2022-06-05 18:10:53 +01:00

3615 lines
109 KiB

# Slovak translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2022 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-05 18:10+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-30 21:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Pexauteau Santander <pexauteau@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak "
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: app/__init__.py:115
msgid "Banned:"
msgstr ""
#: app/__init__.py:117
msgid "You have been banned."
msgstr "Dostal si ban."
#: app/template_filters.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "%(delta)s ago"
msgstr "pred %(delta)s"
#: app/blueprints/api/tokens.py:33 app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:26
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:20 app/templates/macros/topics.html:7
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:12
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"
#: app/blueprints/api/tokens.py:34
msgid "Limit to package"
msgstr "Limit balíčka"
#: app/blueprints/api/tokens.py:36 app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:249
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:467
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:563
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:60
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:72 app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:47
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:35
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:41
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:46
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:229 app/blueprints/users/account.py:236
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:53 app/blueprints/users/settings.py:115
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:269 app/templates/users/modtools.html:86
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Uložiť"
#: app/blueprints/github/__init__.py:46
msgid "Authorization failed [err=gh-oauth-login-failed]"
msgstr "Autorizácia zlyhala [err=gh-oauth-login-failed]"
#: app/blueprints/github/__init__.py:62
msgid "Linked GitHub to account"
msgstr "Pripojiť GitHub k účtu"
#: app/blueprints/github/__init__.py:65
msgid "GitHub account is already associated with another user"
msgstr "Účet GitHub je už prepojený s iným užívateľom"
#: app/blueprints/github/__init__.py:71
msgid "Unable to find an account for that GitHub user"
msgstr "Nemožno nájsť účet pre tohto GitHub užívateľa"
#: app/blueprints/github/__init__.py:76
msgid "Authorization failed [err=gh-login-failed]"
msgstr "Autorizácia zlyhala [err=gh-login-failed]"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:32
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:29
msgid "Edit Details"
msgstr "Upraviť Podrobnosti"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:37
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:34
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:512 app/templates/todo/editor.html:75
msgid "Releases"
msgstr "Vydania"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:42
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:14 app/templates/todo/editor.html:11
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Snímky obrazovky"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:47
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:8
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:483
msgid "Maintainers"
msgstr "Členovia údržby"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:52 app/templates/base.html:136
#: app/templates/packages/audit.html:4
msgid "Audit Log"
msgstr "Audítorský Log"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:57 app/templates/packages/share.html:4
msgid "Share and Badges"
msgstr "Zdieľanie a Odznaky"
#: app/blueprints/packages/__init__.py:62 app/templates/packages/view.html:110
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odstrániť"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:159
msgid "Error: Another package already uses this forum topic!"
msgstr "Chyba: Túto tému na fóre už používa iný balíček!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:165
msgid "Error: Forum topic author doesn't match package author."
msgstr "Chyba: Autor témy fóra sa nezhoduje s autorom balíčka."
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:168
msgid ""
"Warning: Forum topic not found. This may happen if the topic has only "
"just been created."
msgstr ""
"Upozornenie: Tému na fóre sa napodarilo nájsť. Toto sa mohlo stať, ak "
"bola táto téma práve vytvorená."
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:215
msgid "No download available."
msgstr "Stiahnutie nie je k dispozícii."
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:229 app/templates/packages/view.html:460
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Písať"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:230
msgid "Title (Human-readable)"
msgstr "Názov (Ľudsky zrozumiteľné)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:231
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:561
msgid "Name (Technical)"
msgstr "Meno (Technicky)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:231
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:562
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:75
msgid "Lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_) only"
msgstr "Iba malé písmená (a-z), čísla (0-9) a podtržníky (_)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:232
msgid "Short Description (Plaintext)"
msgstr "Krátky popis (Plaintext)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:234 app/templates/packages/view.html:475
msgid "Maintenance State"
msgstr "Stav údržby"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:236 app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:4
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:10 app/templates/todo/tags.html:40
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Tagy"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:237
msgid "Content Warnings"
msgstr "Upozornenia obsahu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:238 app/templates/packages/view.html:464
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licencia"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:239
msgid "Media License"
msgstr "Licencia média"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:241
msgid "Long Description (Markdown)"
msgstr "Dlhý popis (Poznámka)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:243
msgid "VCS Repository URL"
msgstr "URL pre VCS úložisko"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:244 app/blueprints/users/settings.py:51
msgid "Website URL"
msgstr "URL webstránky"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:245
msgid "Issue Tracker URL"
msgstr "URL pre sledovanie chýb"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:246
msgid "Forum Topic ID"
msgstr "ID témy fóra"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:247
msgid "Video URL"
msgstr "URL videa"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:263
msgid "Package already exists"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:321
msgid "Unable to find that user"
msgstr "Užívateľ nebol nájdený"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:325
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:139
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:99
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Práva boli odopreté"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:381
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:430
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:446
msgid "You don't have permission to do that"
msgstr "Na tento úkon nemáš povolenie"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:409
msgid "Please comment what changes are needed in the approval thread"
msgstr "Prosím, do schvaľovacieho vlákna napíš, aké zmeny je potrebné vykonať"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:441
msgid "Deleted package"
msgstr "Vymazaný balíček"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:457
msgid "Unapproved package"
msgstr "Neschválený balíček"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:466
msgid "Maintainers (Comma-separated)"
msgstr "Členovia údržby (oddeľuj čiarkou)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:475
msgid "You don't have permission to edit maintainers"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:525
msgid "You are not a maintainer"
msgstr "Nie si členom údržby"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:528
msgid "Package owners cannot remove themselves as maintainers"
msgstr "Majitelia balíčka sa nemôžu vylúčiť z tímu údržby"
#: app/blueprints/packages/packages.py:560
msgid "Author Name"
msgstr "Meno autora"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:52
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:64 app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:43
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:271 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:128
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:5
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:17
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Názov"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:53
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:46
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Spôsob"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:53
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:55
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:34
msgid "File Upload"
msgstr "Nahrať súbor"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:54
msgid "Git reference (ie: commit hash, branch, or tag)"
msgstr "Odkaz na Git ( t.j. commit hash, vetva alebo tag)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:56
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:68
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:184
msgid "Minimum Minetest Version"
msgstr "Minimálna verzia Minetestu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:58
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:70
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:187
msgid "Maximum Minetest Version"
msgstr "Maximálna verzia Minetestu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:65
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:23
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:66
msgid "Task ID"
msgstr "ID úlohy"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:67
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:40
msgid "Is Approved"
msgstr "Povolené"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:85
msgid "Import from Git"
msgstr "Pridaj z Git-u"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:85
msgid "Upload .zip file"
msgstr "Nahraj .zip súbor"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:183
msgid "Set Min"
msgstr "Nastav Minimum"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:186
msgid "Set Max"
msgstr "Nastav Maximum"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:189
msgid "Only change values previously set as none"
msgstr "Zmeň iba hodnoty predtým nastavené na \"none\" (žiadne)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:190
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualizácia"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:239
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:25
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "Spúšťač"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:240
msgid "New Commit"
msgstr "Nový prídavok"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:241 app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:8
msgid "New Tag"
msgstr "Nový tag"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:243
msgid "Branch name"
msgstr "Názov vetvy"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:244
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:38
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Úkon"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:245
msgid "Send notification and mark as outdated"
msgstr "Pošli upozornenie a označ za neaktuálne"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:245
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:22
msgid "Create release"
msgstr "Vytvor vydanie (release)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:247
msgid "Save Settings"
msgstr "Ulož Nastavenia"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:248
msgid "Disable Automation"
msgstr "Zakázať automatizáciu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:287
msgid "Please add a Git repository URL in order to set up automatic releases"
msgstr "Pred nastavením automatických vydaní zadaj URL pre Git úložisko"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:303
msgid "Deleted update configuration"
msgstr "Vymazaná konfigurácia aktualizácie"
#: app/blueprints/packages/releases.py:311
msgid "Now, please create an initial release"
msgstr "Teraz prosím vytvor prvotné vydanie"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:44 app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:177
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:178
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:272
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentár"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:45 app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:273
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Osobné"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:46 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:115
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:154
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Áno"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:46 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:119
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:158
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:54
msgid "You can't review your own package!"
msgstr "Nemôžeš recenzovať svoj vlastný balíček!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:61
msgid ""
"You've reviewed too many packages recently. Please wait before trying "
"again, and consider making your reviews more detailed"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:175
msgid "You can't vote on the reviews on your own package!"
msgstr "Nemôžeš hlasovať za komentáre k svojim vlastným balíčkom!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/reviews.py:183
msgid "You can't vote on your own reviews!"
msgstr "Nemôžeš hlasovať za svoje vlastné recenzie!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:33
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:39
msgid "Title/Caption"
msgstr "Názov/Titulok"
#: app/blueprints/packages/screenshots.py:45
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:89
msgid "Cover Image"
msgstr "Náhľadový obrázok"
#: app/blueprints/report/__init__.py:34 app/templates/users/modtools.html:62
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Správa"
#: app/blueprints/report/__init__.py:35 app/templates/base.html:238
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:50 app/templates/packages/view.html:543
#: app/templates/report/index.html:4 app/templates/report/index.html:10
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:28
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Nahlásiť"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:66
msgid "Already subscribed!"
msgstr "Už si zapísaný k odberu!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:68
msgid "Subscribed to thread"
msgstr "Zapísaný k vláknu"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:83
msgid "Unsubscribed!"
msgstr "Odhlásený z odberu!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:87
msgid "Already not subscribed!"
msgstr "Už nie si zapísaný k odberu!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:106
msgid "Locked thread"
msgstr "Uzamknuté vlákno"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:109
msgid "Unlocked thread"
msgstr "Odomknuté vlákno"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:158
msgid "Cannot delete thread opening post!"
msgstr "Nemôžeš vymazať úvodnú správu vlákna!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:230
msgid "Please wait before commenting again"
msgstr "Prosím počkaj, než budeš môcť znova komentovať"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:274
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:112
msgid "Open Thread"
msgstr "Vytvor vlákno"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:297
msgid "Unable to create thread!"
msgstr "Nemôžem vytvoriť vlákno!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:303
msgid "An approval thread already exists! Consider replying there instead"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/threads/__init__.py:307
msgid "Please wait before opening another thread"
msgstr "Prosím počkaj, kým budeš môcť vytvoriť ďalšie vlákno"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:37 app/templates/users/login.html:15
msgid "Username or email"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno alebo email"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:38 app/blueprints/users/account.py:108
#: app/templates/users/account.html:14 app/templates/users/login.html:16
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:35
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:39 app/blueprints/zipgrep/__init__.py:36
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Zapamätaj si ma"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:40 app/templates/base.html:165
#: app/templates/users/login.html:4
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Prihlásiť sa"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:46
msgid "Incorrect email or password"
msgstr "Nesprávny email alebo heslo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:54
#, python-format
msgid "User %(username)s does not exist"
msgstr "Užívateľ %(username)s nejestvuje"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:57
msgid "Incorrect password. Did you set one?"
msgstr "Nesprávne heslo. Už si nejaké nastavil?"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:60
msgid "You need to confirm the registration email"
msgstr "Musíš potvrdiť registračný email"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:68
msgid "Login failed"
msgstr "Prihlásenie zlyhalo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:103 app/blueprints/users/settings.py:50
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Zobraziť Meno"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:104 app/blueprints/users/settings.py:263
#: app/templates/users/list.html:18
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:105
msgid ""
"Only alphabetic letters (A-Za-z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), minuses"
" (-), and periods (.) allowed"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:107 app/blueprints/users/account.py:190
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:225 app/blueprints/users/account.py:377
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:114
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:109
msgid "What is the result of the above calculation?"
msgstr "Aký je výsledok výpočtu vyššie?"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:110
msgid "I agree"
msgstr "Súhlasím"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:111 app/templates/users/login.html:34
#: app/templates/users/register.html:4
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Zaregistrovať"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:116
msgid "Incorrect captcha answer"
msgstr "Nesprávna captcha odpoveď"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:120
msgid "Username is invalid"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno je nesprávne"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:131
msgid "An account already exists for that username but hasn't been claimed yet."
msgstr "Účet pre toto užívateľské meno už existuje, avšak ešte nebol zabratý."
