{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} {{ package.title }} {% endblock %} {% block description -%} {{ package.short_desc }} {% endblock %} {% block headextra %} {% if package.get_thumb_url(3, True, "png") -%} {%- endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if package.approved_at %}
{{ _("This package has been unpublished.") }} {{ _("It may have been removed by choice of the author, or by ContentDB staff due to a problem.") }}
{% elif package.state.name == "READY_FOR_REVIEW" %}{{ _("This package is currently undergoing review") }}
{% elif package.state.name == "WIP" %}{{ _("This package has been created but hasn't been submitted for approval yet.") }}
{% else %}{{ _("This package is currently undergoing review, and changes are needed before it can be added.") }}
{% endif %}{{ _("Please check back again later.") }} {% if not current_user.is_authenticated %} {{ _("Or, if you're the author, log in to see more information.") }} {% endif %}
{% if not current_user.is_authenticated %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}