dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/util.lua" ) dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/pointset.lua" ) dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/node_misc.lua" ) -- contains inventory and structure nodes dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/node_diggers.lua" ) -- contains all diggers dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/node_builders.lua" ) -- contains all builders (there's just one currently) dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .. "/node_controllers.lua" ) -- controllers dofile( minetest.get_modpath( "digtron" ) .."/recipes.lua" ) digtron.cycle_time = 1.0 -- How long a digtron waits between cycles. digtron.traction_factor = 3.0 -- How many digtron nodes can be moved for each adjacent solid node that the digtron has traction against -- fuel costs. For comparison, in the default game: -- one default tree block is 30 units -- one coal lump is 40 units -- one coal block is 370 units (apparently it's slightly more productive making your coal lumps into blocks before burning) -- one book is 3 units local dig_cost_adjustment_factor = 0.5 -- across-the-board multiplier to make overall fuel costs easier to modify digtron.dig_cost_default = 1.0 * dig_cost_adjustment_factor -- how much fuel is required to dig a node if not in one of the following groups. -- If a node is in more than one of the following groups, the group with the maximum cost for that node is used. digtron.dig_cost_cracky = 2.0 * dig_cost_adjustment_factor -- eg, stone digtron.dig_cost_crumbly = 1.0 * dig_cost_adjustment_factor -- eg, dirt, sand digtron.dig_cost_choppy = 1.5 * dig_cost_adjustment_factor -- eg, wood digtron.build_cost = 1.0 -- how much fuel is required to build a node -- digtron group numbers: -- 1 - generic digtron node, nothing special is done with these. They're just dragged along. -- 2 - inventory-holding digtron, has a "main" inventory that the digtron can add to and take from. -- 3 - digger head, has an "execute_dig" method in its definition -- 4 - builder head, has a "test_build" and "execute_build" method in its definition -- 5 - fuel-holding digtron, has a "main" invetory that the control node can draw fuel items from. Separate from general inventory, nothing gets put here automatically. minetest.register_lbm({ name = "digtron:sand_digger_upgrade", nodenames = {"digtron:sand_digger"}, action = function(pos, node) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local offset = meta:get_string("offset") local period = meta:get_string("period") minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "digtron:soft_digger", param2 = node.param2}) meta:set_string("offset", offset) meta:set_string("period", period) end })