------------------------------------------------------ -- ___ _ -- -- | __| |___ _ __ _____ __ _____ _ _ -- -- | _|| / -_) '_ \/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| -- -- |___|_\___| .__/\___/\_/\_/\___|_| -- -- _ _ |_| _ _ _ -- -- | | (_)__ _| |_| |_(_)_ _ __ _ -- -- | |__| / _` | ' \ _| | ' \/ _` | -- -- |____|_\__, |_||_\__|_|_||_\__, | -- -- |___/ |___/ -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Functions -- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- -- Floodlight Formspec -- ------------------------------------------- local function get_formspec_flood(power,tilt,rotate) local rotate = rotate or 0 local tilt = tilt or 0 local per_rot = (math.abs(rotate)/45)*100 local percent = (math.abs(tilt)/20)*100 local final ="size[8,3]".. ele.formspec.power_meter(power).. -- rotate "image[3.5,0.25;2.8,1;elepower_gui_barbg.png^[transformR90]".. "image[4.43,2.4;0.5,0.5;elepower_lighting_flood_arrow_icon.png^[transformR90]".. "tooltip[3.5,1.45;2.25,0.4;"..rotate.." Degrees;#30434c;#f9f9f9]".. --"button[5.15,1.45;0.75,0.75;rot;+]".. --"tooltip[5.15,1.45;0.75,0.75;+1 Degrees;#30434c;#f9f9f9]".. --"button[4.35,1.45;0.75,0.75;rot;0]".. --"tooltip[4.35,1.45;0.75,0.75;Reset;#30434c;#f9f9f9]".. --"button[3.5,1.45;0.75,0.75;rot;-]".. --"tooltip[3.5,1.45;0.75,0.75;-1 Degrees;#30434c;#f9f9f9]".. --"image[3.5,0.25;2.8,1;elepower_lighting_flood_tilt_gauge.png^[transformR90]".. "scrollbaroptions[min=-45;max=45;smallstep=1;largestep=5;arrows=show]".. "scrollbar[3.5,1.45;2.25,0.45;horizontal;rot;"..rotate.."]".. "scrollbaroptions[min=-20;max=20;smallstep=1;largestep=5;arrows=show]".. "scrollbar[7.25,0;0.4,2.4;vertical;tilt;"..(tilt).."]".. -- tilt "image[6.25,0;1,2.8;elepower_gui_barbg.png]".. "image[6.5,2.45;0.5,0.5;elepower_lighting_flood_arrow_icon.png]".. "tooltip[7.25,0;1,2.6;"..(tilt).." Degrees;#30434c;#f9f9f9]" --"button[7.25,0.05;0.75,0.75;tilt;+]".. --"tooltip[7.25,0.05;0.75,0.75;+1 Degrees;#30434c;#f9f9f9]".. --"button[7.25,.9;0.75,0.75;tilt;0]".. --"tooltip[7.25,.9;0.75,0.75;Reset;#30434c;#f9f9f9]".. --"button[7.25,1.75;0.75,0.75;tilt;-]".. --"tooltip[7.25,1.75;0.75,0.75;-1 Degrees;#30434c;#f9f9f9]" if rotate > 0 then final = final.."image[4.62,0.25;1.4,1;elepower_gui_barbg.png^[lowpart:"..per_rot..":elepower_gui_bar.png^[transformR270]" elseif rotate < 0 then final = final.."image[3.5,0.25;1.4,1;elepower_gui_barbg.png^[lowpart:"..per_rot..":elepower_gui_bar.png^[transformR90]" end if tilt < 0 then final = final.."image[6.25,0;1,1.4;elepower_gui_barbg.png^[lowpart:"..percent..":elepower_gui_bar.png]" elseif tilt > 0 then final = final.."image[6.25,1.22;1,1.4;elepower_gui_barbg.png^[lowpart:"..percent..":elepower_gui_bar.png^[transformR180]" end final = final.."image[3.5,0.25;2.8,1;elepower_lighting_flood_rotate_gauge.png^[transformR90]" final = final.."image[6.25,0;1,2.8;elepower_lighting_flood_tilt_gauge.png]" return final end -- register flood on_recieve fields function elepower_lighting.flood_on_recieve_fields(pos, formname, fields, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.quit then return end if fields.rot then local split = string.split(fields.rot, ":") local new_rot = tonumber(split[2]) meta:set_int("rotate",new_rot) if meta:get_int("on_off") == 1 then elepower_lighting.remove_flood_light_fill(pos) elepower_lighting.add_flood_light_fill(pos) end end if fields.tilt then local split = string.split(fields.tilt, ":") local new_tilt = tonumber(split[2]) meta:set_int("tilt", new_tilt) if meta:get_int("on_off") == 1 then