no need to persist derived values. Cache digger targets.

This commit is contained in:
FaceDeer 2019-08-24 22:22:40 -06:00
parent 63ea1314ab
commit a0f47b50bc
3 changed files with 133 additions and 53 deletions

@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ minetest.register_node("digtron:controller", {
local success, succeeded, failed = digtron.is_buildable_to(digtron_id, target_pos, player_name)
if success then
digtron.build_to_world(digtron_id, target_pos, player_name)
minetest.sound_play("digtron_machine_assemble", {gain = 0.5, pos=root_pos})
minetest.sound_play("digtron_machine_assemble", {gain = 0.5, pos=target_pos})
-- If we allow multiple copies of a Digtron running around with the same digtron_id,
-- human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!
-- human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria
return ItemStack("")
digtron.show_buildable_nodes(succeeded, failed)
minetest.sound_play("digtron_buzzer", {gain = 0.5, pos=root_pos})
minetest.sound_play("digtron_buzzer", {gain = 0.5, pos=target_pos})
return itemstack

@ -197,8 +197,6 @@ local get_table_functions = function(identifier)
local persist_layout, retrieve_layout = get_table_functions("layout")
local persist_adjacent, retrieve_adjacent = get_table_functions("adjacent")
local persist_bounding_box, retrieve_bounding_box = get_table_functions("bounding_box")
local persist_pos, retrieve_pos, dispose_pos = get_table_functions("pos")
digtron.get_pos = retrieve_pos
@ -206,28 +204,39 @@ digtron.get_pos = retrieve_pos
-- Layout creation helpers
local cardinal_directions = {
local cardinal_dirs = {
{x= 0, y=0, z= 1},
{x= 1, y=0, z= 0},
{x= 0, y=0, z=-1},
{x=-1, y=0, z= 0},
{x= 0, y=-1, z= 0},
{x= 0, y=1, z= 0},
-- Mapping from facedir value to index in cardinal_dirs.
local facedir_to_dir_map = {
[0]=1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 2, 6, 4,
6, 2, 5, 4,
1, 5, 3, 6,
1, 6, 3, 5,
1, 4, 3, 2,
local update_bounding_box = function(bounding_box, pos)
bounding_box.minp.x = math.min(bounding_box.minp.x, pos.x)
bounding_box.minp.y = math.min(bounding_box.minp.y, pos.y)
bounding_box.minp.z = math.min(bounding_box.minp.z, pos.z)
bounding_box.maxp.x = math.max(bounding_box.maxp.x, pos.x)
bounding_box.maxp.y = math.max(bounding_box.maxp.y, pos.y)
bounding_box.maxp.z = math.max(bounding_box.maxp.z, pos.z)
-- Turn the cardinal directions into a set of integers you can add to a hash to step in that direction.
