anchor name to link URL. * `images`: dictionary of img name to image URL * `image_tooltips`: dictionary of img name to tooltip text. * GET `/api/packages///dependencies/` * Returns dependencies, with suggested candidates * If query argument `only_hard` is present, only hard deps will be returned. * GET `/api/dependencies/` * Returns `provides` and raw dependencies for all packages. * Supports [Package Queries](#package-queries) * [Paginated result](#paginated-results), max 300 results per page * Each item in `items` will be a dictionary with the following keys: * `type`: One of `GAME`, `MOD`, `TXP`. * `author`: Username of the package author. * `name`: Package name. * `provides`: List of technical mod names inside the package. * `depends`: List of hard dependencies. * Each dep will either be a modname dependency (`name`), or a package dependency (`author/name`). * `optional_depends`: list of optional dependencies * Same as above. * GET `/api/packages///stats/` * Returns daily stats for package, or null if there is no data. * Daily date is done based on the UTC timezone. * EXPERIMENTAL. This API may change without warning. * Query args: * `start`: start date, inclusive. Optional. Default: 2022-10-01. UTC. * `end`: end date, inclusive. Optional. Default: today. UTC. * An object with the following keys: * `start`: start date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-10-22. M * `end`: end date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-11-05. * `platform_minetest`: list of integers per day. * `platform_other`: list of integers per day. * `reason_new`: list of integers per day. * `reason_dependency`: list of integers per day. * `reason_update`: list of integers per day. * GET `/api/package_stats/` * Returns last 30 days of daily stats for _all_ packages. * An object with the following keys: * `start`: start date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-10-22. * `end`: end date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-11-05. * `package_downloads`: map from package key to list of download integers. You can download a package by building one of the two URLs: ``` https://content.minetest.net/packages/${author}/${name}/download/` https://content.minetest.net/packages/${author}/${name}/releases/${release}/download/` ``` Examples: ```bash # Edit package curl -X PUT https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "Foo bar", "tags": ["pvp", "survival"], "license": "MIT" }' # Remove website URL curl -X PUT https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "website": null }' ``` ### Package Queries Example: /api/packages/?type=mod&type=game&q=mobs+fun&hide=nonfree&hide=gore Supported query parameters: * `type`: Package types (`mod`, `game`, `txp`). * `q`: Query string. * `author`: Filter by author. * `tag`: Filter by tags. * `flag`: Filter to show packages with [Content Flags](/help/content_flags/). * `game`: Filter by [Game Support](/help/game_support/), ex: `Wuzzy/mineclone2`. (experimental, doesn't show items that support every game currently). * `lang`: Filter by translation support, eg: `en`/`de`/`ja`/`zh_TW`. * `random`: When present, enable random ordering and ignore `sort`. * `limit`: Return at most `limit` packages. * `hide`: Hide content based on [Content Flags](/help/content_flags/). * `sort`: Sort by (`name`, `title`, `score`, `reviews`, `downloads`, `created_at`, `approved_at`, `last_release`). * `order`: Sort ascending (`asc`) or descending (`desc`). * `protocol_version`: Only show packages supported by this Minetest protocol version. * `engine_version`: Only show packages supported by this Minetest engine version, eg: `5.3.0`. * `fmt`: How the response is formatted. * `keys`: author/name only. * `short`: stuff needed for the Minetest client. ### Releases * GET `/api/releases/` (List) * Limited to 30 most recent releases. * Optional arguments: * `author`: Filter by author * `maintainer`: Filter by maintainer * Returns array of release dictionaries with keys: * `id`: release ID * `title`: human-readable title * `release_date`: Date released * `url`: download URL * `commit`: commit hash or null * `downloads`: number of downloads * `min_minetest_version`: dict or null, minimum supported minetest version (inclusive). * `max_minetest_version`: dict or null, minimum supported minetest version (inclusive). * `size`: size of zip file, in bytes. * `package` * `author`: author username * `name`: technical name * `type`: `mod`, `game`, or `txp` * GET `/api/updates/` (Look-up table) * Returns a look-up table from package key (`author/name`) to latest release id * Query arguments * `protocol_version`: Only show packages supported by this Minetest protocol version. * `engine_version`: Only show packages supported by this Minetest engine version, eg: `5.3.0`. * GET `/api/packages///releases/` (List) * Returns array of release dictionaries, see above, but without package info. * GET `/api/packages///releases//` (Read) * POST `/api/packages///releases/new/` (Create) * Requires authentication. * Body can be JSON or multipart form data. Zip uploads must be multipart form data. * `title`: human-readable name of the release. * For Git release creation: * `method`: must be `git`. * `ref`: (Optional) git reference, eg: `master`. * For zip upload