{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} {{ _("Review Votes") }} {% endblock %} {% block link %} {{ package.title }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ _("Review votes on %(title)s by %(author)s", title=self.link(), author=package.author.display_name) }}

Helpful Biases

{% set total_reviews = reviews | length %}

This section shows whether users tend vote in a way that agrees or disagrees with a package. Total reviews: {{ total_reviews }}.

{% for info in user_biases %} {% set total_votes = info.with_ + info.against %} 3 and total_votes > total_reviews * 0.5 and ((info.balance / total_votes) | abs) > 0.8 %} style="color: #e74c3c;" {% elif total_votes > 3 and ((info.balance / total_votes) | abs) > 0.9 %} style="color: #f39c12;" {% endif %}> {% else %} {% endfor %}
Username Balance With Pkg Against Pkg No Vote
{{ info.username }} {{ info.balance }} {{ info.with_ }} ({{ info.perc_with }}%) {{ info.against }} ({{ 100 - info.perc_with }}%) {{ info.no_vote }}
No votes


{% for review in reviews %} {% endfor %}
{% if review.rating > 3 %} {% elif review.rating < 3 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ review.thread.title }} by {{ review.author.display_name }}
{% for vote in review.votes %} {% if vote.is_positive %} {{ vote.user.username }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for vote in review.votes %} {% if not vote.is_positive %} {{ vote.user.username }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}