2021-06-25 10:06:16 +02:00
-- ___ _ --
-- | __| |___ _ __ _____ __ _____ _ _ --
-- | _|| / -_) '_ \/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| --
-- |___|_\___| .__/\___/\_/\_/\___|_| --
-- |_| --
-- _____ --
-- |_ _|__ _ __ ___ --
-- | |/ _ \ ' \/ -_) --
-- |_|\___/_|_|_\___| --
-- Additional Information --
-- This is a store of custom text and data metrics used
-- by the tome. In some cases some of these could be added
-- to the node/craft registrations but this would clutter
-- those even more and they are across multiple mods making
-- updates more difficult.
-- Main table for storing additional info
eletome.ai = { }
-- General Info for Machine Pages (Simple and Complex) --
-- note must be setup as
-- eletome.ai.<page_heading_name>
-- Values
-- eletome.ai.<page_heading_name>.img - <optional> Image sized 800/1000 x 600 sized image
--works best, appears at the bottom of the left page if set
--eletome.ai.<page_heading_name>.part - <optional> Used for Complex Machine pages -
-- This is a table list of the machine nodes that is used to
-- assemble the complex machine, node names should be entered
-- in the order you wish them to output on the right hand page.
--eletome.ai.<page_heading_name>.over - <optional> text block that appears on the left page
-- 500-600 characters works best but can enter more or less
--eletome.ai.<page_heading_name>.sort_by - <optional> an optional field to sort all the nodes by, has to be
-- a field avaliable on the node registrations for all nodes
-- using "no_sort" will prevent any sorting from occuring
-- info for Generators page
eletome.ai . generators = { }
eletome.ai . generators.img = " power_network_simple_examples.png "
eletome.ai . generators.over = " Generators produce EpU/s by taking something from the natural " ..
" environment and converting it to power that can be used by machines. " ..
" There are both low and high tech solutions for producing power so choose " ..
" a power generation method that best fits with what your current needs are " ..
" and the resources you have avaliable. \n \n " ..
" Generators produce power (EpU/s) every second, they then distribute this " ..
" power across their network to all connected machines that require power. \n \n " ..
" A single power network is a group of machines and conduits which is connected " ..
" in one single un-broken group two examples of simple valid power networks " ..
" is pictured below. "
-- info for Powercells page
eletome.ai . powercells = { }
eletome.ai . powercells.sort_by = " ele_output "
eletome.ai . powercells.over = " Powercells will charge from the network when power is avaliable. " ..
" Once power supply on a network is 0 ie generators no longer " ..
" producing EpUs. The powercell(s) will provide power only to active " ..
" machines on the network. Powercells will provide the minimum EpUs " ..
" to the machine ie the usage amount not the max amount the machine " ..
" can recieve. \n For example the Sawmill when active(being used) uses " ..
" 32 EpUs, however the Sawmill can accept upto 64 EpUs of power until " ..
" fully charged. Powercell(s) will only provide the Sawmill with 32 " ..
" EpUs of power if the Sawmill is active. "
-- info for (Simple/Single node) Machine page
eletome.ai . machine = { }
-- info for Fluid Pump page
eletome.ai . fluid_pump = { }
eletome.ai . fluid_pump.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . fluid_pump.img = " elepower_tome_complex_water_pump.png "
eletome.ai . fluid_pump.part = { " elepower_machines:pump " ,
" fluid_transfer:fluid_transfer_pump " ,
" elepower_machines:accumulator " ,
" elepower_machines:accumulator_heavy " }
eletome.ai . fluid_pump.over = " The simplest fluid Pump is assembled from two components: " ..
" the 'Pickup Pump Tank' and the 'Fluid Transfer Pump' \n " ..
" The 'Pickup Pump Tank' must be placed above a body of fluid, " ..
" and provided with power. The black end of the " ..
" 'Fluid Transfer Pump' must be placed up against the 'Pickup Pump Tank'. \n " ..
" Once completed fluid ducting can then be used to run fluid to machines " ..
" that require fluid - For example water to the Electrolyzer. "
-- info for Miner page
eletome.ai . miner = { }
eletome.ai . miner.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . miner.instruct = " y "
eletome.ai . miner.img = " elepower_tome_complex_miner.png "
eletome.ai . miner.part = { " elepower_mining:miner_controller " ,
" elepower_mining:miner_core " ,
" elepower_mining:miner_drill " }
eletome.ai . miner.over = " The miner uses significant volumes of power and water to sift metals " ..
