FaceDeer 5c0700456c
Optimization of table allocation, more sophisticated entity damage (#37)
This pass cleans up a lot of unnecessary table allocation and disposal, which should help with memory usage and garbage collection.

It also adds some sophistication to the entity damage process from diggers, allowing items to be picked up into Digtron inventory.
2019-01-04 22:06:12 -07:00

68 lines
2.9 KiB

local CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX = "digtron_"
digtron.config = {}
local print_settingtypes = false
local function setting(stype, name, default, description)
local value
if stype == "bool" then
value = minetest.settings:get_bool(CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX..name)
elseif stype == "string" then
value = minetest.settings:get(CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX..name)
elseif stype == "int" or stype == "float" then
value = tonumber(minetest.settings:get(CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX..name))
if value == nil then
value = default
digtron.config[name] = value
if print_settingtypes then
minetest.debug(CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX..name.." ("..description..") "..stype.." "..tostring(default))
setting("bool", "uses_resources", true, "Digtron uses resources when active")
setting("bool", "lava_impassible", true, "Lava counts as a protected node")
setting("bool", "damage_creatures", true, "Diggers damage creatures") -- TODO: legacy setting, remove eventually
setting("int", "damage_hp", 8, "Damage diggers do")
if digtron.config.damage_creatures == false then digtron.config.damage_hp = 0 end -- TODO: remove when damage_creatures is removed
-- Enables the spray of particles out the back of a digger head and puffs of smoke from the controller
local particle_effects = minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_particles")
digtron.config.particle_effects = particle_effects or particle_effects == nil -- default true
setting("int", "maximum_extrusion", 25, "Maximum builder extrusion distance")
setting("float", "cycle_time", 1.0, "Minimum Digtron cycle time")
setting("float", "traction_factor", 3.0, "Traction factor")
-- fuel costs. For comparison, in the default game:
-- one default tree block is 30 units
-- one coal lump is 40 units
-- one coal block is 370 units (apparently it's slightly more productive making your coal lumps into blocks before burning)
-- one book is 3 units
-- how much fuel is required to dig a node if not in one of the following groups.
setting("float", "dig_cost_default", 3.0, "Default dig cost")
-- eg, stone
setting("float", "dig_cost_cracky", 1.0, "Cracky dig cost")
-- eg, dirt, sand
setting("float", "dig_cost_crumbly", 0.5, "Crumbly dig cost")
-- eg, wood
setting("float", "dig_cost_choppy", 0.75, "Choppy dig cost")
-- how much fuel is required to build a node
setting("float", "build_cost", 1.0, "Build cost")
-- How much charge (an RE battery holds 10000 EU) is equivalent to 1 unit of heat produced by burning coal
-- With 100, the battery is 2.5 better than a coal lump, yet 3.7 less powerful than a coal block
-- Being rechargeable should pay off for this "average" performance.
setting("int", "power_ratio", 100, "The electrical charge to 1 coal heat unit conversion ratio")
setting("float", "marker_crate_good_duration", 3.0, "Duration that 'good' crate markers last")
setting("float", "marker_crate_bad_duration", 9.0, "Duration that 'bad' crate markers last")
setting("bool", "emerge_unloaded_mapblocks", true, "When Digtron encounters unloaded map blocks, emerge them.")