elepower_lighting.remove_flood_light_fill(pos) elepower_lighting.add_flood_light_fill(pos) end end --minetest.debug(dump(fields)) end ------------------------------------------- -- Converts node param2 into a primary -- -- axis and the secondary axis, needed -- -- to workout and place light_fill -- ------------------------------------------- function elepower_lighting.p2_to_axis(node_param2) -- first_key = primary axis, num_key = param2, value = secondary axis/+- local p2_conv_table = {x = {[0]="z:+1",[2]="z:-1", [4]="y:-1", [6]="y:+1", [8]="y:+1",[10]="y:-1",[20]="z:+1",[22]="z:-1"}, y = {[5]="x:+1",[7]="x:-1", [9]="x:+1",[11]="x:-1",[12]="z:+1",[14]="z:-1",[16]="z:+1",[18]="z:-1"}, z = {[1]="x:+1",[3]="x:-1",[13]="y:-1",[15]="y:+1",[17]="y:+1",[19]="y:-1",[21]="x:-1",[23]="x:+1"}} local light_strip_axis for xyz,all_p2 in pairs(p2_conv_table) do for p2,sec_axis in pairs(all_p2) do if node_param2 == p2 then local second_axis_v = string.split(sec_axis, ":") light_strip_axis = {[xyz] = 1,[second_axis_v[1].."s"] = tonumber(second_axis_v[2])} break end end end return light_strip_axis end --------------------------------------------- -- Simply adds or removes light_fill -- --------------------------------------------- function elepower_lighting.add_remove_light_fill(pos,light_strip_axis,light_shape,add_remove) local x = light_strip_axis.x or 0 local y = light_strip_axis.y or 0 local z = light_strip_axis.z or 0 local xs = light_strip_axis.xs or 0 local ys = light_strip_axis.ys or 0 local zs = light_strip_axis.zs or 0 local mt_add_remove = minetest.remove_node local node_name = "elepower_lighting:light_fill" local add_node -- used for adding/setting nodes if add_remove == 1 then mt_add_remove = minetest.set_node node_name = "air" add_node = {name = "elepower_lighting:light_fill"} end if light_shape == "3x1" then local pos_p = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} local pos_n = {x=pos.x-x, y=pos.y-y, z=pos.z-z} local poses = {pos_p,pos_n} for k,p in pairs(poses) do if minetest.get_node(p).name == node_name then mt_add_remove(p,add_node) end end elseif light_shape == "3x2" then local pos_p = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} local pos_n = {x=pos.x-x, y=pos.y-y, z=pos.z-z} local pos_ps = {x=pos.x+x+xs, y=pos.y+y+ys, z=pos.z+z+zs} local pos_cs = {x=pos.x+xs, y=pos.y+ys, z=pos.z+zs} local pos_ns = {x=pos.x-x+xs, y=pos.y-y+ys, z=pos.z-z+zs} local poses = {pos_p,pos_n,pos_ps,pos_cs,pos_ns} for k,p in pairs(poses) do if minetest.get_node(p).name == node_name then mt_add_remove(p,add_node) end end end end --------------------------------------------- -- Add Flood Light Light nodes -- --------------------------------------------- function elepower_lighting.add_flood_light_fill(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local node_p2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2 local rel_x_y --1st axis = face dir, 2nd axis = relative vertical(tilt) local face_dir = {["z:+1"] = {[0]="y:+1",[12]="x:+1",[16]="x:-1",[20]="y:-1"}, -- North ["x:+1"] = {[1]="y:+1", [5]="z:+1", [9]="z:-1",[23]="y:-1"}, -- East ["z:-1"] = {[2]="y:+1",[14]="x:+1",[18]="x:-1",[22]="y:-1"}, -- South ["x:-1"] = {[3]="y:+1", [7]="z:-1",[11]="z:-1",[21]="y:-1"}, -- West ["y:+1"] = {[6]="z:+1", [8]="z:-1",[15]="x:+1",[17]="x:-1"}, -- Up ["y:-1"] = {[4]="z:+1",[10]="z:-1",[13]="x:+1",[19]="x:-1"}} -- Down -- Rotation reference table local rot_dir = {[0] = {x = "x",x_v = "+1",y = "z",y_v = "+1", z="y"}, [1] = {x = "z",x_v = "-1",y = "x",y_v = "+1", z="y"}, [2] = {x = "x",x_v = "-1",y = "z",y_v = "-1", z="y"}, [3] = {x = "z",x_v = "+1",y = "x",y_v = "-1", z="y"}, [4] = {x = "x",x_v = "+1",y = "y",y_v = "-1",z="z"}, [5] = {x = "y",x_v = "+1",y = "x",y_v = "+1",z="z"}, [6] = {x = "x",x_v = "-1",y = "y",y_v = "+1",z="z"}, [7] = {x = "y",x_v = "-1",y = "x",y_v = "-1",z="z"}, [8] = {x = "x",x_v = "+1",y = "y",y_v = "+1",z="z"}, [9] = {x = "y",x_v = "-1",y = "x",y_v = "+1",z="z"}, [10] = {x = "x",x_v = "-1",y = "y",y_v = "-1",z="z"}, [11] = {x = "y",x_v = "+1",y = "x",y_v = "-1",z="z"}, [12] = {x = "y",x_v = "-1",y = "z",y_v = "+1",z="x"}, [13] = {x = "z",x_v = "-1",y = "y",y_v = "-1",z="x"}, [14] = {x = "y",x_v = "+1",y = "z",y_v = "-1",z="x"}, [15] = {x = "z",x_v = "+1",y = "y",y_v = "+1",z="x"}, [16] = {x = "y",x_v = "+1",y = "z",y_v = "+1",z="x"}, [17] = {x = "z",x_v = "-1",y = "y",y_v = "+1",z="x"}, [18] = {x = "y",x_v = "-1",y = "z",y_v = "-1",z="x"}, [19] = {x = "z",x_v = "+1",y = "y",y_v = "-1",z="x"}, [20] = {x = "x",x_v = "+1",y = "z",y_v = "+1", z="y"}, [21] = {x = "z",x_v = "+1",y = "x",y_v = "-1", z="y"}, [22] = {x = "x",x_v = "-1",y = "z",y_v = "-1", z="y"}, [23] = {x = "z",x_v = "-1",y = "x",y_v = "+1", z="y"}, } for axis,p2s in pairs(face_dir) do for p2,rel_vert in pairs(p2s) do if node_p2 == p2 then local sep_rel_x_axis = string.split(axis,":") local sep_rel_y_axis = string.split(rel_vert,":") rel_x_y = {[sep_rel_x_axis[1].."x"] = sep_rel_x_axis[2], [sep_rel_y_axis[1].."y"] = sep_rel_y_axis[2], [sep_rel_y_axis[1].."z"] = sep_rel_y_axis[4], x = sep_rel_x_axis[1], x_val = sep_rel_x_axis[2], y = sep_rel_y_axis[1], y_val = sep_rel_y_axis[2] } rot_x_y = rot_dir[node_p2] end end end local light_range = 30 local tilt_angle = meta:get_int("tilt") local rot_angle = meta:get_int("rotate") local angle = 90 - rot_angle -- Start of Raycast Calculations -- -- work out rotation find pt on circle - x = cx + r * cos(a) // y = cy + r * sin(a) -- eg x = rel-x-origin + (light_range*cos((90-rot_angle)*radians) local x_rel = pos[rot_x_y.x] + (math.floor((30*math.cos(angle*0.0174533))))*tonumber(rot_x_y.x_v) local y_rel = pos[rot_x_y.y] + (math.floor((30*math.sin(angle*0.0174533))))*tonumber(rot_x_y.y_v) local pos_rot = {[rot_x_y.x] = x_rel,[rot_x_y.y] = y_rel, [rot_x_y.z] = pos[rot_x_y.z]} -- work out gradient from angle (math.tan needs radians=degrees*0.0174533...) local grad = math.tan(tilt_angle*0.0174533) local y_end = math.floor(light_range*grad) local xx = (rel_x_y.xx or 0)*light_range local yx = (rel_x_y.yx or 0)*light_range local zx = (rel_x_y.zx or 0)*light_range local xy = (rel_x_y.xy or 0)*y_end local yy = (rel_x_y.yy or 0)*y_end local zy = (rel_x_y.zy or 0)*y_end -- pos_s (start) simply add relative x local pos_s = {x=pos.x+(xx/light_range),y=pos.y+(yx/light_range),z=pos.z+(zx/light_range)} -- pos_e (end) add both relative x and relative y local pos_e = {x=pos_rot.x+xx+xy,y=pos_rot.y+yx+yy,z=pos_rot.z+zx+zy} meta:set_string("flood_light_pos_s", minetest.serialize(pos_s)) meta:set_string("flood_light_pos_e", minetest.serialize(pos_e)) local ray = minetest.raycast(pos_s,pos_e,false,true) local ray_next = ray:next() local end_pos while ray_next do local name = minetest.get_node(ray_next.under).name local node_draw = minetest.registered_items[name].drawtype if node_draw ~= "plantlike" and node_draw ~= "firelike" and node_draw ~= "raillike" and node_draw ~= "torchlike" and node_draw ~= "signlike" and name ~= "elepower_lighting:light_fill" then local e_pos = ray_next.under meta:set_string("flood_light_end", minetest.serialize(e_pos)) end_pos = {x=e_pos.x-(xx/light_range),y=e_pos.y-(yx/light_range),z=e_pos.z-(zx/light_range)} break end ray_next = ray:next() end local tot = 30 if end_pos then tot = math.abs(end_pos[rel_x_y.x] - pos[rel_x_y.x]) end -- Start of light fill calculations local flood_fill_pos = {} for i = 1,tot,1 do local new_pos = table.copy(pos) -- calculate rotation position local x_rel = new_pos[rot_x_y.x] + ((math.floor((i*math.cos(angle*0.0174533))))*tonumber(rot_x_y.x_v)) + 1*tonumber(rot_x_y.x_v) -- last + removes offset from carrier "1" local y_rel = new_pos[rot_x_y.y] + (math.floor((i*math.sin(angle*0.0174533))))*tonumber(rot_x_y.y_v) local pos_rot = {[rot_x_y.x] = x_rel,[rot_x_y.y] = y_rel, [rot_x_y.z] = new_pos[rot_x_y.z]} -- adjust for tilt pos_rot[rel_x_y.x] = (pos_rot[rel_x_y.x] + (1*rel_x_y.x_val)) -- relative X axis pos_rot[rel_x_y.y] = (pos_rot[rel_x_y.y] + math.ceil((i*rel_x_y.y_val)*grad)) -- relative Y axis --new_pos.x = new_pos.x+(math.floor(0.85*i)) if minetest.get_node(pos_rot).name == "air" or minetest.get_node(pos_rot).name == "elepower_lighting:light_fill" then table.insert(flood_fill_pos,pos_rot) minetest.set_node(pos_rot,{name = "elepower_lighting:light_fill"}) --minetest.debug(rot_x_y.y..":".. rot_x_y.y_v) end end meta:set_string("flood_fill_pos", minetest.serialize(flood_fill_pos)) end --------------------------------------------- -- Removes Flood Light Light nodes -- --------------------------------------------- function elepower_lighting.remove_flood_light_fill(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local flood_fill_pos = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("flood_fill_pos")) if type(flood_fill_pos) == "table" then meta:set_string("flood_light_pos_s","") meta:set_string("flood_light_pos_e","") meta:set_string("flood_light_end","") for k,pos in pairs(flood_fill_pos) do if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "elepower_lighting:light_fill" then minetest.remove_node(pos) end end end end ------------------------------------------- -- A rotate and place that allows lights -- -- to mount into wall sockets -- -- thanks mt forums for below soln idea -- ------------------------------------------- function elepower_lighting.rot_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local p0 = pointed_thing.under local p1 = pointed_thing.above local param2 = 0 if placer then local placer_pos = placer:get_pos() if placer_pos then param2 = minetest.dir_to_facedir(vector.subtract(p1, placer_pos)) end if p0.xp1.x then -- +X param2 = 16 + param2 elseif p0.zp1.z then -- -Z param2 = 8 + param2 elseif p0.yp1.y then -- -Y param2 = 20 + param2 end end return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2) end ------------------------------------ -- Main Lighting timer, what uses -- -- EpU's and allows lights to be -- -- switched on and off -- ------------------------------------ function elepower_lighting.light_timer(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local on_off = meta:get_int("on_off") local reg_name = minetest.get_node(pos).name local node_p2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2 local name = minetest.registered_items[minetest.get_node(pos).name].description local light_shape = minetest.registered_items[minetest.get_node(pos).name].ele_light_shape or nil local capacity = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "capacity") local storage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "storage") local usage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "usage") local