" from the surronding electro-molecular environment. The miner then " ..
" gathers the molecules together until enough are gathered for a lump " ..
" of metal to materialise. \n " ..
" Assembly requires an incoming water supply from a fluid pump, a power " ..
" source providing at least 128 EpUs of power. 1-9 mining drills, 1 central core, " ..
" 1 miner controller and some lengths of fluid duct. Place the 1-9 mining drills " ..
" down as 1x1 to 3x3 grid, place the central core ontop of the center drill and place " ..
" the controller ontop of the central core. Join them all togther with fluid duct " ..
" ensure one fluid duct is going into the side of the controller. Supply power " ..
" and water to the miner and it will start functioning. "
-- info for Evaporation Plant page
eletome.ai . evaporation_plant = { }
eletome.ai . evaporation_plant.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . evaporation_plant.instruct = " y "
eletome.ai . evaporation_plant.img = " elepower_tome_complex_thermal_evap.png "
eletome.ai . evaporation_plant.part = { " elepower_thermal:evaporator_controller " ,
" elepower_thermal:evaporator_input " ,
" elepower_thermal:evaporator_output " ,
" elepower_machines:heat_casing " ,
" elepower_solar:solar_generator " }
eletome.ai . evaporation_plant.over = " The Thermal Evaporation Plant is a machine which converts Water into Brine " ..
" and Brine into liquid Lithium. It is powered via solar panels around the top " ..
" edge. \n " ..
" The plant consists of a Thermal Evaporation Plant Controller, Heat Casings, " ..
" Thermal Evaporation Plant Inputs and Thermal Evaporation Plant Outputs. It " ..
" is a 4x4 structure which can be built between 3 and 18 nodes high. The first " ..
" layer is a solid 4x4 of Heat Casings. The controller must be placed on top of " ..
" this floor of heat casings and on an outside edge. The center must be left " ..
" hollow. On top of the top layer of heat casings you place Solar Generators " ..
" this is in order to increase the heat inside the plant, More heat increases the " ..
" production rate per second of the plant. The plant has a maximum temp of 1000 Kelvin. \n " ..
" Note: If the controller fails to verify your structure (PUNCH the controller) or " ..
" try placing it on a different side. "
-- info for Transporter page
eletome.ai . transporter = { }
eletome.ai . transporter.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . transporter.part = { " elepower_wireless:dialler " ,
" elepower_wireless:matter_transmitter " ,
" elepower_wireless:matter_receiver " }
eletome.ai . transporter.over = " Once setup the Teleporter allows for instanaeous travel from the sending pad " ..
" to the recieveing pad. \n " ..
" To construct the teleporter simply place the transmission pad down were you would like " ..
" to travel from and the reciever pad were you would like to travel too. Both ends will " ..
" need to be provided with power to function. It is suggested " ..
" you place a sending and recieving pad at both ends so you can teleport back and forth easily. "
-- info for Wind Turbine page
eletome.ai . wind_turbine = { }
eletome.ai . wind_turbine.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . wind_turbine.part = { " elepower_machines:wind_turbine " ,
" elepower_machines:wind_turbine_blade "
eletome.ai . wind_turbine.over = " "
-- info for Fission page
eletome.ai . fission_reactor = { }
eletome.ai . fission_reactor.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . fission_reactor.instruct = " y "
eletome.ai . fission_reactor.img = " elepower_tome_complex_fission_reactor.png "
eletome.ai . fission_reactor.part = { " elepower_nuclear:fission_controller " ,
" elepower_nuclear:fission_core " ,
" elepower_nuclear:reactor_fluid_port " ,
" elepower_nuclear:heat_exchanger " ,
" elepower_nuclear:enrichment_plant " ,
" elepower_nuclear:bucket_coolant " ,
eletome.ai . fission_reactor.over = " The Nuclear (Fission) Reactor is a type of Nuclear Reactor in Elepower used for power generation. " ..
" The reactor itself is composed of three nodes: \n " ..
" Fission Control Module - Used for controlling the power of the reactor (top node) \n " ..
" Fission Reactor Core - The core of the reactor (middle node) \n " ..
" Reactor Fluid Port - Used to turn Cold Coolant into Hot Coolant (bottom node) \n " ..
" The Reactor Core takes Fissile Fuel Rods and turns them into Depleted Fuel Rods after 2 hours (7200 seconds). " ..
