--* parts are currently not possible because you cannot set the pitch of an entity from lua -- Font: 04.jp.org -- load characters map local chars_file = io.open(minetest.get_modpath("digilines_lcd").."/characters", "r") local charmap = {} local max_chars = 12 if not chars_file then print("[digilines_lcd] E: character map file not found") else while true do local char = chars_file:read("*l") if char == nil then break end local img = chars_file:read("*l") chars_file:read("*l") charmap[char] = img end end local lcds = { -- on ceiling --* [0] = {delta = {x = 0, y = 0.4, z = 0}, pitch = math.pi / -2}, -- on ground --* [1] = {delta = {x = 0, y =-0.4, z = 0}, pitch = math.pi / 2}, -- sides [2] = {delta = {x = 0.4, y = 0, z = 0}, yaw = math.pi / -2}, [3] = {delta = {x = -0.4, y = 0, z = 0}, yaw = math.pi / 2}, [4] = {delta = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0.4}, yaw = 0}, [5] = {delta = {x = 0, y = 0, z = -0.4}, yaw = math.pi}, } local reset_meta = function(pos) minetest.env:get_meta(pos):set_string("formspec", "field[channel;Channel;${channel}]") end local clearscreen = function(pos) local objects = minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.5) for _, o in ipairs(objects) do if o:get_entity_name() == "digilines_lcd:text" then o:remove() end end end local prepare_writing = function (pos) lcd_info = lcds[minetest.env:get_node(pos).param2] if lcd_info == nil then return end local text = minetest.env:add_entity( {x = pos.x + lcd_info.delta.x, y = pos.y + lcd_info.delta.y, z = pos.z + lcd_info.delta.z}, "digilines_lcd:text") text:setyaw (lcd_info.yaw or 0) --* text:setpitch(lcd_info.yaw or 0) return text end local on_digiline_receive = function(pos, node, channel, msg) clearscreen(pos) local setchan = minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_string("channel") if setchan ~= channel then return end local text = prepare_writing (pos) text:set_properties({textures={generate_texture(create_lines(msg))}}) end local lcd_box = { type = "wallmounted", wall_top = {-8/16, 7/16, -8/16, 8/16, 8/16, 8/16} } minetest.register_node("digilines_lcd:lcd", { drawtype = "nodebox", description = "Digiline LCD", inventory_image = "lcd_lcd.png", wield_image = "lcd_lcd.png", tiles = {"lcd_anyside.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype2 = "wallmounted", node_box = lcd_box, selection_box = lcd_box, groups = {choppy = 3, dig_immediate = 2}, after_place_node = function (pos, placer, itemstack) local param2 = minetest.env:get_node(pos).param2 if param2 == 0 or param2 == 1 then minetest.env:add_node(pos, {name = "digilines_lcd:lcd", param2 = 3}) end prepare_writing (pos) end, on_construct = function(pos) reset_meta(pos) end, on_destruct = function(pos) clearscreen(pos) end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) minetest.env:get_meta(pos):set_string("channel", fields.channel) end, digiline = { receptor = {}, effector = { action = on_digiline_receive }, }, light_source = 6, }) minetest.register_entity("digilines_lcd:text", { collisionbox = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, visual = "upright_sprite", textures = {}, on_activate = function(self) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(self.object:getpos()) local text = meta:get_string("text") self.object:set_properties({textures={generate_texture(create_lines(text))}}) end }) -- CONSTANTS local LCD_WITH = 100 local LCD_PADDING = 8 local LINE_LENGTH = 12 local NUMBER_OF_LINES = 5 local LINE_HEIGHT = 14 local CHAR_WIDTH = 5 string_to_array = function(str) local tab = {} for i=1,string.len(str) do table.insert(tab, string.sub(str, i,i)) end return tab end string_to_word_array = function(str) local tab = {} local current = 1 tab[1] = "" for _,char in ipairs(string_to_array(str)) do if char ~= " " then tab[current] = tab[current]..char else current = current+1 tab[current] = "" end end return tab end create_lines = function(text) local line = "" local line_num = 1 local tab = {} for _,word in ipairs(string_to_word_array(text)) do if string.len(line)+string.len(word) < LINE_LENGTH and word ~= "|" then if line ~= "" then line = line.." "..word else line = word end else table.insert(tab, line) if word ~= "|" then line = word else line = "" end line_num = line_num+1 if line_num > NUMBER_OF_LINES then return tab end end end table.insert(tab, line) return tab end generate_texture = function(lines) local texture = "[combine:"..LCD_WITH.."x"..LCD_WITH local ypos = 16 for i = 1, #lines do texture = texture..generate_line(lines[i], ypos) ypos = ypos + LINE_HEIGHT end return texture end generate_line = function(s, ypos) local i = 1 local parsed = {} local width = 0 local chars = 0 while chars < max_chars and i <= #s do local file = nil if charmap[s:sub(i, i)] ~= nil then file = charmap[s:sub(i, i)] i = i + 1 elseif i < #s and charmap[s:sub(i, i + 1)] ~= nil then file = charmap[s:sub(i, i + 1)] i = i + 2 else print("[digilines_lcd] W: unknown symbol in '"..s.."' at "..i) i = i + 1 end if file ~= nil then width = width + CHAR_WIDTH table.insert(parsed, file) chars = chars + 1 end end width = width - 1 local texture = "" local xpos = math.floor((LCD_WITH - 2 * LCD_PADDING - width) / 2 + LCD_PADDING) for i = 1, #parsed do texture = texture..":"..xpos..","..ypos.."="..parsed[i]..".png" xpos = xpos + CHAR_WIDTH + 1 end return texture end