DigtronLayout = {} DigtronLayout.__index = DigtronLayout ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creation local get_node_image = function(pos, node) local node_image = {node=node, pos={x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}} local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] node_image.paramtype2 = node_def.paramtype2 local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) node_image.meta = meta:to_table() if node_image.meta ~= nil then node_image.meta.fields.formspec = node_def._digtron_formspec -- causes formspec to be automatically upgraded whenever Digtron moves end -- Record what kind of thing we've got in a builder node so its facing can be rotated properly if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "digtron") == 4 then local build_item = node_image.meta.inventory.main[1] if build_item ~= "" then local build_item_def = minetest.registered_nodes[ItemStack(build_item):get_name()] if build_item_def ~= nil then node_image.build_item_paramtype2 = build_item_def.paramtype2 end end end return node_image end function DigtronLayout.create(pos, player) local self = {} setmetatable(self, DigtronLayout) --initialize. We're assuming that the start position is a controller digtron, should be a safe assumption since only the controller node should call this self.traction = 0 self.all = {} self.inventories = {} self.fuelstores = {} self.battery_holders = {} -- technic batteries self.power_connectors = {} -- technic power cable self.diggers = {} self.builders = {} self.extents = {} self.water_touching = false self.lava_touching = false self.protected = Pointset.create() -- if any nodes we look at are protected, make note of that. That way we don't need to keep re-testing protection state later. self.old_pos_pointset = Pointset.create() -- For tracking original location of nodes if we do transformations on the Digtron self.nodes_dug = Pointset.create() -- For tracking adjacent nodes that will have been dug by digger heads in future self.contains_protected_node = false -- used to indicate if at least one node in this digtron array is protected from the player. self.controller = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z} --Make a deep copy of the pos parameter just in case the calling code wants to play silly buggers with it table.insert(self.all, get_node_image(pos, minetest.get_node(pos))) -- We never visit the source node, so insert it into the all table a priori. Revisit this design decision if a controller node is created that contains fuel or inventory or whatever. self.extents.max_x = pos.x self.extents.min_x = pos.x self.extents.max_y = pos.y self.extents.min_y = pos.y self.extents.max_z = pos.z self.extents.min_z = pos.z -- temporary pointsets used while searching local to_test = Pointset.create() local tested = Pointset.create() tested:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true) to_test:set(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z, true) to_test:set(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z, true) to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z, true) to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z, true) to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, true) to_test:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1, true) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass") then self.protected:set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true) self.contains_protected_node = true end -- Do a loop on to_test positions, adding new to_test positions as we find digtron nodes. This is a flood fill operation -- that follows node faces (no diagonals) local testpos, _ = to_test:pop() while testpos ~= nil do tested:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) -- track nodes we've looked at to prevent infinite loops local node = minetest.get_node(testpos) if node.name == "ignore" then --buildtron array is next to unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything. Abort. self.all = nil return self end if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "water") ~= 0 then self.water_touching = true elseif minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "lava") ~= 0 then self.lava_touching = true if digtron.config.lava_impassible then self.protected:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) end end local is_protected = false if minetest.is_protected(testpos, player:get_player_name()) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player, "protection_bypass") then self.protected:set(testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) is_protected = true end local group_number = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "digtron") if group_number > 0 then --found one. Add it to the digtrons output local node_image = get_node_image(testpos, node) table.insert(self.all, node_image) -- add a reference to this node's position to special node lists if group_number == 2 then table.insert(self.inventories, node_image) elseif group_number == 3 then table.insert(self.diggers, node_image) elseif group_number == 4 then table.insert(self.builders, node_image) elseif group_number == 5 