" The reactor assembly needs to have area of Water Source nodes surrounding it in order to keep " ..
" the reactor cool (9x9x9 block of water). If the reactor heat reaches above 80%, it will start to melt down. The Control Rods " ..
" can be raised or lowered to control the power output of the reactor core. Lowered control rods mean " ..
" that the reactor is slowed down and raised mean that the reactor is accelerated. \n To gather power from the reactor " ..
" you will need to add a heat exchanger, water pump, steam turbine and at least 1 bucket of cold coolant as well " ..
" as the fluid ducts and fluid transfer pumps to move the fluids and steam around. \n " ..
" This reactor is inspired by the real world pressurized water reactor design. \n \n "
-- info for Fusion page
eletome.ai . fusion_reactor = { }
eletome.ai . fusion_reactor.sort_by = " no_sort "
eletome.ai . fusion_reactor.part = { " elepower_nuclear:fusion_coil " ,
" elepower_nuclear:reactor_controller " ,
" elepower_nuclear:reactor_power " ,
" elepower_nuclear:reactor_fluid " ,
" elepower_nuclear:reactor_output " ,
" elepower_nuclear:solar_neutron_activator " ,
" elepower_machines:advanced_machine_block " }
eletome.ai . fusion_reactor.over = " "
-- will also accept image names (png only), table keys
-- equate to craft grid eg [5] equals center node in 3x3 grid
--{[4] = "reg_node_name_1",[5] = "image_name_1.png", [6] = "reg_node_name_1"}
-- Node/Image specific additional information --
-- Used to supply additional information to specific
-- nodes or to images being used in recipes or summary block
-- Values (all optional) - use if unknown appears or customising
-- lb_top_img = left page, left box, top image (.png) or registered node name
-- lb_top_tt = left page, left box, top tooltip
-- lb_mid_img = left page, left box, mid image
-- lb_mid_tt = left page, left box, mid tooltip
-- lb_btm_img = left page, left box, btm image_name or number
-- lb_btm_tt = left page, left box, btm tooltip
-- mb_title_txt = left page, middle box, topline title txt - good for custom craft or action
--only use when recipe dosen't have slots [1],[2] or [3].
-- mb_recipe_items = left page, middle box; table keys
-- equate to craft grid eg [5] equals center node in 3x3 grid
-- Structure - {[4] = "reg_node_name_1",
-- [5] = "image_name_1.png",
-- [6] = "reg_node_name_1"}
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
--below only used on help pages
-- how_use_1 = left page text
-- hu_img_1 = <optional> image below text, can be a png file name string or a table with a single
--entry containing a container and formspec ("container[2.25,6.6]"..<formspec>.."container_end[]")
-- note x can be adjusted but y cant be changed without causing possible overlap with txt
-- how_use_t2 and hu_img_2 = as above but right page
2021-06-25 10:06:16 +02:00
eletome.ai . nodes = { }
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
-- Help Pages
eletome.ai . nodes [ " getting_started " ] = { how_use_1 = " This is a getting started guide for Elepower. " ..
" The first step is to create your first power generator. " ..
" The coal-fired generator is a good starting generator " ..
" as it will produce power from anything that is burnable. " ..
" You will need 3 Steel Ingots, 2 Wound copper coils, " ..
" 1 Furnace and 1 Machine block to create a coal-fired generator. " ..
" To craft all those you will need a Total of: " ..
" 174 leaves, 17 Copper Ingots, 8 Stone blocks, 9 Steel Ingots, " ..
" 3 sand, 2 Iron ingots, 2 Silver Ingots and 2 Mese Crystal Fragments \n " ,
hu_img_1 = { " container[1.0,6.6] " ..
-- line 1
" style_type[item_image_button;bgimg=elepower_tome_bgimg_2.png] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:blueberry_bush_leaves;leaves;] " ..
" tooltip[leaves;Any Leaves;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" style[num;font_size=-2;font=bold;textcolor=#FFF] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>174</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:oil_extract;basic_materials:oil_extract;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>58</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[3.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_cooking.png] " ..
" tooltip[3.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Cooking;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[4.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:paraffin;basic_materials:paraffin;] " ..
" hypertext[4.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>58</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[5.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_cooking.png] " ..
" tooltip[5.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Cooking;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[6.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;] " ..
" hypertext[6.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>58</b></right></style>] " ..
-- line 2
" item_image_button[0.75,1.5;1,1;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;] " ..