pow_percent = {capacity = capacity, storage = storage, usage = usage} local light_strip_axis local flood_light_change = false if light_shape ~= "flood" then light_strip_axis = elepower_lighting.p2_to_axis(node_p2) elseif light_shape == "flood" then -- need an overide in the event a wall/tree etc is built infront of an "on" flood light beam local flood_light_end = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("flood_light_end")) local pos_s = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("flood_light_pos_s")) local pos_e = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("flood_light_pos_e")) local e_pos local bulb_type = string.match(reg_name, ':(.-)_') if light_shape == "flood" then -- change floodlight node for angled/tilted version local tilt = meta:get_int("tilt") or 0 local rotate = meta:get_int("rotate") or 0 local rpn = "p" local tpn = "p" local new_name if rotate < 0 then if rotate < -10 then rpn = "n" end rotate = rotate*-1 end if tilt < 0 then if tilt < -5 then tpn = "n" end tilt = tilt*-1 end if rotate > 10 then rotate = 45 else rotate = 0 end if tilt > 5 then tilt = 20 else tilt = 0 end if not string.find(reg_name, "active") then new_name = "elepower_lighting:"..bulb_type.."_floodlight_x"..rpn..rotate.."_y"..tpn..tilt else new_name = "elepower_lighting:"..bulb_type.."_floodlight_x"..rpn..rotate.."_y"..tpn..tilt.."_active" end if new_name ~= reg_name then ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, new_name) end end if pos_s then local ray = minetest.raycast(pos_s,pos_e,false,true) local ray_next = ray:next() while ray_next do local name = minetest.get_node(ray_next.under).name local node_draw = minetest.registered_items[name].drawtype if node_draw ~= "plantlike" and node_draw ~= "firelike" and node_draw ~= "raillike" and node_draw ~= "torchlike" and node_draw ~= "signlike" and name ~= "elepower_lighting:light_fill" then e_pos = ray_next.under break end ray_next = ray:next() end if minetest.serialize(e_pos) ~= minetest.serialize(flood_light_end) then flood_light_change = true end end end if (storage >= usage and on_off == 1) then if not string.find(reg_name, "active") or flood_light_change == true then if flood_light_change == false then ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, reg_name.."_active") elseif flood_light_change == true then elepower_lighting.remove_flood_light_fill(pos) end if light_shape == "flood" then elepower_lighting.add_flood_light_fill(pos) elseif light_shape then elepower_lighting.add_remove_light_fill(pos,light_strip_axis,light_shape,1) end end pow_percent.storage = pow_percent.storage - usage storage = pow_percent.storage meta:set_int("storage", pow_percent.storage) else if string.find(reg_name, "active") then local name = string.sub(reg_name, 1, -8) ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, name) if light_shape then if light_shape == "flood" then elepower_lighting.remove_flood_light_fill(pos) elseif light_shape then elepower_lighting.add_remove_light_fill(pos,light_strip_axis,light_shape) end end end end meta:set_string("infotext", name .. "\n" .. ele.capacity_text(capacity, storage)) if light_shape == "flood" then local tilt = meta:get_int("tilt") or 0 local rotate = meta:get_int("rotate") or 0 meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec_flood(pow_percent,tilt,rotate)) end return true end --------------------------------------------- -- Main Colored Lighting timer, what uses -- -- EpU's and allows lights to be switched -- -- on and off -- --------------------------------------------- elepower_lighting.colors = {{"#ff0500", "Red"}, {"#ff3500", "Dark Orange"}, {"#ff6300", "Orange"}, {"#ff9100", "Light Orange"}, {"#ffc000", "Golden"}, {"#ffef00", "Yellow"}, {"#e1ff00", "Lemon Lime"}, {"#b3ff00", "Lime"}, {"#84ff00", "Lawn Green"}, {"#56ff00", "Bright Green"}, {"#00ff36", "Green"}, {"#00ff65", "Spring Green"}, {"#00ff93", "Sea Green"}, {"#00ffc2", "Aqua"}, {"#00fff0", "Turquoise Blue"}, {"#00dfff", "Sky Blue"}, {"#00b1ff", "Vivid Blue"}, {"#0082ff", "Azure"}, {"#0053ff", "Blue"}, {"#0024ff", "Blue Bonnet"}, {"#0900ff", "Dark Blue"}, {"#3800ff", "Blue Purple"}, {"#6700ff", "Indigo"}, {"#9500ff", "Violet"}, {"#c400ff", "Orchid"}, {"#f200ff", "Magenta"}, {"#ff00dd", "Hot Pink"}, {"#ff00af", "Shocking Pink"}, {"#ff0080", "Pink"}, {"#ff0051", "Apple Red"}, {"#ffffff", "White"}, {"#000000", "Black"} } local function get_formspec_panel_color(power,color_mode,color_sync) local color_m = color_mode local color_s = color_sync if tonumber(color_m) then color_m = "Single Color-"..elepower_lighting.colors[(color_m/8)][2] else color_m = color_m:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end local final ="size[8,3]".. "container[0,0.1]".. ele.formspec.power_meter(power).. "container_end[]".. "label[1,-0.05;Current Selection: "..color_m.."]".. "checkbox[6,-0.25;sync;Synchronize;"..color_s.."]".. "image_button[1,0.4;2,0.75;elepower_lighting_gui_rainbow_button.png;r_color;Rainbow;false;true;elepower_lighting_gui_rainbow_button.png^[opacity:127]".. "image_button[1,1.1;2,0.75;elepower_lighting_gui_strobe_button.png;r_color;Strobe;false;true;elepower_lighting_gui_strobe_button.png^[opacity:127]".. "image_button[1,1.8;2,0.75;elepower_lighting_gui_blue_button.png;r_color;Blues;false;true;elepower_lighting_gui_blue_button.png^[opacity:127]".. "image_button[1,2.5;2,0.75;elepower_lighting_gui_red_button.png;r_color;Reds;false;true;elepower_lighting_gui_red_button.png^[opacity:127]" for k,def in pairs(elepower_lighting.colors) do local image_end = "elepower_lighting_gui_color_button.png^[multiply:".. def[1]..";f_color;"..((k)*8).. ";false;true;elepower_lighting_gui_color_button.png^[multiply:".. def[1].."^[opacity:127]]" final = final.."style[f_color;font_size=0;textcolor="..def[1].."]" if k <= 8 then final = final.."image_button["..(3.0+((k-1)*0.6))..",0.4;0.75,0.75;"..image_end final = final.."tooltip["..(3.0+((k-1)*0.6))..",0.4;0.55,0.65;"..def[2]..";#30434c;#f9f9f9]" elseif k > 8 and k < 17 then final = final.."image_button["..(3.0+((k-9)*0.6))..",1.1;0.75,0.75;"..image_end final = final.."tooltip["..(3.0+((k-9)*0.6))..",1.1;0.55,0.65;"..def[2]..";#30434c;#f9f9f9]" elseif k > 16 and k < 25 then final = final.."image_button["..(3.0+((k-17)*0.6))..",1.8;0.75,0.75;"..image_end final = final.."tooltip["..(3.0+((k-17)*0.6))..",1.8;0.55,0.65;"..def[2]..";#30434c;#f9f9f9]" else final = final.."image_button["..(3.0+((k-25)*0.6))..",2.5;0.75,0.75;"..image_end final = final.."tooltip["..