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FaceDeer 2021-01-13 03:10:55 -07:00
parent 6525e577fb
commit 6ac1b61951
18 changed files with 955 additions and 21 deletions

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 перамяшчае матэрыял у жолаб @2
Hopper Chute=Жолаб бункера
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Жолаб для перадачы аб'ектаў на вялікія адлегласці.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Сартавальнік для перанакіравання пэўных элементаў у альтэрнатыўныя мэты.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Жалабы працуюць гэтак жа, як і бункеры, але не маюць уласнай магчымасці ўсмоктвання. Элементы могуць быць устаўленыя ў жолаб толькі ўручную або з дапамогай бункера, падлучанага да жолаба. Яны перадаюць дэталі ў кірунку, паказаным стрэлкай на іх вузкім сегменце з хуткасцю аднаго элемента ў секунду. Яны маюць невялікую буферную ёмістасць, і любыя прадметы, якія не могуць быць размешчаныя ў інвентары мэтавага блока, будуць заставацца ў буферы жолаба, пакуль не будуць выдаленыя ўручную або іх прызначэнне не стане даступным.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Блокі бункера існуюць у «вертыкальнай» і «бакавой» формах, але ў інвентары гульца падаюцца як адзін агульны элемент. Тып блока бункера, што будзе размешчаны, калі гулец выкарыстоўвае гэты элемент, залежыць ад таго, як ён накіраваны — калі элемент бункера накіраваны на верхнюю або ніжнюю паверхню блока, будзе размешчаны вертыкальны бункер, а калі накіраваны на бок — бакавы бункер.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Блокі бункера існуюць у «вертакальный» і «бакавой» формах. Іх можна пераўтвараць паміж дзвюма формамі праз крафт-сетку.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Бункер для перадачы элементаў паміж суседнімі блокамі інвентару.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Прадметы перадаюцца з блока ў шырокім канцы бункера ў блок ў вузкім канцы бункера з хуткасцю адзін прадмет за секунду. Прадметы таксама можна размясціць непасрэдна ў інвентар бункера, альбо скінуць над бункерам і яны ўсмокчуцца ў інвентар бункера аўтаматычна.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Гэта падобна на жолаб, але мае другасны выхад, які выкарыстоўваецца для шунтавання канкрэтных элементаў у альтэрнатыўнае прызначэнне. Існуе мноства слотаў з надпісам «Фільтр» у верхняй частцы экрана інвентара гэтага блока. Калі змясціць элемент у адзін з гэтых слотаў, сартавальнік запіша тып элемента (не прымаючы яго ад вас). Затым, калі праз інвентар сартавальніка праходзяць элементы, якія адпавядаюць аднаму з пунктаў у спісе фільтраў, то гэтыя элементы будуць адпраўлены ў кірунку, паказаным стрэлкай на баках сартавальніка.@n@nКалі элемент не адпавядае спісу фільтраў, або другасны выхад не ў стане прыняць элемент па якой-небудзь прычыне, то сартавальнік будзе спрабаваць адправіць элемент у іншае выйсце замест гэтага.@n@nАкрамя таго, ёсць кнопка з надпісам «Фільтраваць усё», якая загадае сартавальніку не выкарыстоўваць спіс фільтраў і замест першай спробы шунтавать ўсе элементы з фільтра, адпраўляе элементы толькі ўздоўж шляху без фільтра, калі мэта не можа прыняць іх па якой-небудзь прычыне. Гэтая функцыя карысная для апрацоўкі «перапаўнення» (калі інвентар мэты поўнасцю запаўнены) або для працы з мэтамі, што патрабавальныя да таго, што яны прымаюць (напрыклад, слот паліва печы).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Пры выкарыстанні печаў, бункеры ўводзяць элементы ў «сыравінны» слот печы, калі вузкі канец прымацаваны да верхняй або ніжняй часткі, і ўводзяць элементы ў «паліўны» слот печы, калі далучаны да баку печы.@n@nПрадметы, якія не могуць быць размешчаныя ў інвентары мэтавага блока будуць заставацца ў бункеры.@n@nБункеры маюць тыя ж правы, што і гулец, які размясціў іх. Бункерам, якія размяшчаюцца вамі, дазваляецца браць або класці прадметы ў зачыненыя куфры, якімі вы валодаеце. Бункеры, размешчаныя іншымі гульцамі, не змогуць зрабіць гэтага. Уласны інвентар бункера не з'яўляецца зачыненым, так што вы можаце выкарыстоўваць яго, каб дазволіць іншым гульцам ўносіць элементы ў вашыя зачыненыя куфры.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 перамяшчае матэрыял з бункера @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 перамяшчае матэрыял у бункеры @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 перамяшчае матэрыял у бункер @2
Side Hopper=Бакавы бункер
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 перамяшчае матэрыял у сатавальнік @2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Гэты сартавальнік ў цяперашні час наладжаны@nадпраўляць у кірунку, паказаным стрэлкай,@nтолькі элементы, пералічаныя у спісе фільтраў .@nНацісніце гэтую кнопку, каб наладзіць адпраўку@nўсіх элементаў першым шляхам.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Гэты сартавальнік ў цяперашні час наладжаны@nспрабаваць адпраўляць ўсе элементы у кірунку,@nпаказаным стрэлкай.@nНацісніце гэтую кнопку для таго, каб уключыць@nфільтр канкрэтнага тыпу элемента.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Гэты бункер ў цяперашні час наладжаны на выштурхоўванне@nэлементаў у выхад, нават калі гэта несумяшчальны для атрымання блокі.@nНацісніце гэтую кнопку, каб адключыць гэтую функцыю.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Гэты бункер ў цяперашні час наладжаны на затрыманне@nэлементаў, несумяшчальных для атрымання.@nНацісніце гэтую кнопку, каб выштурхнуць элементы.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Бункер загружаны

@ -3,27 +3,28 @@
### chute.lua ### ### chute.lua ###
# translation by Chris Leick <>
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 verlagert Dinge in einen Trichter bei @2 @1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 verlagert Dinge in einen Trichter bei @2
Hopper Chute= Hopper Chute=Trichterschütte
### doc.lua ### ### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.= A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Eine Rutsche, um Gegenstände über große Entfernungen zu übertragen.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.= A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Ein Sortierer kann bestimmte Gegenstände zu einem alternativen Ziel umleiten.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.= Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Rutschen arbeiten wie Trichter, haben aber ihren eigenen Einlass. Gegenstände können nur manuell oder von einem verbundenen Trichter in eine Schütte eingelegt werden. Sie übertragen Gegenstände in die vom Pfeil angegebene Richtung in einem schmalen Abschnitt mit einer Rate von einem Gegenstand pro Sekunde. Sie haben eine kleine Pufferkapazität und alle Gegenstände, die nicht in das Inventar des Zielblocks patziert werden können, verbleiben im Puffer der Rutsche, bis sie manuell entfernt werden oder ihr Ziel verfügbar wird.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n= Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Trichterblöcke kommen in den Formen 'vertikal' und 'seitlich' daher, werden jedoch im Inventar des Spielers beide durch ein einzelnes allgemeines Element dargestellt. Der Typ des Filterblocks, der beim Benutzen gesetzt wird, hängt davon ab, worauf der Spieler zeigt - wenn der Filtergegenstand auf eine obere oder untere Fläche eines Blocks zeigt, wird ein vertikaler Filter platziert, wenn er auf eine seitliche Fläche zeigt, wird ein seitlicher Filter erzeugt, der sich mit der angeklickten Seite verbindet.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n= Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Trichterblöcke kommen in den Formen 'vertikal' und 'seitlich' daher. Im Fertigungsgitter kann zwischen den beiden Formen gewechselt werden.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.= Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Trichter, um Gegenstände zwischen dem Inventar benachbarter Blöcke zu übertragen.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n= Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Gegenstände werden vom Block am weiten Ende des Trichters zu einem Block am schmalen Ende des Trichters mit einer Rare von einem pro Sekunde übertragen. Sie können auch direkt in das Inventar des Trichters platziert oder in den Raum über dem Trichter fallengelassen werden. Dann werden sie automatisch in das Inventar des Trichters gezogen.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).= This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Dies ist einer Rutsche ähnlich, hat aber eine zweite Ausgabe, die benutzt wird, um spezielle Gegenstände zu einem alternativen Ziel abzuzweigen. Es gibt einen Satz von Fächern mit der Aufschrift "Filter" oben in der Inventaranzeige des Blocks. Falls Sie einen Gegenstand in eins dieser Fächer ablegen, wird der Sortierer den Typ des Elements aufzeichnen (ohne es Ihnen tatsächlich abzunehmen). Dann, wenn Gegenstände durch das Inventar des Sortierers wandern, die zu einem der Gegenstände in der Filterliste passen, wird er versuchen, sie in die mit einem Pfeil an der Seite des Sortierers markierte Richtung zu senden.@n@nFalls der Gegenstand aus irgendeinem Grund nicht zur Filterliste passt, wird der Sortierer versuchen, den Gegenstand stattdessen aus der anderen Ausgabe heraus zu senden.@n@nZusätzlich gib es noch einen Schalter, der mit "Alle filtern" beschriftet ist. Dieser gibt an, dass alle Gegenstände aus dem Filter gesendet werden sollen, außer den Gegenständen, bei denen das aus irgendeinem Grund nicht geht. Diese Funktionalität ist nützlich zur Handhabung eines "Überlaufs" (wenn das Zielinventar voll ist) oder für den Umgang mit Zielen, die wählerisch sind, was sie annehmen (zum Beispiel das Brennfach eines Ofens).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.= When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Wenn sie mit Öfen benutzt werden, legen Trichter Gegenstände im Rohstofffach des Ofens ab, wenn das schmale Ende mit der Ober- oder Unterseite des Ofens verbunden ist und in die Brennkammer, wenn sie seitlich verbunden ist.@n@nGegenstände, die nicht im Inventar des Zielblocks abgelegt werden können, verbleiben im Trichter.@n@nTrichter haben dieselben Rechte, wie der Spieler, der sie platziert. Von Ihnen platzierte Filter dürfen Gegenstände aus Ihren Truhen entnehmen oder dort ablegen, Filter anderer Spieler dürfen das nicht. Das filtereigene Inventar ist für niemanden gesperrt, daher können Sie es benutzen, um anderen Spielern eine Möglichkeit einzuräumen, Gegenstände in Ihren verschlossenen Truhen abzulegen.