" hypertext[0.75,2.15;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>56</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.875,1.625;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.875,1.625;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.75,1.5;1,1;basic_materials:empty_spool;basic_materials:empty_spool;] " ..
" hypertext[2.75,2.15;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>24</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.875,1.5;1,1;default:copper_ingot;default:copper_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[3.875,2.15;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>12</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[5,1.625;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[5,1.625;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.875,1.5;1,1;basic_materials:copper_wire;basic_materials:copper_wire;] " ..
" hypertext[5.875,2.15;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>12</b></right></style>] " ..
-- line 3 -- bug single digits vanish randomly
" item_image_button[0.25,2.75;1,1;basic_materials:copper_wire;basic_materials:copper_wire;] " ..
" hypertext[0.25,3.4;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.375,2.75;1,1;default:mese_crystal_fragment;default:mese_crystal_fragment;] " ..
" hypertext[1.375,3.4;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[2.5,2.75;1,1;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;] " ..
" hypertext[2.5,3.4;1,1;num2;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.625,2.75;1,1;default:steel_ingot;default:steel_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[3.625,3.4;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[4.75,2.75;1,1;default:copper_ingot;default:copper_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[4.75,3.4;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[5.875,2.875;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[5.875,2.875;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[6.75,2.75;1,1;basic_materials:motor;basic_materials:motor;] " ..
" hypertext[6.75,3.4;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " } ,
hu_img_2 = { " container[0,0] " ..
" style_type[item_image_button;bgimg=elepower_tome_bgimg_2.png] " ..
--line 1
" container[2.5,0] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:stone;default:stone;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>08</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;default:furnace;default:furnace;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 2
" container[2.5,1.25] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:sand;default:sand;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_cooking.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Cooking;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;default:glass;default:glass;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 3
" container[1.875,2.5] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:copper_wire;basic_materials:copper_wire;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>08</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:iron_ingot;elepower_dynamics:iron_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[2.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[2.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[3.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:wound_copper_coil;elepower_dynamics:wound_copper_coil;] " ..
2021-06-30 09:44:32 +02:00
" hypertext[3.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 4
" container[0.875,3.75] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:copper_ingot;default:copper_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;moreores:silver_ingot;moreores:silver_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[2.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_alloying.png] " ..
" tooltip[2.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;Alloying;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[3.5,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:brass_ingot;basic_materials:brass_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[3.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[4.625,0.25;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:brass_gear;elepower_dynamics:brass_gear;] " ..
" hypertext[5.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 5
" container[0.75,5] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:steel_ingot;default:steel_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;default:glass;default:glass;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[2.625,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:brass_gear;elepower_dynamics:brass_gear;] " ..
" hypertext[2.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.75,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:motor;basic_materials:motor;] " ..
" hypertext[3.75,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[4.875,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[4.875,0.25;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.75,0.25;1,1;elepower_machines:machine_block;elepower_machines:machine_block;] " ..
" hypertext[5.875,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 6
" container[0.75,6.25] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:steel_ingot;default:steel_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:wound_copper_coil;elepower_dynamics:wound_copper_coil;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[2.625,0.25;1,1;default:furnace;default:furnace;] " ..
" hypertext[2.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.75,0.25;1,1;elepower_machines:machine_block;elepower_machines:machine_block;] " ..
" hypertext[3.75,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[4.875,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[4.875,0.25;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.75,0.25;1,1;elepower_machines:generator;elepower_machines:generator;] " ..
" hypertext[5.875,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 7
" container[0.5,7.75] " ..
2021-06-28 10:04:44 +02:00
" hypertext[0,0;7.5,2;end;<style color=#1f1f1f size=13><left> " ..
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
" Now you have your generator built, place it down and then place the machines you wish to power " ..
" next to it. \n Later on you'll need to join machines to power generators using power conduit. " ..
" </left></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
" container_end[] "
2021-06-30 09:44:32 +02:00
eletome.ai . nodes [ " first_pcb_creation " ] = { how_use_1 = " More advanced machines require a Printed Circuit Board(PCB) to craft them. " ..
2021-06-28 10:04:44 +02:00
" Early on you will need to manually craft your PCB's until you have access to a " ..
" Printed Circuit Board Plant. \n " ..
" You need two main components to create a PCB, etching acid and " ..
2021-06-30 09:44:32 +02:00
" Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Blank. To create these two items you will need: " ..
