{% extends "emails/base.html" %}

{% block content %}

{% for title, group in notifications | selectattr("package") | groupby("package.title") %}
		{{ title }}

		{% for notification in group %}
				<a href="{{ notification.url | abs_url }}">{{ notification.title }}</a> -
				{{ _("from %(username)s.", username=notification.causer.username) }}
		{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{% set other_notifications = notifications | selectattr("package", "none") %}

{% if other_notifications %}
		{{ _("Other Notifications") }}

		{% for notification in other_notifications %}
				<a href="{{ notification.url | abs_url }}">{{ notification.title }}</a> -
				{{ _("from %(username)s.", username=notification.causer.username) }}
		{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

<p style="margin-top: 3em;">
	<a class="btn" href="{{ abs_url_for('notifications.list_all') }}">
		{{ _("View Notifications") }}

{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}
	{{ _("You are receiving this email because you are a registered user of ContentDB, and have email notifications enabled.") }}

	<a href="{{ abs_url_for('users.email_notifications', username=user.username) }}">
		{{ _("Manage your preferences") }}
	<a href="{{ abs_url_for('users.unsubscribe', token=sub.token) }}">
		{{ _("Unsubscribe") }}
	</a> <br>
{% endblock %}