(3.0+((k-25)*0.6))..",2.5;0.55,0.65;"..def[2]..";#30434c;#f9f9f9]" end end return final end -- register color on_recieve fields function elepower_lighting.color_on_recieve_fields(pos, formname, fields, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.quit then return end if fields.r_color == "Rainbow" then meta:set_string("color_mode","rainbow") elseif fields.r_color == "Strobe" then meta:set_string("color_mode","strobe") elseif fields.r_color == "Blues" then meta:set_string("color_mode","blues") elseif fields.r_color == "Reds" then meta:set_string("color_mode","reds") elseif fields.f_color then meta:set_string("color_mode",fields.f_color) elseif fields.sync then meta:set_string("color_sync",tostring(fields.sync)) end --minetest.debug(dump(fields)) end function elepower_lighting.light_timer_colored(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local on_off = meta:get_int("on_off") local cycles = meta:get_int("light_color_count") local color_mode = meta:get_string("color_mode") or "rainbow" local color_sync = meta:get_string("color_sync") or "false" local run_bwd = meta:get_string("run_bwd") or "false" local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local name = minetest.registered_items[minetest.get_node(pos).name].description local reg_name = minetest.get_node(pos).name local capacity = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "capacity") local storage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "storage") local usage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "usage") local pow_percent = {capacity = capacity, storage = storage, usage = usage} local strobe_ok = true local is_timer = true if cycles == 5 then --(1 second) if (storage >= usage and on_off == 1) then if not string.find(reg_name, "active") and color_mode ~= "strobe" then ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, reg_name.."_active") end pow_percent.storage = pow_percent.storage - usage storage = pow_percent.storage meta:set_int("storage", pow_percent.storage) else if string.find(reg_name, "active") then local name = string.sub(reg_name, 1, -8) ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, name) strobe_ok = false end end meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec_panel_color(pow_percent,color_mode,color_sync)) meta:set_string("infotext", name .. "\n" .. ele.capacity_text(capacity, storage)) cycles = 0 end node = minetest.get_node(pos) if string.find(node.name, "active") or strobe_ok then if color_mode == "rainbow" then if color_sync == "true" then local sync_total = 30 local node_plain_p2 = node.param2 % 8 col_seq = math.ceil(sync_total*((((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2))/sync_total)%1)) node.param2 = node_plain_p2 + ((col_seq*8)-8) minetest.swap_node(pos, node) else node.param2 = node.param2+8 if node.param2 >=240 then node.param2 = (node.param2 % 32) end minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end elseif color_mode == "blues" or color_mode == "reds" then local blues_seq_p2 = {120,128,136,144,152,160,168} local reds_seq_p2 = {200,208,216,224,232,0} local node_plain_p2 = node.param2 % 8 local cur_color_p2 = math.floor(node.param2/8)*8 local col_seq = 1 local change = 1 local col_seq_p2 = blues_seq_p2 local sync_total = #blues_seq_p2-1 if color_mode == "reds" then col_seq_p2 = reds_seq_p2 sync_total = #reds_seq_p2-1 end if color_sync == "true" then if math.floor(((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2)/sync_total)%2) == 0 then --minetest.debug("bwd: ".. (sync_total+1)-math.ceil(sync_total*((((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2))/sync_total)%1))) col_seq = (sync_total+1)-math.ceil(sync_total*((((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2))/sync_total)%1)) change = 0 meta:set_string("run_bwd", "true") else --minetest.debug("fwd: ".. 