### hoppers.lua ### ### hoppers.lua ###
@ -37,21 +38,22 @@ Side Hopper=Seitentrichter
### sorter.lua ### ### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 verlagert Dinge in einen Trichter bei @2 @1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 verlagert Dinge in einen Trichter bei @2
Filter= Filter=Filter
Filter@nAll= Filter@nAll=Filter@nAlle
Selective@nFilter= Selective@nFilter=Auswahl@nFilter
Sorter= Sorter=Sortierer
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.= This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Dieser Sortierer ist derzeit so gesetzt, dass er nur@nGegenstände in die Pfeilrichtung sendet, die in der@nFilterliste stehen. Klicken Sie diese@nSchaltfläche an, um zuerst zu versuchen@n alle Gegenstände auf diesem Weg zu versenden.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.= This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Dieser Sortierer ist derzeit so gesetzt, dass er alle@nGegenstände in Pfeilrichtung sendet. Klicken Sie diese@nSchaltfläche an, um einen vom Gegenstandstyp abhängigen Filter zu aktivieren.
### utility.lua ### ### utility.lua ###
Don't@nEject= Don't@nEject=Nicht@nauswerfen
Eject@nItems= Eject@nItems=Gegenstände@nauswerfen
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.= This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Dieser Trichter ist derzeit so gesetzt, dass er Gegenstände@nsogar dann aus seiner eigenen Ausgabe auswirft, wenn dort kein passender Empfangsblock positioniert wurde,.@nKlicken Sie diese Schaltfäche an, um dies zu deaktivieren.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Dieser Trichter ist derzeit so gesetzt, dass er den Gegenstand@nbehält, wenn kein geeigneter Empfangblock positioniert wurde.@nKlicken Sie diese Schaltfäche an, um Gegenstände stattdessen auszuwerfen.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 movas aĵojn en glitujon je @2
Hopper Chute=Ŝutilo Glitilo
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Glitilo transmetanta portaĵojn trans pli longaj distancoj.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Apartigilo aliiriganta kelkajn portaĵojn al alia celo.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Glitujoj funkcias simile al ŝutiloj, sed ne havas propran enprenpovon. Portaĵoj povas eniĝi nur permane, aŭ per ŝutilo konektita al la glitujo. Ili transmetas portaĵojn en la direkton montratan de la sago sur ilia mallarĝa parto, je rapido de unu portaĵo sekunde. Ili havas malgrandan bufrliron, kaj ĉiuj portaĵoj, kiuj ne povas eniĝi la portaĵujon de la celata mondero restos en la bufrilo de la glitujo ĝis permana elpreno aŭ liberiĝo de la celo.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Ŝutilaj monderoj ekzistas en formoj «vertikala» kaj «horizontala», sed ambaŭ estas prezentataj de la sama portaĵo en portaĵujo. La speco de mondero, kiu metiĝos post uzo de tiu portaĵo, dependas de tio, kio estas celata se la portaĵo celas supran aŭ suban facon de mondero, vertikala ŝutilo metiĝas. Se ĝi celas flankon de mondero, horizontala ŝutilo metiĝas, konektita al la klakita flanko.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Ŝutiloj havas formojn «vertikalan» kaj «horizontalan». Oni povas ilin aliformi per la farkrado.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Ŝutilo transmetanta portaĵojn inter la portaĵujoj de la apudaj monderoj.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Portaĵoj estas transmetitaj el la mondero je la larĝa fino de la ŝutilo al la mondero je la mallarĝa fino, unu sekunde. Eblas ankaŭ meti portaĵojn rekte en la portaĵujon de la ŝutilo, aŭ ĵeti ilin en la spacon super ŝutilo, kaj ili memage eniĝos ĝian portaĵujon.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Ĉi tio similas glitujon, sed havas duarangan eligon, kiu estas uzata por deflankigi elektitajn portaĵojn al alia celo. Super la portaĵujo de ĉi tiu mondero vi trovos aron da portaĵingoj, kiu registros specon de enmetita portaĵo (ne prenante la portaĵon mem). Poste, kiam la apartigilo trovos en sia portaĵujo portaĵon akordan kun iu el la filtra listo, ĝi unue provos ĝin sendi laŭ direkto de la sago sur siaj flankoj.@n@nSe la portaĵo ne akordas la filtran liston, aŭ se la duaranga eligejo ial ne povas preni la portaĵon, la apartigilo provos eligi ilin per la alia eligejo.@n@nAldone, la butono nomita »Filtri ĉion« ordonos al la apartigilo ne uzi la filtran liston, kaj anstataŭe unue provi deflankigi ĉiujn portaĵojn el la filtrilo, sendante portaĵojn tra la nefiltra vojo nur se la celo ne povas ilin akcepti. Ĉi tiu funkcio utilas por traktado de «superŝarĝo» (plenigo de la cela portaĵujo), aŭ por traktado de celoj, kiuj elektemas pri siaj akceptataj portaĵoj (ekzemple la portaĵingo por brulaĵo de forno).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Uzataj kun fornoj, ŝutiloj enmetas portaĵojn en la fornan portaĵingon por krudaĵoj, kiam la mallarĝa fino estas konektita al la supro aŭ subo, kaj enigas portaĵojn en la fornan portaĵingon por brulaĵoj kiam ĝi estas konektita al la flanko.@n@nPortaĵoj, kiuj ne povas eniĝi la portaĵujon de la celo, restos en la ŝutilo.@n@nŜutiloj havas la samajn permesojn, kiel la ludanto, kiu ilin metas. Ŝutiloj metitaj de vi rajtas meti portaĵojn al kaj el la ŝlositaj kestoj, kiujn vi posedas, sed ŝutiloj metitaj de aliaj ludantoj ne povas tion fari. Propra portaĵujo de ŝutilo tamen ne estas ŝlosita tiel vi povas do lasi aliajn ludantojn meti portaĵojn en viajn ŝlositajn kestojn.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 movas aĵojn el ŝutilo je @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 movas aĵojn en ŝutilon je @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 movas aĵojn al ŝutilo je @2
Side Hopper=Flanka ŝutilo
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 movas aĵojn al apartigilo je @2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Ĉi tiu apartigilo nun estas agordita sendi nur portaĵojn@nen la filtrila listo laŭ la sago. Klaku ĉi tiun butonon por@nprovi sendi ĉiujn portaĵojn tien unue.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Ĉi tiu apartigilo nun estas agordita al sendado@nde ĉiuj portaĵoj laŭ la sago. Klaku ĉi tiun butonon@npor ŝalti filtrilon de specoj de portaĵoj.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Ĉi tiu ŝutilo eligas portaĵojn el sia eligejo, eĉ se mankas@nakorda mondero, kiu ilin ricevus. Klaku ĉi tiun butonon@npor malŝalti ĉi tiun funkcion.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Ĉi tiu ŝutilo nun estas agordita teni portaĵon, se mankas@nakorda mondero, kiu ĝin ricevus. Klaku ĉi tiun butonon@npor anstataŭe eligi la portaĵojn.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Ŝutilo ŝarĝita

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=
Hopper Chute=
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Los bloques de tolva vienen en formas 'verticales' y 'laterales', pero cuando están en el inventario de un jugador, ambos están representados por un solo elemento genérico. El tipo de bloque de tolva que se colocará cuando el jugador use este elemento depende de lo que se apunte: cuando el elemento de la tolva se apunta a la cara superior o inferior de un bloque, se coloca una tolva vertical, cuando se apunta al lado de un bloque se produce una tolva lateral que se conecta al lado en el que se hace clic.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Tolva para transferir artículos entre inventarios de bloques vecinos.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Los artículos se transfieren del bloque en el extremo ancho de la tolva al bloque en el extremo estrecho de la tolva a una velocidad de uno por segundo. Los artículos también se pueden colocar directamente en el inventario de la tolva, o se pueden dejar caer en el espacio sobre una tolva y se aspirarán automáticamente al inventario de la tolva.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=
Side Hopper=
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=Le 1 déplace des choses vers le 2
Hopper Chute=Hopper Chute
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Une chute pour transférer des articles sur de plus longues distances.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Un trieur pour rediriger certains éléments vers une autre cible.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Les chutes fonctionnent comme des trémies, mais nont pas leur propre capacité dadmission. Les articles ne peuvent être insérés que dans une chute manuelle ou par une trémie reliée à une chute. Ils transfèrent des éléments dans la direction indiquée par la flèche sur leur segment étroit à un taux dun élément par seconde. Ils ont une petite capacité tampon, et tous les éléments qui ne peuvent pas être placés dans linventaire du bloc cible resteront logés dans le tampon de la chute jusquà ce que leur destination soit retirée manuellement ou que leur destination devienne disponible.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Les blocs Hopper sont à la fois sous forme 'verticale' et 'côté', mais lorsque dans linventaire dun joueur les deux sont représentés par un seul élément générique. Le type de bloc larvesteux qui sera placé lorsque le joueur utilise cet élément dépend de ce qui est pointé sur - lorsque lélément de la trémie est pointé vers la face supérieure ou inférieure dun bloc dune trémie verticale est placé, lorsquil est dirigé sur le côté dun bloc une trémie latérale est produite qui se connecte au côté cliqué.