Cow Boy 5b7a19ff2c Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 35.7% (267 of 746 strings)

Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)

Co-authored-by: Cow Boy <>
Translation: Minetest/ContentDB
2022-10-13 17:38:45 +02:00

3514 lines
93 KiB

# Translations template for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2022 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-05 18:10+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-14 14:22+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Cow Boy <>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian <"
"Language: lv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 0 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= "
"19) ? 0 : ((n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n"
#: app/
msgid "Banned:"
msgstr "Izraidīts:"
#: app/
msgid "You have been banned."
msgstr "Jūs esat ticis izraidīts."
#: app/
#, python-format
msgid "%(delta)s ago"
msgstr "%(delta)s pirms"
#: app/blueprints/api/ app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:26
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:20 app/templates/macros/topics.html:7
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:12
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Vārds"
#: app/blueprints/api/
msgid "Limit to package"
msgstr "Limitēt uz papildinājumu"
#: app/blueprints/api/ app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/modtools.html:86
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Saglabāt"
#: app/blueprints/github/
msgid "Authorization failed [err=gh-oauth-login-failed]"
msgstr "Pieslēgšanās nav izdevusies [err=gh-oauth-login-failed]"
#: app/blueprints/github/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linked GitHub to account"
msgstr "Piesaistīta Guthub saite uz profilu"
#: app/blueprints/github/
msgid "GitHub account is already associated with another user"
msgstr "Šis GitHub profils jau ir piereģistrēts uz citu lietotāju"
#: app/blueprints/github/
msgid "Unable to find an account for that GitHub user"
msgstr "Nevarēja atrast GitHub profilu"
#: app/blueprints/github/
msgid "Authorization failed [err=gh-login-failed]"
msgstr "Pieslēgšanās nav izdevusies [err=gh-login-failed]"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:29
msgid "Edit Details"
msgstr "Rediģēt Aprakstu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:34
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:512 app/templates/todo/editor.html:75
msgid "Releases"
msgstr "Izlaidieni"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:14 app/templates/todo/editor.html:11
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Ekrānšāviņi"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:8
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:483
msgid "Maintainers"
msgstr "Uzturētāji"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/base.html:136
#: app/templates/packages/audit.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audit Log"
msgstr "Auditēšanas Ieraksts"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/packages/share.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Share and Badges"
msgstr "Dalīties un Nozīmes"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/packages/view.html:110
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Izņemt"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Error: Another package already uses this forum topic!"
msgstr "Kļūda: Šo foruma tēmu jau izmanto cits papildinājums!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Error: Forum topic author doesn't match package author."
msgstr "Kļūda: Foruma tēmas autors nesakrīt ar papildinājuma autoru."
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid ""
"Warning: Forum topic not found. This may happen if the topic has only "
"just been created."
msgstr ""
"Brīdinājums: Foruma tēma nav atrasta. Var arī notikt ja tēma ir tikko "
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "No download available."
msgstr "Nav pieejama neviena lejupielāde."
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/packages/view.html:460
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tips"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Title (Human-readable)"
msgstr "Nosaukums (Cilvēkam lasāms)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Name (Technical)"
msgstr "Tehniskais nosaukums"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:75
msgid "Lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_) only"
msgstr "Atļauti tikai mazie burti (a-z), cipari (0-9), un pasvītrojumi (_)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Short Description (Plaintext)"
msgstr "Īss Apraksts (Vienkāršs Teksts)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/packages/view.html:475
msgid "Maintenance State"
msgstr "Uzturēšanas Stāvoklis (piemēram Beta)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:4
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:10 app/templates/todo/tags.html:40
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Nozīmītes"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Content Warnings"
msgstr "Satura Brīdinājumi"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/packages/view.html:464
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Media License"
msgstr "Mēdiju Licence"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Long Description (Markdown)"
msgstr "Garais Apraksts (Markdown)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "VCS Repository URL"
msgstr "VCS Glabātuves URL"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Website URL"
msgstr "Mājaslapas URL"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Issue Tracker URL"
msgstr "Problēmu Izsekotāja URL"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Forum Topic ID"
msgstr "Foruma Tēmas ID"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Video URL"
msgstr "Video URL"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Package already exists"
msgstr "Pakotne jau eksistē"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Unable to find that user"
msgstr "Nevarēja atrast šo lietotāju"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Atļauja liegta"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "You don't have permission to do that"
msgstr "Jums nav atļaujas to darīt"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please comment what changes are needed in the approval thread"
msgstr "Lūdzu komentējiet kādas pārmaiņas ir nepieciešamas apstiprināšanas tēmā"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Deleted package"
msgstr "Izdzēsts papildinājums"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Unapproved package"
msgstr "Neapstiprināts papildinājums"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Maintainers (Comma-separated)"
msgstr "Uzturētāji (Atdalīti ar komatu)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "You don't have permission to edit maintainers"
msgstr "Jums nav atļaujas mainīt uzturētāju sarakstu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "You are not a maintainer"
msgstr "Jūs neesat uzturētājs"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Package owners cannot remove themselves as maintainers"
msgstr "Papildinājuma saimnieki nevar sevi noņemt no uzturētāju saraksta"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Author Name"
msgstr "Autora Vārds"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/threads/ app/templates/macros/reviews.html:128
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:5
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Virsraksts"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Metode"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "File Upload"
msgstr "Faila Augšupielāde"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Git reference (ie: commit hash, branch, or tag)"
msgstr "Git saite (ti: pievienojuma hash, atzars, vai nozīmīte)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Minimum Minetest Version"
msgstr "Minimālā Minetest Versija"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Maximum Minetest Version"
msgstr "Maksimālā Minetest Versija"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "URL"
msgstr "Saite (URL)"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Task ID"
msgstr "Uzdevuma ID"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Is Approved"
msgstr "Ir Pieņemts"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Import from Git"
msgstr "Importēt no Git"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Upload .zip file"
msgstr "Augšupielādēt .zip failu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Min"
msgstr "Uzlikt Minimumu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Max"
msgstr "Uzlikt Maksimumu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Only change values previously set as none"
msgstr "Pārmainīt vienīgi tukšās vērtības"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Atjaunināt"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "Slēdzis"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Commit"
msgstr "Jauns Pievienojums"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:8
msgid "New Tag"
msgstr "Jauna Nozīmīte"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Branch name"
msgstr "Atzara vārds"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:38
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Darbība"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Send notification and mark as outdated"
msgstr "Nosūtīt atgādinājumu un marķēt kā novecojušu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:22
msgid "Create release"
msgstr "Radīt izlaidienu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Save Settings"
msgstr "Saglabāt Uzstādījumus"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Disable Automation"
msgstr "Atspējot Automatizāciju"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Please add a Git repository URL in order to set up automatic releases"
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu pievienojiet Git glabātuves URL lai uzstādītu automātiskos izlaidienus"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted update configuration"
msgstr "Nodzēsta atjauninājumu konfigurācija"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "Now, please create an initial release"
msgstr "Tagad lūdzu izveidojiet sākotnējo izlaidienu"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/blueprints/threads/
#: app/blueprints/threads/
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentārs"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privāts"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/macros/reviews.html:115
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:154
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Jā"
#: app/blueprints/packages/ app/templates/macros/reviews.html:119
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:158
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nē"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid "You can't review your own package!"
msgstr "Jūs nevariet likt vērtējumu savam papildinājumam!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
msgid ""
"You've reviewed too many packages recently. Please wait before trying "
"again, and consider making your reviews more detailed"
msgstr ""
"Jūs pēdējā laikā esat licis vērtējumus pārāk daudz papildinājumiem. Lūdzu "
"pagaidiet pirms mēģiniet vēlreiz un apdomājiet lai vērtējumi būtu "
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "You can't vote on the reviews on your own package!"