1+math.ceil(sync_total*((((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2))/sync_total)%1))) col_seq = 1+math.ceil(sync_total*((((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2))/sync_total)%1)) change = 0 meta:set_string("run_bwd", "false") end else for k,v in pairs(col_seq_p2 ) do if v == cur_color_p2 then col_seq = k end end if (col_seq == #col_seq_p2 or run_bwd == "true") and col_seq ~= 1 then meta:set_string("run_bwd", "true") change = -1 elseif col_seq == 1 then meta:set_string("run_bwd", "false") end end --minetest.debug(col_seq+change) node.param2 = col_seq_p2[col_seq+change] + node_plain_p2 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif color_mode == "strobe" then if color_sync == "true" then local col_seq = math.ceil(math.floor((elepower_lighting.timer/0.2)+0.5)%2) if col_seq == 1 then if not string.find(reg_name, "active") then ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, reg_name.."_active") end else if string.find(reg_name, "active") then local name = string.sub(reg_name, 1, -8) ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, name) end end else if string.find(reg_name, "active") then local name = string.sub(reg_name, 1, -8) ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, name) else ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, reg_name.."_active") end end elseif type(tonumber(color_mode)) == "number" then local node_plain_p2 = node.param2 % 8 local cur_color_p2 = math.floor(node.param2/8)*8 if color_mode-8 ~= cur_color_p2 then node.param2 = color_mode-8 + node_plain_p2 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end else -- catch error state set to white local node_plain_p2 = node.param2 % 8 node.param2 = node_plain_p2 + 240 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end end local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) if timer:get_timeout() ~= 0.2 then timer:start(0.2) is_timer = false end meta:set_int("light_color_count",cycles+1) return is_timer end elepower_lighting.timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- note counter shouldn't cause an issue until uptime exceeds about 7million yrs elepower_lighting.timer = elepower_lighting.timer + dtime; end) ----------------------------------------- -- Lighting simple functions for basic -- -- node functionality -- ----------------------------------------- -- set light on/off by punch function elepower_lighting.light_punch(pos,player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local on_off = meta:get_int("on_off") or 1 if on_off == 1 then on_off = 0 else on_off = 1 end meta:set_int("on_off",on_off) end -- set lights to on when constructed function elepower_lighting.light_construct(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_int("on_off",1) local is_colored = minetest.registered_items[minetest.get_node(pos).name].palette or nil if is_colored then meta:set_string("color_mode","rainbow") local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) timer:start(0.2) end end -- Main place function function elepower_lighting.light_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return itemstack end return elepower_lighting.rot_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end -- For lights more than 1x1 cleanup light_fill on destruction function elepower_lighting.light_strip_cleanup(pos) local node_p2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2 local light_shape = minetest.registered_items[minetest.get_node(pos).name].ele_light_shape or nil local light_strip_axis = elepower_lighting.p2_to_axis(node_p2) if light_shape == "flood" then elepower_lighting.remove_flood_light_fill(pos) else elepower_lighting.add_remove_light_fill(pos,light_strip_axis,light_shape) end end