{{ _("State") }}: {{ package.state.value }}
{% for state in package.getNextStates(current_user) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set level = "warning" %}
{% if package.releases.filter_by(task_id=None).count() == 0 %}
{% set message %}
{% if package.checkPerm(current_user, "MAKE_RELEASE") %}
{% if package.update_config %}
{{ _("Create release") }}
{% else %}
{{ _("Set up releases") }}
{% endif %}
{% if package.releases.count() == 0 %}
{{ _("You need to create a release before this package can be approved.") }}
{% else %}
{{ _("Release is still importing, or has an error.") }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ _("A release is required before this package can be approved.") }}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% elif (package.type == package.type.GAME or package.type == package.type.TXP) and package.screenshots.count() == 0 %}
{% set message = _("You need to add at least one screenshot.") %}
{% elif package.getMissingHardDependenciesQuery().count() > 0 %}
{% set deps = package.getMissingHardDependencies() | join(", ") %}
{% set message = _("The following hard dependencies need to be added to ContentDB first: %(deps)s", deps=deps) %}
{% elif topic_error_lvl == "danger" %}
{% elif package.state == package.state.READY_FOR_REVIEW and ("Other" in package.license.name or "Other" in package.media_license.name) %}
{% set message = _("Please wait for the license to be added to CDB.") %}
{% else %}
{% set level = "info" %}
{% set message %}
{% if package.screenshots.count() == 0 %}
{{ _("You should add at least one screenshot, but this isn't required.") }}
{% endif %}
{% if package.state == package.state.READY_FOR_REVIEW %}
{% if not package.getDownloadRelease() %}
{{ _("Please wait for the release to be approved.") }}
{% elif package.checkPerm(current_user, "APPROVE_NEW") %}
{{ _("You can now approve this package if you're ready.") }}
{% else %}
{{ _("Please wait for the package to be approved.") }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if package.checkPerm(current_user, "EDIT_PACKAGE") %}
{{ _("You can now submit this package for approval if you're ready.") }}
{% else %}
{{ _("This package can be submitted for approval when ready.") }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% endif %}
{% if message %}
{{ message | safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if topic_error %}
{{ topic_error | safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if conflicting_modnames %}
More info
{% if conflicting_modnames | length > 4 %}
{{ _("Please make sure that this package has the right to the names it uses.") }}
{% else %}
{{ _("Please make sure that this package has the right to the names %(names)s", names=conflicting_modnames | join(", ")) }}.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if not package.review_thread and (package.author == current_user or package.checkPerm(current_user, "APPROVE_NEW")) %}
{{ _("Open Thread") }}
{{ _("Package approval thread") }}:
{{ _("You can open a thread if you have a question for the approver or package author.") }}