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:134 app/blueprints/users/account.py:141
msgid "That username/display name is already in use, please choose another."
msgstr "Toto užívateľské meno/prezývka sa už používa, prosím vyber iné."
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:146 app/blueprints/users/account.py:259
msgid "Email already in use"
msgstr "Email sa už používa"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:147 app/blueprints/users/account.py:260
#, python-format
msgid ""
"We were unable to create the account as the email is already in use by "
"%(display_name)s. Try a different email address."
msgstr ""
"Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť účet, keďže email je používaný %(display_name)s. "
"Použi inú emailovú adresu."
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:151 app/blueprints/users/account.py:254
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:142
msgid "That email address has been unsubscribed/blacklisted, and cannot be used"
msgstr ""
"Táto emailová adresa sa odhlásila/je na čiernej listine, a nesmie sa "
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:191
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Obnoviť heslo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:216
msgid "Unable to find account"
msgstr "Účet nemožno nájsť"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:226 app/blueprints/users/account.py:233
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nové heslo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:227 app/blueprints/users/account.py:234
msgid "Verify password"
msgstr "Overiť heslo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:228 app/blueprints/users/account.py:235
msgid "Passwords must match"
msgstr "Heslá sa musia zhodovať"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:232
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Staré heslo"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:243
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Heslá sa nezhodujú"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:274 app/blueprints/users/account.py:278
msgid "Your password has been changed successfully."
msgstr "Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené."
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:293
msgid "Old password is incorrect"
msgstr "Staré heslo je nesprávne"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:323
msgid "Unknown verification token!"
msgstr "Overovací token je neznámy!"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:329
msgid "Token has expired"
msgstr "Platnosť tokenu vypršala"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:343
msgid "Another user is already using that email"
msgstr "Iný užívateľ už takýto mail používa"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:346
msgid "Confirmed email change"
msgstr "Zmena hesla je potvrdená"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:351
msgid "Email address changed"
msgstr "Emailová adresa bola zmenená"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:352
msgid ""
"Your email address has changed. If you didn't request this, please "
"contact an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Emailová adresa bola zmenená. Ak si o to nepožiadal, prosím kontaktuj "
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:370
msgid "You may now log in"
msgstr "Teraz sa môžeš prihlásiť"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:378
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Poslať"
#: app/blueprints/users/account.py:409
msgid ""
"That email is now blacklisted. Please contact an admin if you wish to "
"undo this."
msgstr ""
"Tento email je teraz blokovaný. Prosím kontaktuj administrátora, ak si "
"praješ túto akciu odvolať."
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:40 app/blueprints/users/claim.py:65
msgid ""
"Invalid username, Only alphabetic letters (A-Za-z), numbers (0-9), "
"underscores (_), minuses (-), and periods (.) allowed. Consider "
"contacting an admin"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:45
msgid "User has already been claimed"
msgstr "Užívateľ bol práve zabraný"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:49
msgid "Unable to get GitHub username for user"
msgstr "Neviem nájsť užívateľské meno z GitHub pre používateľa"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:72
msgid "That user has already been claimed!"
msgstr "Tento užívateľ bol práve zabratý!"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:86
#, python-format
msgid "Error whilst attempting to access forums: %(message)s"
msgstr "Chyba pri prístupe k fóru: %(message)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:90
msgid "Unable to get forum signature - does the user exist?"
msgstr "Nemôžem načítať podpis fóra - existuje takýto užívateľ?"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:105
msgid "Unable to login as user"
msgstr "Nemožné prihlásiť ako užívateľ"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:111
msgid "Could not find the key in your signature!"
msgstr "Nemôžem nájsť kľúč v podpise!"
#: app/blueprints/users/claim.py:114
msgid "Unknown claim type"
msgstr "Nesprávny typ zabratia"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:115
msgid "Top reviewer"
msgstr "Top komentár"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:116
#, python-format
msgid "%(display_name)s has written the most helpful reviews on ContentDB."
msgstr "%(display_name)s napísal najpomocnejší komentár na ContentDB."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:121
msgid "2nd most helpful reviewer"
msgstr "Druhý najpomocnejší komentár"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:123
msgid "3rd most helpful reviewer"
msgstr "Tretí najpomocnejší komentár"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:124
#, python-format
msgid "This puts %(display_name)s in the top %(perc)s%%"
msgstr "Toto posúva %(display_name)s do top %(perc)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:128
#, python-format
msgid "Top %(perc)s%% reviewer"
msgstr "Prehľad top %(perc)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:129
#, python-format
msgid "Only %(place)d users have written more helpful reviews."
msgstr "Iba %(place)d užívateľov napísalo pomocnejší komentár."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:134
msgid "Consider writing more helpful reviews to get a medal."
msgstr "Skús napísať viac pomocných komentárov a získaj medailu."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:136
#, python-format
msgid "You are in place %(place)s."
msgstr "Si na %(place)s mieste."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:164
#, python-format
msgid "Top %(type)s"
msgstr "Top %(type)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:166
#, python-format
msgid "Top %(group)d %(type)s"
msgstr "Top %(group)d %(type)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:175
#, python-format
msgid "%(display_name)s has a %(type)s placed at #%(place)d."
msgstr "%(display_name)s %(type)s bol umiestnený na %(place)d."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:190
#, python-format
msgid "Your packages have %(downloads)d downloads in total."
msgstr "Tvoje balíky majú %(downloads)d stiahnutí celkom."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:191
msgid "First medal is at 50k."
msgstr "Prvá medaila až za 50 k."
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:196
msgid ">300k downloads"
msgstr ">300k stiahnutí"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:199
msgid ">100k downloads"
msgstr ">100k stiahnutí"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:202
msgid ">75k downloads"
msgstr ">75k stiahnutí"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:205
msgid ">50k downloads"
msgstr ">50k stiahnutí"
#: app/blueprints/users/profile.py:206
#, python-format
msgid "Has received %(downloads)d downloads across all packages."
msgstr "Dosiahol %(downloads)d stiahnutí za všetky balíky."
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:19 app/templates/users/profile.html:17
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:8
msgid "Edit Profile"
msgstr "Upraviť profil"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:24 app/templates/users/account.html:12
msgid "Account and Security"
msgstr "Účet a Bezpečnosť"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:29
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:8
msgid "Email and Notifications"
msgstr "Email a Oznámenia"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:34 app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:10
msgid "API Tokens"
msgstr "Tokeny API"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:42 app/templates/users/modtools.html:4
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:8 app/templates/users/profile.html:35
msgid "Moderator Tools"
msgstr "Nástroje moderácie"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:52
msgid "Donation URL"
msgstr "Donátorské URL"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:66 app/blueprints/users/settings.py:72
msgid "A user already has that name"
msgstr "Takéto meno už má iný užívateľ"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:224
msgid "Users with moderator rank or above cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Užívatelia s moderátorským statusom alebo vyšším nemôžu byť odstránení"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:264
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Zobraziť meno"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:265
msgid "Forums Username"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno na Fóre"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:266
msgid "GitHub Username"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno na GitHub"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:267 app/templates/users/list.html:14
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Úroveň"
#: app/blueprints/users/settings.py:311
msgid "Can't promote a user to a rank higher than yourself!"
msgstr "Nemôžeš pozdvihnúť užívateľa na vyššiu úroveň než je tá tvoja!"
#: app/blueprints/zipgrep/__init__.py:34
msgid "Text to find (regex)"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/zipgrep/__init__.py:35
msgid "File filter"
msgstr ""
#: app/blueprints/zipgrep/__init__.py:37 app/templates/base.html:50
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:15
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hľadaj"
#: app/logic/packages.py:95
msgid ""
"Name can only contain lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and "
"underscores (_)"
msgstr "Meno môže obsahovať len malé písmená (a-z), čísla (0-9), a podtržníky (_)"
#: app/logic/packages.py:109
msgid "You don't have permission to edit this package"
msgstr ""
#: app/logic/packages.py:113
msgid "You don't have permission to change the package name"
msgstr ""
#: app/logic/packages.py:165
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to add protected tag %(title)s to package"
msgstr "Nemožno pridať ochranný tag %(title)s na balík"
#: app/logic/releases.py:32
msgid "You don't have permission to make releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/logic/releases.py:37
msgid ""
"You've created too many releases for this package in the last 5 minutes, "
"please wait before trying again"
msgstr ""
"Vytvoril si priveľa vydaní pre tento balík počas posledných 5 minút, "
"prosím vyčkaj pred ďalším pokusom"
#: app/logic/releases.py:74
msgid "Invalid commit hash; it must be a 40 character long base16 string"
msgstr ""
"Nesprávny schvaľovací hash; musí obsahovať 40 znakov na základe 16 "
#: app/logic/screenshots.py:16
msgid "Too many requests, please wait before trying again"
msgstr "Priveľa požiadávok, prosím vyčkaj a skús znova"
#: app/logic/screenshots.py:18
msgid "a PNG or JPG image file"
msgstr "PNG alebo JPG obrázkový súbor"
#: app/logic/screenshots.py:35
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Screenshot is too small, it should be at least %(width)s by %(height)s "
msgstr ""
"Snímok obrazovky je príliš malý, minimálna veľkosť by mala byť %(width)s "
"krát %(height)s pixelov"
#: app/logic/uploads.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "Please upload %(file_desc)s"
msgstr "Prosím nahraj %(file_desc)s"
#: app/logic/uploads.py:55
msgid "Uploaded image isn't actually an image"
msgstr "Nahraný obrázok vlastne nie je obrázkom"
#: app/models/packages.py:65
msgid "Mod"
msgstr "Mód"
#: app/models/packages.py:67
msgid "Game"
msgstr "Hra"
#: app/models/packages.py:69
msgid "Texture Pack"
msgstr "Balíček textúr"
#: app/models/packages.py:74 app/templates/base.html:27
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:17
msgid "Mods"
msgstr "Módy"
#: app/models/packages.py:76 app/templates/base.html:30
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:14
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Hry"
#: app/models/packages.py:78 app/templates/base.html:33
msgid "Texture Packs"
msgstr "Balíčky textúr"
#: app/models/packages.py:167
msgid "Submit for Approval"
msgstr "Navrhni na schválenie"
#: app/models/packages.py:169
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Schváliť"
#: app/models/packages.py:171 app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:17
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:75
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:55
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:19
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:19
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:40 app/templates/users/delete.html:34
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Vymazať"
#: app/tasks/emails.py:113
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because you are a registered user of "
msgstr "Tento email si dostal, pretože si registrovaný užívateľ ContentDB."
