diff --git a/locale/emeraldbank.es.tr b/locale/emeraldbank.es.tr index 1901589..dd8dd1b 100644 --- a/locale/emeraldbank.es.tr +++ b/locale/emeraldbank.es.tr @@ -9,59 +9,7 @@ Return your emeralds in your bank account. Or if have server priv, other players Admin Command! Add player emeralds in bank account, also can use negative numbers=Comando Admin. Añade esmeraldas a una cuenta, tambien admite numeros negativos. @1 has now @2 emeralds in bank account=@1 tiene ahora @2 esmeraldas en su cuenta del banco Player @1 not found or not online.=Jugador @1 no encontrado. -Admin Command! Upgrade a shop=Comando de Admin para actualizar tiendas Emeralds in Bank: @1=Esmeraldas en el Banco: @1 -Fancy Vendor Display Node (you hacker you!)= -Enables the user to set all vendors to inactive.=Permite desabilitar todas las tiendas. -Toggle vendor inactivity.=Tienda inactiva -Getting Fancy=Tiendeando -Craft a fancy vendor.=Crear tienda -Craft a copy tool.=Crear herramienta de copiado -Trade successful=Comprado -Vendor has insufficient space=La tienda no tiene espacio -Vendor has insufficient resources=La tienda no tiene suficientes productos -You have insufficient space=No tienes espacio en el inv -You have insufficient funds=No tienes fondos suficientes -Vendor is inactive=La tienda esta desactivada -Owner wants:=El dueño quiere: -for:=por: -Buy=Comprar -lots.=lotes -Fill lots to max.=Pedir lo maximo -active=activada -inactive=desactivada -Vendor status: =Estado: -Message: =Mensaje: -Vendor owned by: =Dueño: -Vendor will not accept worn tools.=La tienda no acepta objetos gastados -Vendor will not sell worn tools.=La tienda no vende objetos gastados -Input item=Objeto que entra -Output item=Objeto que sale -Done=Hecho -Co-Sellers:=Otros dueños: -Banned Buyers:=No vendo a: -Force vendor into an inactive state.=Desactivar tienda -Set this vendor to a Depositor.=Tienda para comprar -Sell worn tools.=Vender objetos gastados -Buy worn tools.=Comprar objetos usados -Automatically sort inventory.=Ordenar automaticamente -Set vendor to an admin vendor.=Tienda de Admin -Eject incoming currency.=Soltar monedas -Accept for-sale item only.=Solo items para vender -Split incoming stacks.=Separar stacks entrantes -Digiline Channel:=Canal de Digiline -All To Vendor=Todo a la tienda -All From Vendor=Todo desde la tienda -Output To Vendor=Salida desde tienda -Input From Vendor=Entrada desde tienda -Sort Inventory=Ordenar inventario -Error loading logs=Error cargando registros -Vending Machine=Maquina de Vender -Unconfigured Player Vendor=Tienda sin configurar -Vendor initialized=Tienda activada -Geminio Wand (For copying vendor settings, right click to save settings, left click to set settings.)=Vara de Geminio (Click derecho para copiar ajustes de una tienda, clic izquierdo en otra tienda para pegar los ajustes) -Shop Upgrade (Try and place to upgrade)=Tienda actualizada (colocala para actualizarla) -Out of Stock!=¡La tienda se ha quedado sin existencias! Your account balance: @1 @2=Tu dinero en la cuenta: @1 @2 Deposit:=Ingresar Withdraw:=Retirar @@ -81,12 +29,11 @@ no transactions registered=no hay registro de transacciones < Transfer money=< Tranferencias Transaction list=Lista de transacciones Clear transactions=Limpiar transacciones -You've earned @1 Emeralds with your shops.=Has ganado @1 Esmeraldas con tus tiendas. Pay Successfully! You have transferred @1 Emeralds.=¡Pago completado! Has transferido @1 Esmeraldas. Pay Successfully! You've gotten @1 Emeralds.