release creation: * `file`: multipart file to upload, like ``. * `commit`: (Optional) Source Git commit hash, for informational purposes. * You can set min and max Minetest Versions [using the content's .conf file](/help/package_config/). * DELETE `/api/packages///releases//` (Delete) * Requires authentication. * Deletes release. Examples: ```bash # Create release from Git curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/releases/new/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "method": "git", "title": "My Release", "ref": "master" }' # Create release from zip upload curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/releases/new/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \ -F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/file.zip # Create release from zip upload with commit hash curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/releases/new/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \ -F title="My Release" -F commit="8ef74deec170a8ce789f6055a59d43876d16a7ea" -F file=@path/to/file.zip # Delete release curl -X DELETE https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/releases/3/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" ``` ### Screenshots * GET `/api/packages///screenshots/` (List) * Returns array of screenshot dictionaries with keys: * `id`: screenshot ID * `approved`: true if approved and visible. * `title`: human-readable name for the screenshot, shown as a caption and alt text. * `url`: absolute URL to screenshot. * `created_at`: ISO time. * `order`: Number used in ordering. * `is_cover_image`: true for cover image. * GET `/api/packages///screenshots//` (Read) * Returns screenshot dictionary like above. * POST `/api/packages///screenshots/new/` (Create) * Requires authentication. * Body is multipart form data. * `title`: human-readable name for the screenshot, shown as a caption and alt text. * `file`: multipart file to upload, like ``. * `is_cover_image`: set cover image to this. * DELETE `/api/packages///screenshots//` (Delete) * Requires authentication. * Deletes screenshot. * POST `/api/packages///screenshots/order/` * Requires authentication. * Body is a JSON array containing the screenshot IDs in their order. * POST `/api/packages///screenshots/cover-image/` * Requires authentication. * Body is a JSON dictionary with "cover_image" containing the screenshot ID. Currently, to get a different size of thumbnail you can replace the number in `/thumbnails/1/` with any number from 1-3. The resolutions returned may change in the future, and we may move to a more capable thumbnail generation. Examples: ```bash # Create screenshot curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/screenshots/new/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \ -F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/screnshot.png # Create screenshot and set it as the cover image curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/screenshots/new/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \ -F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/screnshot.png -F is_cover_image="true" # Delete screenshot curl -X DELETE https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/screenshots/3/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" # Reorder screenshots curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/screenshots/order/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "[13, 2, 5, 7]" # Set cover image curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/api/packages/username/name/screenshots/cover-image/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{ 'cover_image': 123 }" ``` ### Reviews * GET `/api/packages///reviews/` (List) * Returns array of review dictionaries with keys: * `user`: dictionary with `display_name` and `username`. * `title`: review title * `comment`: the text * `rating`: 1 for negative, 3 for neutral, 5 for positive * `is_positive`: boolean * `created_at`: iso timestamp * `votes`: dictionary with `helpful` and `unhelpful`, * GET `/api/reviews/` (List) * Returns a paginated response. This is a dictionary with `page`, `url`, and `items`. * [Paginated result](#paginated-results) * `items`: array of review dictionaries, like above * Each review also has a `package` dictionary with `type`, `author` and `name` * Ordered by created at, newest to oldest. * Query arguments: * `page`: page number, integer from 1 to max * `n`: number of results per page, max 200 * `author`: filter by review author username * `for_user`: filter by package author * `rating`: 1 for negative, 3 for neutral, 5 for positive * `is_positive`: true or false. Default: null * `q`: filter by title (case-insensitive, no fulltext search) Example: ```json [ { "comment": "This is a really good mod!", "created_at": "2021-11-24T16:18:33.764084", "is_positive": true, "title": "Really good", "user": { "display_name": "rubenwardy", "username": "rubenwardy" }, "votes": { "helpful": 0, "unhelpful": 0 } } ] ``` ## Users * GET `/api/users//` * `username` * `display_name`: human-readable name to be displayed in GUIs. * `rank`: ContentDB [rank](/help/ranks_permissions/). * `profile_pic_url`: URL to profile picture, or null. * `website_url`: URL to website, or null. * `donate_url`: URL to donate page, or