msgstr "Jūs nevariet likt balsojumus sava papildinājuma vērtējumiem!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "You can't vote on your own reviews!"
msgstr "Jūs nevarat balsot par saviem vērtējumiem!"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title/Caption"
msgstr "Virsraksts/Piezīme"
#: app/blueprints/packages/
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cover Image"
msgstr "Titulattēls"
#: app/blueprints/report/ app/templates/users/modtools.html:62
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Vēstījums"
#: app/blueprints/report/ app/templates/base.html:238
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:50 app/templates/packages/view.html:543
#: app/templates/report/index.html:4 app/templates/report/index.html:10
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Ziņojums"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Already subscribed!"
msgstr "Jau pierakstījies!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Subscribed to thread"
msgstr "Pierakstījies rakstam"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Unsubscribed!"
msgstr "Atrakstījies!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Already not subscribed!"
msgstr "Jau nav pierakstīts!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Locked thread"
msgstr "Aizslēgts raksts"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Unlocked thread"
msgstr "Atslēgts raksts"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Cannot delete thread opening post!"
msgstr "Nevar izdzēst raksta atvēruma komentāru!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Please wait before commenting again"
msgstr "Lūdzu uzgaidiet pirms atkal komentējiet"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:112
msgid "Open Thread"
msgstr "Atvērt Rakstu"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Unable to create thread!"
msgstr "Nebija iespējams izveidot rakstu!"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "An approval thread already exists! Consider replying there instead"
msgstr "Pieņemšanas raksts jau eksistē! Lūdzu sniedziet savu atbildi tur"
#: app/blueprints/threads/
msgid "Please wait before opening another thread"
msgstr "Lūdzu pagaidiet pirms izveidojiet jaunu rakstu"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/login.html:15
msgid "Username or email"
msgstr "Lietotājvārds vai e-pasts"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/templates/users/account.html:14 app/templates/users/login.html:16
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:35
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parole"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/zipgrep/
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Atcerēties mani"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/base.html:165
#: app/templates/users/login.html:4
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Pierakstīties"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Incorrect email or password"
msgstr "Nepareiza e-pasta adrese vai parole"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "User %(username)s does not exist"
msgstr "Lietotājs %(username)s neeksistē"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Incorrect password. Did you set one?"
msgstr "Nepareiza parole. Vai jūs to uzstādījāt?"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "You need to confirm the registration email"
msgstr "Jums vajag apstiprināt reģistrācijas e-pastu"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Login failed"
msgstr "Pieslēgšanās nav izdevusies"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Iesauka"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/templates/users/list.html:18
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Lietotājvārds"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ""
"Only alphabetic letters (A-Za-z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), minuses"
" (-), and periods (.) allowed"
msgstr ""
"Atļaut vienīgi alfabēta burti (A-Za-z), cipari (0-9), apakšsvītras (_), "
"mīnusi (-), un punkti(.)"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-pasts"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "What is the result of the above calculation?"
msgstr "Kāds ir uzdevuma(augšā) rezultāts?"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "I agree"
msgstr "Es piekrītu"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/login.html:34
#: app/templates/users/register.html:4
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Reģistrēties"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Incorrect captcha answer"
msgstr "Nepareiza captcha atbilde"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Username is invalid"
msgstr "Lietotājvārds nav pareizs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "An account already exists for that username but hasn't been claimed yet."
msgstr ""
"Šim lietotājvārdam profils jau eksistē, bet tas nav vēl ticis piesavināts."
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "That username/display name is already in use, please choose another."
msgstr "Šis lietotājvārds/iesauka jau tiek izmantots, lūdzu izvēlieties citu."
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Email already in use"
msgstr "Epasts jau tiek izmantots"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"We were unable to create the account as the email is already in use by "
"%(display_name)s. Try a different email address."
msgstr ""
"Mēs nevārējām izveidot šo profilu, jo šo epastu izmanto %(display_name)s. "
"Mēģiniet izmantot citu epasta adresi."
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy
msgid "That email address has been unsubscribed/blacklisted, and cannot be used"
msgstr ""
"Šī epasta adrese ir tikusi atrakstīta/pievienota melnajā sarakstā un nevar "
"tikt izmantota"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Pārstatīt Paroli"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Unable to find account"
msgstr "Nav iespējams atrast profilu"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Jauna parole"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Verify password"
msgstr "Apstipriniet paroli"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Passwords must match"
msgstr "Parolēm ir jāsakrīt"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Vecā parole"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Paroles nesakrīt"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Your password has been changed successfully."
msgstr "Jūsu parole ir veiksmīgi nomainīta."
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Old password is incorrect"
msgstr "Vecā parole ir nepareiza"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Unknown verification token!"
msgstr "Nezināms verifikācijas marķieris!"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Token has expired"
msgstr "Marķieris ir novecojis"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Another user is already using that email"
msgstr "Šo epastu jau izmanto cits lietotājs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Confirmed email change"
msgstr "Apstiprināta epasta maiņa"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Email address changed"
msgstr "Epasta adrese pārmainīta"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ""
"Your email address has changed. If you didn't request this, please "
"contact an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Jūsu epasta adrese ir tikusi pārmainīta. Ja jūs to nepieprasījāt, lūdzams "
"sazināties ar administratoru."
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "You may now log in"
msgstr "Jūs tagad variet pierakstīties"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Sūtīt"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ""
"That email is now blacklisted. Please contact an admin if you wish to "
"undo this."
msgstr ""
"Šis epasts ir melnajā sarakstā. Lūdzams kontaktēties ar administratoru ja "
"vēlaties to mainīt."
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid ""
"Invalid username, Only alphabetic letters (A-Za-z), numbers (0-9), "
"underscores (_), minuses (-), and periods (.) allowed. Consider "
"contacting an admin"
msgstr ""
"Nepareizs lietotājvārds. Atļauti tikai alfabēta burti (A-Za-z), cipari (0-9)"
", apakšsvītras(_), mīnusi (-), un punkti (.). Apdomājiet sazināšanos ar "
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "User has already been claimed"
msgstr "Lietotājs jau ticis reģistrēts"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to get GitHub username for user"
msgstr "Nebija iespējams atrast GitHub lietotājvārdu priekš lietotāja"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "That user has already been claimed!"
msgstr "Šis lietotājs jau ir reģistrēts!"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "Error whilst attempting to access forums: %(message)s"
msgstr "Kļūda mēģinot piekļūt forumiem: %(message)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Unable to get forum signature - does the user exist?"
msgstr "Nebija iespējams dabūt foruma marķieri - vai lietotājs eksistē?"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Unable to login as user"
msgstr "Nav iespējams pieteikties kā lietotājam"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find the key in your signature!"
msgstr "Nevarēja atrast atslēgu jūsu parakstam!"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Unknown claim type"
msgstr "Nezināms piesavinājuma tips"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Top reviewer"
msgstr "Populārākais vērtētājs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "%(display_name)s has written the most helpful reviews on ContentDB."
msgstr ""
"%(display_name)s rakstījis visizpalīdzīgākos vērtējumus satura datubāzē."
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "2nd most helpful reviewer"
msgstr "Otrais izpalīdzīgākais vērtētājs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "3rd most helpful reviewer"
msgstr "Trešais izpalīdzīgākais vērtētājs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "This puts %(display_name)s in the top %(perc)s%%"
msgstr "Šis ieliek %(display_name)s virspusē %(perc)s%%"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Top %(perc)s%% reviewer"
msgstr "Labākais %(perc)s%% vērtētājs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Only %(place)d users have written more helpful reviews."
msgstr ""
"Tikai %(place)d no lietotājiem ir izdarījuši vairāk izpalīdzīgu vērtējumu."