local cardinal_dirs_hash = {}
for i, dir in ipairs(cardinal_dirs) do
cardinal_dirs_hash[i] = minetest.hash_node_position(dir) - minetest.hash_node_position({x=0, y=0, z=0})
-- Given a facedir, returns an index into either cardinal_dirs or cardinal_dirs_hash that
local facedir_to_dir_index = function(param2)
return facedir_to_dir_map[param2 % 32]
-- recursive function searches out all connected unassigned digtron nodes
local get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes
get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes = function(pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent, bounding_box, player_name)
for _, dir in ipairs(cardinal_directions) do
local get_all_digtron_nodes
get_all_digtron_nodes = function(pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent, player_name)
for _, dir in ipairs(cardinal_dirs) do
local test_pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
local test_hash = minetest.hash_node_position(test_pos)
if not (digtron_nodes[test_hash] or digtron_adjacent[test_hash]) then -- don't test twice
@ -242,8 +251,7 @@ get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes = function(pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent,
--test_node.group_value = group_value -- for later ease of reference
digtron_nodes[test_hash] = test_node
update_bounding_box(bounding_box, test_pos)
get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes(test_pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent, bounding_box, player_name) -- recurse
get_all_digtron_nodes(test_pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent, player_name) -- recurse
-- don't record details, the content of this node will change as the digtron moves
@ -253,6 +261,82 @@ get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes = function(pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent,
-- Cache-only data, not persisted
cache_bounding_box = {}
local update_bounding_box = function(bounding_box, pos)
bounding_box.minp.x = math.min(bounding_box.minp.x, pos.x)
bounding_box.minp.y = math.min(bounding_box.minp.y, pos.y)
bounding_box.minp.z = math.min(bounding_box.minp.z, pos.z)
bounding_box.maxp.x = math.max(bounding_box.maxp.x, pos.x)
bounding_box.maxp.y = math.max(bounding_box.maxp.y, pos.y)
bounding_box.maxp.z = math.max(bounding_box.maxp.z, pos.z)
local retrieve_bounding_box = function(digtron_id)
local val = cache_bounding_box[digtron_id]
if val then return val end
local layout = retrieve_layout(digtron_id)
if layout == nil then return nil end
local bbox = {minp = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, maxp = {x=0, y=0, z=0}}
for hash, data in pairs(layout) do
update_bounding_box(bbox, minetest.get_position_from_hash(hash))
cache_bounding_box[digtron_id] = bbox
return bbox
cache_all_adjacent_pos = {}
cache_all_digger_targets = {}
local refresh_adjacent = function(digtron_id)
local layout = retrieve_layout(digtron_id)
if layout == nil then return nil end
local adjacent = {}
local adjacent_to_diggers = {}
for hash, data in pairs(layout) do
for _, dir_hash in ipairs(cardinal_dirs_hash) do
local potential_adjacent = hash+dir_hash
if layout[potential_adjacent] == nil then
adjacent[potential_adjacent] = true
if minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron") == 3 then
local potential_target = hash + cardinal_dirs_hash[facedir_to_dir_index(data.node.param2)]
if layout[potential_target] == nil then
local fields = data.meta.fields
adjacent_to_diggers[potential_target] = {periodicity = fields.periodicity, offset = fields.offset}
cache_all_adjacent_pos[digtron_id] = adjacent
cache_all_digger_targets[digtron_id] = adjacent_to_diggers
local retrieve_all_adjacent_pos = function(digtron_id)
local val = cache_all_adjacent_pos[digtron_id]
if val then return val end
return cache_all_adjacent_pos[digtron_id]
local retrieve_all_digger_targets = function(digtron_id)
local val = cache_all_digger_targets[digtron_id]
if val then return val end
return cache_all_digger_targets[digtron_id]
-- call this whenever a stored layout is modified (eg, by rotating it)
-- automatically called on dispose
local invalidate_layout_cache = function(digtron_id)
cache_bounding_box[digtron_id] = nil
cache_all_adjacent_pos[digtron_id] = nil
cache_all_digger_targets[digtron_id] = nil
table.insert(dispose_callbacks, invalidate_layout_cache)
-- assemble and disassemble
@ -278,8 +362,7 @@ digtron.assemble = function(root_pos, player_name)
local digtron_nodes = {[root_hash] = node} -- Nodes that are part of Digtron.
-- Initialize with the controller, it won't be added by get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes
local digtron_adjacent = {} -- Nodes that are adjacent to Digtron but not a part of it
local bounding_box = {,}
get_all_adjacent_digtron_nodes(root_pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent, bounding_box, player_name)
get_all_digtron_nodes(root_pos, digtron_nodes, digtron_adjacent, player_name)
local digtron_id, digtron_inv = create_new_id(root_pos)
@ -329,14 +412,10 @@ digtron.assemble = function(root_pos, player_name)
layout[relative_hash] = {meta = current_meta_table, node = node}
bounding_box.minp = vector.subtract(bounding_box.minp, root_pos)
bounding_box.maxp = vector.subtract(bounding_box.maxp, root_pos)
digtron.set_name(digtron_id, root_meta:get_string("infotext"))
persist_layout(digtron_id, layout)
persist_adjacent(digtron_id, digtron_adjacent)
persist_bounding_box(digtron_id, bounding_box)
persist_pos(digtron_id, root_pos)
-- Wipe out the inventories of all in-world nodes, it's stored in the mod_meta now.
