--------------------------------------------------- -- ___ _ -- -- | __| |___ _ __ _____ __ _____ _ _ -- -- | _|| / -_) '_ \/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| -- -- |___|_\___| .__/\___/\_/\_/\___|_| -- -- |_| -- -- _____ -- -- |_ _|__ _ __ ___ -- -- | |/ _ \ ' \/ -_) -- -- |_|\___/_|_|_\___| -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Crafts Page -- --------------------------------------------------- function eletome.craft_page(craft_description,page_num) -- remove "action:" from string local craft_description = string.match(craft_description, ":(.*)") -- Convert craft_description back to craft local raw_all_crafts = table.copy(elepm.craft.types) local craft_click = {} local craft_type for craft_name,def in pairs(raw_all_crafts) do if def.description == craft_description then craft_click[craft_name] = def craft_type = craft_name end end if craft_click == "nil" then minetest.debug("error") end -- Craft page structured as 2 pages ie an open book -- a single column on left page and single column -- on the right page. -- Assign Common styles to local vars local sty_h0s = eletome.common_styles.style_h0s local sty_h0e = eletome.common_styles.style_h0e local sty_h1s = eletome.common_styles.style_h1s local sty_h1e = eletome.common_styles.style_h1e local sty_h2s = eletome.common_styles.style_h2s local sty_h2e = eletome.common_styles.style_h2e local sty_h3s = eletome.common_styles.style_h3s local sty_h3e = eletome.common_styles.style_h3e local sty_h4s = eletome.common_styles.style_h4s local sty_h4e = eletome.common_styles.style_h4e -------------------------- -- Craft page left page -- -------------------------- local heading_lp = "hypertext[0.5,0.7;8.5,1.1;craft_lp_h;"..sty_h0s..craft_description..sty_h0e.."]" local head_sub_lp_ov = "hypertext[0.5,1.4;8.5,1.0;craft_lp_sh_ov;"..sty_h1s.."Overview"..sty_h1e.."]" local ov_lp_txt = "hypertext[0.75,2.1;8.0,5.5;craft_lp_ov_text;"..sty_h3s..craft_click[craft_type].overview..sty_h3s.."]" -- calculate approximatly how many lines "overview" takes local length = string.len(craft_click[craft_type].overview) local cpl = eletome.char_per_line local num_lines = math.ceil(length/cpl) local y_offset = num_lines*eletome.y_space_line -- Find machines that do craft local mach_names = {} for name,def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes)do if def.craft_type == craft_type then if def.ele_active_node and string.find(name,"active") then -- only insert active version of machine table.insert(mach_names,{name,def.description}) elseif not def.ele_active_node then table.insert(mach_names,{name,def.description}) end end end local machines_lp = "style_type[item_image_button;bgimg=elepower_tome_bgimg_2.png]" local y_m_row = 0 --multiple rows of machines for k,def in pairs(mach_names)do if #mach_names == 1 then machines_lp = machines_lp.."item_image_button[4,"..(5.6+y_offset+y_m_row)..";1.25,1.25;"..def[1]..";"..def[2]..";]".. "hypertext[0.5,"..(7+y_offset+y_m_row)..";8.4,1;craft_mach_lab;"..sty_h3s..def[2]..sty_h3s.."]" else if (k % 2 == 0) then -- even key machines_lp = machines_lp.."item_image_button[6,"..(5.6+y_offset+y_m_row)..";1.25,1.25;"..def[1]..";"..def[2]..";]".. "hypertext[4.5,"..(7+y_offset+y_m_row)..";4.5,1;craft_mach_lab;"..sty_h3s..def[2]..sty_h3s.."]" y_m_row = y_m_row + 2.5 else -- odd key machines_lp = machines_lp.."item_image_button[2,"..(5.6+y_offset+y_m_row)..";1.25,1.25;"..def[1]..";"..def[2]..";]".. "hypertext[0.5,"..