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Les blocs de trémie se présentent sous des formes "verticales" et "latérales". Ils peuvent être modifiés entre les deux formes via la grille de fabrication.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Trémie pour le transfert d'articles entre les inventaires des blocs voisins.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Les articles sont transférés du bloc à lextrémité large de la trémie au bloc à lextrémité étroite de la trémie à un taux dun par seconde. Les articles peuvent également être placés directement dans linventaire de la trémie, ou ils peuvent être déposés dans lespace au-dessus dune trémie et seront aspirés automatiquement dans linventaire de la trémie.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Ceci est similaire à une chute, mais a une sortie secondaire qui est utilisé pour shunt articles spécifiques à une destination alternative. Il y a un ensemble de fentes dinventaire étiquetées " Filtre " en haut de laffichage dinventaire de ce bloc, si vous placez un élément dans lune de ces fentes le trieur enregistrera le type de larticle (sans réellement le prendre de vous). Ensuite, lorsque les éléments passent par linventaire du trieur qui correspondent à lun des éléments de la liste de filtre, il va dabord tenter de lenvoyer dans la direction marquée dune flèche sur les côtés du trieur.@n@nSi lélément ne correspond pas à la liste de filtre, ou la sortie secondaire est incapable de prendre lélément pour une raison quelconque, le trieur va essayer denvoyer lélément sur lautre sortie à la place.@n@nEn outre, il ya un bouton étiqueté "Filter All" qui dira au trieur de ne pas utiliser la liste de filtre et au lieu de première tentative de shunt tous les éléments du filtre, seulement lenvoi déléments le long de la voie non-filtre si la cible ne peut pas laccepter pour une raison quelconque. Cette fonctionnalité est utile pour gérer le « débordement » (lorsque linventaire de la cible se remplit) ou pour traiter des cibles sélectives quant à ce quelles acceptent (par exemple, la fente de carburant dun four).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Lorsquelles sont utilisées avec des fours, les trémies injectent des articles dans la fente dinventaire de la « matière première » du four lorsque lextrémité étroite est fixée vers le haut ou le bas et injectent des articles dans la fente dinventaire « carburant » du four lorsquelles sont fixées au côté du four.@n@nLes articles qui ne peuvent pas être placés dans linventaire dun bloc cible resteront dans la trémie.@n@nLes hoppers ont les mêmes autorisations que le joueur qui les a placés. Les trémies placées par vous sont autorisées à prendre des articles ou à mettre des articles dans des coffres verrouillés que vous possédez, mais les trémies placées par dautres joueurs ne pourront pas le faire. Linventaire dune trémie nest pas verrouillé par le propriétaire, cependant, de sorte que vous pouvez lutiliser comme un moyen de permettre à dautres joueurs de déposer des articles dans vos coffres verrouillés.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=1 se déplace des trucs de la trémie à 2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=1 se déplace des trucs dans la trémie à 2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=1 se déplace des trucs à la trémie à 2
Side Hopper=side hopper
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=1 déplace les éléments vers la trieuse à 2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Ce trieur est actuellement configuré pour envoyer seulement@nles éléments apparaissants dans la liste de triage de la flèche@nde direction. Cliquez sur ce bouton pour qu'il essaie en premier@nlieu d'envoyer tous les articles dans cette direction.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Ce trieur est actuellement configuré pour essayer d'envoyer tous les éléments@n dans le sens de la flèche. Cliquez sur ce bouton @npour activer un filtre spécifique à l'objet.
### utility.lua ###
Don't@nEject=Ne pas@nÉjecter
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Cette trémie est actuellement prête à éjecter les éléments de sa production@nmême sil ny a pas de bloc compatible pour le recevoir.@nCliquez sur ce bouton pour désactiver cette fonctionnalité.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Cette trémie est actuellement prête à conserver un élément s'il @nn'y a pas de bloc compatible positionné pour le recevoir.@n Au lieu de cela, cliquez sur ce bouton pour l'éjecteur.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Hopper chargé

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=
Hopper Chute=
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=משפך להעברת פריטים בין תיקי החפצים של הבלוקים הסמוכים.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=
Side Hopper=
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 memindahkan barang ke chute ke @2
Hopper Chute=Hopper Chute
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Chute untuk memindahkan barang-barang ke jarak yang lebih jauh.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Penyortir untuk mengarahkan item tertentu ke target alternatif.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Chute beroperasi seperti hopper tetapi tidak memiliki kemampuan masuknya item. Item hanya dapat dimasukkan ke dalam chute secara manual atau oleh hopper yang terhubung ke chute. Mereka mentransfer barang ke arah yang ditunjukkan oleh panah di segmen sempit mereka dengan laju satu item per detik. Mereka memiliki kapasitas buffer yang kecil, dan item apa pun yang tidak dapat ditempatkan ke dalam balok inventaris target akan tetap disimpan di saluran buffer sampai dihapus secara manual atau tujuan mereka menjadi tersedia.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Blok hopper datang dalam bentuk 'vertikal' dan 'horisontal', tetapi ketika dalam inventaris pemain keduanya diwakili oleh suatu barang umum. Jenis blok hopper yang akan ditempatkan ketika pemain menggunakan barang ini tergantung pada apa yang ditunjukkan - ketika barang hopper diarahkan ke bagian atas atau bawah dari blok hopper, hopper vertikal ditempatkan, ketika diarahkan ke sisi balok hopper samping dihasilkan hopper horisontal yang terhubung ke sisi yang diklik.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Blok Hopper datang dalam bentuk 'vertikal' dan 'horisontal'. Mereka dapat ditukarkan antara dua bentuk melalui kisi kerajinan.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Hopper untuk memindah barang-barang antarinventaris blok tetangga.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Barang dipindahkan dari blok di ujung hopper yang lebar ke blok di ujung hopper yang sempit dengan laju satu per detik. Barang juga dapat ditempatkan langsung ke dalam inventaris hopper atau mereka dapat dijatuhkan ke ruang di atas hopper dan akan tersedot ke dalam inventaris hopper secara otomatis.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Ini mirip dengan chute tetapi memiliki output sekunder yang digunakan untuk menyingkat item tertentu ke tujuan alternatif. Ada satu set slot inventaris berlabel "Filter" di bagian atas tampilan inventaris blok ini, jika kamu menempatkan item ke salah satu slot ini, penyortir akan mencatat jenis item (tanpa benar-benar mengambilnya darimu). Kemudian ketika barang datang melalui persediaan penyortir yang cocok dengan salah satu item dalam daftar filter, pertama-tama akan mencoba mengirimnya ke arah yang ditandai dengan panah di sisi penyortir.@n@nJika item tidak cocok dengan daftar filter, atau output sekunder tidak dapat mengambil item karena alasan apa pun, penyortir akan mencoba mengirim item keluar dari output lainnya.@n@nSelain itu, ada tombol berlabel "Filter Semua" yang akan memberi tahu penyortir untuk tidak menggunakan daftar filter dan sebagai gantinya upaya pertama untuk memangkas semua item dari filter, hanya mengirim item di sepanjang jalur non-filter jika target tidak dapat menerima untuk alasan apa pun. Fitur ini berguna untuk menangani "overflow" (ketika persediaan target terisi) atau untuk menangani target yang selektif tentang apa yang mereka terima (misalnya, slot bahan bakar tungku).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Ketika digunakan dengan tungku, hoppers menyuntikkan item ke dalam slot persediaan "bahan baku" tungku, ketika ujung sempit melekat pada bagian atas atau bawah akan menyuntikkan ke dalam slot persediaan "bahan bakar" tungku ketika terpasang ke sisi tungku.@n@nItem yang tidak dapat ditempatkan dalam inventaris balok target akan tetap berada di hopper.@n@nHoppers memiliki izin yang sama dengan pemain yang menempatkannya. Hopper ditempatkan oleh kamu yang diperbolehkan untuk mengambil item dari atau memasukkan barang ke peti yang terkunci yang kamu miliki, tetapi hopper yang ditempatkan oleh pemain lain tidak akan dapat melakukannya. Inventaris hopper sendiri bukan tidak dikunci oleh pemilik, jadi kamu dapat menggunakan ini sebagai cara untuk memungkinkan pemain lain menyimpan item ke dalam peti terkunci kamu.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 memindahkan barang dari hopper ke @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 memindahkan barang di hopper ke @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 memindahkan barang ke hopper ke @2
Side Hopper=Hopper Horisontal