#: app/tasks/emails.py:119 app/templates/emails/verify.html:30
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because someone (hopefully you) entered your"
" email address as a user's email."
msgstr ""
"Tento email si dostal, pretože niekto (dúfame, že ty) zadal tvoju mailovú"
" adresu ako užívateľský email."
#: app/tasks/emails.py:153
#, python-format
msgid "%(num)d new notifications"
msgstr "%(num)d nových oznámení"
#: app/tasks/emails.py:155 app/templates/macros/forms.html:52
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:41
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:155
msgid "View"
msgstr "Pozri"
#: app/tasks/emails.py:158
msgid "Manage email settings"
msgstr "Spravuj nastavenia emailu"
#: app/tasks/emails.py:160 app/templates/emails/base.html:63
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:34
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:54
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:33
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:13
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:31 app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:4
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:61
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Prestať odoberať"
#: app/templates/404.html:4
msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Stránku sa nepodarilo nájsť"
#: app/templates/404.html:10
msgid ""
"That page could not be found. The link may be broken, the page may have "
"been deleted, or you may not have access to it."
msgstr ""
"Stránku sa nepodarilo nájsť. Odkaz môže byť poškodený, stránka možno bola"
" vymazaná, alebo na ňu nemáš prístup."
#: app/templates/base.html:36
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Náhodne"
#: app/templates/base.html:39 app/templates/base.html:233
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:8
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:8 app/templates/todo/user.html:45
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
#: app/templates/base.html:42 app/templates/packages/view.html:173
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:532 app/templates/threads/list.html:4
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "Vlákna"
#: app/templates/base.html:48
#, python-format
msgid "Search %(type)s"
msgstr "Vyhľadať %(type)s"
#: app/templates/base.html:48 app/templates/todo/tags.html:11
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:13
msgid "Search all packages"
msgstr "Prehľadávať všetky balíky"
#: app/templates/base.html:62
msgid "Work Queue"
msgstr "Pracovný poradovník"
#: app/templates/base.html:75 app/templates/base.html:127
msgid "To do list"
msgstr "Zoznam úloh"
#: app/templates/base.html:84 app/templates/notifications/list.html:4
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Upozornenia"
#: app/templates/base.html:105
msgid "Add Package"
msgstr "Pridaj balík"
#: app/templates/base.html:122
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Prehľad"
#: app/templates/base.html:140
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Správca"
#: app/templates/base.html:143
msgid "License Editor"
msgstr "Úprava licencie"
#: app/templates/base.html:148
msgid "Restore Package"
msgstr "Obnova balíka"
#: app/templates/base.html:151
msgid "Tag Editor"
msgstr "Úprava tagu"
#: app/templates/base.html:153
msgid "Create Tag"
msgstr "Vutvoriť tag"
#: app/templates/base.html:158 app/templates/packages/release_new.html:12
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"
#: app/templates/base.html:161
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Odhlásiť"
#: app/templates/base.html:190
msgid "Help translate ContentDB"
msgstr "Pomôž preložiť ContentDB"
#: app/templates/base.html:234
msgid "Policy and Guidance"
msgstr "Politika a Návod"
#: app/templates/base.html:235
msgid "API"
msgstr "API"
#: app/templates/base.html:236 app/templates/users/register.html:43
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Politika súkromia"
#: app/templates/base.html:240
msgid "Stats / Monitoring"
msgstr "Štatistiky / Monitorovanie"
#: app/templates/base.html:241
msgid "User List"
msgstr "Zoznam užívateľov"
#: app/templates/base.html:242
msgid "Source Code"
msgstr "Zdrojový kód"
#: app/templates/index.html:4
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Vitaj"
#: app/templates/index.html:38 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:73
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:5
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:26
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:22
#, python-format
msgid "%(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr "%(title)s od %(author)s"
#: app/templates/index.html:43
#, python-format
msgid "<strong>%(title)s</strong> by %(author)s"
msgstr "<strong>%(title)s</strong> od %(author)s"
#: app/templates/index.html:69 app/templates/packages/reviews_list.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:177 app/templates/packages/view.html:293
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:206
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Posudky"
#: app/templates/index.html:86
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Predchádzajúce"
#: app/templates/index.html:90 app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:87
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nasledujúce"
#: app/templates/index.html:96
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "V spolupráci"
#: app/templates/index.html:101 app/templates/index.html:108
#: app/templates/index.html:115 app/templates/index.html:122
#: app/templates/index.html:129 app/templates/index.html:151
#: app/templates/index.html:158 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:31
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:38
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:45
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:52
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Pozri viac"
#: app/templates/index.html:103 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:33
msgid "Recently Added"
msgstr "Práve pridané"
#: app/templates/index.html:110 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:40
msgid "Recently Updated"
msgstr "Práve obnovené"
#: app/templates/index.html:117
msgid "Top Games"
msgstr "Najlepšie hry"
#: app/templates/index.html:124 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:47
msgid "Top Mods"
msgstr "Najlepšie módy"
#: app/templates/index.html:131
msgid "Top Texture Packs"
msgstr "Najlepšie balíčky textúr"
#: app/templates/index.html:135
msgid "Search by Tags"
msgstr "Vuhľadávať pomocou tagov"
#: app/templates/index.html:153 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:54
msgid "Highest Reviewed"
msgstr "Najviac hodnotené"
#: app/templates/index.html:160
msgid "Recent Positive Reviews"
msgstr "Práve pridané kladné hodnotenia"
#: app/templates/index.html:167
#, python-format
msgid "CDB has %(count)d packages, with a total of %(downloads)d downloads."
msgstr "CDB obsahuje %(count)d balíkov s celkovým počtom %(downloads)d stiahnutí."
#: app/templates/admin/audit_view.html:16
#, python-format
msgid "Caused by %(author)s."
msgstr "Spôsobené %(author)s."
#: app/templates/admin/audit_view.html:20
msgid "Caused by a deleted user."
msgstr "Spôsobené vymazaným užívateľom."
#: app/templates/admin/list.html:62
msgid "Deletion is permanent."
msgstr "Vymazanie je trvalé."
#: app/templates/admin/send_bulk_email.html:4
msgid "Send bulk email"
msgstr "Poslať hromadný email"
#: app/templates/admin/send_bulk_notification.html:4
msgid "Send bulk notification"
msgstr "Poslať hromadné upozornenie"
#: app/templates/admin/send_email.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Send email to %(username)s"
msgstr "Poslať email %(username)s"
#: app/templates/admin/licenses/list.html:8
msgid "New License"
msgstr "Nová licencia"
#: app/templates/admin/licenses/list.html:10
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Licencie"
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:30
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:24
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:44
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:34
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Náhľady"
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:38
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:28
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:16 app/templates/packages/list.html:4
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:46 app/templates/users/list.html:22
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:191
msgid "Packages"
msgstr "Balíky"
#: app/templates/admin/versions/list.html:4
#: app/templates/admin/versions/list.html:10
msgid "Minetest Versions"
msgstr "Verzie Minetestu"
#: app/templates/admin/versions/list.html:8
msgid "New Version"
msgstr "Nová verzia"
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:4
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:10
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Upozornenia"
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:8
msgid "New Warning"
msgstr "Nové upozornenie"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:5
#, python-format
msgid "Edit - %(name)s"
msgstr "Upraviť - %(name)s"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:7
msgid "Create API Token"
msgstr "Vytvoriť API token"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:24
msgid "API Tokens allow scripts to act on your behalf."
msgstr "API tokeny umožňujú skriptom konanie v tvojom mene."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:25
msgid ""
"Be careful with what/whom you share tokens with, as you are responsible "
"for your account's actions."
msgstr ""
"Dávaj pozor s čím/kým zdieľaš tokeny, pretože zodpovedáš za úkony svojho "
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:30
msgid "Access Token"
msgstr "Pristúpiť k tokenu"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:33
msgid ""
"For security reasons, access tokens will only be shown once. Reset the "
"token if it is lost."
msgstr ""
"Z bezpečnostných dôvodov sa prístupové tokeny zobrazia iba raz. Ak token "
"stratíš, obnov ho (zresetuj)."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:40
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Obnoviť/Reset"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:49
msgid "Human-readable name to tell tokens apart."
msgstr "Ľudsky zrozumiteľný názov, aby boli tokeny oddelené."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:50
msgid "Recommended: Only allows token to interact with a particular package."
msgstr "Vyžaduje sa: Povoľ tokenu interakcciu len pre konkrétny balík."
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "API Tokens | %(username)s"
msgstr "API Tokeny | %(username)s"
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:8 app/templates/macros/topics.html:29
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:65
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:13
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:29
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Vytvoriť"
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:9
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr "API dokumentácia"
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:19
msgid "No tokens created"
msgstr "Neboli vytvorené žiadne tokeny"
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:10
#, python-format
msgid "From %(username)s and on package %(package)s."
msgstr "Pre %(username)s a pre balík %(package)s."
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "From %(username)s."
msgstr "Od %(username)s."
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:19
msgid "View Notification"
msgstr "Skontroluj notifikácie"
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:26
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:46
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because you are a registered user of "
"ContentDB, and have email notifications enabled."
msgstr ""
"Tento email si dostal, pretože si registrovaným užívateľom ContentDB a "
"máš povolené notifikácie."
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:30
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:50
msgid "Manage your preferences"
msgstr "Spravuj obľúbené"
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:37
#, python-format
msgid "This is a '%(type)s' notification."
msgstr "Toto je %(type)s upozornenie."
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:14
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:31
#, python-format
msgid "from %(username)s."
msgstr "od %(username)s."
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:24
msgid "Other Notifications"
msgstr "Ostatné upozornenia"
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:39
msgid "View Notifications"
msgstr "Skontroluj upozornenia"
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:2
msgid ""
"We were unable to perform the password reset as we could not find an "
"account associated with this email."
msgstr ""
"Nepodarilo sa nám obnoviť heslo, pretože sme nenašli účet priradený k "
"tomuto emailu."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:5
msgid ""
"This may be because you used another email with your account, or because "
"you never confirmed your email."
msgstr ""
"Príčinou môže byť, že používaš iný email pre svoj účet, alebo preto, že "
"si nikdy svoj email nepotvrdil."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:8
msgid "You can use GitHub to log in if it is associated with your account."
msgstr "Pre vstup môžeš použiť GitHub v prípade, že je prepojený s tvojim účtom."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:9
msgid "Otherwise, you may need to contact rubenwardy for help."
msgstr "Inak budeš musieť požiadať rubenwardy o pomoc."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:12
msgid ""
"If you weren't expecting to receive this email, then you can safely "
"ignore it."
msgstr "Ak si tento email neočakával, môžeš ho pokojne prehliadnuť."
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:4
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:5
msgid "Hello!"
msgstr "Ahoj!"