then table.insert(self.fuelstores, node_image) elseif group_number == 6 then table.insert(self.inventories, node_image) table.insert(self.fuelstores, node_image) elseif group_number == 7 then table.insert(self.battery_holders, node_image) elseif group_number == 8 then table.insert(self.power_connectors, node_image) end if is_protected then self.contains_protected_node = true end -- update extents self.extents.max_x = math.max(self.extents.max_x, testpos.x) self.extents.min_x = math.min(self.extents.min_x, testpos.x) self.extents.max_y = math.max(self.extents.max_y, testpos.y) self.extents.min_y = math.min(self.extents.min_y, testpos.y) self.extents.max_z = math.max(self.extents.max_z, testpos.z) self.extents.min_z = math.min(self.extents.min_z, testpos.z) --queue up potential new test points adjacent to this digtron node to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x + 1, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x - 1, testpos.y, testpos.z, true) to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y + 1, testpos.z, true) to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y - 1, testpos.z, true) to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z + 1, true) to_test:set_if_not_in(tested, testpos.x, testpos.y, testpos.z - 1, true) elseif minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to ~= true then -- Tracks whether the digtron is hovering in mid-air. If any part of the digtron array touches something solid it gains traction. self.traction = self.traction + 1 end testpos, _ = to_test:pop() end digtron.award_layout(self, player:get_player_name()) -- hook for achievements mod return self end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Rotation local facedir_rotate = { ['x'] = { [-1] = {[0]=4, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23, 20, 21, 0, 1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, 12, 19, 16, 17, 18, 10, 11, 8, 9}, -- 270 degrees [1] = {[0]=8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 20, 21, 15, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 16, 6, 7, 4, 5}, -- 90 degrees }, ['y'] = { [-1] = {[0]=3, 0, 1, 2, 19, 16, 17, 18, 15, 12, 13, 14, 7, 4, 5, 6, 11, 8, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 20}, -- 270 degrees [1] = {[0]=1, 2, 3, 0, 13, 14, 15, 12, 17, 18, 19, 16, 9, 10, 11, 8, 5, 6, 7, 4, 23, 20, 21, 22}, -- 90 degrees }, ['z'] = { [-1] = {[0]=16, 17, 18, 19, 5, 6, 7, 4, 11, 8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 12, 13, 14, 15}, -- 270 degrees [1] = {[0]=12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 0, 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, 19}, -- 90 degrees } } local wallmounted_rotate = { ['x'] = { [-1] = {[0]=4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 0}, -- 270 degrees [1] = {[0]=5, 4, 2, 3, 0, 1}, -- 90 degrees }, ['y'] = { [-1] = {[0]=0, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2}, -- 270 degrees [1] = {[0]=0, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3}, -- 90 degrees }, ['z'] = { [-1] = {[0]=3, 2, 0, 1, 4, 5}, -- 270 degrees [1] = {[0]=2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 5}, -- 90 degrees } } --90 degrees CW about x-axis: (x, y, z) -> (x, -z, y) --90 degrees CCW about x-axis: (x, y, z) -> (x, z, -y) --90 degrees CW about y-axis: (x, y, z) -> (-z, y, x) --90 degrees CCW about y-axis: (x, y, z) -> (z, y, -x) --90 degrees CW about z-axis: (x, y, z) -> (y, -x, z) --90 degrees CCW about z-axis: (x, y, z) -> (-y, x, z) local rotate_pos = function(axis, direction, pos) if axis == "x" then if direction < 0 then return {x= pos.x, y= -pos.z, z= pos.y} else return {x= pos.x, y= pos.z, z= -pos.y} end elseif axis == "y" then if direction < 0 then return {x= -pos.z, y= pos.y, z= pos.x} else return {x= pos.z, y= pos.y, z= -pos.x} end else if direction < 0 then return {x= -pos.y, y= pos.x, z= pos.z} else return {x= pos.y, y= -pos.x, z= pos.z} end end end local rotate_node_image = function(node_image, origin, axis, direction, old_pos_pointset) -- Facings if node_image.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then node_image.node.param2 = wallmounted_rotate[axis][direction][node_image.node.param2] elseif node_image.paramtype2 == "facedir" then node_image.node.param2 = facedir_rotate[axis][direction][node_image.node.param2] end if node_image.build_item_paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then node_image.meta.fields.build_facing = wallmounted_rotate[axis][direction][tonumber(node_image.meta.fields.build_facing)] elseif node_image.build_item_paramtype2 == "facedir" then node_image.meta.fields.build_facing = facedir_rotate[axis][direction][tonumber(node_image.meta.fields.build_facing)] end node_image.meta.fields.waiting = nil -- If we're rotating a controller that's in the "waiting" state, clear it. Otherwise it may stick like that. -- record the old location so we can destroy the old node if the rotation operation is possible old_pos_pointset:set(node_image.pos.x, node_image.pos.y, node_image.pos.z, true) -- position in space relative to origin local pos = vector.subtract(node_image.pos, origin) pos = rotate_pos(axis, direction, pos) -- Move back to