null. * `connections`: object * `github`: GitHub username, or null. * `forums`: forums username, or null. * `links`: object * `api_packages`: URL to API to list this user's packages. * `profile`: URL to the HTML profile page. * GET `/api/users//stats/` * Returns daily stats for the user's packages, or null if there is no data. * Daily date is done based on the UTC timezone. * EXPERIMENTAL. This API may change without warning. * Query args: * `start`: start date, inclusive. Optional. Default: 2022-10-01. UTC. * `end`: end date, inclusive. Optional. Default: today. UTC. * A table with the following keys: * `from`: start date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-10-22. * `end`: end date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-11-05. * `package_downloads`: map of package title to list of integers per day. * `platform_minetest`: list of integers per day. * `platform_other`: list of integers per day. * `reason_new`: list of integers per day. * `reason_dependency`: list of integers per day. * `reason_update`: list of integers per day. ## Topics * GET `/api/topics/` ([View](/api/topics/)) * See [Topic Queries](#topic-queries) ### Topic Queries Example: /api/topics/?q=mobs&type=mod&type=game Supported query parameters: * `q`: Query string. * `type`: Package types (`mod`, `game`, `txp`). * `sort`: Sort by (`name`, `views`, `created_at`). * `show_added`: Show topics that have an existing package. * `show_discarded`: Show topics marked as discarded. * `limit`: Return at most `limit` topics. ## Collections * GET `/api/collections/` * Query args: * `author`: collection author username. * `package`: collections that contain the package. * Returns JSON array of collection entries: * `author`: author username. * `name`: collection name. * `title` * `short_description` * `created_at`: creation time in iso format. * `private`: whether collection is private, boolean. * `package_count`: number of packages, integer. * GET `/api/collections///` * Returns JSON object for collection: * `author`: author username. * `name`: collection name. * `title` * `short_description` * `long_description` * `created_at`: creation time in iso format. * `private`: whether collection is private, boolean. * `items`: array of item objects: * `package`: short info about the package. * `description`: custom short description. * `created_at`: when the package was added to the collection. * `order`: integer. ## Types ### Tags * GET `/api/tags/` ([View](/api/tags/)) * List of objects with: * `name`: technical name. * `title`: human-readable title. * `description`: tag description or null. * `views`: number of views of this tag. ### Content Warnings * GET `/api/content_warnings/` ([View](/api/content_warnings/)) * List of objects with * `name`: technical name * `title`: human-readable title * `description`: tag description or null ### Licenses * GET `/api/licenses/` ([View](/api/licenses/)) * List of objects with: * `name` * `is_foss`: whether the license is foss ### Minetest Versions * GET `/api/minetest_versions/` ([View](/api/minetest_versions/)) * List of objects with: * `name`: Version name. * `is_dev`: boolean, is dev version. * `protocol_version`: protocol version number. ### Languages * GET `/api/languages/` ([View](/api/languages/)) * List of objects with: * `id`: language code. * `title`: native language name. * `has_contentdb_translation`: whether ContentDB has been translated into this language. ## Misc * GET `/api/scores/` ([View](/api/scores/)) * See [Top Packages Algorithm](/help/top_packages/). * Supports [Package Queries](#package-queries). * Returns list of: * `author`: package author name. * `name`: package technical name. * `downloads`: number of downloads. * `score`: total package score. * `score_reviews`: score from reviews. * `score_downloads`: score from downloads. * GET `/api/homepage/` ([View](/api/homepage/)) - get contents of homepage. * `count`: number of packages * `downloads`: get number of downloads * `new`: new packages * `updated`: recently updated packages * `pop_mod`: popular mods * `pop_txp`: popular textures * `pop_game`: popular games * `high_reviewed`: highest reviewed * GET `/api/welcome/v1/` ([View](/api/welcome/v1/)) - in-menu welcome dialog. Experimental (may change without warning) * `featured`: featured games * GET `/api/cdb_schema/` ([View](/api/cdb_schema/)) * Get JSON Schema of `.cdb.json`, including licenses, tags and content warnings. * See [JSON Schema Reference](https://json-schema.org/). * POST `/api/hypertext/` * Converts HTML or Markdown to [Minetest Markup Language](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.md#markup-language) to be used in a `hypertext` formspec element. * Post data: HTML or Markdown as plain text. * Content-Type: `text/html` or `text/markdown`. * Query arguments: * `formspec_version`: Required, maximum supported formspec version. Ie: 6 * `include_images`: Optional, defaults to true. * Returns JSON dictionary with following key: * `head`: markup for suggested styling and custom tags, prepend to the body before displaying. * `body`: markup for long description. * `links`: dictionary of anchor name to link URL. * `images`: dictionary of img name to image URL * `image_tooltips`: dictionary of img name to tooltip text.