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 memindahkan barang ke penyortir ke @2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Penyortir ini saat ini diatur untuk hanya mengirim item yang terdaftar@ndalam daftar filter sesuai arah panah.@nKlik tombol ini untuk mengaturnya agar mencoba mengirim semua@nitem seperti itu dulu.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Penyortir ini saat ini diatur untuk mencoba mengirim semua item@nsearah panah. Klik tombol ini@nuntuk mengaktifkan filter jenis-item-spesifik.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Hopper ini saat ini diatur untuk mengeluarkan item dari outputnya@nbahkan jika tidak ada balok yang kompatibel diposisikan untuk menerimanya.@nKlik tombol ini untuk menonaktifkan fitur ini.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Hopper ini saat ini diatur untuk berpegang pada item jika tidak@nada blok kompatibel yang diposisikan untuk menerimanya.@nKlik tombol ini untuk mengeluarkan item sebagai gantinya.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Hopper dimuat

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 sposta gli oggetti allo scivolo in @2
Hopper Chute=Tramoggia scivolo
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Uno scivolo per trasferire oggetti su lunghe distanze.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Un selezionatore per reindirizzare determinati oggetti verso una destinazione alternativa.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Gli scivoli funzionano in modo molto simile alle tramogge ma non hanno la propria capacità di aspirazione. Gli oggetti possono essere inseriti in uno scivolo solo manualmente o tramite una tramoggia collegata a uno scivolo. Trasferiscono gli oggetti nella direzione indicata dalla freccia sul loro segmento stretto ad una velocità di un oggetto al secondo. Hanno una capacità del buffer ridotta e tutti gli oggetti che non possono essere inseriti nell'inventario del blocco di destinazione target rimarranno alloggiati nel buffer dello scivolo fino a quando non vengono rimossi manualmente o la loro destinazione diventa disponibile.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=I blocchi tramoggia sono disponibili nelle due forme "verticale" e "laterale", ma quando sono nell'inventario di un giocatore entrambe sono rappresentate da un unico oggetto generico. Quando il giocatore usa questo oggetto, verrà posizionato il tipo di blocco della tramoggia a seconda di cosa è puntato - quando l'elemento della tramoggia è puntato sulla faccia superiore o inferiore di un blocco, viene posizionata una tramoggia verticale, quando è puntata sul lato di un viene prodotta una tramoggia laterale che si collega al lato cliccato.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=I blocchi tramoggia sono disponibili in entrambe le forme "verticale" e "laterale". Possono essere trasformati da una forma all'altra tramite la griglia di creazione.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Tramoggia per spostare gli oggetti tra gli inventari dei blocchi adiacenti.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Gli oggetti vengono trasferiti dal blocco all'estremità larga della tramoggia al blocco all'estremità stretta della tramoggia ad una velocità di uno al secondo. Gli oggetti possono anche essere posizionati direttamente nell'inventario della tramoggia, oppure possono essere lasciati cadere nello spazio sopra una tramoggia e verranno risucchiati automaticamente nell'inventario della tramoggia.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=È simile a uno scivolo ma ha un'uscita secondaria che viene utilizzata per deviare elementi specifici verso una destinazione alternativa. C'è una serie di slot di inventario etichettati "Filtro" nella parte superiore della visualizzazione dell'inventario di questo blocco, se si inserisce un oggetto in uno di questi slot, il selezionatore registrerà il tipo di articolo (senza effettivamente prelevarlo da te). Quindi, quando gli articoli attraversano l'inventario del selezionatore che corrispondono a uno degli articoli nell'elenco dei filtri, tenterà innanzitutto di inviarlo nella direzione contrassegnata da una freccia sui lati del selezionatore.@n@nSe l'elemento non corrisponde all'elenco dei filtri o l'output secondario non è in grado di prenderlo per qualsiasi motivo, il selezionatore tenterà invece di inviare l'elemento all'altro output.@n@nInoltre, c'è un pulsante con l'etichetta "Filtra tutto" che dirà allo selezionatore di non usare l'elenco dei filtri e invece tenterà prima di eliminare tutti gli elementi dal filtro, inviando solo elementi lungo il percorso non filtrato se la destinazione non può accettare per qualunque motivo. Questa funzione è utile per gestire l'"eccedenza" (quando l'inventario del bersaglio si riempie) o per gestire le destinazioni che sono selettivi su ciò che accettano (ad esempio, lo slot del combustibile di una fornace).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Quando vengono usate con le fornaci, le tramogge caricano nell'inventario delle "materie prime" della fornace quando l'estremità stretta è attaccata alla parte superiore o inferiore e caricano gli articoli nell'inventario "combustibile" della fornace quando collegati al lato della fornace.@n@nGli oggetti che non possono essere inseriti nell'inventario del blocco di destinazione rimarranno nella tramoggia.@n@nLe tramogge hanno le stesse autorizzazioni del giocatore che le ha piazzate. Le tramogge piazzate da te sono autorizzate a prendere oggetti da o mettere oggetti in casse chiuse di tua proprietà, ma le tramogge posizionate da altri giocatori non saranno in grado di farlo. L'inventario di una tramoggia non è bloccato dal proprietario, quindi puoi usarlo come un modo per consentire ad altri giocatori di depositare oggetti nelle casse chiuse.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 sposta gli oggetti dalla tramoggia in @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 sposta gli oggetti alla tramoggia in @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 sposta gli oggetti alla tramoggia in @2
Side Hopper=Tramoggia laterale
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 sposta gli oggetti al selezionatore in @2
Selective@nFilter=Filtro di@nselezione
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Questo selezionatore è attualmente impostato per inviare solo gli oggetti elencati@nnell'elenco dei filtri nella direzione della freccia.@nFai clic su questo pulsante per impostarlo per provare a inviare tutti@ngli oggetti prima in quel modo.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Questo selezionatore è attualmente impostato per provare a inviare tutti @ngli oggetti nella direzione della freccia. Fai clic su questo pulsante per @nabilitare un filtro specifico del tipo di elemento.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Questa tramoggia è attualmente impostata per espellere gli articoli dal suo output@nanche se non è presente un blocco compatibile posizionato per riceverlo.@nFare clic su questo pulsante per disabilitare questa funzione.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Questa tramoggia è attualmente impostata per trattenere gli oggetti se non @nc'è un blocco compatibile di destinazione.@nFai clic su questo pulsante per espellere gli elementi.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Hopper caricato

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=
Hopper Chute=
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=特定のアイテムを別のターゲットにリダイレクトするソーター。
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=ホッパーブロックには「縦」と「横」がありますが、プレイヤーのインベントリにある場合には、両方とも一つの汎用アイテムで表現されています。ホッパーアイテムをブロックの上面や下面に向けると「縦」のホッパーが配置され、ブロックの側面に向けると「横」のホッパーが配置され、クリックされた側につながります。@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=ホッパーブロックには、「縦」と「横」の両方の形があります。それらは、工作グリッドを介して2つのフォームの間で相互変換することができます。@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=隣接するブロックのインベントリ間でアイテムを転送するためのホッパーです。
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=アイテムはホッパーの幅の広い方のブロックからホッパーの幅の狭い方のブロックに1秒に1個の割合で移動します。アイテムはホッパーのインベントリに直接入れることもできますが、ホッパーの上のスペースにドロップすると自動的にホッパーのインベントリに吸い込まれます。@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=これはシュートに似ていますが、特定のアイテムを別の目的地に移動させるために使用される二次出力があります。このブロックのインベントリ表示の一番上に "Filter "とラベルされたインベントリスロットのセットがあり、これらのスロットにアイテムを置くと、ソーターはアイテムのタイプを記録します(実際にあなたからアイテムを奪うことなく)。そして、フィルターリストにあるアイテムにマッチするアイテムがソーターのインベントリに入ってきたとき、ソーターはまず、ソーターの側面にある矢印でマークされた方向にアイテムを送ろうとします。@n@nもしアイテムがフィルターリストにマッチしない場合、またはセカンダリアウトプットが何らかの理由でアイテムを受け取ることができない場合、ソーターは代わりに他のアウトプットからアイテムを送ろうとします。@n@nさらに、「Filter All」というラベルのついたボタンがある。これは、ソーターに、フィルタリストを使用せず、その代わりに最初にすべてのアイテムをフィルタから シャントして、ターゲットが何らかの理由でそれを受け入れられない場合にのみ、非フィルタパスに沿って アイテムを送ることを試みるように指示する。この機能は「オーバーフロー」(ターゲットのインベントリが一杯になったとき)や、受け入れるものを選択しているターゲット(例えば、炉の燃料スロット)を扱うのに便利です。
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=炉で使用される場合、ホッパーは細長い端が上部または下部に取り付けられている場合は炉の「原料」インベントリスロットにアイテムを注入し、炉の側面に取り付けられている場合は炉の「燃料」インベントリスロットにアイテムを注入します。@n@n対象ブロックのインベントリに入れられないアイテムはホッパー内に残ります。@n@nホッパーは、それを配置したプレイヤーと同じパーミッションを持つ。自分が配置したホッパーは、自分が所有しているロックされたチェストからアイテムを取ったり、アイテムを入れたりすることができますが、他のプレイヤーが配置したホッパーはそれができません。ただし、ホッパーのインベントリはオーナーロックされていないので、他のプレイヤーが自分のロックされたチェストにアイテムを預けることができるようにするための手段として使うことができます。
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=
Side Hopper=サイドホッパー
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=このソーターは現在、すべてのアイテムを矢印の方向に@n送信するように設定されています。クリックすると@nアイテムタイプ固有のフィルタが有効になります。
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 memindahkan barang ke dalam pelongsor di @2