2021-06-28 10:04:44 +02:00
" 9 copper ingots, 3 gold ingots 1 mese crystal, 1 wheat seed and " ..
" single water source block placed. \n Once you have turned the water " ..
" into etching acid you can use it to turn 10 PCB blanks into 10 PCBs, you can also " ..
" pickup the etching acid with a bucket and store it. " ,
hu_img_2 = { " container[0,0] " ..
" style_type[item_image_button;bgimg=elepower_tome_bgimg_2.png] " ..
--line 1
" container[0.5,0] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:copper_ingot;default:copper_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_grinding.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Grinding;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:copper_dust;elepower_dynamics:copper_dust;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.5,0.25;1,1;farming:seed_wheat;farming:seed_wheat;] " ..
" hypertext[3.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:acidic_compound;elepower_dynamics:acidic_compound;] " ..
" hypertext[5.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 2
" container[1.25,1.25] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:acidic_compound;elepower_dynamics:acidic_compound;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_mouse_rght_click.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Right Click;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;default:water_source;default:water_source;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[3.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_output.png] " ..
" tooltip[3.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Turns Into;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[4.325,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:etching_acid_source;elepower_dynamics:etching_acid_source;] " ..
" hypertext[4.325,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 3
" container[1.125,2.5] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:copper_ingot;default:copper_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>05</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;default:gold_ingot;default:gold_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[2.625,0.25;1,1;default:mese_crystal;default:mese_crystal;] " ..
" hypertext[2.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[3.75,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[3.75,0.25;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[4.625,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:pcb_blank;elepower_dynamics:pcb_blank;] " ..
" hypertext[4.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 4
" container[1.25,3.75] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:pcb_blank;elepower_dynamics:pcb_blank;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_mouse_rght_click.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Right Click;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:etching_acid_source;elepower_dynamics:etching_acid_source;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[3.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_output.png] " ..
" tooltip[3.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Turns Into;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[4.325,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:pcb;elepower_dynamics:pcb;] " ..
" hypertext[4.325,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
" container_end[] "
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
2021-06-30 09:44:32 +02:00
eletome.ai . nodes [ " upgrading_machines " ] = { how_use_1 = " Some machines can be upgraded to improve their power storage capacity, " ..
" production speed or to make them more power efficient. To upgrade machines " ..
" you need to craft a soldering iron so you can fit new parts to the machine. \n " ..
" To craft a soldering iron you will need: 126 leaves, 8 silver ingots, 8 tin ingots, " ..
" 5 coal lumps, 4 zinc ingots, 2 lead ingots, 2 mese crystal fragments and 1 steel ingot. " ..
" Detailed crafting instructions are on the right page. \n Once you have your Soldering Iron " ..
" simply hold the the tool and then left click on any machine and if it is " ..
" upgradable you will be able to add components. " ,
hu_img_2 = { " container[0,0] " ..
" style_type[item_image_button;bgimg=elepower_tome_bgimg_2.png] " ..
-- line 1
" container[0.15,-0.1] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:blueberry_bush_leaves;leaves;] " ..
" tooltip[leaves;Any Leaves;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" style[num;font_size=-2;font=bold;textcolor=#FFF] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>126</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:oil_extract;basic_materials:oil_extract;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>42</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[3.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_cooking.png] " ..
" tooltip[3.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Cooking;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[4.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:paraffin;basic_materials:paraffin;] " ..
" hypertext[4.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>42</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[5.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_cooking.png] " ..
" tooltip[5.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Cooking;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[6.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;] " ..
" hypertext[6.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>42</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[0,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 2
" container[0.75,1.15] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;basic_materials:plastic_sheet;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>42</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:empty_spool;basic_materials:empty_spool;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>16</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.5,0.25;1,1;moreores:silver_ingot;moreores:silver_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[3.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>08</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.5,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:silver_wire;basic_materials:silver_wire;] " ..
" hypertext[5.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>08</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[-0.65,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 3
" container[1.75,2.4] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;basic_materials:silver_wire;basic_materials:silver_wire;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>08</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:zinc_ingot;elepower_dynamics:zinc_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[2.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[2.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[3.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:wound_silver_coil;elepower_dynamics:wound_silver_coil;] " ..
" hypertext[3.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[-1.65,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 4
" container[-0.4,3.65] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:coal_lump;default:coal_lump;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_grinding.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.25;0.75,0.75;Grinding;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:coal_dust;elepower_dynamics:coal_dust;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.5,0.25;1,1;default:coal_lump;default:coal_lump;] " ..