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:7
msgid ""
"This email has been sent to you because someone (hopefully you) has "
"entered your email address as a user's email."
msgstr ""
"Tento email ti bol poslaný, pretože niekto (dúfame, že ty) použil tvoju "
"emailovú adresu ako užívateľský email."
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:11
msgid "If it wasn't you, then just delete this email."
msgstr "Ak si to nebol ty, potom tento email vymaž."
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:15
msgid "If this was you, then please click this link to confirm the address:"
msgstr "Ak si to bol ty, klikni prosím na tento link pre potvrdenie adresy:"
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:19
msgid "Confirm Email Address"
msgstr "Potvrdiť Emailovú Adresu"
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:23
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:17
msgid "Or paste this into your browser:"
msgstr "Alebo vlož do svojho prehliadača toto:"
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:9
msgid ""
"We're sorry to see you go. You just need to do one more thing before your"
" email is blacklisted."
msgstr ""
"Je nám ľúto, že odchádzaš. Ešte však musíš vykonať jednu vec, aby bol "
"tvoj email na čiernej listine."
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:23
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because someone (hopefully you) entered your"
" email address in the unsubscribe form."
msgstr ""
"Tento email si dostal, pretože niekto (dúfame, že ty) použil tvoju "
"emailovú adresu v odhlasovacom formulári."
#: app/templates/macros/audit_log.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "Severity: %(sev)s."
msgstr "Závažnosť: %(sev)s."
#: app/templates/macros/audit_log.html:32
msgid "Deleted User"
msgstr "Vymazaný užívateľ"
#: app/templates/macros/audit_log.html:64
msgid "No audit log entries."
msgstr "Audit log neobsahuje žiadne položky."
#: app/templates/macros/forms.html:107
msgid "Start typing to see suggestions"
msgstr "Začni písať a zobrazia sa ti návrhy"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:5 app/templates/todo/user.html:35
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stav"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:26
msgid "Set up releases"
msgstr "Nastav vydania"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:31
msgid "You need to create a release before this package can be approved."
msgstr "Musíš vytvoriť vydanie (release) predtým, než bude tento balík schválený."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:33
msgid "Release is still importing, or has an error."
msgstr "Vydanie sa stále nahráva, alebo obsahuje chybu."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:36
msgid "A release is required before this package can be approved."
msgstr "Vyžaduje sa vydanie predtým, než bude balík schválený."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:41
msgid "You need to add at least one screenshot."
msgstr "Potrebuješ pridať aspoň jeden obrázok."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:45
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following hard dependencies need to be added to ContentDB first: "
msgstr "Nasledujúce povinné príbuznosti musia byť uvedené v ContentDB: %(deps)s"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:49
msgid "Please wait for the license to be added to CDB."
msgstr "Prosím počkaj, kým bude licencia pridaná do CDB."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:56
msgid "You should add at least one screenshot, but this isn't required."
msgstr "Mal by si pridať aspoň jeden obrázok, avšak nevyžaduje sa to."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:62
msgid "Please wait for the release to be approved."
msgstr "Prosím počkaj, kým bude vydanie schválené."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:64
msgid "You can now approve this package if you're ready."
msgstr "Ak si pripravený, môžeš teraz schváliť tento balík."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:66
msgid "Please wait for the package to be approved."
msgstr "Prosím vyčkaj, kým bude balík schválený."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:70
msgid "You can now submit this package for approval if you're ready."
msgstr "Ak si pripravený, môžeš tento balík poslať na schválenie."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:72
msgid "This package can be submitted for approval when ready."
msgstr "Tento balík môže byť odoslaný na schválenie ak je pripravený."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:102
msgid "Please make sure that this package has the right to the names it uses."
msgstr "Prosím over, či tento balík má právo na názov, ktorý používa."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:104
#, python-format
msgid "Please make sure that this package has the right to the names %(names)s"
msgstr "Prosím over, či tento balík má právo na názov %(names)s"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:115
msgid "Package approval thread"
msgstr "Vlákno pre schválenie balíka"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:116
msgid ""
"You can open a thread if you have a question for the approver or package "
msgstr ""
"V prípade, že máš otázky na schvaľovateľa alebo autora balíka, môžeš "
"vytvoriť vlákno."
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:25
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> Non-free code and media."
msgstr "<b>Upozornenie:</b> Kód a médiá nie sú zadarmo (non-free)."
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:29
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> Non-free code."
msgstr "<b>Upozornenie:</b> Kód nie je zadarmo (non-free)."
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:33
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> Non-free media."
msgstr "<b>Upozornenie:</b> Médium nie je zadarmo (non-free)."
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:45
msgid "No packages available"
msgstr "Žiadne balíky nie sú k dispozícii"
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:20 app/templates/macros/releases.html:47
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:89
#, python-format
msgid "created %(date)s"
msgstr "vytvorené %(date)s"
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:60
msgid "Edit / Approve"
msgstr "Upraviť / Schváliť"
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:62 app/templates/packages/view.html:98
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:247
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upraviť"
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:93
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:31
msgid "Importing..."
msgstr "Vkladanie..."
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:96
msgid "Waiting for approval."
msgstr "Čaká na schválenie."
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:103
msgid "No releases available."
msgstr "Žiadne vydanie nie je k dispozícii."
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:7
msgid "Helpful"
msgstr "Užitočné"
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:13
msgid "Unhelpful"
msgstr "Neužitočné"
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:82
#, python-format
msgid "%(num)d comments"
msgstr "%(num)d komentárov"
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:94
msgid "No reviews, yet."
msgstr "Zatiaľ bez recenzií."
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:104 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:143
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:4
msgid "Review"
msgstr "Recenzia"
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:109 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:148
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:35
#, python-format
msgid "Do you recommend this %(type)s?"
msgstr "Odporúčaš %(type)s?"
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:124
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:40
msgid "Why or why not? Try to be constructive"
msgstr "Prečo, alebo prečo nie? Skús buť konštruktívny"
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:133
msgid "Post Review"
msgstr "Post recenzia"
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:26
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Údržba"
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:120
msgid "This thread has been locked by a moderator."
msgstr "Toto vlákno bolo uzamknuté správcom."
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:139
msgid "Please wait before commenting again."
msgstr "Prosím vyčkaj pred pridaním ďalšieho komentára."
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:145
msgid "This thread has been locked."
msgstr "Toto vlákno bolo uzamknuté."
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:147
msgid "You don't have permission to post."
msgstr "Nemáš povolenie na prispievanie."
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:167
msgid "You can add someone to a private thread by writing @username."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:185 app/templates/macros/threads.html:265
msgid "No threads found"
msgstr "Neboli nájdené žiadne vlákna"
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:193
msgid "Thread"
msgstr "Vlákno"
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:197
msgid "Last Reply"
msgstr "Nedávna odpoveď"
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:23
#, python-format
msgid "On %(trigger)s, do %(action)s"
msgstr "Keď %(trigger)s, potom %(action)s"
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:37 app/templates/packages/view.html:104
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:355
msgid "Release"
msgstr "Vydanie"
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:44
msgid "Repo"
msgstr "Úložisko"
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:50
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:13
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:359
msgid "Update settings"
msgstr "Aktualizuj nastavenia"
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:57
msgid "No outdated packages."
msgstr "Bez zastaralých balíkov."
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:6 app/templates/packages/view.html:160
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor/Tvorca"
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:8
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dátum"
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:9
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Činnosti"
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:18 app/templates/macros/topics.html:56
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:29
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:40 app/templates/todo/editor.html:160
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:175
msgid "WIP"
msgstr "Práca stále prebieha (WIP)"
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:35
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Ukázať"
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:37
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Zahodiť"
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:57
msgid "Old"
msgstr "Staré"
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:4
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:4
msgid "Meta Packages"
msgstr "Meta balíky"
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:37
msgid "No meta packages found."
msgstr "Neboli nájdené žiadne meta balíky."
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:10
#, python-format
msgid "Meta Package \"%(name)s\""
msgstr "Meta balík \"%(name)s\""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:12
msgid "Provided By"
msgstr "Poskytol"
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:21 app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:35
msgid "Forum Topics"
msgstr "Témy fóra"
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:27
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:38 app/templates/packages/view.html:396
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:420 app/templates/packages/view.html:441
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:85
#, python-format
msgid "%(title)s by %(display_name)s"
msgstr "%(title)s od %(display_name)s"
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:35
msgid "Required By"
msgstr "Vyžaduje sa od"
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:38
msgid "Optionally Used By"
msgstr "Dobrovoľne použité"
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:14
msgid "Edit email notification settings"
msgstr "Upraviť nastavenia upozornení emailom"
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:22
msgid "Newest first."
msgstr "Najrv najnovšie."
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:27
msgid "Your Notifications"
msgstr "Tvoje upozornenia"
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:61
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:99
msgid "No notifications"
msgstr "Bez upozornení"
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:66
msgid "Editor/Approver Notifications"
msgstr "Úpravy/Schvaľovanie upozornení"
#: app/templates/packages/alias_create_edit.html:4
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"
#: app/templates/packages/alias_create_edit.html:13
msgid "Back to Aliases"
msgstr "Späť k aliasom"
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:4
msgid "Aliases"
msgstr "Aliasy"
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:15
#, python-format
msgid "Aliases for %(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr "Aliasy pre %(title)s od %(author)s"
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:24
msgid "No aliases"
msgstr "Bez aliasov"
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Git Update Detection for %(username)s"
msgstr "Detekcia aktualizácie Git pre %(username)s"
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:10
msgid "Packages with Update Settings"
msgstr "Balíky s aktualizovanými nastaveniami"
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:16
msgid "Bulk Set Update Settings"
msgstr "Hromadne nastaviť aktualizácie nastavení"
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:18
msgid "This will set the update settings for all packages with a Git repo."
msgstr "Toto nastaví aktualizácie nastavení pre všetky balíky s Git úložikom."
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:27
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:50
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:33
msgid "Leave blank to use default branch"
msgstr "Zanechaj prázdne ak chceš použiť východziu vetvu"
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:29
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:35
msgid "Currently, the branch name field is only used by the New Commit trigger."
msgstr "Pole s názvom vetvy sa práve používa spúšťačom nových návrhov."
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:5
#, python-format
msgid "Edit - %(title)s"
msgstr "Upraviť - %(title)s"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:10
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:32
msgid "Create Package"
msgstr "Vytvoriť balík"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:43
msgid "Have you read the Package Inclusion Policy and Guidance yet?"
msgstr "Prečítal si už Inklúznu politiku a Návod pre balíky?"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:47
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Čítať viac"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:49
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can include a .cdb.json file in your %(type)s to update these details"
" automatically."
msgstr "Pre automatickú úpravu detailov môžeš vložiť súbor .cdb.json do %(type)s."
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:55
msgid ""
"JavaScript is needed to improve the user interface, and is needed for "
"\t\t\tsuch as finding metadata from git, and autocompletion."
msgstr ""
"JavaScript je potrebný pre vylepšenie užívateľského rozhrania, pre "
"funkcie, ako\n"
"napríklad vyhľadávanie metadát z Git, a automatické dokočovanie."
