title: API ## Authentication Not all endpoints require authentication. Authentication is done using Bearer tokens: Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN You can use the `/api/whoami` to check authentication. Tokens can be attained by visiting [Profile > "API Tokens"](/user/tokens/). ## Endpoints ### Misc * GET `/api/whoami/` - Json dictionary with the following keys: * `is_authenticated` - True on successful API authentication * `username` - Username of the user authenticated as, null otherwise. * 4xx status codes will be thrown on unsupported authentication type, invalid access token, or other errors. ### Packages * GET `/api/packages/` - See [Package Queries](#package-queries) * GET `/api/scores/` - See [Package Queries](#package-queries) * GET `/api/packages///` * GET `/api/packages///dependencies/` * If query argument `only_hard` is present, only hard deps will be returned. ### Releases * GET `/api/packages///releases/` * POST `/api/packages///releases/new/` * Requires authentication. * `title`: human-readable name of the release. * `method`: Release-creation method, only `git` is supported. * If `git` release-creation method: * `ref` - git reference, eg: `master`. * You can set min and max Minetest Versions [using the content's .conf file](/help/package_config/). ### Topics * GET `/api/topics/` - Supports [Package Queries](#package-queries), and the following two options: * `show_added` - Show topics which exist as packages, default true. * `show_discarded` - Show topics which have been marked as outdated, default false. ### Minetest * GET `/api/minetest_versions/` ## Package Queries Example: /api/packages/?type=mod&type=game&q=mobs+fun&hide=nonfree&hide=gore Supported query parameters: * `type` - Package types (`mod`, `game`, `txp`). * `q` - Query string * `random` - When present, enable random ordering and ignore `sort`. * `hide` - Hide content based on [Content Flags](/help/content_flags/). * `sort` - Sort by (`name`, `views`, `date`, `score`). * `order` - Sort ascending (`Asc`) or descending (`desc`). * `protocol_version` - Only show packages supported by this Minetest protocol version.