-- internationalization boilerplate local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua") local listname_to_title = { ["main"] = "Main Inventory", ["fuel"] = "Fuel", } -- This allows us to know which digtron the player has a formspec open for without -- sending the digtron_id over the network local player_interacting_with_digtron_id = {} local player_interacting_with_digtron_pos = {} local get_controller_unassembled_formspec = function(pos, player_name) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) return "size[9,9]" .. "container[0.5,0]" .. "button[0,0;1,1;assemble;Assemble]" .. "field[1.2,0.25;2,1;digtron_name;Digtron name;"..meta:get_string("infotext").."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[digtron_name;false]" .. "container_end[]" end local get_controller_assembled_formspec = function(digtron_id, player_name) local context = player_interacting_with_digtron_id[player_name] if context == nil or context.digtron_id ~= digtron_id then minetest.log("error", "[Digtron] get_controller_assembled_formspec was called for Digtron " ..digtron_id .. " by " .. player_name .. " but there was no context recorded or the context was" .." for the wrong digtron. This shouldn't be possible.") return "" end local inv = digtron.retrieve_inventory(digtron_id) -- ensures the detatched inventory exists and is populated -- TODO: will probably want a centralized cache for most of this, right now there's tons of redundancy if context.tabs == nil then context.tabs = {} local lists = inv:get_lists() for listname, contents in pairs(lists) do table.insert(context.tabs, { tab_type = "inventory", listname = listname, size = #contents, current_page = 1}) end context.current_tab = 1 end local tabs = "" if next(context.tabs) ~= nil then tabs = "tabheader[0,0;tab_header;Controls" for _, tab in ipairs(context.tabs) do tabs = tabs .. "," .. listname_to_title[tab.listname] or tab.listname end tabs = tabs .. ";" .. context.current_tab .. "]" end local inv_tab = function(inv_list) return "size[8,9]" .. "position[0.025,0.1]" .. "anchor[0,0]" .. "container[0,0]" .. "list[detached:" .. digtron_id .. ";"..inv_list..";0,0;8,4]" -- TODO: paging system for inventory .. "container_end[]" .. "container[0,5]list[current_player;main;0,0;8,1;]list[current_player;main;0,1.25;8,3;8]container_end[]" .. "listring[current_player;main]" .. "listring[detached:" .. digtron_id .. ";"..inv_list.."]" end local controls = "size[7,3]" .. "position[0.025,0.1]" .. "anchor[0,0]" .. "container[0,0]" .. "button[0,0;1,1;disassemble;Disassemble]" .. "field[1.2,0.3;2,1;digtron_name;Digtron name;"..digtron.get_name(digtron_id).."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[digtron_name;false]" .. "field[4.2,0.3;1,1;cycles;Cycles;1]" -- TODO persist .. "button[5,0;1,1;test_dig;Execute]" .. "container_end[]" .. "container[0,1]" .. "box[0,0;4,2;#DDDDDD]" .. "label[1.8,0.825;Move]" .. "button[1.1,0.1;1,1;move_up;Up]" .. "button[1.1,1.1;1,1;move_down;Down]" .. "button[2.1,0.1;1,1;move_forward;Forward]" .. "button[2.1,1.1;1,1;move_back;Back]" .. "button[0.1,0.6;1,1;move_left;Left]" .. "button[3.1,0.6;1,1;move_right;Right]" .. "container_end[]" .. "container[4,1]" .. "box[0,0;3,2;#CCCCCC]" .. "label[1.3,0.825;Rotate]" .. "button[0.1,0.1;1,1;rot_counterclockwise;Widdershins]" .. "button[2.1,0.1;1,1;rot_clockwise;Clockwise]" .. "button[1.1,0.1;1,1;rot_up;Pitch Up]" .. "button[1.1,1.1;1,1;rot_down;Pitch Down]" .. "button[0.1,1.1;1,1;rot_left;Yaw Left]" .. "button[2.1,1.1;1,1;rot_right;Yaw Right]" .. "container_end[]" if context.current_tab == 1 then return controls .. tabs else return inv_tab(context.tabs[context.current_tab - 1].listname) .. tabs end end -- Dealing with an unassembled Digtron controller minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "digtron:controller_unassembled" then return end local name = player:get_player_name() local pos = player_interacting_with_digtron_pos[name] if pos == nil then return end if fields.assemble then local digtron_id = digtron.assemble(pos, name) if digtron_id then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("digtron_id", digtron_id) meta:mark_as_private("digtron_id") player_interacting_with_digtron_id[name] = {digtron_id = digtron_id} minetest.show_formspec(name, "digtron:controller_assembled", get_controller_assembled_formspec(digtron_id, name)) end end --TODO: this isn't recording the field when using ESC to exit the formspec if fields.key_enter_field == "digtron_name" or fields.digtron_name then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", fields.digtron_name) end end) -- Controlling a fully armed and operational Digtron minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "digtron:controller_assembled" then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() local context = player_interacting_with_digtron_id[player_name] if context == nil then minetest.chat_send_all("no context") return end local digtron_id = context.digtron_id if digtron_id == nil then minetest.chat_send_all("no id") return end local pos = digtron.get_pos(digtron_id) if pos == nil then minetest.chat_send_all("no pos") return end local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node.name ~= "digtron:controller" then minetest.chat_send_all("not controller " .. node.name .. " " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) -- this happened somehow in testing, Digtron needs to be able to recover from this situation. -- TODO catch this on_rightclick and try remapping the layout to the new position. return end local refresh = false if fields.tab_header then local new_tab = tonumber(fields.tab_header) if new_tab <= #(context.tabs) + 1 then context.current_tab = new_tab refresh = true else --TODO error message end end if fields.disassemble then local pos = digtron.disassemble(digtron_id, player_name) if pos then player_interacting_with_digtron_pos[player_name] = pos minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "digtron:controller_unassembled", get_controller_unassembled_formspec(pos, player_name)) end end local facedir = node.param2 -- Translation if fields.move_forward then digtron.move(digtron_id, vector.add(pos, digtron.facedir_to_dir(facedir)), player_name) elseif fields.move_back then digtron.move(digtron_id, vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(digtron.facedir_to_dir(facedir), -1)), player_name) elseif fields.move_up then digtron.move(digtron_id, vector.add(pos, digtron.facedir_to_up(facedir)), player_name) elseif fields.move_down then digtron.move(digtron_id, vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(digtron.facedir_to_up(facedir), -1)), player_name) elseif fields.move_left then digtron.move(digtron_id, vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(digtron.facedir_to_right(facedir), -1)), player_name) elseif fields.move_right then digtron.move(digtron_id, vector.add(pos, digtron.facedir_to_right(facedir)), player_name) -- Rotation elseif fields.rot_counterclockwise then digtron.rotate(digtron_id, vector.multiply(digtron.facedir_to_dir(facedir), -1), player_name) elseif fields.rot_clockwise then digtron.rotate(digtron_id, digtron.facedir_to_dir(facedir), player_name) elseif fields.rot_up then digtron.rotate(digtron_id, digtron.facedir_to_right(facedir), player_name) elseif fields.rot_down then digtron.rotate(digtron_id, vector.multiply(digtron.facedir_to_right(facedir), -1), player_name) elseif fields.rot_left then digtron.rotate(digtron_id, vector.multiply(digtron.facedir_to_up(facedir), -1), player_name) elseif fields.rot_right then digtron.rotate(digtron_id, digtron.facedir_to_up(facedir), player_name) end if fields.test_dig then digtron.execute_cycle(digtron_id, player_name) end --TODO: this isn't recording the field when using ESC to exit the formspec if fields.key_enter_field == "digtron_name" or fields.digtron_name then local pos = digtron.get_pos(digtron_id) if pos then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", fields.digtron_name) digtron.set_name(digtron_id, fields.digtron_name) end end if refresh then minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "digtron:controller_assembled", get_controller_assembled_formspec(digtron_id, player_name)) end end) minetest.register_node("digtron:controller", { description = S("Digtron Control Module"), _doc_items_longdesc = nil, _doc_items_usagehelp = nil, -- Note: this is not in the "digtron" group because we do not want it to be incorporated -- into digtrons by mere adjacency; it must be the root node and only one root node is allowed. groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2= "facedir", is_ground_content = false, -- Aims in the +Z direction by default tiles = { "digtron_plate.png^[transformR90", "digtron_plate.png^[transformR270", "digtron_plate.png", "digtron_plate.png^[transformR180", "digtron_plate.png", "digtron_plate.png^digtron_control.png", }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.3125, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125}, -- Core {-0.1875, 0.3125, -0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5, 0.1875}, -- +y_connector {-0.1875, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.1875, -0.3125, 0.1875}, -- -y_Connector {0.3125, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875}, -- +x_connector {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.1875}, -- -x_connector {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.3125, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, -- +z_connector {-0.5, 0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.5, -0.3125}, -- back_connector_3 {0.125, 0.125, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.3125}, -- back_connector_1 {0.125, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.125, -0.3125}, -- back_connector_2 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.125, -0.125, -0.3125}, -- back_connector_4 }, }, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), -- on_construct = function(pos) -- end, on_dig = function(pos, node, digger) local player_name if digger then player_name = digger:get_player_name() end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local digtron_id = meta:get_string("digtron_id") local stack = ItemStack({name=node.name, count=1, wear=0}) local stack_meta = stack:get_meta() stack_meta:set_string("digtron_id", digtron_id) stack_meta:set_string("description", meta:get_string("infotext")) local inv = digger:get_inventory() local stack = inv:add_item("main", stack) if stack:get_count() > 0 then minetest.add_item(pos, stack) end -- call on_dignodes callback if digtron_id ~= "" then local removed = digtron.remove_from_world(digtron_id, player_name) for _, removed_pos in ipairs(removed) do minetest.check_for_falling(removed_pos) end else minetest.remove_node(pos) end end, preserve_metadata = function(pos, oldnode, oldmeta, drops) for _, dropped in ipairs(drops) do if dropped:get_name() == "digtron:controller" then local stack_meta = dropped:get_meta() stack_meta:set_string("digtron_id", oldmeta:get_string("digtron_id")) stack_meta:set_string("description", oldmeta:get_string("infotext")) return end end end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) -- Shall place item and return the leftover itemstack. -- The placer may be any ObjectRef or nil. local player_name if placer then player_name = placer:get_player_name() end local stack_meta = itemstack:get_meta() local digtron_id = stack_meta:get_string("digtron_id") if digtron_id ~= "" then -- Test if Digtron will fit the surroundings -- if not, try moving it up so that the lowest y-coordinate on the Digtron is -- at the y-coordinate of the place clicked on and test again. -- if that fails, show ghost of Digtron and fail to place. local target_pos local below_node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) local below_def = minetest.registered_nodes[below_node.name] if below_def.buildable_to then target_pos = pointed_thing.under else target_pos = pointed_thing.above end if target_pos then local success, succeeded, failed = digtron.is_buildable_to(digtron_id, nil, target_pos, player_name) if success then digtron.build_to_world(digtron_id, nil, target_pos, player_name) minetest.sound_play("digtron_machine_assemble", {gain = 0.5, pos=target_pos}) -- Note: DO NOT RESPECT CREATIVE MODE here. -- If we allow multiple copies of a Digtron running around with the same digtron_id, -- human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria return ItemStack("") else digtron.show_buildable_nodes(succeeded, failed) minetest.sound_play("digtron_buzzer", {gain = 0.5, pos=target_pos}) end end return itemstack else return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) local stack_meta = itemstack:get_meta() local title = stack_meta:get_string("description") local digtron_id = stack_meta:get_string("digtron_id") local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", title) meta:set_string("digtron_id", digtron_id) meta:mark_as_private("digtron_id") end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) local returnstack, success = digtron.on_rightclick(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if returnstack then return returnstack, success end if clicker == nil then return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local digtron_id = meta:get_string("digtron_id") local player_name = clicker:get_player_name() if digtron_id == "" then player_interacting_with_digtron_pos[player_name] = pos minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "digtron:controller_unassembled", get_controller_unassembled_formspec(pos, player_name)) else -- initialized player_interacting_with_digtron_id[player_name] = {digtron_id = digtron_id} minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "digtron:controller_assembled", get_controller_assembled_formspec(digtron_id, player_name)) end end, on_timer = function(pos, elapsed) end, on_blast = digtron.on_blast, })