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Consider writing more helpful reviews to get a medal."
msgstr "Apsveriet domu rakstīt vairāk izpalīdzīgu vērtējumu lai saņemtu medaļu."
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "You are in place %(place)s."
msgstr "Jūs esiet %(place)s vietā."
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "Top %(type)s"
msgstr "Top %(type)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "Top %(group)d %(type)s"
msgstr "Top %(group)d %(type)s"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "%(display_name)s has a %(type)s placed at #%(place)d."
msgstr "%(display_name)s ir nokļuvis %(type)s #%(place)d vietā."
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "Your packages have %(downloads)d downloads in total."
msgstr "Jūsu papildinājumi ir kopā lejupielādēti %(downloads)d reizes."
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "First medal is at 50k."
msgstr "Pirmā medaļa ir pie lejupielāžu skaita 50k."
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ">300k downloads"
msgstr "&gt;300k lejupielādes"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ">100k downloads"
msgstr "&gt;100k lejupielādes"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ">75k downloads"
msgstr "&gt;75k lejupielādes"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid ">50k downloads"
msgstr "&gt;50k lejupielādes"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#, python-format
msgid "Has received %(downloads)d downloads across all packages."
msgstr "Ir saņēmis/usi %(downloads)d lejupielādes par visiem papildinājumiem."
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/profile.html:17
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:8
msgid "Edit Profile"
msgstr "Rediģēt Profilu"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/account.html:12
msgid "Account and Security"
msgstr "Profils un Drošība"
#: app/blueprints/users/
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:8
msgid "Email and Notifications"
msgstr "Epasts un Atgādinājumi"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:10
msgid "API Tokens"
msgstr "API Marķieri"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/modtools.html:4
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:8 app/templates/users/profile.html:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moderator Tools"
msgstr "Uzrauga Rīki"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Donation URL"
msgstr "Ziedojumu URL"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/blueprints/users/
msgid "A user already has that name"
msgstr "Jau eksistē lietotājs ar tādu pašu vārdu"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Users with moderator rank or above cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Lietotāji ar uzrauga rangu vai virs nevar tikt dzēsti"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Iesauka"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Forums Username"
msgstr "Forumu Lietotājvārds"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "GitHub Username"
msgstr "GitHub Lietotājvārds"
#: app/blueprints/users/ app/templates/users/list.html:14
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Rangs"
#: app/blueprints/users/
msgid "Can't promote a user to a rank higher than yourself!"
msgstr "Nevar paaugstināt lietotāju virs sava ranga!"
#: app/blueprints/zipgrep/
msgid "Text to find (regex)"
msgstr "Teksts kuru jāatrod (regex)"
#: app/blueprints/zipgrep/
msgid "File filter"
msgstr "Failu filtrs"
#: app/blueprints/zipgrep/ app/templates/base.html:50
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:15
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Meklēšana"
#: app/logic/
msgid ""
"Name can only contain lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and "
"underscores (_)"
msgstr ""
"Vārds var tikai saturēt mazos burtus (a-z), ciparus (0-9), un apakšsvītras(_)"
#: app/logic/
msgid "You don't have permission to edit this package"
msgstr "Jums nav atļaujas rediģēt šo papildinājumu"
#: app/logic/
msgid "You don't have permission to change the package name"
msgstr "Jums nav atļaujas pārmainīt papildinājuma vārdu"
#: app/logic/
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to add protected tag %(title)s to package"
msgstr "Nav iespējams pievienot aizsargāto nozīmīti %(title)s papildinājumam"
#: app/logic/
msgid "You don't have permission to make releases"
msgstr "Jums nav atļaujas izveidot laidienus"
#: app/logic/
msgid ""
"You've created too many releases for this package in the last 5 minutes, "
"please wait before trying again"
msgstr ""
"Jūs esat radījis pārāk daudz papildinājumus pēdējo 5 minūšu laikā, lūdzu "
"pagaidiet pirms mēģiniet atkal"
#: app/logic/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid commit hash; it must be a 40 character long base16 string"
msgstr ""
"Nederīgs pievienojuma marķieris; jābūt 40 rakstzīmju garam heksadecimālam "
#: app/logic/
msgid "Too many requests, please wait before trying again"
msgstr "Par daudz pieprasījumu, lūdzu pagaidiet pirms mēģiniet vēlreiz"
#: app/logic/
msgid "a PNG or JPG image file"
msgstr "PNG vai JPG attēla fails"
#: app/logic/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Screenshot is too small, it should be at least %(width)s by %(height)s "
msgstr ""
"Ekrānšāviņš ir par mazu, tam jābūt vismaz %(width)s reiz %(height)s pikseļiem"
#: app/logic/
#, python-format
msgid "Please upload %(file_desc)s"
msgstr "Lūdzu augšupielādēt %(file_desc)s"
#: app/logic/
msgid "Uploaded image isn't actually an image"
msgstr "Augšupielādētais attēls patiesībā nav attēls"
#: app/models/
msgid "Mod"
msgstr "Mods"
#: app/models/
msgid "Game"
msgstr "Spēle"
#: app/models/
msgid "Texture Pack"
msgstr "Tekstūru Komplekts"
#: app/models/ app/templates/base.html:27
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:17
msgid "Mods"
msgstr "Modi"
#: app/models/ app/templates/base.html:30
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:14
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spēles"
#: app/models/ app/templates/base.html:33
msgid "Texture Packs"
msgstr "Tekstūru Komplekti"
#: app/models/
msgid "Submit for Approval"
msgstr "Nosūtīt Apstiprināšanai"
#: app/models/
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Apstiprināt"
#: app/models/ app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:17
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:75
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:55
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:19
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:19
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:40 app/templates/users/delete.html:34
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izdzēst"
#: app/tasks/
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because you are a registered user of "
msgstr ""
"Jūs esiet saņēmis šo epastu jo esiet reģistrēts satura datubāzes ContentDB "
#: app/tasks/ app/templates/emails/verify.html:30
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because someone (hopefully you) entered your"
" email address as a user's email."
msgstr ""
"Jūs esiet saņēmis šo epastu tāpēc ka kāds (cerams jūs) ir ierakstījis šo "
"epastu kā lietotāja epastu."
#: app/tasks/
#, python-format
msgid "%(num)d new notifications"
msgstr "%(num)d jauni atgādinājumi"
#: app/tasks/ app/templates/macros/forms.html:52
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:41
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:155
msgid "View"
msgstr "Skatīt"
#: app/tasks/
msgid "Manage email settings"
msgstr "Pārvaldīt epasta uzstādījumus"
#: app/tasks/ app/templates/emails/base.html:63
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:34
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:54
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:33
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:13
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:31 app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:4
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:61
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Atrakstīties"
#: app/templates/404.html:4
msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Lapa nav atrasta"
#: app/templates/404.html:10
msgid ""
"That page could not be found. The link may be broken, the page may have "
"been deleted, or you may not have access to it."
msgstr ""
"Šo lapu nevarēja atrast. Saite var būt nederīga, izdzēsta, vai arī jums nav "
"pieejas tai."