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:66
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:84 app/templates/todo/tags.html:38
msgid "Package"
msgstr "Balík"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:73
msgid "Please open a thread to request a name change"
msgstr "Prosím vytvor vlákno na vyžiadanie zmeny názvu"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:79
msgid ""
"Please choose 'Work in Progress' if your package is unstable, and "
"shouldn't be recommended to all players"
msgstr ""
"Prosím zvoľ 'Prebiehajúca práca' ak je tvoj balík nestály a neodporúča sa"
" všetkým hráčom"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:88
msgid "If there is no media, set the Media License to the same as the License."
msgstr "Ak neobsahuje médium, zvoľ Licencia média na rovnakú úroveň ako Licencia."
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:94
msgid "Repository and Links"
msgstr "Úložisko a Odkazy"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:97
msgid ""
"Enter the repo URL for the package.\n"
"\t\t\t\tIf the repo uses git then the metadata will be automatically "
msgstr ""
"Vlož URL úložiska pre balík.\n"
"Ak úložisko používa Git, potom budú meta dáta vložené automaticky."
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:100
msgid "Leave blank if you don't have a repo. Click skip if the import fails."
msgstr ""
"Zanechaj prázdne v prípade, ak nemáš úložisko. Klikni preskočiť ak "
"vloženie zlyhá."
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:106
msgid "Next (Autoimport)"
msgstr "Nasledujúce (Automatické vloženie)"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:107
msgid "Skip Autoimport"
msgstr "Preskočiť Automatické vloženie"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:111
msgid "Importing... (This may take a while)"
msgstr "Vkladanie... (Môže to chvíľu trvať)"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:119
msgid "Tip: paste in a forum topic URL"
msgstr "Nápomoc: vlož URL témy fóra"
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:120
msgid "YouTube videos will be shown in an embed."
msgstr "YouTube videá sa zobrazia v záložke."
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:4
msgid "Edit Maintainers"
msgstr "Upraviť Údržbu"
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:11
msgid "Maintainers are given write access to the package."
msgstr "Údržba má write access (povolenie písať) k balíku."
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:12
msgid ""
"Depending on their rank, they will be able to edit the package, create "
"releases and screenshots, and read private threads."
msgstr ""
"Na základe ich hodnosti majú možnosť upravovať balík, vytvoriť vydania a "
"snímky, a čítať súkromné vlákna."
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:13
msgid ""
"Maintainers cannot add or remove other maintainers, but can remove "
msgstr ""
"Člen údržby nesmie pridať alebo odobrať iných členov údržby, avšak môže "
"odobrať sám seba."
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:24
msgid "Community Hub"
msgstr "Spoločenské centrum"
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:11
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:12
#, python-format
msgid "Mods for %(title)s"
msgstr "Módy pre %(title)s"
#: app/templates/packages/list.html:21
#, python-format
msgid "Did you mean to search for packages by %(authors)s?"
msgstr "Chcel si vyhľadávať balíky podľa %(authors)s?"
#: app/templates/packages/list.html:26
msgid "Filter by tags"
msgstr "Filtrovať podľa tagov"
#: app/templates/packages/list.html:59
msgid "More content from the forums"
msgstr "Viac obsahu z fóra"
#: app/templates/packages/package_base.html:13
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr "Záložka"
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:4
msgid "Bulk Change Releases"
msgstr "Hromadné vydania zmeny"
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:11
msgid "Use this page to set the min and max of all releases for your package."
msgstr ""
"Použi túto stránku pre nastavenie minima a maxima všetkých vydaní pre "
"svoj balík."
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:29
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:54
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:70
msgid "Maximum must be greater than or equal to the minimum!"
msgstr "Maximum musí byť väčšie než, alebo rovné minimu!"
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:33
msgid ""
"Note: Min and max versions will be used to hide the package on\n"
"\t\t\tplatforms not within the range."
msgstr ""
"Poznámka: Minimálna a maximálna verzia bude použitá na ukrytie balíka\n"
"pre platformy, ktoré nespadajú do rozhrania."
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:36
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:61
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:83
msgid "Leave both as None if in doubt."
msgstr "Nechaj oboje ako Žiadne (None) v prípade, že máš pochybnosti."
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:4
msgid "Edit release"
msgstr "Upraviť vydanie"
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:27
msgid "Commit Hash"
msgstr "Odovzdať Hash"
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:32
msgid "view task"
msgstr "Pozri úlohu"
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:42
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_edit.html:20
msgid "Approved"
msgstr "Schválené"
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:46
msgid "Supported Minetest versions"
msgstr "Podporované verzie Minetestu"
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:58
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:80
msgid ""
"Set the minimum and maximum Minetest versions supported.\n"
"\t\t\tThis release will be hidden to clients outside of that range. "
msgstr ""
"Nastav minimálnu a maximálnu podporpvanú verziu Minetestu.\n"
"Toto vydanie bude skryté pre klientov mimo uvedeného rozpätia. "
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:63
msgid ""
"You can <a href='/help/package_config/'>set this automatically</a> in the"
" .conf of your package."
msgstr ""
"Môžeš <a href='/help/package_config/'> nastaviť automaticky </a> v .conf "
"svojho balíka."
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:70
msgid "Delete Release"
msgstr "Vymazať Vydanie"
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:76
msgid "This is permanent."
msgstr "Je to nartvalo."
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:77
msgid ""
"Any associated uploads will not be deleted immediately, but the release "
"will no longer be listed."
msgstr ""
"Akékoľvek pridružené nahrané dokumenty nebudú vymazané natrvalo, ale "
"vydanie už viac nebude obsiahnué."
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:82
msgid "You cannot delete the latest release; please create a newer one first."
msgstr "Nemôžeš vymazať posledné vydanie; najprv vytvor novšie."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:8
msgid "Create a release"
msgstr "Vytvoriť vydanie"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:14
msgid "You have automatic releases enabled."
msgstr "Automatické vydávanie je povolené."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:16
msgid "You have Git update notifications enabled."
msgstr "Upozornenia pre Git aktualizácie sú povolené."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:17
msgid "You can enable automatic updates in the update settings."
msgstr "Automatické aktualizácie môžeš povoliť v nastaniach aktualizácií."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:23
msgid "Set up"
msgstr "Nastaviť"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:26
msgid ""
"You can create releases automatically when you push commits or tags to "
"your repository."
msgstr ""
"Automatické vydávanie môžeš vytvoriť ak pošleš schválenia a tagy do "
"tvojho úložiska."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:28
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:69
msgid "Add Git repo"
msgstr "Pridať úložisko Git"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:31
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:59
msgid ""
"Using Git would allow you to create releases automatically when you push "
"code or tags."
msgstr ""
"Používanie Git-u ti umožňuje vytvárať vydania automaticky keď posielaš "
"kód alebo tagy."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:40
msgid "1. Name release"
msgstr "1. Nazvi vydanie"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:42
msgid "Human readable. Eg: 1.0.0 or 2018-05-28"
msgstr "Ľudsky zrozumiteľne. T.j.: 1.0.0 alebo 2018-05-28"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:44
msgid "2. Set the content"
msgstr "2. Nastav obsah"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:57
msgid ""
"Take a look at the <a href='/help/package_config/'>Package Configuration "
"and Releases Guide</a> for\n"
"\t\t\ttips on customising releases."
msgstr ""
"Pozri aj <a href='/help/package_config/'> Nastavenie balíka a Sprievodca "
"vydaniami</a> alebo pre\n"
"návrhy pre prispôsobenie vydaní."
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:61
msgid "3. Supported Minetest versions"
msgstr "3. Podporované verzie Minetestu"
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:75
msgid ""
"The .conf of your package can <a href='/help/package_config/'>set this "
"\t\t\twhich will override your selection."
msgstr ""
"Súbor .conf tvojho balíka môže <a href='/help/package_config/'>nastaviť "
"čo prepíše tvoj výber."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:4
msgid "How do you want to create releases?"
msgstr "Ako chceš vytvoriť vydania?"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:9
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:75
msgid "Later"
msgstr "Neskôr"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:14
#, python-format
msgid "A release is a single downloadable version of your %(title)s."
msgstr "Vydanie je jedna stiahnuteľná verzia tvojho %(title)s."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:15
msgid ""
"You need to create releases even if you use a rolling release development"
" cycle, as Minetest needs them to check for updates."
msgstr ""
"Vydania musíš vytvoriť aj keď používaš vývojový cyklus postupného "
"uvoľňovania, pretože Minetest ich potrebuje pre kontrolu noviniek."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:20
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:12
msgid ""
"When you push a change to your Git repository, ContentDB can create a new"
" release automatically or send you a reminder."
msgstr ""
"Ak posunieš zmenu do Git úložiska, ContentDB môže vytvoriť nové vydanie "
"automaticky alebo ti poslať pripomienku."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:21
msgid ""
"ContentDB will check your Git repository every day, but you can use "
"webhooks or the API for faster updates."
msgstr ""
"ContentDB skontroluje tvoje Git úložisko každý deň, avšak pre rýchlejšie "
"aktualizovanie môžeš použiť webhooks alebo API."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:25
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:64
msgid "This can be changed later."
msgstr "Zmeniť to môžeš neskôr."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:31
msgid "Automatically (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automaticky (Odporúča sa)"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:34
msgid "Rolling Release"
msgstr "Natlačené vydanie (Rollling Release)"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:37
msgid "On Git Tag"
msgstr "Zapni Git Tag"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:46
msgid "Manually"
msgstr "Ručne"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:49
msgid "With reminders"
msgstr "S pripomienkami"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:52
msgid "No reminders"
msgstr "Bez pripomienok"
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:60
msgid "Unfortunately, you will otherwise need to create a release manually."
msgstr "V opačnom prípade budeš musieť vytvoriť vydanie ručne."
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:72
msgid "Create releases manually"
msgstr "Vytvoriť vydanie ručne"
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Releases - %(title)s"
msgstr "Vydania - %(title)s"
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:18
msgid "Set up automatic releases"
msgstr "Nastaviť automatické vydania"
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:24
msgid "Bulk update"
msgstr "Hromadná aktualizácia"
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Remove %(title)s"
msgstr "Odstrániť %(title)s"
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:11
msgid ""
"In order to avoid data loss, you cannot permanently delete packages.\n"
"\t\t\tYou can remove them from ContentDB, which will cause them to not be"
"\t\t\tvisible to any users and they may be permanently deleted in the "
"\t\t\tThe Admin can restore removed packages, if needed."
msgstr ""
"Aby si predišiel strate dát, nemôžeš vymazať balíky natrvalo.\n"
"Môžeš ich odstrániť z ContentDB, čo spôsobí, že nebudú\n"
"Viditeľné pre iných užívateľov a môžu byť vymazané v budúcnosti.\n"
"Ak je potrebné, administrátor môže obnoviť odstránený balík."
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:19
msgid ""
"Unapproving a package will put it back into Draft, where\n"
"\t\t\t\tit can be submitted for approval again."
msgstr ""
"Ak balík nepovolíš, bude zaradaný späť medzi Koncepty, kde\n"
"bude vyžiadané opätovné povolenie."