" hypertext[3.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_alloying.png] " ..
" tooltip[4.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;Alloying;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[5.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:graphite_ingot;elepower_dynamics:graphite_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[5.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[6.625,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_grinding.png] " ..
" tooltip[6.625,0.25;0.75,0.75;Grinding;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[7.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:graphite_rod;elepower_dynamics:graphite_rod;] " ..
" hypertext[7.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>03</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[0.55,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 5
" container[2.25,4.9] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:tin_ingot;default:tin_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>08</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_compressing.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Compressing;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:tin_plate;elepower_dynamics:tin_plate;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[-2.15,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 6
" container[0.25,6.15] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:zinc_ingot;elepower_dynamics:zinc_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_grinding.png] " ..
" tooltip[1.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Grinding;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[2.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:zinc_dust;elepower_dynamics:zinc_dust;] " ..
" hypertext[2.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[4.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:lead_ingot;elepower_dynamics:lead_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[4.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[5.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_grinding.png] " ..
" tooltip[5.5,0.375;0.75,0.75;Grinding;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[6.375,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:lead_dust;elepower_dynamics:lead_dust;] " ..
" hypertext[6.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[-0.15,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 7
" container[0,7.4] " ..
" item_image_button[0.25,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:tin_plate;elepower_dynamics:tin_plate;] " ..
" hypertext[0.25,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>04</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.375,0.25;1,1;default:mese_crystal_fragment;default:mese_crystal_fragment;] " ..
" hypertext[1.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[2.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:graphite_rod;elepower_dynamics:graphite_rod;] " ..
" hypertext[2.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[3.625,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:zinc_dust;elepower_dynamics:zinc_dust;] " ..
" hypertext[3.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[4.75,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:lead_dust;elepower_dynamics:lead_dust;] " ..
" hypertext[4.75,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[5.875,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[5.875,0.375;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[6.75,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:battery;elepower_dynamics:battery;] " ..
" hypertext[6.75,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[0.1,1.36;7.75,0.05;elepower_tome_bgimg_sep.png] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
-- line 8
" container[1,8.65] " ..
" item_image_button[0.375,0.25;1,1;default:steel_ingot;default:steel_ingot;] " ..
" hypertext[0.375,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[1.5,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:wound_silver_coil;elepower_dynamics:wound_silver_coil;] " ..
" hypertext[1.5,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>02</b></right></style>] " ..
" item_image_button[2.625,0.25;1,1;elepower_dynamics:battery;elepower_dynamics:battery;] " ..
" hypertext[2.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" image[3.75,0.375;0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_icon_crafting.png] " ..
" tooltip[3.75,0.25;0.75,0.75;Crafting;#30434c;#f9f9f9] " ..
" item_image_button[4.625,0.25;1,1;elepower_tools:soldering_iron;elepower_tools:soldering_iron;] " ..
" hypertext[4.625,0.9;1,1;num;<style size=12><right><b>01</b></right></style>] " ..
" container_end[] " ..
" container_end[] " }
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
2021-06-25 10:06:16 +02:00
-- Generators Page
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:generator " ] = { lb_top_img = " default:coal_lump " ,
lb_top_tt = " Burnable Items " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU generated \n per second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:lava_generator " ] = { lb_top_img = " default:lava_source " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU generated \n per 125 lava/second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:fuel_burner " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_farming:biofuel_source " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU generated \n per 12.5 biofuel/second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_solar:solar_generator " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_tome_sunlight.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Sunlight " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU generated \n per second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:steam_turbine " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_tome_steam.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Steam " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU generated \n per 500 steam/second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:wind_turbine " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_tome_wind.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Wind " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU generated \n per second "
-- Powercells
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:power_cell_0 " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_power_stored.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Storage " .. minetest.registered_nodes [ " elepower_machines:power_cell_0 " ] . ele_capacity .. " EpUs " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU max output \n per second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:hardened_power_cell_0 " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_power_stored.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Storage " .. minetest.registered_nodes [ " elepower_machines:hardened_power_cell_0 " ] . ele_capacity .. " EpUs " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU max output \n per second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:reinforced_power_cell_0 " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_power_stored.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Storage " .. minetest.registered_nodes [ " elepower_machines:reinforced_power_cell_0 " ] . ele_capacity .. " EpUs " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU max output \n per second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:resonant_power_cell_0 " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_power_stored.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Storage " .. minetest.registered_nodes [ " elepower_machines:resonant_power_cell_0 " ] . ele_capacity .. " EpUs " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU max output \n per second "
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:super_power_cell_0 " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_power_stored.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Storage " .. minetest.registered_nodes [ " elepower_machines:super_power_cell_0 " ] . ele_capacity .. " EpUs " ,
lb_btm_tt = " EpU max output \n per second "
-- (Simple) Machines Page
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:alloy_furnace " ] = { lb_top_img = " default_tin_ingot.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " 2 Materials \n to be Alloyed " ,
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
lb_btm_tt = " used per second " ,
2021-06-27 14:58:38 +02:00
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:electrolyzer " ] = { how_use_1 = " The Electrolyzer is used to create gases out of certain fluids. The electrolyzer can accept three " ..
