{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} {{ _("Game Support for %(username)s", username=user.display_name) }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ _("Help") }}

{{ self.title() }}

{{ _("You should specify the games supported by your mods and texture packs.") }} {{ _("Specifying game support makes it easier for players to find your content.") }} {{ _("If your package is game independent, confirm this using 'Supports all games'") }}

{% for package in packages %}
{{ package.title }}
{% if package.supports_all_games %} {{ _("Supports all games") }} {% endif %} {% set supported_games = package.get_sorted_game_support_pair()[0] %} {% if supported_games %} {% for support in supported_games %} {{ _("%(title)s by %(display_name)s", title=support.game.title, display_name=support.game.author.display_name) }} {% endfor %} {% elif not package.supports_all_games %} {{ _("No supported games listed. Please either add supported games or check 'Supports all games'") }} {% endif %}
{% else %}

{{ _("Nothing to do :)") }}

{% endfor %}

{{ _("Bulk support all games") }}

{{ _("Click the button below to confirm that all packages without listed supported_games (red text above) do support all games, except for any games listed in unsupported_games.") }}

{% endblock %}