title: OAuth2 API

The OAuth2 applications API is currently experimental, and may break without notice.

ContentDB allows you to create an OAuth2 Application and obtain access tokens for users. ## Scopes OAuth2 applications can currently only access public user data, using the whoami API. ## Create an OAuth2 Client Go to Settings > [OAuth2 Applications](/user/apps/) > Create ## Obtaining access tokens ContentDB supports the Authorization Code OAuth2 method. ### Authorize Get the user to open the following URL in a web browser: ``` https://content.minetest.net/oauth/authorize/ ?response_type=code &client_id={CLIENT_ID} &redirect_uri={REDIRECT_URL} ``` The redirect_url must much the value set in your oauth client. Make sure to URL encode it. ContentDB also supports `state`. Afterwards, the user will be redirected to your callback URL. If the user accepts the authorization, you'll receive an authorization code (`code`). Otherwise, the redirect_url will not be modified. For example, with `REDIRECT_URL` set as `https://example.com/callback/`: * If the user accepts: `https://example.com/callback/?code=abcdef` * If the user cancels: `https://example.com/callback/` ### Exchange auth code for access token Next, you'll need to exchange the auth for an access token. Do this by making a POST request to the `/oauth/token/` API: ```bash curl -X POST https://content.minetest.net/oauth/token/ \ -F grant_type=authorization_code \ -F client_id="CLIENT_ID" \ -F client_secret="CLIENT_SECRET" \ -F code="abcdef" ```

You should make this request on a server to prevent the user from getting access to your client secret.

If successful, you'll receive: ```json { "success": true, "access_token": "access_token", "token_type": "Bearer" } ``` If there's an error, you'll receive a standard API error message: ```json { "success": false, "error": "The error message" } ``` Possible errors: * Unsupported grant_type, only authorization_code is supported * Missing client_id * Missing client_secret * Missing code * client_id and/or client_secret is incorrect * Incorrect code. It may have already been redeemed ### Check access token Next, you should check the access token works by getting the user information: ```bash curl https://content.minetest.net/api/whoami/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" ```