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:27
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Dôvod"
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:30
msgid "Reason for unapproval / deletion, this is shown in the audit log"
msgstr "Dôvod pre nepovolenie / vymazanie, ktorý sa zobrazí v audítorskom logu"
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:34
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:18
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:18
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:30
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:12
#, python-format
msgid "Post a review for %(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr "Zašli recenziu o %(title)s od %(author)s"
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:16
#: app/templates/threads/new.html:11
#, python-format
msgid "Found a bug? Post on the <a href='%(url)s'>issue tracker</a> instead."
msgstr ""
"Našiel si bug (chybu)? Napíš na <a href='%(url)s'> sledovanie "
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:56
msgid "Delete review."
msgstr "Vymazať recenziu."
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:57
msgid ""
"This will convert the review into a thread, keeping the comments but "
"removing its effect on the package's rating."
msgstr ""
"Toto zmení recenziu na vlákno a ponechá komentáre, avšak odstráni vplyv "
"na hodnotenie balíka."
#: app/templates/packages/review_votes.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:315
msgid "Review Votes"
msgstr "Hlasy za recenziu"
#: app/templates/packages/review_votes.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "Review votes on %(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr "Hlasy za recenziu o %(title)s od %(author)s"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_edit.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_edit.html:11
msgid "Edit screenshot"
msgstr "Upraviť snímku"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_new.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_new.html:8
msgid "Add a screenshot"
msgstr "Pridať snímku"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_new.html:10
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:73
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The recommended resolution is 1920x1080, and screenshots must be at least"
" %(width)dx%(height)d."
msgstr ""
"Odporúčané rozlíšenie je 1920x1080, pričom snímka musí byť prinajmenšom "
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:11
msgid "Add Image"
msgstr "Pridať obrázok"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:17
msgid "Topmost screenshot will be used as the package thumbnail."
msgstr "Prvá snímka bude použitá ako záložka balíka."
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:39 app/templates/todo/user.html:77
msgid "Way too small"
msgstr "Príliš malá"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:43 app/templates/todo/user.html:80
msgid "Too small"
msgstr "Veľmi malá"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:47 app/templates/todo/user.html:83
msgid "Not HD"
msgstr "Nie je HD"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:53
msgid "Awaiting approval"
msgstr "Čaká na schválenie"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:72
msgid "No screenshots."
msgstr "Bez obrázkov."
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:80
msgid "Save Order"
msgstr "Uložiť Usporiadanie"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:85
msgid "Reordering requires JavaScript."
msgstr "Reorganizácia vyžaduje JavaScript."
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:100
msgid "Videos"
msgstr "Videá"
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:102
msgid "You can set a video on the Edit Details page"
msgstr "Video môžeš nastaviť v sekcii Upraviť Detaily"
#: app/templates/packages/share.html:10
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Linky/Odkazy"
#: app/templates/packages/share.html:13
msgid "Review link"
msgstr "Pozrieť odkaz"
#: app/templates/packages/share.html:18
msgid "Badges"
msgstr "Odznaky"
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:4
msgid "Modname Uniqueness"
msgstr "Výnimočnosť názvu módu"
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:12
msgid "Packages sharing provided mods"
msgstr "Módy ponúkajúce zdieľanie balíkov"
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:14
msgid "This package contains modnames that are present in the following packages:"
msgstr ""
"Tento balík obsahuje názvy módov, ktoré sa nachádzajú v nasledujúcich "
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:32
msgid "Similar Forum Topics"
msgstr "Podobné témy na fóte"
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:9
msgid "Configure Git Update Detection"
msgstr "Nastav detekciu aktualizácií Git-u"
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:16
msgid ""
"ContentDB will poll your Git repository every day, if your package is "
msgstr ""
"ContentDB sa denne spája s tvojim Git úložiskom ak je tvoj balík "
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:17
msgid "You should consider using webhooks or the API for faster releases."
msgstr "Pre rýchlejšie vydávanie môžeš zvážiť použitie webhooks alebo API."
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:18
msgid ""
"Git Update Detection is clever enough to not create a release again if "
"you've already created it manually or using webhooks/the API."
msgstr ""
"Detekcia Aktualizácií Git-u je dostatočne múdra na to, aby nevytvorila "
"vydanie znova potom ako si ho už vytvoril manuálne alebo pužitím "
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:28
msgid "The trigger is the event that triggers the action."
msgstr "Spúšťač je udalosť, ktorá spúšťa akciu."
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:41
msgid "The action to perform when the trigger happens."
msgstr "Akcia je vykonaná vedy, keď sa spúšťač uskutoční."
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:42
msgid ""
"Once a package is marked as outdated, you won't receive any more "
"notifications until it is marked up to date."
msgstr ""
"Keď je balík označený ako zastaraný, nebudeš dostávať žiadne upozornenia,"
" až kým bude znova označený ako aktualizovaný."
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:37
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Stiahnuť"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:43
#, python-format
msgid "Minetest %(min)s - %(max)s"
msgstr "Minetest %(min)s - %(max)s"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:45
#, python-format
msgid "For Minetest %(min)s and above"
msgstr "Pre Minetest %(min)s a vyššie"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:47
#, python-format
msgid "Minetest %(max)s and below"
msgstr "Minetest %(max)s a nižšie"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:67
msgid "How do I install this?"
msgstr "Ako nainštalujem toto?"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:73
msgid "No downloads available"
msgstr "Žiadne súbory na stiahnutie"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:80
msgid "Non-free code and media"
msgstr "Žiadne voľné (non-free) kódy a médiá"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:82
msgid "Non-free code"
msgstr "Non-free kód"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:84
msgid "Non-free media"
msgstr "Non-free médiá"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:146
msgid "Work in Progress"
msgstr "Práca stále prebieha"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:167
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr "Stiahnutia"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:188 app/templates/users/profile.html:86
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Webová stránka"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:194
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Zdroj"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:200 app/templates/users/profile.html:68
msgid "Forums"
msgstr "Fórum"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:206
msgid "Issue Tracker"
msgstr "Sledovanie problémov"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:224 app/templates/threads/view.html:92
msgid ""
"This thread is only visible to its creator, package maintainers, users of"
" Approver rank or above, and @mentioned users."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:271
msgid "Awaiting review"
msgstr "Čaká sa na recenziu"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:300 app/templates/threads/view.html:67
msgid "Edit Review"
msgstr "Upraviť recenziu"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:305
msgid "You can't review your own package."
msgstr "Nemôžeš recenzovať svoj vlastný balík."
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:321
msgid "Used By"
msgstr "Používané"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:327
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Obsah"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:329 app/templates/packages/view.html:383
msgid "View content for game"
msgstr "Pozri obsah hry"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:343
msgid "Package may be outdated"
msgstr "Balík môže byť zastaralý"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:350
msgid "Only visible to the author and Editors."
msgstr "Viditeľné iba pre autora a editorov."
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:367
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozornenie"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:373
msgid "Like this package? Help support its development by making a donation"
msgstr "Páči sa ti tento balík? Pomôž podporiť jeho vývoj príspevkom"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:376
msgid "Donate now"
msgstr "Prispieť"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:388
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Nevyhnutné doplnky"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:390
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Požiadavky"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:408
msgid "No required dependencies"
msgstr "Nevyžadujú sa nevyhnutné doplnky"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:414
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "Voliteľné"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:436
msgid "Compatible Games"
msgstr "Kompatibilné hry"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:445
msgid "No specific game is required"
msgstr "Nie je potrebná špecifická hra"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:450
msgid "This is an experimental feature."
msgstr "Toto je skúšobná vlastnosť."
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:451
msgid "Supported games are determined by an algorithm, and may not be correct."
msgstr "Podporované hry sú podmienené algoritmom a nemusia byť správne."
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:456
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Poznatky"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:462
msgid "Technical Name"
msgstr "Technický názov"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:471
#, python-format
msgid "%(code_license)s for code,<br>%(media_license)s for media."
msgstr "%(code_license)s pre kód, <br>%(media_license)s pre médiá."
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:479
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznáme"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:481
msgid "Added"
msgstr "Pridané"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:495
msgid "Remove myself"
msgstr "Odstrániť seba"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:500
msgid "Provides"
msgstr "Poskytuje"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:522
msgid "More"
msgstr "Viac"
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:551
msgid "See audit log"
msgstr "Pozri audit log"
#: app/templates/report/index.html:19
msgid "What are you reporting? Why are you reporting it?"
msgstr "Čo chceš nahlásiť? Prečo to chceš nahlásiť?"
#: app/templates/report/index.html:23
msgid "Reports will be shared with ContentDB staff."
msgstr "Hlásenia budú zdieľané s pracovníkmi ContentDB."
#: app/templates/report/index.html:25
msgid "Only the admin will be able to see who made the report."
msgstr "Iba administrátor môže vidieť kto vytvoril hlásenie."
#: app/templates/report/index.html:29
msgid ""
"Found a bug? Please report on the package's issue tracker or in a thread "
msgstr ""
"Našiel si chybu? Prosím nahlás to na kontrolu problémov balíka alebo vo "
#: app/templates/tasks/view.html:5
msgid "Task Failed"
msgstr "Vykonanie úlohy zlyhalo"
#: app/templates/tasks/view.html:7
msgid "Working…"
msgstr "Pracujem…"
#: app/templates/tasks/view.html:26
msgid "Reload the page to check for updates."
msgstr "Obnov stránku a skontroluj novinky."
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Delete reply by %(username)s in %(title)s "
msgstr "Vymazať odpoveď od %(username)s v %(title)s "
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:16
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:16
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:13
msgid "Deleting is permanent"
msgstr "Vymazanie je nevratné"
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Delete \"%(title)s\" by %(author)s"
msgstr "Vymazať \"%(title)s\" od %(author)s"
#: app/templates/threads/edit_reply.html:4
#: app/templates/threads/edit_reply.html:8
msgid "Edit reply"
msgstr "Upraviť odpoveď"
#: app/templates/threads/list.html:12 app/templates/threads/new.html:4
msgid "New Thread"
msgstr "Nové vlákno"
#: app/templates/threads/new.html:12
msgid ""
"If the package shouldn't be on CDB (eg: if it doesn't work at all), then "
"you can let us know here."
msgstr ""
"Ak je balík nevhodný pre CDB (napr.: ak vôbec nefunguje), potom nám to "
"oznám tu."
#: app/templates/threads/new.html:47
msgid ""
"Only you, the package author, and users of Approver rank and above can "
"read private threads."
msgstr ""
"Iba ty, autor balíka a užívatelia so statusom Schvaľovateľ a vyšším môžu "
"čítať súkromné vlákna."
#: app/templates/threads/user_comments.html:9
#: app/templates/threads/user_comments.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "Comments by %(user)s"
msgstr "Komentáre od %(user)s"
#: app/templates/threads/user_comments.html:46
#, python-format
msgid "Reply to <b>%(title)s</b>"
msgstr "Odpovedz na <b>%(title)s</b>"
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:36
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Odoberaj"
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:45
msgid "Convert to Thread"
msgstr "Premeň na vlákno"
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:52
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Odomkni"
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:57
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Uzamkni"
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:97
msgid "This thread is visible to the following users"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:98
msgid "Visible to:"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:105
msgid "Plus approvers and editors"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:4 app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:17
msgid "Editor Work Queue"
msgstr "Upraviť pracovný poradovník"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:8
msgid "Approval Queue"
msgstr "Schvaľovací poradovník"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:15
msgid "Approve All"
msgstr "Schváliť všetko"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:33
msgid "No screenshots need approval."
msgstr "Žiadne snímky na schválenie."
