# ContentDB # Copyright (C) 2018-21 rubenwardy # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import os import redis from flask import redirect, url_for, render_template, flash, request, Flask, send_from_directory, make_response, render_template_string from flask_babel import Babel, gettext from flask_flatpages import FlatPages from flask_flatpages.utils import pygmented_markdown from flask_github import GitHub from flask_gravatar import Gravatar from flask_login import logout_user, current_user, LoginManager from flask_mail import Mail from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect from app.markdown import init_markdown, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS, MARKDOWN_EXTENSION_CONFIG import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration if os.getenv("SENTRY_DSN"): def before_send(event, hint): from app.tasks import TaskError if "exc_info" in hint: exc_type, exc_value, tb = hint["exc_info"] if isinstance(exc_value, TaskError): return None return event environment = os.getenv("SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT") assert environment is not None sentry_sdk.init( dsn=os.getenv("SENTRY_DSN"), environment=environment, integrations=[FlaskIntegration()], # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100% # of transactions for performance monitoring. traces_sample_rate=1.0, # Set profiles_sample_rate to 1.0 to profile 100% # of sampled transactions. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. profiles_sample_rate=1.0, before_send=before_send, ) app = Flask(__name__, static_folder="public/static") def my_flatpage_renderer(text): # Render with jinja first prerendered_body = render_template_string(text) return pygmented_markdown(prerendered_body, flatpages=pages) app.config["FLATPAGES_ROOT"] = "flatpages" app.config["FLATPAGES_EXTENSION"] = ".md" app.config["FLATPAGES_MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS"] = MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS app.config["FLATPAGES_EXTENSION_CONFIG"] = MARKDOWN_EXTENSION_CONFIG app.config["FLATPAGES_HTML_RENDERER"] = my_flatpage_renderer app.config["BABEL_TRANSLATION_DIRECTORIES"] = "../translations" app.config["LANGUAGES"] = { "en": "English", "de": "Deutsch", "es": "Español", "fr": "Français", "id": "Bahasa Indonesia", "it": "Italiano", "ms": "Bahasa Melayu", "pl": "Język Polski", "ru": "русский язык", "sk": "Slovenčina", "sv": "Svenska", "tr": "Türkçe", "uk": "Українська", "vi": "tiếng Việt", "zh_CN": "汉语", } app.config.from_pyfile(os.environ["FLASK_CONFIG"]) if not app.config["ADMIN_CONTACT_URL"]: raise Exception("Missing config property: ADMIN_CONTACT_URL") redis_client = redis.Redis.from_url(app.config["REDIS_URL"]) github = GitHub(app) csrf = CSRFProtect(app) mail = Mail(app) pages = FlatPages(app) babel = Babel() gravatar = Gravatar(app, size=64, rating="g", default="retro", force_default=False, force_lower=False, use_ssl=True, base_url=None) init_markdown(app) login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_view = "users.login" from .sass import init_app as sass sass(app) from . import models, template_filters @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(user_id): return models.User.query.filter_by(username=user_id).first() from .blueprints import create_blueprints create_blueprints(app) @app.route("/uploads/") def send_upload(path): return send_from_directory(app.config["UPLOAD_DIR"], path) @app.route("//") def flatpage(path): page = pages.get_or_404(path) template = page.meta.get("template", "flatpage.html") return render_template(template, page=page) @app.before_request def check_for_ban(): if current_user.is_authenticated: if current_user.ban and current_user.ban.has_expired: models.db.session.delete(current_user.ban) if current_user.rank == models.UserRank.BANNED: current_user.rank = models.UserRank.MEMBER models.db.session.commit() elif current_user.is_banned: if current_user.ban: flash(gettext("Banned:") + " " + current_user.ban.message, "danger") else: flash(gettext("You have been banned."), "danger") logout_user() return redirect(url_for("users.login")) elif current_user.rank == models.UserRank.NOT_JOINED: current_user.rank = models.UserRank.NEW_MEMBER models.db.session.commit() from .utils import clear_notifications, is_safe_url, create_session @app.before_request def check_for_notifications(): clear_notifications(request.path) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template("404.html"), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def server_error(e): return render_template("500.html"), 500 def get_locale(): if not request: return None locales = app.config["LANGUAGES"].keys() if current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.locale in locales: return current_user.locale locale = request.cookies.get("locale") if locale not in locales: locale = request.accept_languages.best_match(locales) if locale and current_user.is_authenticated: with create_session() as new_session: new_session.query(models.User) \ .filter(models.User.username == current_user.username) \ .update({"locale": locale}) new_session.commit() return locale babel.init_app(app, locale_selector=get_locale) @app.route("/set-locale/", methods=["POST"]) @csrf.exempt def set_locale(): locale = request.form.get("locale") if locale not in app.config["LANGUAGES"].keys(): flash("Unknown locale {}".format(locale), "danger") locale = None next_url = request.form.get("r") if next_url and is_safe_url(next_url): resp = make_response(redirect(next_url)) else: resp = make_response(redirect(url_for("homepage.home"))) if locale: expire_date = datetime.datetime.now() expire_date = expire_date + datetime.timedelta(days=5*365) resp.set_cookie("locale", locale, expires=expire_date, secure=True, samesite="Lax") if current_user.is_authenticated: current_user.locale = locale models.db.session.commit() return resp @app.route("/set-nonfree/", methods=["POST"]) def set_nonfree(): resp = redirect(url_for("homepage.home")) if request.cookies.get("hide_nonfree") == "1": resp.set_cookie("hide_nonfree", "0", expires=0, secure=True, samesite="Lax") else: expire_date = datetime.datetime.now() expire_date = expire_date + datetime.timedelta(days=5*365) resp.set_cookie("hide_nonfree", "1", expires=expire_date, secure=True, samesite="Lax") return resp