Hopper Chute=Pelongsor Corong Tuang
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Pelongsor untuk memindahkan item-item berjarak jauh.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Pengisih untuk melencongkan beberapa item kepada sasaran yang berbeza.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Cara gunakan pelongsor ini serupa seperti corong tuang tetapi mereka tidak berupaya mengambil item dengan sendiri. Item-item hanya boleh dimasukkan ke dalam pelongsor secara manual atau dengan corong tuang yang bersambungan dengan pelongsor tersebut. Mereka memindahkan item mengikut arah yang ditanda dengan anak panah pada segmen tirus pada kadar sebuah item sesaat. Mereka mempunyai kapasiti penimbal yang kecil, dan mana-mana item yang tidak dapat dimasukkan ke dalam inventori blok sasaran akan kekal di dalam penimbal pelongsor sehingga item tersebut dikeluarkan secara manual atau sehingga sasaran mampu menerimanya.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Blok corong tuang datang dalam bentuk 'menegak' dan 'melintang', tetapi kedua-duanya hanya muncul sebagai sebuah item generik dalam inventori pemain. Jenis blok corong tuang yang diletakkan oleh pemain bergantung kepada arah letaknya - apabila item corong tuang ditujukan ke arah atas atau bawah permukaan blok maka corong tuang menegak yang diletakkan, manakala apabila ditujukan ke arah sisi permukaan blok maka corong tuang melintang yang diletakkan dengan sisi yang dituju itu yang akan bersambung kepada corong tuang.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Blok corong tuang datang dalam bentuk 'menegak' dan 'melintang'. Mereka boleh saling bertukar antara kedua-dua bentuk tersebut menggunakan grid pertukangan.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Corong tuang untuk memindahkan item di antara inventori blok yang berjiran.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Item-item dipindahkan daripada blok yang terletak di bahagian corong tuang yang lebih besar kepada blok yang terletak di bahagian corong tuang yang lebih kecil pada kadar sebuah item sesaat. Item-item juga boleh diletakkan ke dalam inventori corong tuang itu sendiri, atau mereka boleh dijatuhkan ke kawasan di atas corong tuang dan item-item tersebut akan disedut masuk ke dalam inventori corong tuang secara automatiknya.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Pengisih ini serupa seperti pelongsor tetapi ia mempunyai keluaran kedua yang digunakan untuk mengalihkan item-item tertentu kepada sasaran yang berbeza. Terdapat satu set slot inventori berlabel "Tapis" di atas paparan inventori blok ini, jika anda letakkan sebuah item di atas slot-slot ini maka pengisih ini akan merekod jenis item tersebut (tanpa mengambilnya daripada anda). Kemudian apabila item-item yang melalui inventori pengisih tersebut didapati sama dengan jenis item yang telah direkod maka ia akan dihantar ke arah yang ditanda dengan anak panah di sisi pengisih.@n@nSekiranya item tersebut tidak sama dengan jenis item yang telah direkod, atau apabila keluaran kedua tidak mampu menghantar item tanpa mengira sebab apa, pengisih tersebut akan menghantar item-item melalui keluaran yang biasa.@n@nSelain itu, terdapat butang berlabel "Tapis Semua" yang akan memberitahu pengisih untuk mengalihkan semua item-item kepada keluaran kedua kecuali item yang serupa dengan jenis item yang telah direkod, melainkan apabila keluaran kedua tidak mampu menerimanya tanpa mengira sebab apa. Sifat ini penting untuk mengendalikan kes "limpahan" (apabila inventori sasaran telah penuh) atau untuk mengendalikan sasaran yang sangat memilih dengan item yang ingin diterima (contohnya, slot bahan api relau).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Apabila digunakan bersama-sama relau, corong tuang akan memasukkan item ke dalam slot inventori "bahan mentah" relau apabila bahagian corong tuang yang lebih kecil disambungkan ke atas atau bawah relau dan corong tuang akan memasukkan item ke dalam slot inventori "bahan api" relau apabila bahagian tersebut disambungkan ke sisi relau.@n@nItem yang tidak boleh diletakkan dalam inventori blok sasaran akan kekal di dalam corong tuang.@n@nCorong tuang mempunyai kebenaran yang sama seperti pemain yang meletakkan mereka. Corong tuang yang anda letakkan dibenarkan untuk mengambil daripada atau memasukkan item-item ke dalam peti berkunci milik anda, namun corong tuang yang pemain lain letakkan tidak boleh berbuat sedemikian. Namun begitu, inventori corong tuang anda sendiri tidak dikunci kepada pemiliknya, oleh itu anda boleh gunakannya sebagai perantara untuk pemain lain memasukkan item-item kepada peti berkunci anda.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 mengambil barang daripada corong tuang di @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 memindahkan barang dalam corong tuang di @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 memasukkan barang ke dalam corong tuang di @2
Hopper=Corong Tuang
Side Hopper=Corong Tuang Melintang
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 memasukkan barang ke dalam pengisih di @2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Pengisih ini ditetapkan untuk hanya menghantar item-item@nyang berada dalam senarai tapisan ke arah anak panah.@nTekan butang ini untuk menetapkannya untuk mencuba@nmenghantar semua item ke arah anak panah terlebih dahulu.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Pengisih ini ditetapkan untuk cuba menghantar semua@nitem-item ke arah anak panah. Tekan butang ini untuk@nmenggunakan tapisan khusus sejenis item.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Corong tuang ini ditetapkan untuk mengeluarkan item daripada@nkeluarannya walaupun apabila tiada blok yang sesuai diletakkan@nuntuk menerimanya. Tekan butang ini jika tidak mahu keluarkannya.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Corong tuang ini ditetapkan untuk memegang item sekiranya@ntiada blok yang sesuai diletakkan untuk menerimanya.@nTekan butang ini untuk mengeluarkan item-item tersebut.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MODS] Corong tuang dimuatkan

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 مميندهکن بارڠ کدالم ڤلوڠسور د@2
Hopper Chute=ڤلوڠسور چوروڠ تواڠ
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=ڤلوڠسور اونتوق مميندهکن ايتم٢ برجارق جاوه.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=ڤڠيسيه اونتوق ملينچوڠکن ببراڤ ايتم کڤد ساسرن يڠ بربيذا.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=چارا ݢوناکن ڤلوڠسور اين سروڤ سڤرتي چوروڠ تواڠ تتاڤي مريک تيدق براوڤاي مڠمبيل ايتم دڠن سنديري. ايتم٢ هاڽ بوليه دماسوقکن کدالم ڤلوڠسور سچارا مانوال اتو دڠن چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ برسمبوڠن دڠن ڤلوڠسور ترسبوت. مريک مميندهکن ايتم مڠيکوت اره يڠ دتندا دڠن انق ڤانه ڤد سيݢمن تيروس ڤد کادر سبواه ايتم سساٴت. مريک ممڤوڽاٴي کاڤاسيتي ڤنيمبل يڠ کچيل⹁ دان مان٢ ايتم يڠ تيدق داڤت دماسوقکن کدالم اينۏينتوري بلوک ساسرن اکن ککل ددالم ڤنيمبل ڤلوڠسور سهيڠݢ ايتم ترسبوت دکلوارکن سچارا مانوال اتو سهيڠݢ ساسرن ممڤو منريماڽ.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=بلوک چوروڠ تواڠ داتڠ دالم بنتوق 'منݢق' دان 'ملينتڠ'⹁ تتاڤي کدوا-دواڽ هاڽ مونچول سباݢي سبواه ايتم ݢنريک دالم اينۏينتوري ڤماٴين. جنيس بلوک چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ دلتقکن اوليه ڤماٴين برݢنتوڠ کڤد اره لتقڽ - اڤابيلا ايتم چوروڠ تواڠ دتوجوکن کاره اتس اتو باوه ڤرموکاٴن بلوک ماک چوروڠ تواڠ منݢق يڠ دلتقکن⹁ ماناکالا اڤابيلا دتوجوکن کاره سيسي ڤرموکاٴن بلوک ماک چوروڠ تواڠ ملينتڠ يڠ دلتقکن دڠن سيسي يڠ دتوجو ايت يڠ اکن برسمبوڠ کڤد چوروڠ تواڠ.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=بلوک چوروڠ تواڠ داتڠ دالم بنتوق 'منݢق' دان 'ملينتڠ'. مريک بوليه ساليڠ برتوکر انتارا کدوا-دوا بنتوق ترسبوت مڠݢوناکن ݢريد ڤرتوکڠن.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=چوروڠ تواڠ اونتوق مميندهکن ايتم دانتارا اينۏينتوري يڠ برجيرن.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=ايتم٢ دڤيندهکن درڤد بلوک يڠ ترلتق دبهاݢين چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ لبيه بسر کڤد بلوک يڠ ترلتق دبهاݢين چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ لبيه کچيل ڤد کادر سبواه ايتم سساٴت. ايتم٢ جوݢ بوليه دلتقکن کدالم اينۏينتوري چوروڠ تواڠ ايت سنديري⹁ اتو مريک بوليه دجاتوهکن ککاوسن داتس چوروڠ تواڠ دان ايتم٢ ترسبوت اکن دسدوت ماسوق کدالم اينۏينتوري چوروڠ تواڠ سچارا أوتوماتيکڽ.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=ڤڠيسيه اين سروڤ سڤرتي ڤلوڠسور تتاڤي اي ممڤوڽاٴي کلوارن کدوا يڠ دݢوناکن اونتوق مڠاليهکن ايتم٢ ترتنتو کڤد ساسرن يڠ بربيذا. ترداڤت ساتو سيت سلوت اينۏينتوري برلابل "تاڤيس" داتس ڤاڤرن اينۏينتوري بلوک اين⹁ جيک اندا لتقکن سبواه ايتم داتس سلوت٢ اين ماک ڤڠيسيه اين اکن مريکود جنيس ايتم ترسبوت⹁ تنڤ مڠمبيلڽ درڤد اندا. کمودين اڤابيلا ايتم٢ يڠ ملالوٴي اينۏينتوري ڤڠيسيه ترسبوت دداڤتي سام دڠن جنيس ايتم يڠ تله دريکود ماک اي اکن دهنتر کاره يڠ دتندا دڠن انق ڤانه دسيسي ڤڠيسيه.@n@nسکيراڽ ايتم ترسبوت تيدق سام دڠن جنيس ايتم يڠ تله دريکود⹁ اتو اڤابيلا کلوارن کدوا تيدق ممڤو مڠهنتر ايتم تنڤ مڠيرا سبب اڤ⹁ ڤڠيسيه ترسبوت اکن مڠهنتر ايتم٢ ملالوٴي کلوارن يڠ بياسا.@n@nسلاٴين ايت⹁ ترداڤت بوتڠ برلابل "تاڤيس سموا" يڠ اکن ممبريتاهو ڤڠيسيه اونتوق مڠاليهکن سموا ايتم٢ کڤد کلوارن کدوا کچوالي ايتم يڠ سروڤ دڠن جنيس ايتم يڠ تله دريکود⹁ ملاٴينکن اڤابيلا کلوارن کدوا تيدق ممڤو منريماڽ تنڤ مڠيرا سبب اڤ. سيفت اين ڤنتيڠ اونتوق مڠنداليکن کيس "ليمڤهن"⹁ يايت اڤابيلا اينۏينتوري ساسرن تله ڤنوه⁏ اتو اونتوق مڠنداليکن ساسرن يڠ ساڠت مميليه دڠن ايتم يڠ ايڠين دتريما⹁ چونتوهڽ سلوت باهن اڤي رلاو.