=¡Pago completado! Te acaban de pagar @1 Esmeraldas. @1 has transferred @2 emeralds to @3=@1 ha transferido @2 esmeraldas a @3 -Invalid pay=Pago invalido, no puedes pagar un numero negativo. Not enough Emeralds in your account=No tienes suficientes esmeraldas en tu cuenta. +Invalid pay=Pago invalido, no puedes pagar un numero negativo. You have earned your starting balance for playtime: @1= Not enough money in your account=No tienes suficiente dinero en tu cuenta del banco Not enough room in your inventory=No tienes espacio en tu inventario @@ -98,19 +45,3 @@ Your account does not have enough funds to complete this transfer, aborting=Tu c Payment of @1 to @2 completed=Pago de @1 a @2 completado con exito Good news!@n@n@1 has transferred @2 emeralds to your bank account using the Emerald Bank Transfer System.@n@nTransfer description:@n@n@3=Buenas noticias!@n@n@1 ha transferido @2 esmeraldas a tu cuenta bancaria usando el Banco de Esmeraldas.@n@nDescripción de la transferencia:@n@n@3 @1, thank you for choosing the Emerald Bank Transfer system=Gracias por elegir el sistema de transferencias de Emerald Bank -Enables the user to set regular vendors to admin vendors, or edit other players shops.=Permite crear tiendas de Admin o editar tiendas de otros. -Your stock:=Tus existencias: -Count=Cantidad -Price=Precio -In exchange, you give:=Tu ofreces: -Owner, Use (special key + right mouse button) for customer interface=Usa ("tecla especial" + clic derecho) sobre la tienda para ver la interfaz de comprador. -Owner gives:=Se ofrece: -x @1=x @1 -Price: @1=Precio: @1 -Exchange=Comprar -Exchange shop (owned by @1)=Tienda (de @1) -Shop=Tienda -A shop to sell your items with emeralds.=Una tienda para vender tus objetos por esmeraldas. -Shop Empty=Tienda Vacia -This is your own shop, you can't exchange to yourself!=No puedes comprarte a ti mismo. -Exchanged!=¡Comprado! diff --git a/locale/emeraldbank.it.tr b/locale/emeraldbank.it.tr index 43b868f..0d39534 100644 --- a/locale/emeraldbank.it.tr +++ b/locale/emeraldbank.it.tr @@ -10,59 +10,7 @@ Return your emeralds in your bank account. Or if have server priv, other players Admin Command! Add player emeralds in bank account, also can use negative numbers=Comando amministratore! Aggiungi gli smeraldi dei giocatori nel conto bancario, puoi anche usare numeri negativi @1 has now @2 emeralds in bank account=@1 ora ha @2 smeraldi nel conto bancario Player @1 not found or not online.= -Admin Command! Upgrade a shop=Comando amministratore! Aggiorna un negozio Emeralds in Bank: @1=Smeraldi in Banca: @1 -Fancy Vendor Display Node (you hacker you!)=Nodo di visualizzazione del venditore fantasioso (tu hacker tu!) -Enables the user to set all vendors to inactive.=Consente all'utente di impostare tutti i fornitori su inattivi. -Toggle vendor inactivity.=Attiva/disattiva l'inattività del fornitore. -Getting Fancy=Diventare fantasiosi -Craft a fancy vendor.=Crea un venditore stravagante. -Craft a copy tool.=Crea uno strumento di copia. -Trade successful=Commercio di successo -Vendor has insufficient space=Il venditore non ha spazio sufficiente -Vendor has insufficient resources=Il fornitore non dispone di risorse sufficienti -You have insufficient space=Non hai spazio sufficiente -You have insufficient funds=Non hai fondi sufficienti -Vendor is inactive=Il venditore è inattivo -Owner wants:=Il proprietario vuole: -for:=per -Buy=Compra -lots.=lotti -Fill lots to max.=riempi i lotti al massimo -active=attivo -inactive=inattivo -Vendor status: =Stato del venditore -Message: =messaggio -Vendor owned by: =Proprietario del venditore -Vendor will not accept worn tools.