#: app/templates/base.html:36
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Jauktā secībā"
#: app/templates/base.html:39 app/templates/base.html:233
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:8
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:8 app/templates/todo/user.html:45
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Palīdzība"
#: app/templates/base.html:42 app/templates/packages/view.html:173
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:532 app/templates/threads/list.html:4
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "Raksti"
#: app/templates/base.html:48
#, python-format
msgid "Search %(type)s"
msgstr "Meklēt %(type)s"
#: app/templates/base.html:48 app/templates/todo/tags.html:11
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:13
msgid "Search all packages"
msgstr "Meklēt visus papildinājumus"
#: app/templates/base.html:62
#, fuzzy
msgid "Work Queue"
msgstr "Darba Rinda"
#: app/templates/base.html:75 app/templates/base.html:127
msgid "To do list"
msgstr "Darāmā saraksts"
#: app/templates/base.html:84 app/templates/notifications/list.html:4
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Atgādinājumi"
#: app/templates/base.html:105
msgid "Add Package"
msgstr "Pievienot papildinājumu"
#: app/templates/base.html:122
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profils"
#: app/templates/base.html:140
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrators"
#: app/templates/base.html:143
msgid "License Editor"
msgstr "Licences Rediģētājs"
#: app/templates/base.html:148
msgid "Restore Package"
msgstr "Atjaunot Papildinājumu"
#: app/templates/base.html:151
msgid "Tag Editor"
msgstr "Nozīmīšu Rediģētājs"
#: app/templates/base.html:153
msgid "Create Tag"
msgstr "Izveidot Nozīmīti"
#: app/templates/base.html:158 app/templates/packages/release_new.html:12
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Uzstādījumi"
#: app/templates/base.html:161
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Izrakstīties"
#: app/templates/base.html:190
msgid "Help translate ContentDB"
msgstr "Palīdzēt tulkot satura datubāzi ContentDB"
#: app/templates/base.html:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "Policy and Guidance"
msgstr "Noteikumi un Vadlīnijas"
#: app/templates/base.html:235
msgid "API"
msgstr "Lietojumprogrammas Saskarne (API)"
#: app/templates/base.html:236 app/templates/users/register.html:43
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Privātuma Politika"
#: app/templates/base.html:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stats / Monitoring"
msgstr "Rādītāji / Monitorings"
#: app/templates/base.html:241
msgid "User List"
msgstr "Lietotāju Saraksts"
#: app/templates/base.html:242
msgid "Source Code"
msgstr "Pirmkods"
#: app/templates/index.html:4
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Laipni lūdzam"
#: app/templates/index.html:38 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:73
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:5
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:26
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:22
#, python-format
msgid "%(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr "%(title)s no %(author)s"
#: app/templates/index.html:43
#, python-format
msgid "<strong>%(title)s</strong> by %(author)s"
msgstr "<strong>%(title)s</strong> no %(author)s"
#: app/templates/index.html:69 app/templates/packages/reviews_list.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:177 app/templates/packages/view.html:293
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:206
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Vērtējumi"
#: app/templates/index.html:86
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Iepriekšējais"
#: app/templates/index.html:90 app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:87
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nākošais"
#: app/templates/index.html:96
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Nozīmīgi"
#: app/templates/index.html:101 app/templates/index.html:108
#: app/templates/index.html:115 app/templates/index.html:122
#: app/templates/index.html:129 app/templates/index.html:151
#: app/templates/index.html:158 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:31
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:38
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:45
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:52
msgid "See more"
msgstr "Skatīt vairāk"
#: app/templates/index.html:103 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:33
msgid "Recently Added"
msgstr "Nesen Pievienots"
#: app/templates/index.html:110 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:40
msgid "Recently Updated"
msgstr "Nesen Atjaunināts"
#: app/templates/index.html:117
msgid "Top Games"
msgstr "Populārākas Spēles"
#: app/templates/index.html:124 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:47
msgid "Top Mods"
msgstr "Populārākie Modi"
#: app/templates/index.html:131
msgid "Top Texture Packs"
msgstr "Populārākas Tekstūru Pakotnes"
#: app/templates/index.html:135
msgid "Search by Tags"
msgstr "Meklēt pēc Nozīmītēm"
#: app/templates/index.html:153 app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:54
msgid "Highest Reviewed"
msgstr "Augstāk Vērtētais"
#: app/templates/index.html:160
msgid "Recent Positive Reviews"
msgstr "Nesenie Pozitīvie Vērtējumi"
#: app/templates/index.html:167
#, python-format
msgid "CDB has %(count)d packages, with a total of %(downloads)d downloads."
msgstr ""
"Satura datubāzei kopā ir %(count)d papildinājumi, ar kopēji %(downloads)d "
#: app/templates/admin/audit_view.html:16
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Caused by %(author)s."
msgstr "%(author)s izraisīts."
#: app/templates/admin/audit_view.html:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "Caused by a deleted user."
msgstr "Dzēsta lietotāja izraisīts."
#: app/templates/admin/list.html:62
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deletion is permanent."
msgstr "Dzēšana ir neatgriezeniska."
#: app/templates/admin/send_bulk_email.html:4
msgid "Send bulk email"
msgstr "Sūtīt epastu vairākiem"
#: app/templates/admin/send_bulk_notification.html:4
msgid "Send bulk notification"
msgstr "Sūtīt atgādinājumu vairākiem"
#: app/templates/admin/send_email.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Send email to %(username)s"
msgstr "Sūtīt epastu %(username)s"
#: app/templates/admin/licenses/list.html:8
msgid "New License"
msgstr "Jauna Licence"
#: app/templates/admin/licenses/list.html:10
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Licences"
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:30
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:24
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:44
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Apraksts"
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:34
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Skatījumi"
#: app/templates/admin/tags/list.html:38
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:28
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:16 app/templates/packages/list.html:4
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:46 app/templates/users/list.html:22
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:191
msgid "Packages"
msgstr "Papildinājumi"
#: app/templates/admin/versions/list.html:4
#: app/templates/admin/versions/list.html:10
msgid "Minetest Versions"
msgstr "Minetest Versijas"
#: app/templates/admin/versions/list.html:8
msgid "New Version"
msgstr "Jauna Versija"
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:4
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:10
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Brīdinājumi"
#: app/templates/admin/warnings/list.html:8
msgid "New Warning"
msgstr "Jauns Brīdinājums"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:5
#, python-format
msgid "Edit - %(name)s"
msgstr "Rediģēt -%(name)s"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create API Token"
msgstr "Radīt Lietojumprogrammas Saskarnes jeb API Marķieri"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:24
msgid "API Tokens allow scripts to act on your behalf."
msgstr "API Marķieri ļauj skriptiem izdarīt darbības jūsu vietā."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:25
msgid ""
"Be careful with what/whom you share tokens with, as you are responsible "
"for your account's actions."
msgstr ""
"Esiet uzmanīgs/a ar ko/kuru jūs dalieties ar marķieriem, tādēļ ka jūs esat "
"atbildīgs/a par jūsu konta darbībām."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:30
msgid "Access Token"
msgstr "Piekļuves Marķieris"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:33
msgid ""
"For security reasons, access tokens will only be shown once. Reset the "
"token if it is lost."
msgstr ""
"Drošības iemeslu dēļ, pieejas marķieri tiks rādīti tikai vienreiz. "
"Atiestatiet marķieri, ja tas ir pazaudēts."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:40
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Atiestatīt"
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:49
msgid "Human-readable name to tell tokens apart."
msgstr "Cilvēkam lasāms vārds lai atšķirtu marķierus vienu no otra."
#: app/templates/api/create_edit_token.html:50
msgid "Recommended: Only allows token to interact with a particular package."
msgstr "Ieteicams: Atļauj marķieriem darboties tikai ar konkrētu papildinājumu."
