-- internationalization boilerplate local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua") local modpath_awards = minetest.get_modpath("awards") minetest.register_node("digtron:empty_crate", { description = S("Digtron Crate (Empty)"), _doc_items_longdesc = digtron.doc.empty_crate_longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = digtron.doc.empty_crate_usagehelp, groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, drop = "digtron:empty_crate", sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), tiles = {"digtron_crate.png"}, is_ground_content = false, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker) if layout.contains_protected_node then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) meta:set_string("infotext", S("Digtron can't be packaged, it contains protected blocks")) -- no stealing other peoples' digtrons return end if #layout.all == 1 then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) meta:set_string("infotext", S("No Digtron components adjacent to package")) return end digtron.award_crate(layout, clicker:get_player_name()) local layout_string = layout:serialize() -- destroy everything. Note that this includes the empty crate, which will be bundled up with the layout. for _, node_image in pairs(layout.all) do local old_pos = node_image.pos local old_node = node_image.node minetest.remove_node(old_pos) if modpath_awards then -- We're about to tell the awards mod that we're digging a node, but we -- don't want it to count toward any actual awards. Pre-decrement. local data = awards.players[clicker:get_player_name()] awards.increment_item_counter(data, "count", old_node.name, -1) end for _, callback in ipairs(minetest.registered_on_dignodes) do -- Copy pos and node because callback can modify them local pos_copy = {x=old_pos.x, y=old_pos.y, z=old_pos.z} local oldnode_copy = {name=old_node.name, param1=old_node.param1, param2=old_node.param2} callback(pos_copy, oldnode_copy, clicker) end end -- Create the loaded crate node minetest.set_node(pos, {name="digtron:loaded_crate", param1=node.param1, param2=node.param2}) minetest.sound_play("machine1", {gain=1.0, pos=pos}) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("crated_layout", layout_string) meta:set_string("title", S("Crated Digtron")) meta:set_string("infotext", S("Crated Digtron")) end, }) local modpath_doc = minetest.get_modpath("doc") local loaded_formspec_string if modpath_doc then loaded_formspec_string = "size[4.1,1.5]" .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots .. "field[0.3,0.5;4,0.5;title;" .. S("Digtron Name") .. ";${title}]" .. "button_exit[0.0,1.2;1,0.1;save;" .. S("Save\nTitle") .. "]" .. "tooltip[save;" .. S("Saves the title of this Digtron") .. "]" .. "button_exit[1.0,1.2;1,0.1;show;" .. S("Show\nBlocks") .. "]" .. "tooltip[show;" .. S("Shows which blocks the packed Digtron will occupy if unpacked") .. "]" .. "button_exit[2.0,1.2;1,0.1;unpack;" .. S("Unpack") .. "]" .. "tooltip[unpack;" .. S("Attempts to unpack the Digtron on this location") .. "]" .. "button_exit[3.0,1.2;1,0.1;help;" .. S("Help") .. "]" .. "tooltip[help;" .. S("Show documentation about this block") .. "]" else loaded_formspec_string = "size[4,1.5]" .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots .. "field[0.3,0.5;4,0.5;title;" .. S("Digtron Name") .. ";${title}]" .. "button_exit[0.5,1.2;1,0.1;save;" .. S("Save\nTitle") .. "]" .. "tooltip[show;" .. S("Saves the title of this Digtron") .. "]" .. "button_exit[1.5,1.2;1,0.1;show;" .. S("Show\nBlocks") .. "]" .. "tooltip[save;" .. S("Shows which blocks the packed Digtron will occupy if unpacked") .. "]" .. "button_exit[2.5,1.2;1,0.1;unpack;" .. S("Unpack") .. "]" .. "tooltip[unpack;" .. S("Attempts to unpack the Digtron on this location") .. "]" end local loaded_formspec = function(pos, meta) return loaded_formspec_string end minetest.register_node("digtron:loaded_crate", { description = S("Digtron Crate (Loaded)"), _doc_items_longdesc = digtron.doc.loaded_crate_longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = digtron.doc.loaded_crate_usagehelp, _digtron_formspec = loaded_formspec, groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1, digtron_protected=1}, stack_max = 1, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), tiles = {"digtron_plate.png^digtron_crate.png"}, is_ground_content = false, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", loaded_formspec(pos, meta)) end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.unpack or fields.save or fields.show then meta:set_string("title", fields.title) meta:set_string("infotext", fields.title) end if fields.help and minetest.get_modpath("doc") then --check for mod in case someone disabled it after this digger was built minetest.after(0.5, doc.show_entry, sender:get_player_name(), "nodes", "digtron:loaded_crate", true) end if not (fields.unpack or fields.show) then return end local layout_string = meta:get_string("crated_layout") local layout = DigtronLayout.deserialize(layout_string) if layout == nil then meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_string("title") .. "\n" .. S("Unable to read layout from crate metadata, regrettably this Digtron may be corrupted or lost.")) minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) -- Something went horribly wrong return end local protected_node = false local obstructed_node = false local pos_diff = vector.subtract(pos, layout.controller) layout.controller = pos for _, node_image in pairs(layout.all) do node_image.pos = vector.add(pos_diff, node_image.pos) if not vector.equals(pos, node_image.pos) then if minetest.is_protected(node_image.pos, sender:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(sender, "protection_bypass") then protected_node = true minetest.add_entity(node_image.pos, "digtron:marker_crate_bad") elseif not minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(node_image.pos).name].buildable_to then obstructed_node = true minetest.add_entity(node_image.pos, "digtron:marker_crate_bad") else minetest.add_entity(node_image.pos, "digtron:marker_crate_good") end end end if not fields.unpack then return end if protected_node then meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_string("title") .. "\n" .. S("Unable to deploy Digtron due to protected blocks in target area")) minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) return end if obstructed_node then meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_string("title") .. "\n" .. S("Unable to deploy Digtron due to obstruction in target area")) minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) return end -- build digtron. Since the empty crate was included in the layout, that will overwrite this loaded crate and destroy it. minetest.sound_play("machine2", {gain=1.0, pos=pos}) layout:write_layout_image(sender) end, on_dig = function(pos, node, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local to_serialize = {title=meta:get_string("title"), layout=meta:get_string("crated_layout")} local stack = ItemStack({name="digtron:loaded_crate", count=1, wear=0, metadata=minetest.serialize(to_serialize)}) local inv = player:get_inventory() local stack = inv:add_item("main", stack) if stack:get_count() > 0 then minetest.add_item(pos, stack) end -- call on_dignodes callback minetest.remove_node(pos) end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position(pointed_thing, true) local deserialized = minetest.deserialize(itemstack:get_metadata()) if pos and deserialized then minetest.set_node(pos, {name="digtron:loaded_crate"}) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("crated_layout", deserialized.layout) meta:set_string("title", deserialized.title) meta:set_string("infotext", deserialized.title) --meta:set_string("formspec", loaded_formspec(pos, meta)) -- not needed, on_construct handles this itemstack:take_item(1) return itemstack end -- after-place callbacks end, })