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:65 app/templates/todo/editor.html:183
msgid "No packages need approval."
msgstr "Žiadne balíky na schválenie."
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:80
msgid "Importing"
msgstr "Vkladanie"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:90
msgid "No releases need approval."
msgstr "Žiadne vydania na schválenie."
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:100
msgid "All done!"
msgstr "Hotovo!"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:105 app/templates/todo/editor.html:107
msgid "License Needed"
msgstr "Potrebuješ licenciu"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:127
msgid "Tag Packages"
msgstr "Balíky tagov"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:130
#, python-format
msgid "%(total_to_tag)d / %(total_packages)d packages don't have any tags."
msgstr "%(total_to_tag)d / %(total_packages)d balíkov nemá žiadne tagy."
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:140
msgid "View Tags"
msgstr "Pozri tagy"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:147
msgid "Unfulfilled Dependencies"
msgstr "Nesplnené nevyhnutné doplnky"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:151
msgid "Meta packages that have hard dependers, but no packages providing them."
msgstr ""
"Meta balíky, ktoré majú nevyhnutné doplnky, avšak žiadne balíky ich "
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:193 app/templates/users/account.html:73
msgid "View All"
msgstr "Pozri všetko"
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:196
msgid "Recent Actions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:4
msgid "All Outdated packages"
msgstr "Všetky zastaralé balíky"
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:12 app/templates/todo/outdated.html:16
msgid "Minetest-Mods org only"
msgstr "Iba Minetest módy org"
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:24 app/templates/todo/topics.html:12
msgid "Sort by date"
msgstr "Triediť podľa dátumu"
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:28
msgid "Sort by score"
msgstr "Triediť podľa stavu"
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:4 app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:29
msgid "Package Tags"
msgstr "Tagy balíka"
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:23 app/templates/todo/tags.html:27
msgid "Missing tags only"
msgstr "Iba chýbajúce tagy"
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:31
msgid "Edit Tags"
msgstr "Upraviť tagy"
#: app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:11 app/templates/todo/user.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s's to do list"
msgstr "%(username)s zoznam úloh"
#: app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:23
msgid "All Outdated Packages"
msgstr "Všetky zastaralé balíky"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:16
msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr "Triediť podľa názvu"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:20
msgid "Sort by views"
msgstr "Triediť podľa návštev"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:29
msgid "Paginated list"
msgstr "Zoznam stránok"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:34
msgid "Unlimited list"
msgstr "Neobmedzený zoznam"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:41
msgid "Show discarded topics"
msgstr "Ukázať zahodené témy"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:43
msgid "Hide discarded topics"
msgstr "Skryť zahodené témy"
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:49
msgid "Topics to be Added"
msgstr "Témy na pridanie"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:9
msgid "Misc To do"
msgstr "Rôzne úlohy"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:13
msgid "Enable email notifications"
msgstr "Povoliť emailové upozornenia"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:18
msgid "Unapproved Packages Needing Action"
msgstr "Neschválené balíky čakajúce na ďalšie kroky"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:40 app/templates/todo/user.html:121
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:145
msgid "Nothing to do :)"
msgstr "Nedá sa nič robiť :)"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:48
msgid "See all Update Settings"
msgstr "Ukázať všetky Aktualizovať nastavenia"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:53
msgid "Create All Releases"
msgstr "Vytvoriť všetky vydania"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:56
msgid "Potentially Outdated Packages"
msgstr "Pravdepodobne zastaralé balíky"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:58
msgid ""
"Instead of marking packages as outdated, you can automatically create "
"releases when New Commits or New Tags are pushed to Git by clicking "
"'Update Settings'."
msgstr ""
"Aby si nevytvoril zastaralý balík, môžeš automaticky urobiť vydanie, keď "
"pridáš novú odovzdávku alebo nový tag z Git-u kliknutím na 'Update "
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:60
msgid ""
"To remove a package from below, create a release or change the update "
msgstr ""
"Keď chceš odstrániť balík, vytvor vydanie alebo zmeň aktualizáciu "
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:68
msgid "Small Screenshots"
msgstr "Malé snímky"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:71
msgid ""
"These packages have screenshots that are too small, and should be "
msgstr "Tieto balíky obsahujú príliš malé snímky a mali by byť nahradené."
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:72
msgid ""
"Red and orange are screenshots below the limit, and grey screenshots are "
"below the recommended resolution."
msgstr ""
"Červené a oranžové snímky nespĺňajú limit a šedé snímky nespĺňajú "
"odporúčané rozlíšenie."
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:127
msgid "See All"
msgstr "Pozri všetko"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:128
msgid "Packages Without Tags"
msgstr "Balíky bez tagov"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:130
msgid "Labelling your packages with tags helps users find them."
msgstr "Označenie tvojich balíkov tagmi pomáha užívateľom v ich vyhľadávaní."
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:150
msgid "Unadded Topics"
msgstr "Nepridané témy"
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:153
msgid "List of your forum topics which do not have a matching package."
msgstr "Zoznam tvojich tém na fóre, ktoré sa nezhodujú so žiadnym balíkom."
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:154
msgid "Topics with a strikethrough have been marked as discarded."
msgstr "Prešktrnuté témy boli označené na zahodenie."
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:162
msgid "Congrats! You don't have any topics which aren't on CDB."
msgstr "Gratulujem! Nemáš žiadne témy, ktoré by neboli na CDB."
#: app/templates/users/account.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Account and Security - %(username)s"
msgstr "Účet a bezpečnosť - %(username)s"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:18
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Zmeniť heslo"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:22
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:20
msgid "Set Password"
msgstr "Nastaviť heslo"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:27 app/templates/users/modtools.html:37
msgid "Has password"
msgstr "Má heslo"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:29 app/templates/users/modtools.html:39
msgid "Doesn't have password"
msgstr "Nemá heslo"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:33
msgid "Linked Accounts"
msgstr "Pripojené účty"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:40 app/templates/users/account.html:52
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Prepojené"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:43
#, python-format
msgid "Please PM %(rubenwardy)s on the forums to link your account."
msgstr ""
"Pre pripojenie účtu, prosím napíš súkromnú správu (PM) %(rubenwardy)s na "
#: app/templates/users/account.html:57
msgid "View ContentDB's GitHub Permissions"
msgstr "Pozri ContentDB povolenia pre GitHub"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:62
msgid "Link Github"
msgstr "Pripoj GitHub"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:65
msgid "None"
msgstr "Žiadne"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:77
msgid "Recent Account Actions"
msgstr "Posledné úpravy účtu"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:82
msgid "Account Deletion and Deactivation"
msgstr "Vymazanie a deaktivácia účtu"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:86
msgid "Delete or Deactivate"
msgstr "Vymayať alebo Deaktivovať"
#: app/templates/users/account.html:89
msgid "Account Deletion and Deactivation isn't available to users yet."
msgstr "Vymazanie alebo deaktivácia účtu ešte nie je užívateľom prístupné."
#: app/templates/users/account.html:90
msgid "Please contact the admin."
msgstr "Prosím kontaktuj administrátora."
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:11
msgid "It is recommended that you set a password for your account."
msgstr "Odporúča sa vytvorenie hesla pre tvoj účet."
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:14
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Preskočiť"
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:28
#: app/templates/users/register.html:24
msgid ""
"Your email is needed to recover your account if you forget your password "
"and to send (configurable) notifications. "
msgstr ""
"Tvoj email je potrebný pre obnovenie účtu v prípade ak zabudneš svoje "
"heslo a na posielanie (nastaviteľných) upozornení. "
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:29
#: app/templates/users/register.html:25
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:20
msgid "Your email will never be shared with a third-party."
msgstr "Tvoj email nie je zdieľaný s tretími stranami."
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:36
#: app/templates/users/register.html:27
msgid "Must be at least 8 characters long."
msgstr "Musí obsahovať aspoň 8 znakov."
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:40
#: app/templates/users/register.html:30
msgid "Password suggestion"
msgstr "Návrh hesla"
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:41
#: app/templates/users/register.html:31
msgid "Why?"
msgstr "Prečo?"
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:4
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Vytvoriť účet"
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:10
msgid "Do you have an account on the Minetest Forums?"
msgstr "Máš účet na Minetest fóre?"
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:13
msgid "ContentDB will link your account to your forum account."
msgstr "ContentDB prepojí tvoj účet s účtom na fóre."
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:17
msgid ""
"You don't need a forum account, however, it's recommended to make the "
"most out of the Minetest community."
msgstr ""
"Nepotrebuješ účet na fóre, avšak odporúča sa pre čo najlepší prístup k "
"Minetest komunite."
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:22
msgid "<b>Yes</b>, I have a forums account"
msgstr "<b>Áno</b>, mám účet na fóre"
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:25
msgid "<b>No</b>, I don't have one"
msgstr "<b>Nie</b>, nemám účet na fóre"
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:28
msgid "Create forum account"
msgstr "Vytvoriť účet na fóre"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:10
msgid "Confirm Your Account"
msgstr "Potvrď svoj účet"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:13
msgid ""
"You'll need to use prove that you have access to your forum account using"
" one of the options below."
msgstr ""
"Mal by si potvrdiť, že máš prístup k svojmu účtu na fóre použitím jednej "
"z možností nižšie."
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:14
msgid "This is so ContentDB can link your account to your forum account."
msgstr "Je to preto, že ContentDB prepojí tvoj účet s tvojim účtom na fóre."
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:18
msgid "Don't have a forums account?"
msgstr "Nemáš účet na fóre?"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:19
#, python-format
msgid "You can still <a href='%(url)s'>sign up without one</a>."
msgstr "Aj tak sa <a href='%(url)s'> môžeš zaregistrovať bez neho</a>."
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:26
msgid "Option 1"
msgstr "Možnosť 1"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:27
msgid "Use GitHub field in forum profile"
msgstr "Použiť pole GitHub v profile fóra"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:35
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:64
msgid "Enter your forum username here:"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno na fóre uveď sem:"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:39
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:68
msgid "Forum username"
msgstr "Užívateľské meno na fóre"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:40
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:68
#: app/templates/users/register.html:16
msgid "Only a-zA-Z0-9._ allowed"
msgstr "Povolené iba a-zA-Z0-9._"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:43
msgid "You'll need to have the GitHub field in your forum profile filled out."
msgstr "Pole pre GitHub musíš mať vyplnené na svojom profile na fóre."
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:44
msgid ""
"Log into the forum and <a "
"href='https://forum.minetest.net/ucp.php?i=173'>do that here</a>."
msgstr ""
"Prihlás sa na fórum a <a href='https://forum.minetest.net/ucp.php?i=173'>"
" vykonať to môžeš tu</a>."