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "API Tokens | %(username)s"
msgstr "API Marķieri | %(username)s"
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:8 app/templates/macros/topics.html:29
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:65
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:13
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:29
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Izveidot"
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:9
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr "Lietojumprogrammas saskarnes jeb API Dokumentācija"
#: app/templates/api/list_tokens.html:19
msgid "No tokens created"
msgstr "Nav izveidotu marķieru"
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:10
#, python-format
msgid "From %(username)s and on package %(package)s."
msgstr "No %(username)s un uz papildinājuma %(package)s."
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "From %(username)s."
msgstr "No %(username)s."
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:19
msgid "View Notification"
msgstr "Skatīt Atgādinājumu"
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:26
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:46
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because you are a registered user of "
"ContentDB, and have email notifications enabled."
msgstr ""
"Jūs esiet saņēmis/usi šo epastu tāpēc ka jūs esat satura datubāzes ContentDB "
"reģistrējies/usies lietotājs/a, un jums profilā ir iespējoti epasta "
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:30
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Manage your preferences"
msgstr "Pārvaldīt savas izvēles"
#: app/templates/emails/notification.html:37
#, python-format
msgid "This is a '%(type)s' notification."
msgstr "Šis ir '%(type)s' atgādinājums."
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:14
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:31
#, python-format
msgid "from %(username)s."
msgstr "no %(username)s."
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:24
msgid "Other Notifications"
msgstr "Citi Atgādinājumi"
#: app/templates/emails/notification_digest.html:39
msgid "View Notifications"
msgstr "Skatīt Atgādinājumus"
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:2
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We were unable to perform the password reset as we could not find an "
"account associated with this email."
msgstr ""
"Mēs nevarējām izpildīt paroles atiestatīšanu dēļ tā ka mēs nevarējām atrast "
"profilu kas asociēts ar konkrēto epastu."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:5
msgid ""
"This may be because you used another email with your account, or because "
"you never confirmed your email."
msgstr ""
"Tas varētu būt tāpēc ka jūs izmantojat citu epastu priekš sava konta, vai "
"arī nekad neapstiprinājāt savu epastu."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:8
msgid "You can use GitHub to log in if it is associated with your account."
msgstr ""
"Jūs variet izmantot GitHub lai pierakstītos, ja tas ir asociēts ar jūsu "
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Otherwise, you may need to contact rubenwardy for help."
msgstr "Citādi, jums ir jāsazinās ar rubenwardy priekš palīdzības."
#: app/templates/emails/unable_to_find_account.html:12
msgid ""
"If you weren't expecting to receive this email, then you can safely "
"ignore it."
msgstr "Ja jūs negaidījāt šo epastu jūs varat droši to ignorēt."
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:4
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:5
msgid "Hello!"
msgstr "Sveiki!"
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:7
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This email has been sent to you because someone (hopefully you) has "
"entered your email address as a user's email."
msgstr ""
"Šis epasts ir jums nosūtīts tāpēc ka kāds (cerams jūs) ir ievadījis jūsu "
"epasta adresi kā lietotāja epasta adresi."
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:11
msgid "If it wasn't you, then just delete this email."
msgstr "Ja tas/tā nebijāt jūs, droši varat izdzēst šo epastu."
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "If this was you, then please click this link to confirm the address:"
msgstr ""
"Ja tas/tā bijāt jūs, tad lūdzu noklikšķiniet uz šo saiti lai apstiprinātu "
"savu epastu:"
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:19
msgid "Confirm Email Address"
msgstr "Apstipriniet Epasta Adresi"
#: app/templates/emails/verify.html:23
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:17
msgid "Or paste this into your browser:"
msgstr "Vai arī ielīmējiet šo savā pārlūkā:"
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:9
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"We're sorry to see you go. You just need to do one more thing before your"
" email is blacklisted."
msgstr ""
"Mēs esam apbēdināti redzot jūs aizejam. Jums vajag izdarīt vēl vienu lietu "
"pirms jūsu epasts tiek ielikts melnajā sarakstā."
#: app/templates/emails/verify_unsubscribe.html:23
msgid ""
"You are receiving this email because someone (hopefully you) entered your"
" email address in the unsubscribe form."
msgstr ""
"Jūs esat saņēmis/musi šo epastu tāpēc ka kāds/a (cerams jūs) ir ievadījis/"
"usi jūsu epasta adresi atrakstīšanās anketā."
#: app/templates/macros/audit_log.html:13
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Severity: %(sev)s."
msgstr "Smagums: %(sev)s."
#: app/templates/macros/audit_log.html:32
msgid "Deleted User"
msgstr "Izdzēsts Lietotājs"
#: app/templates/macros/audit_log.html:64
#, fuzzy
msgid "No audit log entries."
msgstr "Nav ierakstu auditēšanas ierakstā."
#: app/templates/macros/forms.html:107
msgid "Start typing to see suggestions"
msgstr "Sāciet rakstīt lai redzētu ieteikumus"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:5 app/templates/todo/user.html:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stāvoklis"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:26
msgid "Set up releases"
msgstr "Uzstādiet izlaidienus"
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:31
msgid "You need to create a release before this package can be approved."
msgstr "Jums vajag izveidot izlaidienu pirms papildinājums tiek apstiprināts."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:33
#, fuzzy
msgid "Release is still importing, or has an error."
msgstr "Izlaidiens vēl joprojām tiek importēts, vai arī ir gadījusies kļūda."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:36
msgid "A release is required before this package can be approved."
msgstr "Izlaidiens ir nepieciešams lai apstiprinātu papildinājumu."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:41
msgid "You need to add at least one screenshot."
msgstr "Jums jāpievieno vismaz viens ekrānšāviņš."