(7+y_offset+y_m_row)..";4.5,1;craft_mach_lab;"..sty_h3s..def[2]..sty_h3s.."]" end end end --------------------------- -- Craft page right page -- --------------------------- local head_sub_rp_rec = "hypertext[9.5,0.7;8.5,1.0;craft_lp_h;"..sty_h1s.."Recipes"..sty_h1e.."]" local craft_reg_path = elepm.craft[craft_type] local recipe_list = {} local recipe_list_rdy = {} if craft_type == "cooking" then -- restructure craft recipe inputs/outputs, so easier to output to formspec -- recipe_list = { -- {input={item1,num},{item2,num},output={item,num}}, -- {input={item1,num},{item2,num},output={item1,num},{item2,num}} -- } for name,def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do local recipe = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(name) if recipe ~= nil then for k,def in pairs(recipe) do if def.method == "cooking" and def.output ~= "" then if string.find(def.items[1],"group") then def.items[1] = string.gsub(def.items[1],"group","default") end -- This structure matches below, double table nesting a bit redundant table.insert(recipe_list,{input = {{def.items[1],1}},output = {{def.output,1}}}) end end end end else -- restructure craft recipe inputs/outputs, so easier to output to formspec -- recipe_list = { -- {input={item1,num},{item2,num},output={item,num}}, -- {input={item1,num},{item2,num},output={item1,num},{item2,num}} -- } for k,v in pairs(craft_reg_path) do local input = {} local output = {} if type(v.output) == "table" then -- very rarly table eg grinding-fuel_rod_depleted for k,v in pairs(v.output)do local t_out = string.split(v," ") table.insert(output,{t_out[1],tonumber(t_out[2]) or 1}) end else local t_out = string.gsub(tostring(v.output),"ItemStack%(\"","") local t_out = string.gsub(t_out,"\"%)","") local t_out = string.split(t_out," ") table.insert(output,{t_out[1],tonumber(t_out[2]) or 1}) end for k2,v2 in pairs(v.recipe)do table.insert(input,{k2,v2}) end table.insert(recipe_list,{input = input,output = output}) end --minetest.debug(dump(recipe_list)) end -- build recipe list local y_off = 0 local x_off = 0 local col_cnt = 1 local recipe_cnt = 1 for k,def in pairs(recipe_list) do local s_recipe ="style_type[label;font_size=-2;font=bold;textcolor=#FFF]" local in_len = #def.input local out_len = #def.output local columns = 2 local col_gap = 0.75 local in_cnt = 1 if (in_len+out_len) == 2 then columns = 3 end if (in_len+out_len) == 3 then col_gap = 1.5 end for k,def in pairs(def.input) do s_recipe = s_recipe.."item_image_button["..(9.5 + x_off)..","..(1.5+y_off)..";0.6,0.6;"..def[1]..";"..def[1]..";]" s_recipe = s_recipe.."label["..(10 + x_off)..","..(1.99 + y_off)..";"..def[2].."]" x_off = x_off+0.7 if in_cnt >= in_len then s_recipe = s_recipe.."image["..(9.5 + x_off)..","..(1.5+y_off)..";0.6,0.6;elepower_tome_equals.png]" x_off = x_off+0.7 end in_cnt = in_cnt+1 end for k,def in pairs(def.output)do s_recipe = s_recipe.."item_image_button["..(9.5 + x_off)..","..(1.5+y_off)..";0.6,0.6;"..def[1]..";"..def[1]..";]" s_recipe = s_recipe.."label["..(10 + x_off)..","..(1.99 + y_off)..";"..def[2].."]" x_off = x_off+0.7 end if col_cnt >= columns then x_off = 0 y_off = y_off + 0.7 col_cnt = 1 else x_off = x_off+col_gap col_cnt = col_cnt + 1 end table.insert(recipe_list_rdy,s_recipe) recipe_list_rdy.columns = recipe_list_rdy.columns or columns recipe_cnt = recipe_cnt + 1 --reset y_off(set) as these will be on page 2/3 etc if recipe_cnt > recipe_list_rdy.columns*12 then y_off = 0 recipe_cnt = 1 end end -- Split recipes across 2 or more pages if needed. local max_recipe_pp = 24 -- 2 columns local pg_num = tonumber(page_num) or 1 local i = 1 if recipe_list_rdy.columns == 3 then max_recipe_pp = 36 end local recipe_rp = eletome.p_nav_bwd_fwd(craft_description,recipe_list_rdy,max_recipe_pp,pg_num,"craft_bwd_fwd") ------------------------- -- Assemble craft page -- ------------------------- local eletome_craft = heading_lp..head_sub_lp_ov..ov_lp_txt..machines_lp.. head_sub_rp_rec..recipe_rp return eletome_craft end