=Il venditore non accetterà strumenti usurati. -Vendor will not sell worn tools.=Il venditore non venderà strumenti usurati. -Input item=Entrata oggetto -Output item=Uscita oggetto -Done=Fatto -Co-Sellers:=co-venditori -Banned Buyers:=Acquirenti vietati -Force vendor into an inactive state.=Forza il fornitore in uno stato inattivo. -Set this vendor to a Depositor.=Imposta questo fornitore su un Depositante. -Sell worn tools.=Vendi strumenti usurati. -Buy worn tools.=Acquista strumenti usurati. -Automatically sort inventory.=Ordina automaticamente l'inventario. -Set vendor to an admin vendor.=Imposta il fornitore su un fornitore amministratore. -Eject incoming currency.=Espellere la valuta in entrata. -Accept for-sale item only.=Accetta solo articoli in vendita. -Split incoming stacks.=Dividi gli stack in entrata. -Digiline Channel:=Digiline Channel -All To Vendor=Tutto al venditore -All From Vendor=Tutto dal venditore -Output To Vendor=Uscita al venditore -Input From Vendor=Entrata dal venditore -Sort Inventory=Ordina inventario -Error loading logs=Errore di caricamento log -Vending Machine=Distributore automatico -Unconfigured Player Vendor=Giocatore Venditore non configurato -Vendor initialized=Venditore inizializzato -Geminio Wand (For copying vendor settings, right click to save settings, left click to set settings.)=Bacchetta Geminio (per copiare le impostazioni del fornitore, fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per salvare le impostazioni, fare clic con il pulsante sinistro per cambiare le impostazioni. -Shop Upgrade (Try and place to upgrade)=Acquista l'aggiornamento (prova e posiziona l'aggiornamento) -Out of Stock!=Esaurito! Your account balance: @1 @2=Saldo del tuo account: @1 @2 Deposit:=Deposito: Withdraw:=Ritiro: @@ -82,12 +30,11 @@ no transactions registered=nessuna transazione registrata < Transfer money=< Trasferisci denaro Transaction list=Elenco transazioni Clear transactions=Cancella transazioni -You've earned @1 Emeralds with your shops.=Hai guadagnato @1 Smeraldi con i tuoi negozi Pay Successfully! You have transferred @1 Emeralds.=Pagato con successo! Hai trasferito @1 Smeraldi. Pay Successfully! You've gotten @1 Emeralds.=Pagato con successo! Hai ottenuto @1 Smeraldi. @1 has transferred @2 emeralds to @3=@1 ha trasferito @2 smeraldi a @3 -Invalid pay=Pagamento non valido Not enough Emeralds in your account=Non ci sono abbastanza smeraldi nel tuo account +Invalid pay=Pagamento non valido You have earned your starting balance for playtime: @1= Not enough money in your account=Soldi insufficienti nel tuo account Not enough room in your inventory=Spazio insufficiente nel tuo account @@ -99,19 +46,3 @@ Your account does not have enough funds to complete this transfer, aborting=Il t Payment of @1 to @2 completed=Pagamento da @1 a @2 completato Good news!@n@n@1 has transferred @2 emeralds to your bank account using the Emerald Bank Transfer System.@n@nTransfer description:@n@n@3=Buone notizie!@n@n@1 ha trasferito @2 smeraldi sul tuo conto bancario utilizzando il sistema di trasferimento bancario Emerald.@n@nDescrizione del trasferimento:@n@n@3 @1, thank you for choosing the Emerald Bank Transfer system=@1, grazie per aver scelto il sistema di bonifico bancario Emerald -Enables the user to set regular vendors to admin vendors, or edit other players shops.