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:45
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following hard dependencies need to be added to ContentDB first: "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:49
msgid "Please wait for the license to be added to CDB."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:56
msgid "You should add at least one screenshot, but this isn't required."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:62
msgid "Please wait for the release to be approved."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:64
msgid "You can now approve this package if you're ready."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:66
msgid "Please wait for the package to be approved."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:70
msgid "You can now submit this package for approval if you're ready."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:72
msgid "This package can be submitted for approval when ready."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:102
msgid "Please make sure that this package has the right to the names it uses."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:104
#, python-format
msgid "Please make sure that this package has the right to the names %(names)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:115
msgid "Package approval thread"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/package_approval.html:116
msgid ""
"You can open a thread if you have a question for the approver or package "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:25
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> Non-free code and media."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:29
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> Non-free code."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:33
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> Non-free media."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/packagegridtile.html:45
msgid "No packages available"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:20 app/templates/macros/releases.html:47
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:89
#, python-format
msgid "created %(date)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:60
msgid "Edit / Approve"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:62 app/templates/packages/view.html:98
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:247
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:93
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:31
msgid "Importing..."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:96
msgid "Waiting for approval."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/releases.html:103
msgid "No releases available."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:7
msgid "Helpful"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:13
msgid "Unhelpful"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:82
#, python-format
msgid "%(num)d comments"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:94
msgid "No reviews, yet."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:104 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:143
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:4
msgid "Review"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:109 app/templates/macros/reviews.html:148
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:35
#, python-format
msgid "Do you recommend this %(type)s?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:124
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:40
msgid "Why or why not? Try to be constructive"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/reviews.html:133
msgid "Post Review"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:26
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:120
msgid "This thread has been locked by a moderator."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:139
msgid "Please wait before commenting again."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:145
msgid "This thread has been locked."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:147
msgid "You don't have permission to post."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:167
msgid "You can add someone to a private thread by writing @username."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:185 app/templates/macros/threads.html:265
msgid "No threads found"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:193
msgid "Thread"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/threads.html:197
msgid "Last Reply"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:23
#, python-format
msgid "On %(trigger)s, do %(action)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:37 app/templates/packages/view.html:104
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:355
msgid "Release"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:44
msgid "Repo"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:50
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:13
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:359
msgid "Update settings"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/todo.html:57
msgid "No outdated packages."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:6 app/templates/packages/view.html:160
msgid "Author"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:8
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:9
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:18 app/templates/macros/topics.html:56
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:29
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:40 app/templates/todo/editor.html:160
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:175
msgid "WIP"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:35
msgid "Show"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:37
msgid "Discard"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/macros/topics.html:57
msgid "Old"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:4
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:4
msgid "Meta Packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/list.html:37
msgid "No meta packages found."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:10
#, python-format
msgid "Meta Package \"%(name)s\""
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:12
msgid "Provided By"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:21 app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:35
msgid "Forum Topics"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:27
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:38 app/templates/packages/view.html:396
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:420 app/templates/packages/view.html:441
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:85
#, python-format
msgid "%(title)s by %(display_name)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:35
msgid "Required By"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/metapackages/view.html:38
msgid "Optionally Used By"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:14
msgid "Edit email notification settings"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:22
msgid "Newest first."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:27
msgid "Your Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:61
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:99
msgid "No notifications"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/notifications/list.html:66
msgid "Editor/Approver Notifications"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/alias_create_edit.html:4
msgid "Alias"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/alias_create_edit.html:13
msgid "Back to Aliases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:4
msgid "Aliases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:15
#, python-format
msgid "Aliases for %(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/alias_list.html:24
msgid "No aliases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Git Update Detection for %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:10
msgid "Packages with Update Settings"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:16
msgid "Bulk Set Update Settings"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:18
msgid "This will set the update settings for all packages with a Git repo."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:27
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:50
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:33
msgid "Leave blank to use default branch"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/bulk_update_conf.html:29
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:35
msgid "Currently, the branch name field is only used by the New Commit trigger."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:5
#, python-format
msgid "Edit - %(title)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:10
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:32
msgid "Create Package"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:43
msgid "Have you read the Package Inclusion Policy and Guidance yet?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:47
msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:49
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can include a .cdb.json file in your %(type)s to update these details"
" automatically."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:55
msgid ""
"JavaScript is needed to improve the user interface, and is needed for "
"\t\t\tsuch as finding metadata from git, and autocompletion."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:66
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:84 app/templates/todo/tags.html:38
msgid "Package"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:73
msgid "Please open a thread to request a name change"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:79
msgid ""
"Please choose 'Work in Progress' if your package is unstable, and "
"shouldn't be recommended to all players"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:88
msgid "If there is no media, set the Media License to the same as the License."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:94
msgid "Repository and Links"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:97
msgid ""
"Enter the repo URL for the package.\n"
"\t\t\t\tIf the repo uses git then the metadata will be automatically "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:100
msgid "Leave blank if you don't have a repo. Click skip if the import fails."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:106
msgid "Next (Autoimport)"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:107
msgid "Skip Autoimport"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:111
msgid "Importing... (This may take a while)"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:119
msgid "Tip: paste in a forum topic URL"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/create_edit.html:120
msgid "YouTube videos will be shown in an embed."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:4
msgid "Edit Maintainers"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:11
msgid "Maintainers are given write access to the package."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:12
msgid ""
"Depending on their rank, they will be able to edit the package, create "
"releases and screenshots, and read private threads."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/edit_maintainers.html:13
msgid ""
"Maintainers cannot add or remove other maintainers, but can remove "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:24
msgid "Community Hub"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:11
#: app/templates/packages/game_hub.html:12
#, python-format
msgid "Mods for %(title)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/list.html:21
#, python-format
msgid "Did you mean to search for packages by %(authors)s?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/list.html:26
msgid "Filter by tags"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/list.html:59
msgid "More content from the forums"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/package_base.html:13
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:4
msgid "Bulk Change Releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:11
msgid "Use this page to set the min and max of all releases for your package."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:29
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:54
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:70
msgid "Maximum must be greater than or equal to the minimum!"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:33
msgid ""
"Note: Min and max versions will be used to hide the package on\n"
"\t\t\tplatforms not within the range."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_bulk_change.html:36
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:61
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:83
msgid "Leave both as None if in doubt."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:4
msgid "Edit release"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:27
msgid "Commit Hash"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:32
msgid "view task"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:42
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_edit.html:20
msgid "Approved"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:46
msgid "Supported Minetest versions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:58
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:80
msgid ""
"Set the minimum and maximum Minetest versions supported.\n"
"\t\t\tThis release will be hidden to clients outside of that range. "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:63
msgid ""
"You can <a href='/help/package_config/'>set this automatically</a> in the"
" .conf of your package."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:70
msgid "Delete Release"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:76
msgid "This is permanent."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:77
msgid ""
"Any associated uploads will not be deleted immediately, but the release "
"will no longer be listed."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_edit.html:82
msgid "You cannot delete the latest release; please create a newer one first."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:8
msgid "Create a release"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:14
msgid "You have automatic releases enabled."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:16
msgid "You have Git update notifications enabled."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:17
msgid "You can enable automatic updates in the update settings."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:23
msgid "Set up"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:26
msgid ""
"You can create releases automatically when you push commits or tags to "
"your repository."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:28
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:69
msgid "Add Git repo"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:31
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:59
msgid ""
"Using Git would allow you to create releases automatically when you push "
"code or tags."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:40
msgid "1. Name release"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:42
msgid "Human readable. Eg: 1.0.0 or 2018-05-28"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:44
msgid "2. Set the content"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:57
msgid ""
"Take a look at the <a href='/help/package_config/'>Package Configuration "
"and Releases Guide</a> for\n"
"\t\t\ttips on customising releases."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:61
msgid "3. Supported Minetest versions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_new.html:75
msgid ""
"The .conf of your package can <a href='/help/package_config/'>set this "
"\t\t\twhich will override your selection."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:4
msgid "How do you want to create releases?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:9
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:75