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=اڤابيلا دݢوناکن برسام-سام رلاو⹁ چوروڠ تواڠ اکن مماسوقکن ايتم کدالم سلوت اينۏينتوري "باهن منته" رلاو اڤابيلا بهاݢين چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ لبيه کچيل دسمبوڠکن کاتس اتو باوه رلاو دان چوروڠ تواڠ اکن مماسوقکن ايتم کدالم سلوت اينۏينتوري "باهن اڤي" رلاو اڤابيلا بهاݢين ترسبوت دسمبوڠکن کسيسي رلاو.@n@nايتم يڠ تيدق بوليه دلتقکن دالم اينۏينتوري بلوک ساسرن اکن ککل ددالم چوروڠ تواڠ.@n@nچوروڠ تواڠ ممڤوڽاٴي کبنرن يڠ سام سڤرتي ڤماٴين يڠ ملتقکن مريک. چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ اندا لتقکن دبنرکن اونتوق مڠمبيل درڤد اتو مماسوقکن ايتم٢ کدالم ڤتي برکونچي ميليق اندا⹁ نامون چوروڠ تواڠ يڠ ڤماٴين لاٴين لتقکن تيدق داڤت بربوات سدميکين. نامون بݢيتو⹁ اينۏينتوري چوروڠ تواڠ اندا سنديري تيدق دکونچي کڤد ڤميليقڽ⹁ اوليه ايت اندا بوليه ݢوناکنڽ سباݢي ڤرانتارا اونتوق ڤماٴين لاٴين مماسوقکن ايتم٢ کڤد ڤتي برکونچي اندا.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 مڠمبيل بارڠ درڤد چوروڠ تواڠ د@2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 مميندهکن بارڠ دالم چوروڠ تواڠ د@2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 مماسوقکن بارڠ کدالم چوروڠ تواڠ د@2
Hopper=چوروڠ تواڠ
Side Hopper=چوروڠ تواڠ ملينتڠ
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 مماسوقکن بارڠ کدالم ڤڠيسيه د@2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=ڤڠيسيه اين دتتڤکن اونتوق هاڽ مڠهنتر ايتم٢@nيڠ براد دالم سناراي تاڤيسن کاره انق ڤانه.@nتکن بوتڠ اين اونتوق منتڤکنڽ اونتوق منچوب@nمڠهنتر سموا ايتم کاره انق ڤانه ترلبيه داهولو.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=ڤڠيسيه اين دتتڤکن اونتوق چوب مڠهنتر سموا@nايتم٢ کاره انق ڤانه. تکن بوتڠ اين اونتوق@nمڠݢوناکن تاڤيسن خصوص سجنيس ايتم.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=چوروڠ تواڠ اين دتتڤکن اونتوق مڠلوارکن ايتم درڤد@nکلوارنڽ والاوڤون اڤابيلا تيادا بلوک يڠ سسواي دلتقکن@nاونتوق منريماڽ. تکن بوتڠ اين جيک تيدق ماهو کلوارکنڽ.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=چوروڠ تواڠ اين دتتڤکن اونتوق ممݢڠ ايتم سکيراڽ@nتيادا بلوک يڠ سسواي اونتوق منريماڽ.@nتکن بوتڠ اين اونتوق مڠلوارکن ايتم٢ ترسبوت.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MODS] چوروڠ تواڠ دمواتکن

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 flytter ting til rennen ved @2
Hopper Chute=Traktrenne
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=En renne for å overføre gjenstander over større avstander.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=En sorteringsenhet for å omdirigere enkelte gjenstander til et annet mål.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=En renne fungerer omtrent som en trakt, men kan ikke ta imot gjenstander. Gjenstander kan bare blir satt i en renne for hånd, eller ved at en trakt er koblet på den. Rennen overfører gjenstanden i den retningen angitt av pilen på rennens smale del med en hastighet på én gjenstand per sekund. Den har en liten bufferkapasitet, og gjenstander som ikke kan plasseres i målblokkens beholdning blir sittende i bufferen til de enten fjernes for hånd eller til det blir tilgjenglig plass.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Traktblokken finnes som både stående og liggende varianter, men i spillerens beholdning vises begge som samme gjenstand. Traktvarianten som plasseres når spilleren bruker denne gjenstanden avhenger på hva som pekes på; når traktgjenstanden pekes mot toppen eller bunnen av en blokk, blir den stående, mens hvis den pekes på siden av en blokk blir den en liggende trakt som kobler seg til siden som ble klikket på.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Traktblokker finnes i både stående og liggende varianter. Man kan veksle mellom de to variantene ved bruk av håndverksnettet.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Trakt for å overføre gjenstander mellom beholdningen til blokker som står side om side.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Gjenstander overføres fra blokken ved traktens brede ende til blokken ved traktens smale ende med en hastighet på én per sekund. Gjenstander kan også legges direkte i traktens beholdning, eller slippes i rommet over en trakt for så å bli sugd automatisk inn i traktens beholdning.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=En sorteringsenhet ligner en renne, men den har i tillegg en sekundærutgang som benyttes til å skyve bestemte gjenstander et annet sted enn hovedutgangen. Øverst i blokkens beholdning vises det en rekke lagerspor merket med "Filter". Dersom man plasserer en gjenstand i et av disse sporene, registrerer sorteringsenheten gjenstanden (uten å ta den fra deg). Deretter, når gjenstander som passerer gjennom sorteringsenheten samsvarer med en gjenstand i filtreringslisten, vil sorteringsenheten forsøke å sende den den veien som pilen på sorteringsenheten viser.@n@nHvis gjenstanden ikke samsvarer med filtreringslisten, eller hvis sekundærutgangen ikke kan ta den i mot, vil sorteringsenheten forsøke å sende gjenstanden gjennom hovedutgangen i stedet.@n@nI tillegg finnes det en knapp merket med "Filtrer alt" som ber sorteringsenheten om å la være å bruke filtreringslisten og i stedet forsøke å skyve alle gjenstander ut sekundærutgangen (filtreringsutgangen). Gjenstander blir da bare sendt gjennom hovedutgangen dersom målblokken av en eller annen årsak ikke kan ta imot. Denne funksjonen er nyttig i tilfelle målblokkens beholdning blir overfylt, eller når man bruker kresne målblokker som ikke tar imot hva som helst (f. eks, brenselssporet i en ovn).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Når man bruker en trakt på en ovn, sender den gjenstander inn i ovnens råstoffbeholdning hvis den smale enden er festet til toppen eller bunnen av ovnen. En trakt festet til ovnens side vil levere gjenstander til ovnens brenselbeholdning.@n@nGjenstander som ikke kan plasseres i målblokkens beholdning forblir i trakten.@n@nEn trakt har samme rettigheter som den spilleren som har plassert den. En trakt som en selv plasserer har tillatelse til å ta gjenstander ut av eller legge i låste kister du eier, mens en trakt plassert av en annen spiller vil ikke ha denne tillatelsen. Hopperens egen beholdning er ikke låst til eier, så man kan bruke en trakt som en måte å la andre spillere legge gjenstander i ens egne låste kister på.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 flytter ting fra trakt ved @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 legger saker i trakt ved @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 flytter ting til trakt ved @2
Side Hopper=Liggende trakt
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 flytter ting til sorteringsenhet ved @2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Denne sorteringsenheten er for øyeblikket innstilt@ntil å sende kun gjenstander i filtreringslisten i pilens retning.@nKlikk på denne knappen for å endre innstillingen så den@ni stedet sender alle gjenstander i den retningen.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Denne sorteringsenheten er for tiden innstilt til@nå sende alle gjenstander i pilens retning. Klikk på denne@nknappen for å aktivere et filter for gjenstandstype.
