{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Create a release | {{ package.title }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ _("Learn more") }} {% if package.author == current_user and package.checkPerm(current_user, "APPROVE_RELEASE") and package.getIsOnGitHub() %} {{ _("Setup webhook") }} {{ _("Create releases automatically when you push commits or tags to GitHub, using a webhook or the API.") }} {% elif package.repo %} {{ _("You can create releases automatically when you push commits or tags to your repository, using a webhook or the API.") }} {% else %} {{ _("Using git will allow you to create releases automatically when you push code or tags.") }} {% endif %}

{% from "macros/forms.html" import render_field, render_submit_field, render_radio_field %}
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}

1. Name release

{{ render_field(form.title, placeholder="Human readable. Eg: 1.0.0 or 2018-05-28") }}

2. Set the content


{{ render_radio_field(form.uploadOpt) }} {% if package.repo %} {{ render_field(form.vcsLabel, placeholder="Leave blank to use default branch", class_="mt-3") }} {% endif %} {{ render_field(form.fileUpload, fieldclass="form-control-file", class_="mt-3", accept=".zip") }}

Take a look at the Package Configuration and Releases Guide for tips on customising releases.

3. Supported Minetest versions

{{ render_field(form.min_rel, class_="col-sm-6") }} {{ render_field(form.max_rel, class_="col-sm-6") }}

Set the minimum and maximum Minetest versions supported. This release will be hidden to clients outside of that range.
Leave both as None if in doubt. You can set this automatically in the .conf of your package.

You cannot select the oldest version for min or the newest version for max as this does not make sense - you can't predict the future.

{{ render_submit_field(form.submit) }}

{% endblock %} {% block scriptextra %} {% endblock %}