msgid "Later"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:14
#, python-format
msgid "A release is a single downloadable version of your %(title)s."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:15
msgid ""
"You need to create releases even if you use a rolling release development"
" cycle, as Minetest needs them to check for updates."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:20
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:12
msgid ""
"When you push a change to your Git repository, ContentDB can create a new"
" release automatically or send you a reminder."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:21
msgid ""
"ContentDB will check your Git repository every day, but you can use "
"webhooks or the API for faster updates."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:25
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:64
msgid "This can be changed later."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:31
msgid "Automatically (Recommended)"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:34
msgid "Rolling Release"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:37
msgid "On Git Tag"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:46
msgid "Manually"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:49
msgid "With reminders"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:52
msgid "No reminders"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:60
msgid "Unfortunately, you will otherwise need to create a release manually."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/release_wizard.html:72
msgid "Create releases manually"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Releases - %(title)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:18
msgid "Set up automatic releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/releases_list.html:24
msgid "Bulk update"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Remove %(title)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:11
msgid ""
"In order to avoid data loss, you cannot permanently delete packages.\n"
"\t\t\tYou can remove them from ContentDB, which will cause them to not be"
"\t\t\tvisible to any users and they may be permanently deleted in the "
"\t\t\tThe Admin can restore removed packages, if needed."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:19
msgid ""
"Unapproving a package will put it back into Draft, where\n"
"\t\t\t\tit can be submitted for approval again."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:27
msgid "Reason"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:30
msgid "Reason for unapproval / deletion, this is shown in the audit log"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/remove.html:34
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:18
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:18
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:30
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:12
#, python-format
msgid "Post a review for %(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:16
#: app/templates/threads/new.html:11
#, python-format
msgid "Found a bug? Post on the <a href='%(url)s'>issue tracker</a> instead."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:56
msgid "Delete review."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/review_create_edit.html:57
msgid ""
"This will convert the review into a thread, keeping the comments but "
"removing its effect on the package's rating."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/review_votes.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:315
msgid "Review Votes"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/review_votes.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "Review votes on %(title)s by %(author)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_edit.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_edit.html:11
msgid "Edit screenshot"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_new.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_new.html:8
msgid "Add a screenshot"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshot_new.html:10
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:73
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The recommended resolution is 1920x1080, and screenshots must be at least"
" %(width)dx%(height)d."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:11
msgid "Add Image"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:17
msgid "Topmost screenshot will be used as the package thumbnail."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:39 app/templates/todo/user.html:77
msgid "Way too small"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:43 app/templates/todo/user.html:80
msgid "Too small"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:47 app/templates/todo/user.html:83
msgid "Not HD"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:53
msgid "Awaiting approval"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:72
msgid "No screenshots."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:80
msgid "Save Order"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:85
msgid "Reordering requires JavaScript."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:100
msgid "Videos"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/screenshots.html:102
msgid "You can set a video on the Edit Details page"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/share.html:10
msgid "Links"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/share.html:13
msgid "Review link"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/share.html:18
msgid "Badges"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:4
msgid "Modname Uniqueness"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:12
msgid "Packages sharing provided mods"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:14
msgid "This package contains modnames that are present in the following packages:"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/similar.html:32
msgid "Similar Forum Topics"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:4
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:9
msgid "Configure Git Update Detection"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:16
msgid ""
"ContentDB will poll your Git repository every day, if your package is "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:17
msgid "You should consider using webhooks or the API for faster releases."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:18
msgid ""
"Git Update Detection is clever enough to not create a release again if "
"you've already created it manually or using webhooks/the API."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:28
msgid "The trigger is the event that triggers the action."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:41
msgid "The action to perform when the trigger happens."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/update_config.html:42
msgid ""
"Once a package is marked as outdated, you won't receive any more "
"notifications until it is marked up to date."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:37
msgid "Download"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:43
#, python-format
msgid "Minetest %(min)s - %(max)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:45
#, python-format
msgid "For Minetest %(min)s and above"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:47
#, python-format
msgid "Minetest %(max)s and below"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:67
msgid "How do I install this?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:73
msgid "No downloads available"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:80
msgid "Non-free code and media"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:82
msgid "Non-free code"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:84
msgid "Non-free media"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:146
msgid "Work in Progress"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:167
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:188 app/templates/users/profile.html:86
msgid "Website"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:194
msgid "Source"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:200 app/templates/users/profile.html:68
msgid "Forums"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:206
msgid "Issue Tracker"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:224 app/templates/threads/view.html:92
msgid ""
"This thread is only visible to its creator, package maintainers, users of"
" Approver rank or above, and @mentioned users."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:271
msgid "Awaiting review"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:300 app/templates/threads/view.html:67
msgid "Edit Review"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:305
msgid "You can't review your own package."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:321
msgid "Used By"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:327
msgid "Content"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:329 app/templates/packages/view.html:383
msgid "View content for game"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:343
msgid "Package may be outdated"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:350
msgid "Only visible to the author and Editors."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:367
msgid "Warning"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:373
msgid "Like this package? Help support its development by making a donation"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:376
msgid "Donate now"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:388
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:390
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:408
msgid "No required dependencies"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:414
msgid "Optional"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:436
msgid "Compatible Games"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:445
msgid "No specific game is required"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:450
msgid "This is an experimental feature."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:451
msgid "Supported games are determined by an algorithm, and may not be correct."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:456
msgid "Information"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:462
msgid "Technical Name"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:471
#, python-format
msgid "%(code_license)s for code,<br>%(media_license)s for media."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:479
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:481
msgid "Added"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:495
msgid "Remove myself"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:500
msgid "Provides"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:522
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/packages/view.html:551
msgid "See audit log"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/report/index.html:19
msgid "What are you reporting? Why are you reporting it?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/report/index.html:23
msgid "Reports will be shared with ContentDB staff."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/report/index.html:25
msgid "Only the admin will be able to see who made the report."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/report/index.html:29
msgid ""
"Found a bug? Please report on the package's issue tracker or in a thread "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/tasks/view.html:5
msgid "Task Failed"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/tasks/view.html:7
msgid "Working…"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/tasks/view.html:26
msgid "Reload the page to check for updates."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Delete reply by %(username)s in %(title)s "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/delete_reply.html:16
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:16
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:13
msgid "Deleting is permanent"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/delete_thread.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Delete \"%(title)s\" by %(author)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/edit_reply.html:4
#: app/templates/threads/edit_reply.html:8
msgid "Edit reply"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/list.html:12 app/templates/threads/new.html:4
msgid "New Thread"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/new.html:12
msgid ""
"If the package shouldn't be on CDB (eg: if it doesn't work at all), then "
"you can let us know here."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/new.html:47
msgid ""
"Only you, the package author, and users of Approver rank and above can "
"read private threads."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/user_comments.html:9
#: app/templates/threads/user_comments.html:13
#, python-format
msgid "Comments by %(user)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/user_comments.html:46
#, python-format
msgid "Reply to <b>%(title)s</b>"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:36
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:45
msgid "Convert to Thread"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:52
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:57
msgid "Lock"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:97
msgid "This thread is visible to the following users"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:98
msgid "Visible to:"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/threads/view.html:105
msgid "Plus approvers and editors"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:4 app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:17
msgid "Editor Work Queue"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:8
msgid "Approval Queue"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:15
msgid "Approve All"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:33
msgid "No screenshots need approval."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:65 app/templates/todo/editor.html:183
msgid "No packages need approval."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:80
msgid "Importing"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:90
msgid "No releases need approval."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:100
msgid "All done!"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:105 app/templates/todo/editor.html:107
msgid "License Needed"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:127
msgid "Tag Packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:130
#, python-format
msgid "%(total_to_tag)d / %(total_packages)d packages don't have any tags."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:140
msgid "View Tags"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:147
msgid "Unfulfilled Dependencies"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:151
msgid "Meta packages that have hard dependers, but no packages providing them."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:193 app/templates/users/account.html:73
msgid "View All"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/editor.html:196
msgid "Recent Actions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:4
msgid "All Outdated packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:12 app/templates/todo/outdated.html:16
msgid "Minetest-Mods org only"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:24 app/templates/todo/topics.html:12
msgid "Sort by date"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/outdated.html:28
msgid "Sort by score"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:4 app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:29
msgid "Package Tags"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:23 app/templates/todo/tags.html:27
msgid "Missing tags only"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/tags.html:31
msgid "Edit Tags"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:11 app/templates/todo/user.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "%(username)s's to do list"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/todo_base.html:23