2021-07-01 01:25:37 +02:00
" fluids/liquids, although not at the same time - water, heavy water and biomass. The electrolyzer will " ..
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
" at the cost of 128 EpUs a second break each down into different gases, see table below \n " ,
2021-06-27 14:58:38 +02:00
how_use_2 = " To extract gas from the electrolyzer you will need a fluid pump, bucketeer and an empty gas canister. " ..
2021-06-27 14:48:07 +02:00
" The electrolyzer can only output to a single bucketeer so you will need to empty one gas completely before " ..
" you will be able to bottle the second gas (always oxygen). " ,
hu_img_1 = " elepower_tome_electrolyzer_outputs.png " ,
hu_img_2 = " elepower_tome_electrolyzer_assemble.png "
2021-06-25 10:06:16 +02:00
2021-07-01 14:05:07 +02:00
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_farming:planter " ] = { lb_top_img = " farming_wheat_seed.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Seeds or Seedlings " ,
how_use_1 = " The automatic planter is used to keep a maximum 9x9 field planted with crops. The planter needs to be placed 1 node " ..
" below the ground surface, however it is waterproof and functions perfectly with a node of water above it. \n " ..
" The planter, plants from the most north westerly 3x3 block of nodes (top left corner) to the most south easterly " ..
" 3x3 block of nodes (bottom right corner). " ,
how_use_2 = " The planter has a special interface to allow it to plant. The upper 3x3 grid represents a maximum area of 9x9 around the " ..
" planter ie each grid segment represents a 3x3 area of nodes. The bottom 2 rows of 8 is the planters avaliable inventory of " ..
" items. There must be items of the type specified in the planting grid avaliable in the inventory area for the planter to be " ..
" able to plant, so keep the planters inventory well stocked with seeds or seedlings. " ,
hu_img_1 = " elepower_tome_complex_auto_planter.png " ,
hu_img_2 = " elepower_tome_complex_auto_planter_2.png "
2021-06-25 10:06:16 +02:00
-- Fluid Pump Page
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:pump " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_electrolyzer_in.png " , lb_top_tt = " Fluid " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " fluid_transfer:fluid_transfer_pump " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_electrolyzer_in.png " , lb_top_tt = " Fluid " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:accumulator " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_water.png " , lb_top_tt = " Water " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:accumulator_heavy " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_water.png " ,
lb_top_tt = " Heavy Water " ,
mb_title_txt = " Right Click " ,
mb_recipe_items = { [ 4 ] = " elepower_machines:heavy_filter " ,
[ 5 ] = " elepower_tome_mouse_rght_click.png " ,
[ 6 ] = " elepower_machines:accumulator " }
-- Evaporation Plant page
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_thermal:evaporator_controller " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_water_brine_lithium.png " , lb_top_tt = " Water \n Brine \n Lithium " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_thermal:evaporator_input " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_water_brine.png " , lb_top_tt = " Water \n Brine " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_thermal:evaporator_output " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_brine_lithium.png " , lb_top_tt = " Brine \n Lithium " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_machines:heat_casing " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_machines:heat_casing " }
-- Miner Page
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_mining:miner_controller " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_water.png " , lb_top_tt = " Requires \n Water " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_mining:miner_core " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_gui_icon_fluid_water.png " , lb_top_tt = " Requires \n Water " }
eletome.ai . nodes [ " elepower_mining:miner_drill " ] = { lb_top_img = " elepower_tome_icon_metal_lump.png " , lb_top_tt = " Produces \n Metal lumps " , lb_btm_img = " elepower_gui_icon_power_water.png " , lb_btm_tt = " 128 EpUs & 500 Water \n used per drill " }