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:47
msgid "Next: log in with GitHub"
msgstr "Ďalej: prihlás sa do GitHub-u"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:55
msgid "Option 2"
msgstr "Možnosť 2"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:56
msgid "Verification token"
msgstr "Token overenia"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:71
msgid ""
"Go to <a "
"href='https://forum.minetest.net/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature'>User "
"Control Panel > Profile > Edit signature</a>"
msgstr ""
"Choď na <a "
"href='https://forum.minetest.net/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=signature'>User "
"Control Panel > Profile > Edit signature</a>"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:75
msgid "Paste this into your signature:"
msgstr "Vložiť do svojho podpisu:"
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:81
msgid "Click next so we can check it."
msgstr "Klikni ďalej na overenie."
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:84
msgid "Don't worry, you can remove it after this is done."
msgstr "Nemaj obavy, môžeš to odstrániť hneď ako toto dokončíme."
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Delete user %(username)s"
msgstr "Vymazať užívateľa %(username)s"
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:17
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This will delete your account, removing %(threads)d threads and "
"%(replies)d replies."
msgstr ""
"Týmto vymažeš svoj účet, odstrániš %(threads)d vlákna a %(replies)d "
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:22
msgid ""
"As you have packages and/or forum threads, your account cannot be fully "
msgstr "Keďže máš balíky a/alebo vlákna, tvoj účet nemôže byť úplne zmazaný."
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:23
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Instead, your account will be deactivated and all personal information "
"wiped - including %(threads)d threads and %(replies)d replies."
msgstr ""
"Namiesto toho bude tvoj účet deaktivovaný a všetky tvoje osobné údaje "
"vymazané - vrátane %(threads)d vlákien a %(replies)d odpovedí."
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:25
msgid "See the privacy policy for more information."
msgstr "Nahliadni do Politiky súkromia pre viac informácií."
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:36
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktivovať"
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:40
msgid "Delete Anyway"
msgstr "Napriek tomu vymazať"
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:4
msgid "Check Your Email"
msgstr "Skontroluj svoj email"
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:11
msgid "We've sent an email to the address you specified."
msgstr "Na adresu, ktorú si zadal sme odoslali email."
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:12
msgid "You'll need to click the link in the email to confirm it."
msgstr "Pre potvrdenie, klikni na odkaz v emaily."
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:16
msgid "The link will expire in 12 hours"
msgstr "Odkaz vyprší o 12 hodín"
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:22
msgid "My email never arrived"
msgstr "Môj email nikdy neprišiel"
#: app/templates/users/forgot_password.html:4
msgid "Request Password Reset"
msgstr "Požiadať o obnovu hesla"
#: app/templates/users/forums_no_such_user.html:14
#, python-format
msgid "Unfortunately, %(username)s doesn't have an account on ContentDB yet."
msgstr "Nanešťastie, %(username)s nemá ešte na ContentDB vytvorený účet."
#: app/templates/users/forums_no_such_user.html:19
msgid "Claim Account"
msgstr "Nárokovať účet"
#: app/templates/users/list.html:4 app/templates/users/list.html:8
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Užívatelia"
#: app/templates/users/list.html:34
#, python-format
msgid "Rank: %(rank)s."
msgstr "Hodnosť: %(rank)s."
#: app/templates/users/login.html:20
msgid "Forgot my password"
msgstr "Zabudol som heslo"
#: app/templates/users/login.html:30 app/templates/users/profile.html:77
msgid "GitHub"
msgstr "GitHub"
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:11
msgid "Edit Account"
msgstr "Upraviť účet"
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:43 app/templates/users/modtools.html:75
msgid "Ban"
msgstr "Zakázať (Ban)"
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:56
msgid "Unban"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:65
msgid "Message to display to banned user"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:69
msgid "Expires At"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:72
msgid "Expiry date. Leave blank for permanent ban"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:79
msgid "Change Email and Send Password Reset"
msgstr "Zmeniť email a odoslať obnovenie hesla"
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:83
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:14
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Emailová adresa"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:11
msgid "Profile picture"
msgstr "Profilový obrázok"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:22
msgid "To Do List"
msgstr "Zoznam úloh"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:41
msgid "Send Email"
msgstr "Poslať email"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:95
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Prispieť"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:104
msgid "packages"
msgstr "balíky"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:113
msgid "reviews"
msgstr "recenzie"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:121
msgid "comments"
msgstr "komentáre"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:133
msgid "Claim"
msgstr "Nárokovať"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:135
msgid "Is this you? Claim your account now!"
msgstr "Si to ty? Nárokuj svoj účet okamžite!"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:168
#, python-format
msgid "%(value)d / %(target)d"
msgstr "%(value)d / %(target)d"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:182
msgid "Create package"
msgstr "Vytvoriť balík"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:188
msgid "View list of tags"
msgstr "Pozri zoznam tagov"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:198
msgid "Maintained Packages"
msgstr "Balíky v údržbe"
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:200
msgid "This user is also a maintainer of the following packages"
msgstr "Tento užívateľ tiež udržiava nasledujúce balíky"
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Profile - %(username)s"
msgstr "Upraviť profil - %(username)s"
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:10
msgid "Profile Picture"
msgstr "Profilový obrázok"
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:27
msgid "Sync with Forums"
msgstr "Synchronizovať s fórom"
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:45
msgid "Profile Information"
msgstr "Profilové informácie"
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:52
msgid "Pretending to be another user is grounds for a permanent ban"
msgstr "Predstierať, že si iný užívateľ vedie k trvalému zákazu (ban)"
#: app/templates/users/register.html:17
msgid ""
"Only alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, and minuses are "
"allowed (a-zA-Z0-9._)"
msgstr ""
"Povolené sú iba alfanumerické znaky, čiarky, podtržníky a mínuská "
#: app/templates/users/register.html:20
msgid ""
"Human readable name, defaults to username if not specified. This can be "
"changed later."
msgstr ""
"Ľudsky zrozumiteľné meno sa mení na username ak nie je špecifikované. "
"Zmeniť to môžeš neskôr."
#: app/templates/users/register.html:21
msgid "Same as username"
msgstr "Také isté ako užívateľské meno"
#: app/templates/users/register.html:38
msgid "Please prove that you are human"
msgstr "Prosím dokáž, že si človek"
#: app/templates/users/register.html:41
msgid "I agree to the "
msgstr "Súhlasím s "
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Email and Notifications - %(username)s"
msgstr "Email a Upozornenia - %(username)s"
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:19
msgid ""
"Your email is needed to recover your account if you forget your password,"
" and to send (configurable) notifications."
msgstr ""
"Tvoj email je potrebný pre obnovenie účtu ak zabudneš svoje heslo a pre "
"posielanie (nastaviteľných) oznámení."
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:25
msgid "There is at least one verification pending."
msgstr "Minimálne jedno overenie nie je rozhodnuté."
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:29
msgid "Notification Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenie oznámení"
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:33
msgid "Email notifications are currently turned off. Click 'save' to enable."
msgstr ""
"Emailové oznámenia sú momentálne vypnuté. Klikni na 'uložiť' aby si to "
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:38
msgid ""
"Configure whether certain types of notifications are sent immediately, or"
" as part of a daily digest."
msgstr ""
"Nastaviť, či konkrétne typy upozornení sa posielajú okamžite, alebo ako "
"súčasť denného výberu."
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:43
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Udalosť"
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:45
msgid "Immediately"
msgstr "Okamžite"
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:46
msgid "In digest"
msgstr "Vo výbere"
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:11
msgid ""
"This will blacklist an email address, preventing ContentDB from ever "
"sending emails to it - including password resets."
msgstr ""
"Týmto pridá email na čiernu listinu a zabráni ContentDB navždy posielať "
"emaily - vrátane obnovenia hesla."
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:20
msgid "Please enter the email address you wish to blacklist."
msgstr "Prosím zadaj emailovú adresu, ktorú si praješ zapísať na čiernu listinu."
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:21
msgid "You will then need to confirm the email"
msgstr "Následne budeš musieť potvrdiť ten email"
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:33
msgid "You may now unsubscribe."
msgstr "Teraz sa môžeš odhlásiť."
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:40
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unsubscribing may prevent you from being able to sign into the account "
msgstr "Odhlásenie ti môže zabrániť prihlásiť sa do účtu '%(display_name)s'"
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:44
msgid ""
"ContentDB will no longer be able to send \"forget password\" and other "
"essential system emails.\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tConsider editing your email notification preferences instead."
msgstr ""
"ContentDB už nebude viac môcť poslať \"zabudol som heslo\" a ostatné "
"podstatné systémové správy.\n"
"Radšej uprav preferencie emailových oznámení."
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:50
msgid "You won't be able to use this email with ContentDB anymore."
msgstr "Nebudeš viac môcť používať tento email v spojitosti s ContentDB."
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:57
msgid "Edit Notification Preferences"
msgstr "Upraviť emailové upozornenia"
#: app/templates/zipgrep/search.html:4
#: app/templates/zipgrep/view_results.html:9
msgid "Search in Package Releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/zipgrep/view_results.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "'%(query)s' - Search Package Releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/utils/user.py:50
msgid "You have a lot of notifications, you should either read or clear them"
msgstr "Máš mnoho upozornení, mohol by si ich prečítať, alebo vyčistiť"
#: app/utils/user.py:54
msgid ""
"Please consider enabling email notifications, you can customise how much "
"is sent"
msgstr ""
"Zváž prosím povolenie emailových oznámení, môžeš si zvoliť, koľko sa "
#~ msgid "Package already exists!"
#~ msgstr "Balíček už existuje!"
#~ msgid "You don't have permission to do that."
#~ msgstr "Na takýto úkon nemáš povolenie."
#~ msgid "You do not have permission to edit maintainers"
#~ msgstr "Nemáš povolenie na úpravu členov údržby"
#~ msgid "You cannot comment on this thread"
#~ msgstr "Toto vlákno nemôžeš komentovať"
#~ msgid "Comment needs to be between 3 and 2000 characters."
#~ msgstr "Komentár musí obsahovať 3 až 2000 znakov."
#~ msgid "Unable to find that package!"
#~ msgstr "Takýto balíček nemôžem nájsť!"
#~ msgid "An approval thread already exists!"
#~ msgstr "Schvaľovacie vlákno už jestvuje!"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid username - must only contain "
#~ "A-Za-z0-9._. Consider contacting an admin"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nesprávne užívateľské meno - môže "
#~ "obsahovať iba A-Za-z0-9._. Zváž kontaktovať"
#~ " administrátora"
#~ msgid "You do not have permission to edit this package"
#~ msgstr "Nemáš právo upravovať tento balík"
#~ msgid "You do not have permission to change the package name"
#~ msgstr "Nemáš práva na zmenu názvu balíka"
#~ msgid "You do not have permission to make releases"
#~ msgstr "Nemáš povolenie pre vydávanie"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This thread is only visible to the"
#~ " package owner and users of Approver"
#~ " rank or above."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Toto vlákno je viditeľné iba pre "
#~ "ajiteľa balíka a užívateľov so statusom"
#~ " Schvaľovateľ alebo vyšším."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This thread is only visible to its"
#~ " creator, the package owner, and "
#~ "users of Approver rank or above."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Toto vlákno je viditeľné iba pre "
#~ "tvorcu, majiteľa balíka a užívateľov so"
#~ " statusom Schvaľovateľ alebo vyšším."