### utility.lua ###
Don't@nEject=Ikke@nløs ut
Eject@nItems=Løs ut@ngjenstander
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Denne trakten er for øyeblikket innstilt til å løse ut gjenstander@nselv om det ikke finnes en blokk som kan ta den imot.@nKlikk på denne knappen for å slå av denne funksjonaliteten.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Denne trakten er for øyeblikket innstilt til å holde igjen@ngjenstander dersom det ikke finnes en blokk som kan ta den i mot.@nKlikk på denne knappen for å i stedet la den løse ut gjenstandene.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Trakten er fylt

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 verplaatst spullen naar stortkoker bij @2
Hopper Chute=Hopper Stortkoker
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Een stortkoker om items over langere afstanden over te brengen.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Een sorteerder om bepaalde items om te leiden naar een alternatief doel.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Glijgoten werken net als hoppers, maar hebben geen eigen opnamecapaciteit. Artikelen kunnen alleen handmatig of in een trechter op een trechter worden geplaatst. Ze brengen items over in de richting die wordt aangegeven door de pijl op hun smalle segment met een snelheid van één item per seconde. Ze hebben een kleine buffercapaciteit en alle items die niet in de inventaris van het doelblok kunnen worden geplaatst, blijven in de buffer van de parachute totdat ze handmatig worden verwijderd of hun bestemming beschikbaar komt.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Hopperblokken zijn er in zowel 'verticale' als 'zij'-vorm, maar in de inventaris van een speler worden beide weergegeven door één generiek item. Het type hopperblok dat zal worden geplaatst wanneer de speler dit item gebruikt, hangt af van waar naar wordt verwezen - wanneer het hopperitem naar de boven- of onderkant van een blok wordt gericht, wordt een verticale hopper geplaatst, wanneer gericht op de zijkant van een blok een zijtrechter wordt geproduceerd die aansluit op de aangeklikte kant.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Hopperblokken zijn er in zowel 'verticale' als 'zij'-vormen. Ze kunnen worden omgezet tussen de twee vormen via het knutselrooster.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Hopper om items over te dragen tussen de voorraden van naburige blokken.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Artikelen worden met een snelheid van één per seconde van het blok aan het brede uiteinde van de hopper naar het blok aan het smalle uiteinde van de hopper overgebracht. Items kunnen ook rechtstreeks in de voorraad van de hopper worden geplaatst, of ze kunnen in de ruimte boven een hopper worden gedropt en worden automatisch in de voorraad van de hopper gezogen.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Dit is vergelijkbaar met een parachute, maar heeft een secundaire uitgang die wordt gebruikt om specifieke items naar een alternatieve bestemming te rangeren. Bovenaan de inventarisweergave van dit blok is er een set inventarisatiesleuven met het label "Filter". Als u een item in een van deze slots plaatst, registreert de sorteerder het type van het item (zonder het daadwerkelijk van u af te nemen). @n@nWanneer items vervolgens door de inventaris van de sorteerder komen die overeenkomen met een van de items in de filterlijst, zal deze eerst proberen het te verzenden in de richting die is gemarkeerd met een pijl aan de zijkanten van de sorteerder. Als het item niet overeenkomt met de filterlijst, of als de secundaire output het item om welke reden dan ook niet kan pakken, zal de sorteerder proberen het item in plaats daarvan naar de andere output te sturen. @n@nBovendien is er een knop met het label "Alles filteren" die de sorteerder vertelt dat hij de filterlijst niet moet gebruiken en in plaats daarvan eerst probeert om alle items uit het filter te rangschikken, waarbij alleen items langs het niet-filterpad worden verzonden als het doel het niet kan accepteren om welke reden dan ook. Deze functie is handig voor het afhandelen van 'overloop' (wanneer de voorraad van het doelwit vol raakt) of voor het omgaan met doelen die selectief zijn in wat ze accepteren (bijvoorbeeld de brandstofsleuf van een oven).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Bij gebruik met ovens injecteren hoppers items in de inventarisopening van de oven voor "grondstoffen" wanneer het smalle uiteinde aan de boven- of onderkant is bevestigd en injecteren items in de inventarisruimte van de oven voor "brandstof" wanneer deze aan de zijkant van de oven zijn bevestigd. @n@nItems die niet in de inventaris van een doelblok kunnen worden geplaatst, blijven in de hopper. @n@nHoppers hebben dezelfde rechten als de speler die ze heeft geplaatst. Door u geplaatste hoppers mogen items van of nemen in afgesloten kisten die u bezit, maar hoppers die door andere spelers zijn geplaatst, kunnen dit niet doen. De eigen inventaris van een hopper is echter niet door de eigenaar vergrendeld, dus je kunt dit gebruiken als een manier om andere spelers toe te staan items in je vergrendelde kisten te deponeren.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 verplaatst spullen van hopper bij @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 verplaatst spullen in hopper bij @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 verplaatst spullen naar hopper bij @2
Side Hopper=Zijtrechter
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 verplaatst spullen naar sorteerder bij @2
Filter@nAll=Filter @nAllemaal
Selective@nFilter=Selectief @nFilter
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Deze sorteerder is momenteel ingesteld om alleen de vermelde items te verzenden @nin de filterlijst in de richting van de pijl. @nKlik op deze knop om in te stellen dat alles moet worden verzonden @nitems op die manier eerst.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Deze sorter is momenteel ingesteld om te proberen alle items @nte verzenden in de richting van de pijl. Klik op deze knop @nom een itemtypespecifiek filter in te schakelen.
### utility.lua ###
Don't@nEject=Niet @nUitwerpen
Eject@nItems=Uitwerpen @nItems
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Deze hopper is momenteel ingesteld om items uit de uitvoer te werpen @nzelfs als er geen compatibel blok is geplaatst om het te ontvangen. @nKlik op deze knop om deze functie uit te schakelen.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Deze hopper is momenteel ingesteld om het item vast te houden dat als er @ngeen compatibel blok is dat is gepositioneerd om het te ontvangen. @nKlik op deze knop om items in plaats daarvan te verwijderen.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Hopper geladen

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 przenosi rzeczy na spadochron w @2
Hopper Chute=Spadochron wagonu
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Spadochron do przenoszenia rzeczy na duże odległości.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Sortowacz prześle niektóre rzeczy do alternatywnego punktu.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Bloki lejów występują zarówno w 'pionowej' jak i 'poziomej' formie, ale gdy znajdują się w ekwipunku gracza to są wyświetlane jako pojedyncza rzecz. Typ bloku leja, który będzie postawiony, gdy gracz użyje tej rzeczy zależy od tego w którą stronę jest skierowany podczas stawiania- gdy lej stawiany jest na górze lub na dole bloku, wtedy stawiany jest lej 'pionowy', jeśli jest stawiany na boku bloku to stawia się lej połączony z klikniętą stroną bloku.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Bloki lejów występują zarówno w 'pionowym' jak i 'poziomym' kształcie. Mogą być one przetwarzane w stole rzemieślniczym.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Wagon do przenoszenia rzeczy pomiędzy ekwipunkami sąsiadujących bloków.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Przedmioty są przenoszone z bloku znajdującego się przy szerokim końcu leja do bloku znajdującego się przy wąskim końcu, z częstotliwością jeden na sekundę. Przedmioty mogą być również bezpośrednio włożone w ekwipunek leja, lub upuszczone nad nim, a zostaną wessane automatycznie w ekwipunek leja.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 przenosi rzeczy z wagonu do @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 przenosi rzeczy w wagonie do @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 przenosi rzeczy do wagonu do @2
Side Hopper=Boczny wagon
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 przenosi rzeczy do sortowacza @2
Filter@nAll=Filtr wszystkiego
Selective@nFilter=Filtr wybranych rzeczy
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Ten sortowacz jest ustawiony do przesyłania rzeczy@nznajdujących się na filtrowanej liście, w kierunku strzałki.@nWciśnij ten klawisz, aby ustawić przesyłanie wszystkiego@nw tym kierunku.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Ten sortowacz jest ustawiony na przesyłanie wszystkiego@nw kierunku strzałki. Wciśnij ten klawisz@naby włączyć filtr typu rzeczy.
### utility.lua ###
Don't@nEject=Nie wyrzucaj
Eject@nItems=Wyrzuć rzeczy
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Wagon jest ustawiony w trybie pozbywania się rzeczy na wyjściu, nawet jeśli nie ma odpowiedniego bloku do ich odbierania.@nWciśnij ten klawisz, aby wyłączyć tę funkcję.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Ten wagon jest ustawiony, aby przechowywać rzeczy,@njeśli nie ma odpowiedniego bloku do ich odbierania.@nWciśnij ten klawisz, aby włączyć tryb pozbywania się rzeczy.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Wagon włączony

@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ Eject@nItems=Ejetar@nItens
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Este alimentador está atualmente configurado para ejetar itens de sua saída, mesmo se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para desativar esse recurso. This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Este alimentador está atualmente configurado para ejetar itens de sua saída, mesmo se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para desativar esse recurso.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Este funil está atualmente configurado para segurar o item se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para ejetar itens. This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Este funil está atualmente configurado para segurar o item se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para ejetar itens.

@ -55,4 +55,5 @@ Eject@nItems=Ejetar@nItens
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Este alimentador está atualmente configurado para ejetar itens de sua saída, mesmo se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para desativar esse recurso. This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Este alimentador está atualmente configurado para ejetar itens de sua saída, mesmo se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para desativar esse recurso.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Este funil está atualmente configurado para segurar o item se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para ejetar itens. This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Este funil está atualmente configurado para segurar o item se não houver um bloco compatível posicionado para recebê-lo. Clique neste botão para ejetar itens.

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 перемещает материалы в жёлоб @2
Hopper Chute=Жёлоб бункера
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Жёлоб для передачи предметов на большие расстояния.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Сортировщик для перенаправления определённых предметов в альтернативные цели.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Желоба работают так же, как и бункеры, но не имеют собственной возможности забора. Элементы могут быть вставлены в жёлоб только вручную или с помощью бункера, подключённого к жёлобу. Они передают детали в направлении, указанном стрелкой на их узком сегменте со скоростью один элемент в секунду. Они имеют небольшую буферную ёмкость, и любые предметы, которые не могут быть размещены в инвентаре целевого блока, будут оставаться в буфере жёлоба, пока не будут удалены вручную или их назначение не станет доступным.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Блоки бункера существуют в «вертикальной» и «боковой» формах, но в инвентаре игрока представлены в виде общего элемента. Тип блока бункера, что будет размещён, когда игрок использует этот элемент, зависит от того, как он направлен — если элемент бункера направлен на верхнюю или нижнюю поверхность блока, будет размещён вертикальный бункер, а если направлен на сторону — боковой бункер.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Блоки бункера существуют в «вертикальной» и «боковой» формах. Они могут быть преобразованы между двумя формами через крафт-сетку.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Бункер для передачи предметов между соседними блоками инвентаря.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Предметы передаются из блока в широком конце бункера в блок в узком конце бункера со скоростью один предмет в секунду. Предметы также можно разместить непосредственно в инвентарь бункера либо сбросить над бункером, они попадают в инвентарь бункера автоматически.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Это похоже на жёлоб, но имеет вторичный выход, используемый для шунтирования конкретных элементов в альтернативное назначение. Существует множество слотов с надписью «Фильтр» в верхней части экрана инвентаря этого блока. Если поместить элемент в один из этих слотов, сортировщик запишет тип элемента (не принимая его от вас). Затем, когда через инвентарь сортировщика проходят элементы, соответствующие одному из пунктов в списке фильтров, то эти элементы будут отправлены в направлении, указанном стрелкой на сторонах сортировщика.@n@nЕсли элемент не соответствует списку фильтров, или вторичный выход не в состоянии принять элемент по какой-либо причине, то сортировщик будет пытаться отправить элемент в другой выход вместо этого.@n@nКроме того, есть кнопка с надписью «Фильтровать всё», которая указывает сортировщику не использовать список фильтров и вместо первой попытки шунтировать все элементы из фильтра, отправляет элементы только вдоль пути без фильтра, если цель не может принять их по какой-либо причине. Эта функция полезна для обработки «переполнения» (когда инвентарь цели полностью заполнен) или для работы с целями, которые требовательны к тому, что они принимают (например, слот топлива печи).
