# ContentDB # Copyright (C) 2020 rubenwardy # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from collections import namedtuple from flask_babel import gettext, lazy_gettext from . import bp from flask import * from flask_login import current_user, login_required from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import * from wtforms.validators import * from app.models import db, PackageReview, Thread, ThreadReply, NotificationType, PackageReviewVote, Package, UserRank, \ Permission, AuditSeverity from app.utils import is_package_page, addNotification, get_int_or_abort, isYes, is_safe_url, rank_required, addAuditLog from app.tasks.webhooktasks import post_discord_webhook @bp.route("/reviews/") def list_reviews(): page = get_int_or_abort(request.args.get("page"), 1) num = min(40, get_int_or_abort(request.args.get("n"), 100)) pagination = PackageReview.query.order_by(db.desc(PackageReview.created_at)).paginate(page, num, True) return render_template("packages/reviews_list.html", pagination=pagination, reviews=pagination.items) class ReviewForm(FlaskForm): title = StringField(lazy_gettext("Title"), [InputRequired(), Length(3,100)]) comment = TextAreaField(lazy_gettext("Comment"), [InputRequired(), Length(10, 2000)]) recommends = RadioField(lazy_gettext("Private"), [InputRequired()], choices=[("yes", lazy_gettext("Yes")), ("no", lazy_gettext("No"))]) submit = SubmitField(lazy_gettext("Save")) @bp.route("/packages/<author>/<name>/review/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required @is_package_page def review(package): if current_user in package.maintainers: flash(gettext("You can't review your own package!"), "danger") return redirect(package.getURL("packages.view")) review = PackageReview.query.filter_by(package=package, author=current_user).first() can_review = review is not None or current_user.canReviewRL() if not can_review: flash(gettext("You've reviewed too many packages recently. Please wait before trying again, and consider making your reviews more detailed"), "danger") form = ReviewForm(formdata=request.form, obj=review) # Set default values if request.method == "GET" and review: form.title.data = review.thread.title form.recommends.data = "yes" if review.recommends else "no" form.comment.data = review.thread.replies[0].comment # Validate and submit elif can_review and form.validate_on_submit(): was_new = False if not review: was_new = True review = PackageReview() review.package = package review.author = current_user db.session.add(review) review.recommends = form.recommends.data == "yes" thread = review.thread if not thread: thread = Thread() thread.author = current_user thread.private = False thread.package = package thread.review = review db.session.add(thread) thread.watchers.append(current_user) reply = ThreadReply() reply.thread = thread reply.author = current_user reply.comment = form.comment.data db.session.add(reply) thread.replies.append(reply) else: reply = thread.replies[0] reply.comment = form.comment.data thread.title = form.title.data db.session.commit() package.recalcScore() if was_new: notif_msg = "New review '{}'".format(form.title.data) type = NotificationType.NEW_REVIEW else: notif_msg = "Updated review '{}'".format(form.title.data) type = NotificationType.OTHER addNotification(package.maintainers, current_user, type, notif_msg, url_for("threads.view", id=thread.id), package) if was_new: post_discord_webhook.delay(thread.author.username, "Reviewed {}: {}".format(package.title, thread.getViewURL(absolute=True)), False) db.session.commit() return redirect(package.getURL("packages.view")) return render_template("packages/review_create_edit.html", form=form, package=package, review=review) @bp.route("/packages/<author>/<name>/reviews/<reviewer>/delete/", methods=["POST"]) @login_required @is_package_page def delete_review(package, reviewer): review = PackageReview.query \ .filter(PackageReview.package == package, PackageReview.author.has(username=reviewer)) \ .first() if review is None or review.package != package: abort(404) if not review.checkPerm(current_user, Permission.DELETE_REVIEW): abort(403) thread = review.thread reply = ThreadReply() reply.thread = thread reply.author = current_user reply.comment = "_converted review into a thread_" reply.is_status_update = True db.session.add(reply) thread.review = None msg = "Converted review by {} to thread".format(review.author.display_name) addAuditLog(AuditSeverity.MODERATION if current_user.username != reviewer else AuditSeverity.NORMAL, current_user, msg, thread.getViewURL(), thread.package) notif_msg = "Deleted review '{}', comments were kept as a thread".format(thread.title) addNotification(package.maintainers, current_user, NotificationType.OTHER, notif_msg, url_for("threads.view", id=thread.id), package) db.session.delete(review) package.recalcScore() db.session.commit() return redirect(thread.getViewURL()) def handle_review_vote(package: Package, review_id: int): if current_user in package.maintainers: flash(gettext("You can't vote on the reviews on your own package!"), "danger") return review: PackageReview = PackageReview.query.get(review_id) if review is None or review.package != package: abort(404) if review.author == current_user: flash(gettext("You can't vote on your own reviews!"), "danger") return is_positive = isYes(request.form["is_positive"]) vote = PackageReviewVote.query.filter_by(review=review, user=current_user).first() if vote is None: vote = PackageReviewVote() vote.review = review vote.user = current_user vote.is_positive = is_positive db.session.add(vote) elif vote.is_positive == is_positive: db.session.delete(vote) else: vote.is_positive = is_positive review.update_score() db.session.commit() @bp.route("/packages/<author>/<name>/review/<int:review_id>/", methods=["POST"]) @login_required @is_package_page def review_vote(package, review_id): handle_review_vote(package, review_id) next_url = request.args.get("r") if next_url and is_safe_url(next_url): return redirect(next_url) else: return redirect(review.thread.getViewURL()) @bp.route("/packages/<author>/<name>/review-votes/") @rank_required(UserRank.ADMIN) @is_package_page def review_votes(package): user_biases = {} for review in package.reviews: review_sign = 1 if review.recommends else -1 for vote in review.votes: user_biases[vote.user.username] = user_biases.get(vote.user.username, [0, 0]) vote_sign = 1 if vote.is_positive else -1 vote_bias = review_sign * vote_sign if vote_bias == 1: user_biases[vote.user.username][0] += 1 else: user_biases[vote.user.username][1] += 1 BiasInfo = namedtuple("BiasInfo", "username balance with_ against no_vote perc_with") user_biases_info = [] for username, bias in user_biases.items(): total_votes = bias[0] + bias[1] balance = bias[0] - bias[1] perc_with = round((100 * bias[0]) / total_votes) user_biases_info.append(BiasInfo(username, balance, bias[0], bias[1], len(package.reviews) - total_votes, perc_with)) user_biases_info.sort(key=lambda x: -abs(x.balance)) return render_template("packages/review_votes.html", form=form, package=package, reviews=package.reviews, user_biases=user_biases_info)