=Consente all'utente di impostare i fornitori regolari come fornitori amministratori. -Your stock:=La tua scorta -Count=Conto -Price=Prezzo -In exchange, you give:=incambio,dai: -Owner, Use (special key + right mouse button) for customer interface=Proprietario, Utilizzo (tasto speciale + tasto destro del mouse) per l'interfaccia cliente -Owner gives:=Ilproprietario , dà: -x @1=x @1 -Price: @1=Prezzo @1 -Exchange=Scambio -Exchange shop (owned by @1)=Negozio di scambio (di proprietà di @1) -Shop=Negozio -A shop to sell your items with emeralds.=Un negozio per vendere i tuoi oggetti con smeraldi. -Shop Empty=Negozio vuoto -This is your own shop, you can't exchange to yourself!=Questo è il tuo negozio, non puoi scambiare con te stesso! -Exchanged!=Scambiato! diff --git a/locale/template.txt b/locale/template.txt index 5fa81c5..59e606a 100644 --- a/locale/template.txt +++ b/locale/template.txt @@ -9,59 +9,7 @@ Return your emeralds in your bank account. Or if have server priv, other players Admin Command! Add player emeralds in bank account, also can use negative numbers= @1 has now @2 emeralds in bank account= Player @1 not found or not online.= -Admin Command! Upgrade a shop= Emeralds in Bank: @1= -Fancy Vendor Display Node (you hacker you!)= -Enables the user to set all vendors to inactive.= -Toggle vendor inactivity.= -Getting Fancy= -Craft a fancy vendor.= -Craft a copy tool.= -Trade successful= -Vendor has insufficient space= -Vendor has insufficient resources= -You have insufficient space= -You have insufficient funds= -Vendor is inactive= -Owner wants:= -for:= -Buy= -lots.= -Fill lots to max.= -active= -inactive= -Vendor status: = -Message: = -Vendor owned by: = -Vendor will not accept worn tools.= -Vendor will not sell worn tools.= -Input item= -Output item= -Done= -Co-Sellers:= -Banned Buyers:= -Force vendor into an inactive state.= -Set this vendor to a Depositor.= -Sell worn tools.= -Buy worn tools.= -Automatically sort inventory.= -Set vendor to an admin vendor.= -Eject incoming currency.= -Accept for-sale item only.= -Split incoming stacks.= -Digiline Channel:= -All To Vendor= -All From Vendor= -Output To Vendor= -Input From Vendor= -Sort Inventory= -Error loading logs= -Vending Machine= -Unconfigured Player Vendor= -Vendor initialized= -Geminio Wand (For copying vendor settings, right click to save settings, left click to set settings.)= -Shop Upgrade (Try and place to upgrade)= -Out of Stock!= Your account balance: @1 @2= Deposit:= Withdraw:= @@ -81,12 +29,11 @@ no transactions registered= < Transfer money= Transaction list= Clear transactions= -You've earned @1 Emeralds with your shops.= Pay Successfully! You have transferred @1 Emeralds.= Pay Successfully! You've gotten @1 Emeralds.= @1 has transferred @2 emeralds to @3= -Invalid pay= Not enough Emeralds in your account= +Invalid pay= You have earned your starting balance for playtime: @1= Not enough money in your account= Not enough room in your inventory= @@ -98,19 +45,3 @@ Your account does not have enough funds to complete this transfer, aborting= Payment of @1 to @2 completed= Good news!@n@n@1 has transferred @2 emeralds to your bank account using the Emerald Bank Transfer System.@n@nTransfer description:@n@n@3= @1, thank you for choosing the Emerald Bank Transfer system= -Enables the user to set regular vendors to admin vendors, or edit other players shops.= -Your stock:= -Count= -Price= -In exchange, you give:= -Owner, Use (special key + right mouse button) for customer interface= -Owner gives:= -x @1= -Price: @1= -Exchange= -Exchange shop (owned by @1)= -Shop= -A shop to sell your items with emeralds.= -Shop Empty= -This is your own shop, you can't exchange to yourself!= -Exchanged!=