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=При использовании c печами, бункеры вводят элементы в «сырьевой» слот печи, когда узкий конец прикреплён к верхней или нижней части, и вводят элементы в «топливный» слот печи, если присоединён к боковой стороне печи.@n@nПредметы, которые не могут быть размещены в инвентаре целевого блока будут оставаться в бункере.@n@nБункеры имеют те же права, что и игрок, который разместил их. Бункером, размещаемым вами, разрешается брать или класть предметы в закрытые сундуки, которыми вы владеете. Бункеры, размещённые другими игроками, не могут делать этого. Собственный инвентарь бункера не является закрытым, так что вы можете использовать его, чтобы позволить другим игрокам вносить элементы в ваши закрытые сундуки.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 перемещает материалы из бункера @2
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1 перемещает материалы в бункер @2
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 перемещает материалы в бункер @2
Side Hopper=Боковой бункер
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 перемещает материалы в сортировщик @2
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=В данный момент этот сортировщик настроен@nтолько на отправку элементов, перечисленных@nв списке фильтров, в направлении стрелки.@nНажмите эту кнопку, чтобы настроить его на попытку@nотправки элементов, которые были первыми.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Этот сортировщик в настоящее время настроен на@nпопытку отправки всех элементов в направлении,@nуказанном стрелкой. Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы@nвключить фильтр по конкретному типу элемента.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Этот бункер в настоящее время настроен на выталкивание@nэлементов в выход, даже если он несовместим для получения блока.@nНажмите на эту кнопку, чтобы отключить эту функцию.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Этот бункер в настоящее время настроен на задержание@nнесовместимых для получения блоков.@nНажмите эту кнопку, чтобы вытолкнуть элементы.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Бункер загружен

locale/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# textdomain: hopper
### chute.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to chute at @2=@1 eşyaları @2 deki kanala taşır
Hopper Chute=Huni Kanal
### doc.lua ###
A chute to transfer items over longer distances.=Ögeleri uzak mesafelere aktarmak için bir kanal.
A sorter to redirect certain items to an alternate target.=Belirli ögeleri başka bir hedefe yönlendirmek için ayırıcı.
Chutes operate much like hoppers but do not have their own intake capability. Items can only be inserted into a chute manually or by a hopper connected to a chute. They transfer items in the direction indicated by the arrow on their narrow segment at a rate of one item per second. They have a small buffer capacity, and any items that can't be placed into the target block's inventory will remain lodged in the chute's buffer until manually removed or their destination becomes available.=Kanallar huniler gibi çalışır ancak alım yetenekleri yoktur. Ögeler kanala yalnızca elle veya bağlı bir huniyle aktarılabilir. Dar bölümlerindeki ok yönünde saniyede bir öge hızında ögeleri taşırlar. Küçük bir tampon alanı vardır ve hedef bloğa yerleştirilemeyen her öge, elle kaldırılana veya hedef kullanılabilir olana kadar, kanalın tamponuna takılı kalır.
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms, but when in a player's inventory both are represented by a single generic item. The type of hopper block that will be placed when the player uses this item depends on what is pointed at - when the hopper item is pointed at the top or bottom face of a block a vertical hopper is placed, when aimed at the side of a block a side hopper is produced that connects to the clicked-on side.@n@n=Huni blokları dikey ve yan biçimlerde gelir, fakat oyuncunun envanterinde tek genel bir ögeyle gösterilir. Yerleşetirilecek huninin türü neye hedeflendiğine bağlıdır - huni ögesi bloğun üst veya alt yüzeyine hedefleniyorsa dikey bir huni yerleştirilir, bloğun yanlarına hedeflendiğinde ise tıklanan tarafa bağlayan yan huni oluşturulur.@n@n
Hopper blocks come in both 'vertical' and 'side' forms. They can be interconverted between the two forms via the crafting grid.@n@n=Huni blokları dikey ve yan biçimlerde gelir. İşleme ızgarasıyla iki biçime dönüştürülebilirler.@n@n
Hopper to transfer items between neighboring blocks' inventories.=Komşu bloklardaki envanterler arasında ögeleri aktarmak için huni.
Items are transfered from the block at the wide end of the hopper to the block at the narrow end of the hopper at a rate of one per second. Items can also be placed directly into the hopper's inventory, or they can be dropped into the space above a hopper and will be sucked into the hopper's inventory automatically.@n@n=Ögeler huninin geniş tarafında bulunan bloktan ince tarafında bulunan bloğa saniye bir adet hızında taşınır. Ögeler huninin envanterine doğrudan eklenebilir, veya huninin üstündeki boşluğa atılabilir ve huninin envanterine kendiliğinden çekilir.@n@n
This is similar to a chute but has a secondary output that is used to shunt specific items to an alternate destination. There is a set of inventory slots labeled "Filter" at the top of this block's inventory display, if you place an item into one of these slots the sorter will record the item's type (without actually taking it from you). Then when items come through the sorter's inventory that match one of the items in the filter list it will first attempt to send it in the direction marked with an arrow on the sorter's sides.@n@nIf the item doesn't match the filter list, or the secondary output is unable to take the item for whatever reason, the sorter will try to send the item out the other output instead.@n@nIn addition, there is a button labeled "Filter All" that will tell the sorter to not use the filter list and instead first attempt to shunt all items out of the filter, only sending items along the non-filter path if the target cannot accept it for whatever reason. This feature is useful for handling "overflow" (when the target's inventory fills up) or for dealing with targets that are selective about what they accept (for example, a furnace's fuel slot).=Bu bir kanala benzer ama belli ögeleri başka bir hedefe yönlendirmek için kullanılan ikincil bir çıkışı vardır. Bu bloğun envanter ekranının tepesinde "Filtre" olarak etiketlenmiş bir dizi bölme vardır, bu bölmelerden birine bir öge koyarsanız ayırıcı öge türünü (onu sizden almadan) kaydeder. Sonra filtre listesindeki ögelerden biriyle eşleşen bir öge ayırıcının envanterine girdiğinde, ilk olarak bunu ayırıcının yanlarında bir okla işaretli olan yönde göndermeyi dener.@n@nEğer öge filtre listesiyle eşleşmiyor veya ikincil çıkış bir nedenle ögeyi alamıyorsa, ayırıcı onu diğer çıkışa göndermeyi dener.@n@nEk olarak Hepsini Filtrele etiketli bir düğme ayırıcaya filtre listesini kullanmamasını bunun yerine tüm ögeleri ilk olarak filtreden dışarı yönlendirip sadece bir nedenle hedefe kabul edilemeyecek ögeleri filtresiz yola göndermesi söyler. Bu özellik (hedefin envanteri dolduğunda) taşmayı yönetmek için veya (fırın yakıt bölmesi gibi) kabul ettikleri konusunda seçici olan hedeflerle uğraşırken faydalıdır.
When used with furnaces, hoppers inject items into the furnace's "raw material" inventory slot when the narrow end is attached to the top or bottom and inject items into the furnace's "fuel" inventory slot when attached to the furnace's side.@n@nItems that cannot be placed in a target block's inventory will remain in the hopper.@n@nHoppers have the same permissions as the player that placed them. Hoppers placed by you are allowed to take items from or put items into locked chests that you own, but hoppers placed by other players will be unable to do so. A hopper's own inventory is not not owner-locked, though, so you can use this as a way to allow other players to deposit items into your locked chests.=Fırınlar ile kullanıldığında, huninin dar ucu fırının üst veya alt tarafına takıldığında "işlenmemiş madde" bölmesine atılır ve fırının yanına takıldığında "yakıt" bölmesine atılır.@n@nBir hedef bloğun envanterine yerleştirilemeyen maddeler huni içinde kalır.@n@nHuniler onları yerleştiren oyuncuyla aynı yetkilere sahiptir. Sizin yerleştirdiğiniz huniler sizin kilitli sandıklarınızın içine ögeleri koyabilir veya içinden ögeleri alabilir, ancak diğer oyuncuların yerleştirdiği huniler bunu yapamaz. Bir huninin kendi envanteri sahip kilitli değildir, ama bunu diğer oyuncular kilitli sandıklarınızın içine ögeleri koymasına izin vermek için bir yol kullanabilirsiniz.
### hoppers.lua ###
@1 moves stuff from hopper at @2=@1 eşyaları @2 deki huniden taşır
@1 moves stuff in hopper at @2=@1, @2 deki hunideki eşyaları taşır
@1 moves stuff to hopper at @2=@1 eşyaları @2 deki huniye taşır
Side Hopper=Yan Huni
### sorter.lua ###
@1 moves stuff to sorter at @2=@1 eşyaları @2 deki ayırıcıya taşır
This sorter is currently set to only send items listed@nin the filter list in the direction of the arrow.@nClick this button to set it to try sending all@nitems that way first.=Bu ayırıcı şu anda sadece filtre listesinde listelenmiş@nögeleri ok yönünde göndermek için ayarlı.@nTüm ögeleri göndermeyi denemesini ayarlamak@niçin bu düğmeye tıklayın.
This sorter is currently set to try sending all items@nin the direction of the arrow. Click this button@nto enable an item-type-specific filter.=Bu ayırıcı şu anda tüm ögeleri ok yönünde göndermeyi@ndenemek için ayarlı. Öge-türüne-bağlı bir filtreyi@netkinleştirmek için bu düğmeye tıklayın.
### utility.lua ###
This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output@neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to disable this feature.=Bu huni, alması için konumlandırılmış uyumlu bir blok@nolmasada, şu anda ögeleri çıkışından atmak için ayarlanmış.@nBu özelliği devre dışı kılmak için bu düğmeyi tıklayın.
This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there@nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.@nClick this button to have it eject items instead.=Bu huni, alması için konumlandırılmış uyumlu bir@nblok yoksa, ögeleri tutmak için ayarlanmış.@nBunun yerine ögeleri atması için bu düğmeyi tıklayın.
##### not used anymore #####
[MOD] Hopper loaded=[MOD] Huni yüklendi