msgid "All Outdated Packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:16
msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:20
msgid "Sort by views"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:29
msgid "Paginated list"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:34
msgid "Unlimited list"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:41
msgid "Show discarded topics"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:43
msgid "Hide discarded topics"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/topics.html:49
msgid "Topics to be Added"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:9
msgid "Misc To do"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:13
msgid "Enable email notifications"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:18
msgid "Unapproved Packages Needing Action"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:40 app/templates/todo/user.html:121
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:145
msgid "Nothing to do :)"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:48
msgid "See all Update Settings"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:53
msgid "Create All Releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:56
msgid "Potentially Outdated Packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:58
msgid ""
"Instead of marking packages as outdated, you can automatically create "
"releases when New Commits or New Tags are pushed to Git by clicking "
"'Update Settings'."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:60
msgid ""
"To remove a package from below, create a release or change the update "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:68
msgid "Small Screenshots"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:71
msgid ""
"These packages have screenshots that are too small, and should be "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:72
msgid ""
"Red and orange are screenshots below the limit, and grey screenshots are "
"below the recommended resolution."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:127
msgid "See All"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:128
msgid "Packages Without Tags"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:130
msgid "Labelling your packages with tags helps users find them."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:150
msgid "Unadded Topics"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:153
msgid "List of your forum topics which do not have a matching package."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:154
msgid "Topics with a strikethrough have been marked as discarded."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/todo/user.html:162
msgid "Congrats! You don't have any topics which aren't on CDB."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Account and Security - %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:18
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:22
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:20
msgid "Set Password"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:27 app/templates/users/modtools.html:37
msgid "Has password"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:29 app/templates/users/modtools.html:39
msgid "Doesn't have password"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:33
msgid "Linked Accounts"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:40 app/templates/users/account.html:52
msgid "Connected"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:43
#, python-format
msgid "Please PM %(rubenwardy)s on the forums to link your account."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:57
msgid "View ContentDB's GitHub Permissions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:62
msgid "Link Github"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:65
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:77
msgid "Recent Account Actions"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:82
msgid "Account Deletion and Deactivation"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:86
msgid "Delete or Deactivate"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:89
msgid "Account Deletion and Deactivation isn't available to users yet."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/account.html:90
msgid "Please contact the admin."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:11
msgid "It is recommended that you set a password for your account."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:14
msgid "Skip"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:28
#: app/templates/users/register.html:24
msgid ""
"Your email is needed to recover your account if you forget your password "
"and to send (configurable) notifications. "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:29
#: app/templates/users/register.html:25
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:20
msgid "Your email will never be shared with a third-party."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:36
#: app/templates/users/register.html:27
msgid "Must be at least 8 characters long."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:40
#: app/templates/users/register.html:30
msgid "Password suggestion"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/change_set_password.html:41
#: app/templates/users/register.html:31
msgid "Why?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:4
msgid "Create Account"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:10
msgid "Do you have an account on the Minetest Forums?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:13
msgid "ContentDB will link your account to your forum account."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:17
msgid ""
"You don't need a forum account, however, it's recommended to make the "
"most out of the Minetest community."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:22
msgid "<b>Yes</b>, I have a forums account"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:25
msgid "<b>No</b>, I don't have one"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim.html:28
msgid "Create forum account"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:10
msgid "Confirm Your Account"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:13
msgid ""
"You'll need to use prove that you have access to your forum account using"
" one of the options below."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:14
msgid "This is so ContentDB can link your account to your forum account."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:18
msgid "Don't have a forums account?"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:19
#, python-format
msgid "You can still <a href='%(url)s'>sign up without one</a>."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:26
msgid "Option 1"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:27
msgid "Use GitHub field in forum profile"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:35
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:64
msgid "Enter your forum username here:"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:39
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:68
msgid "Forum username"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:40
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:68
#: app/templates/users/register.html:16
msgid "Only a-zA-Z0-9._ allowed"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:43
msgid "You'll need to have the GitHub field in your forum profile filled out."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:44
msgid ""
"Log into the forum and <a "
"href=''>do that here</a>."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:47
msgid "Next: log in with GitHub"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:55
msgid "Option 2"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:56
msgid "Verification token"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:71
msgid ""
"Go to <a "
"href=''>User "
"Control Panel > Profile > Edit signature</a>"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:75
msgid "Paste this into your signature:"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:81
msgid "Click next so we can check it."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/claim_forums.html:84
msgid "Don't worry, you can remove it after this is done."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Delete user %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:17
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This will delete your account, removing %(threads)d threads and "
"%(replies)d replies."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:22
msgid ""
"As you have packages and/or forum threads, your account cannot be fully "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:23
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Instead, your account will be deactivated and all personal information "
"wiped - including %(threads)d threads and %(replies)d replies."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:25
msgid "See the privacy policy for more information."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:36
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/delete.html:40
msgid "Delete Anyway"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:4
msgid "Check Your Email"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:11
msgid "We've sent an email to the address you specified."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:12
msgid "You'll need to click the link in the email to confirm it."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:16
msgid "The link will expire in 12 hours"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/email_sent.html:22
msgid "My email never arrived"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/forgot_password.html:4
msgid "Request Password Reset"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/forums_no_such_user.html:14
#, python-format
msgid "Unfortunately, %(username)s doesn't have an account on ContentDB yet."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/forums_no_such_user.html:19
msgid "Claim Account"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/list.html:4 app/templates/users/list.html:8
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/list.html:34
#, python-format
msgid "Rank: %(rank)s."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/login.html:20
msgid "Forgot my password"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/login.html:30 app/templates/users/profile.html:77
msgid "GitHub"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:11
msgid "Edit Account"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:43 app/templates/users/modtools.html:75
msgid "Ban"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:56
msgid "Unban"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:65
msgid "Message to display to banned user"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:69
msgid "Expires At"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:72
msgid "Expiry date. Leave blank for permanent ban"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:79
msgid "Change Email and Send Password Reset"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/modtools.html:83
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:14
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:11
msgid "Profile picture"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:22
msgid "To Do List"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:41
msgid "Send Email"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:95
msgid "Donate"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:104
msgid "packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:113
msgid "reviews"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:121
msgid "comments"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:133
msgid "Claim"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:135
msgid "Is this you? Claim your account now!"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:168
#, python-format
msgid "%(value)d / %(target)d"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:182
msgid "Create package"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:188
msgid "View list of tags"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:198
msgid "Maintained Packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile.html:200
msgid "This user is also a maintainer of the following packages"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Edit Profile - %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:10
msgid "Profile Picture"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:27
msgid "Sync with Forums"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:45
msgid "Profile Information"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/profile_edit.html:52
msgid "Pretending to be another user is grounds for a permanent ban"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/register.html:17
msgid ""
"Only alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, and minuses are "
"allowed (a-zA-Z0-9._)"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/register.html:20
msgid ""
"Human readable name, defaults to username if not specified. This can be "
"changed later."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/register.html:21
msgid "Same as username"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/register.html:38
msgid "Please prove that you are human"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/register.html:41
msgid "I agree to the "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Email and Notifications - %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:19
msgid ""
"Your email is needed to recover your account if you forget your password,"
" and to send (configurable) notifications."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:25
msgid "There is at least one verification pending."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:29
msgid "Notification Settings"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:33
msgid "Email notifications are currently turned off. Click 'save' to enable."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:38
msgid ""
"Configure whether certain types of notifications are sent immediately, or"
" as part of a daily digest."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:43
msgid "Event"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:45
msgid "Immediately"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/settings_email.html:46
msgid "In digest"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:11
msgid ""
"This will blacklist an email address, preventing ContentDB from ever "
"sending emails to it - including password resets."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:20
msgid "Please enter the email address you wish to blacklist."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:21
msgid "You will then need to confirm the email"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:33
msgid "You may now unsubscribe."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:40
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unsubscribing may prevent you from being able to sign into the account "
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:44
msgid ""
"ContentDB will no longer be able to send \"forget password\" and other "
"essential system emails.\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tConsider editing your email notification preferences instead."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:50
msgid "You won't be able to use this email with ContentDB anymore."
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/users/unsubscribe.html:57
msgid "Edit Notification Preferences"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/zipgrep/search.html:4
#: app/templates/zipgrep/view_results.html:9
msgid "Search in Package Releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/templates/zipgrep/view_results.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "'%(query)s' - Search Package Releases"
msgstr ""
#: app/utils/
msgid "You have a lot of notifications, you should either read or clear them"
msgstr ""
#: app/utils/
msgid ""
"Please consider enabling email notifications, you can customise how much "
"is sent"
msgstr ""