FaceDeer d7e5309833 Added a rotation controller
Well that was a lot of work. Also, switched the "waiting" timer
management to the actual on_timer system - I noticed that minetest.after
wasn't persisting through server shutdown and restart, that could put a
controller in a "broken" state.
2017-01-08 01:23:10 -07:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB

digtron.move_node = function(pos, newpos, player_name)
-- Moves nodes, preserving digtron metadata and inventory
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
local oldnode = minetest.get_node(newpos)
minetest.log("action", string.format("%s moves %s from (%d, %d, %d) to (%d, %d, %d), displacing %s", player_name, node.name, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z, oldnode.name))
minetest.add_node(newpos, { name=node.name, param1=node.param1, param2=node.param2 })
-- copy the metadata
local oldmeta_table = minetest.get_meta(pos):to_table()
local meta = minetest.get_meta(newpos)
meta:set_string("waiting", nil) -- If a controller moves another controller that's in the waiting state, clear the waiting state otherwise it might get stuck like that (we've moved it away from the target of the pending 'clear the waiting state' delegate call). That means you can run a digtron as fast as you want by rapidly clicking between two different controllers, but shhh - don't tell the player that.
-- Move the little floaty entity inside the builders
if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "digtron") == 4 then
if node_def.after_place_node then
-- remove node from old position
if node_def.after_dig_node then
digtron.move_digtron = function(facing, digtrons, extents, nodes_dug, player_name)
-- move everything. Note! order is important or they'll step on each other, that's why this has complicated loops and filtering.
-- Nodes are moved in a "caterpillar" pattern - front plane first, then next plane back, then next plane back, etc.
-- positions in the digtron list will be updated when this method executes. Note that the inventories list shares
-- references to the node position tables in the digtron list, so it will reflect the updates too.
local dir = digtron.facedir_to_dir_map[facing]
local increment
local filter
local index
local target
if dir == 1 then -- z+
filter = "z"
increment = -1
index = extents.max_z
target = extents.min_z
extents.max_z = extents.max_z + 1
extents.min_z = extents.min_z + 1
elseif dir == 2 then -- x+
filter = "x"
increment = -1
index = extents.max_x
target = extents.min_x
extents.max_x = extents.max_x + 1
extents.min_x = extents.min_x + 1
elseif dir == 3 then -- z-
filter = "z"
increment = 1
index = extents.min_z
target = extents.max_z
extents.max_z = extents.max_z - 1
extents.min_z = extents.min_z - 1
elseif dir == 4 then -- x-
filter = "x"
increment = 1
index = extents.min_x
target = extents.max_x
extents.max_x = extents.max_x - 1
extents.min_x = extents.min_x - 1
elseif dir == 5 then -- y-
filter = "y"
increment = 1
index = extents.min_y
target = extents.max_y
extents.max_y = extents.max_y - 1
extents.min_y = extents.min_y - 1
elseif dir == 6 then -- y+
filter = "y"
increment = -1
index = extents.max_y
target = extents.min_y
extents.max_y = extents.max_y + 1
extents.min_y = extents.min_y + 1
while index ~= target + increment do
for k, location in pairs(digtrons) do
if location[filter] == index then
local newpos = digtron.find_new_pos(location, facing)
digtron.move_node(location, newpos, player_name)
--By updating the digtron position table in-place we also update all the special node tables as well
digtrons[k].x= newpos.x
digtrons[k].y= newpos.y
digtrons[k].z= newpos.z
nodes_dug:set(newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z, false) -- we've moved a digtron node into this space, mark it so that we don't dig it.
index = index + increment