original reference frame node_image.pos = vector.add(pos, origin) return node_image end -- Rotates 90 degrees widdershins around the axis defined by facedir (which in this case is pointing out the front of the node, so it needs to be converted into an upward-pointing axis internally) function DigtronLayout.rotate_layout_image(self, facedir) -- To convert this into the direction the "top" of the axle node is pointing in: -- 0, 1, 2, 3 == (0,1,0) -- 4, 5, 6, 7 == (0,0,1) -- 8, 9, 10, 11 == (0,0,-1) -- 12, 13, 14, 15 == (1,0,0) -- 16, 17, 18, 19 == (-1,0,0) -- 20, 21, 22, 23== (0,-1,0) local top = { [0]={axis="y", dir=-1}, {axis="z", dir=1}, {axis="z", dir=-1}, {axis="x", dir=1}, {axis="x", dir=-1}, {axis="y", dir=1}, } local params = top[math.floor(facedir/4)] for k, node_image in pairs(self.all) do rotate_node_image(node_image, self.controller, params.axis, params.dir, self.old_pos_pointset) end return self end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Translation function DigtronLayout.move_layout_image(self, dir) local extents = self.extents extents.max_x = extents.max_x + dir.x extents.min_x = extents.min_x + dir.x extents.max_y = extents.max_y + dir.y extents.min_y = extents.min_y + dir.y extents.max_z = extents.max_z + dir.z extents.min_z = extents.min_z + dir.z for k, node_image in pairs(self.all) do self.old_pos_pointset:set(node_image.pos.x, node_image.pos.y, node_image.pos.z, true) node_image.pos = vector.add(node_image.pos, dir) self.nodes_dug:set(node_image.pos.x, node_image.pos.y, node_image.pos.z, false) -- we've moved a digtron node into this space, mark it so that we don't dig it. end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Writing to world function DigtronLayout.can_write_layout_image(self) for k, node_image in pairs(self.all) do --check if we're moving into a protected node if self.protected:get(node_image.pos.x, node_image.pos.y, node_image.pos.z) then return false end -- check if the target node is buildable_to or is marked as part of the digtron that's moving if not ( self.old_pos_pointset:get(node_image.pos.x, node_image.pos.y, node_image.pos.z) or minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(node_image.pos).name].buildable_to ) then return false end end return true end function DigtronLayout.write_layout_image(self, player) -- destroy the old digtron local oldpos, _ = self.old_pos_pointset:pop() while oldpos ~= nil do local old_node = minetest.get_node(oldpos) local old_meta = minetest.get_meta(oldpos) local old_def = minetest.registered_nodes[old_node.name] minetest.remove_node(oldpos) for _, callback in ipairs(minetest.registered_on_dignodes) do -- Copy pos and node because callback can modify them local pos_copy = {x=oldpos.x, y=oldpos.y, z=oldpos.z} local oldnode_copy = {name=old_node.name, param1=old_node.param1, param2=old_node.param2} callback(pos_copy, oldnode_copy, player) end minetest.log("action", string.format("%s removes Digtron component %s at (%d, %d, %d)", player:get_player_name(), old_node.name, oldpos.x, oldpos.y, oldpos.z)) if old_def.after_dig_node ~= nil then old_def.after_dig_node(oldpos, old_node, old_meta, player) end oldpos, _ = self.old_pos_pointset:pop() end -- create the new one for k, node_image in pairs(self.all) do local new_pos = node_image.pos local new_node = node_image.node local old_node = minetest.get_node(new_pos) minetest.set_node(new_pos, new_node) minetest.get_meta(new_pos):from_table(node_image.meta) minetest.log("action", string.format("%s adds Digtron component %s at (%d, %d, %d)", player:get_player_name(), node_image.node.name, node_image.pos.x, node_image.pos.y, node_image.pos.z)) for _, callback in ipairs(minetest.registered_on_placenodes) do -- Copy pos and node because callback can modify them local pos_copy = {x=new_pos.x, y=new_pos.y, z=new_pos.z} local oldnode_copy = {name=old_node.name, param1=old_node.param1, param2=old_node.param2} local newnode_copy = {name=new_node.name, param1=new_node.param1, param2=new_node.param2} callback(pos_copy, newnode_copy, player, oldnode_copy) end local new_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node_image.node.name] if new_def.after_place_node ~= nil then new_def.after_place_node(node_image.pos, player) end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Serialization. Currently only serializes the data that is needed by the crate, upgrade this function if more is needed function DigtronLayout.serialize(self) -- serialize can't handle ItemStack objects, convert them to strings. for _, node_image in pairs(self.all) do for k, inv in pairs(node_image.meta.inventory) do for index, item in pairs(inv) do inv[index] = item:to_string() end end end return minetest.serialize({controller=self.controller, all=self.all}) end function DigtronLayout.deserialize(layout_string) local self = {} setmetatable(self, DigtronLayout) if not layout_string or layout_string == "" then return nil end deserialized_layout = minetest.deserialize(layout_string) self.all = deserialized_layout.all self.controller = deserialized_layout.controller self.old_pos_pointset = Pointset.create() -- needed by the write_layout method, leave empty return self end