@ -563,8 +642,6 @@ digtron.build_to_world = function(digtron_id, root_pos, player_name)
meta:set_string("digtron_id", digtron_id)
local bbox = retrieve_bounding_box(digtron_id)
persist_bounding_box(digtron_id, bbox)
persist_pos(digtron_id, root_pos)
return true
@ -597,16 +674,22 @@ digtron.predict_dig = function(digtron_id, player_name)
local dug_positions = {}
local cost = 0
for hash, data in pairs(layout) do
if == "digtron:digger" then -- TODO: something better than this based on group, ideally pre-gather this info on assembly
local node_pos = minetest.get_position_from_hash(hash + root_hash)
local target_pos = vector.add(node_pos, minetest.facedir_to_dir(data.node.param2))
if not layout[minetest.hash_node_position(target_pos)] then -- check if the digger is pointed inward, if so ignore it. TODO some way to cull these permanently upon assembly, probably factoring in to the "something better than this" above
--TODO protection test, can_dig test, periodicity test
--if minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron") ~= 0 or
--minetest.get_item_group(, "digtron_protected") ~= 0 or
--minetest.get_item_group(, "immortal") ~= 0 then
local target_node = minetest.get_node(target_pos)
for target_hash, digger_data in pairs(retrieve_all_digger_targets(digtron_id)) do
local target_pos = minetest.get_position_from_hash(target_hash + root_hash)
local target_node = minetest.get_node(target_pos)
local target_name =
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target_name]
--TODO periodicity/offset test
if minetest.get_item_group(target_name, "digtron") == 0 and
minetest.get_item_group(target_name, "digtron_protected") == 0 and
minetest.get_item_group(target_name, "immortal") == 0 and
targetdef == nil or -- can dig undefined nodes, why not
targetdef.can_dig == nil or
targetdef.can_dig(target_pos, minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name))
) and
not minetest.is_protected(target_pos, player_name)
-- TODO: move this into some kind of shared definition
--if digtron.config.uses_resources then
@ -627,12 +710,11 @@ digtron.predict_dig = function(digtron_id, player_name)
-- end
local drops = minetest.get_node_drops(, "")
for _, drop in ipairs(drops) do
products[drop] = (products[drop] or 0) + 1
table.insert(dug_positions, target_pos)
local drops = minetest.get_node_drops(target_name, "")
for _, drop in ipairs(drops) do
products[drop] = (products[drop] or 0) + 1
table.insert(dug_positions, target_pos)
@ -654,13 +736,11 @@ digtron.can_dig = function(pos, digger)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local bbox = retrieve_bounding_box(digtron_id)
local root_pos = retrieve_pos(digtron_id)
local layout = retrieve_layout(digtron_id)
if bbox == nil or root_pos == nil or layout == nil then
if root_pos == nil or layout == nil then
-- Somehow, this belongs to a digtron id that's missing information that should exist in persistence.
local missing = ""
if bbox == nil then missing = missing .. "bounding_box " end
if root_pos == nil then missing = missing .. "root_pos " end
if layout == nil then missing = missing .. "layout " end

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ minetest.register_node("digtron:digger", {
paramtype2 = "facedir",
paramtype = "light",
groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, digtron = 1},
groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, digtron = 3},
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
can_dig = digtron.can_dig,
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ minetest.register_node("digtron:digger_static",{
paramtype2 = "facedir",
paramtype = "light",
groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, digtron = 1},
groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3, digtron = 3},
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
can_dig = digtron.can_dig,