-- internationalization boilerplate local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua") -- Target inventory retrieval -- looks first for a registration matching the specific node name, then for a registration -- matching group and value, then for a registration matching a group and *any* value hopper.get_registered_inventories_for = function(target_node_name) local output = hopper.containers[target_node_name] if output ~= nil then return output end local target_def = minetest.registered_nodes[target_node_name] if target_def.groups == nil then return nil end for group, value in pairs(target_def.groups) do local registered_group = hopper.groups[group] if registered_group ~= nil then output = registered_group[value] if output ~= nil then return output end output = registered_group["all"] if output ~= nil then return output end end end return nil end hopper.get_eject_button_texts = function(pos, loc_X, loc_Y) if not hopper.config.eject_button_enabled then return "" end local eject_button_text, eject_button_tooltip if minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("eject") == "true" then eject_button_text = S("Don't\nEject") eject_button_tooltip = S("This hopper is currently set to eject items from its output\neven if there isn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.\nClick this button to disable this feature.") else eject_button_text = S("Eject\nItems") eject_button_tooltip = S("This hopper is currently set to hold on to item if there\nisn't a compatible block positioned to receive it.\nClick this button to have it eject items instead.") end return string.format("button_exit[%i,%i;1,1;eject;%s]tooltip[eject;%s]", loc_X, loc_Y, eject_button_text, eject_button_tooltip) end hopper.get_string_pos = function(pos) return pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," ..pos.z end -- Apparently node_sound_metal_defaults is a newer thing, I ran into games using an older version of the default mod without it. if default.node_sound_metal_defaults ~= nil then hopper.metal_sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults() else hopper.metal_sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inventory transfer functions -- Used to remove items from the target block and put it into the hopper's inventory hopper.take_item_from = function(hopper_pos, target_pos, target_node, target_inventory_name) if target_inventory_name == nil then return end --hopper inventory local hopper_meta = minetest.get_meta(hopper_pos); local hopper_inv = hopper_meta:get_inventory() local placer = minetest.get_player_by_name(hopper_meta:get_string("placer")) --source inventory local target_inv = minetest.get_meta(target_pos):get_inventory() local target_inv_size = target_inv:get_size(target_inventory_name) local target_def = minetest.registered_nodes[target_node.name] if target_inv:is_empty(target_inventory_name) == false then for i = 1,target_inv_size do local stack = target_inv:get_stack(target_inventory_name, i) local item = stack:get_name() if item ~= "" then if hopper_inv:room_for_item("main", item) then local stack_to_take = stack:take_item(1) if target_def.allow_metadata_inventory_take == nil or placer == nil -- backwards compatibility, older versions of this mod didn't record who placed the hopper or target_def.allow_metadata_inventory_take(target_pos, target_inventory_name, i, stack_to_take, placer) > 0 then target_inv:set_stack(target_inventory_name, i, stack) --add to hopper hopper_inv:add_item("main", item) if target_def.on_metadata_inventory_take ~= nil and placer ~= nil then target_def.on_metadata_inventory_take(target_pos, target_inventory_name, i, stack_to_take, placer) end break end end end end end end -- Used to put items from the hopper inventory into the target block hopper.send_item_to = function(hopper_pos, target_pos, target_node, target_inventory_name, filtered_items) local hopper_meta = minetest.get_meta(hopper_pos) local target_def = minetest.registered_nodes[target_node.name] local eject_item = hopper.config.eject_button_enabled and hopper_meta:get_string("eject") == "true" and target_def.buildable_to if not eject_item and not target_inventory_name then return false end --hopper inventory local hopper_meta = minetest.get_meta(hopper_pos); local hopper_inv = hopper_meta:get_inventory() if hopper_inv:is_empty("main") == true then return false end local hopper_inv_size = hopper_inv:get_size("main") local placer = minetest.get_player_by_name(hopper_meta:get_string("placer")) --target inventory local target_inv = minetest.get_meta(target_pos):get_inventory() for i = 1,hopper_inv_size do local stack = hopper_inv:get_stack("main", i) local item = stack:get_name() if item ~= "" and (filtered_items == nil or filtered_items[item]) then if target_inventory_name then if target_inv:room_for_item(target_inventory_name, item) then local stack_to_put = stack:take_item(1) if target_def.allow_metadata_inventory_put == nil or placer == nil -- backwards compatibility, older versions of this mod didn't record who placed the hopper or target_def.allow_metadata_inventory_put(target_pos, target_inventory_name, i, stack_to_put, placer) > 0 then hopper_inv:set_stack("main", i, stack) --add to target node target_inv:add_item(target_inventory_name, stack_to_put) if target_def.on_metadata_inventory_put ~= nil and placer ~= nil then target_def.on_metadata_inventory_put(target_pos, target_inventory_name, i, stack_to_put, placer) end return true end end elseif eject_item then local stack_to_put = stack:take_item(1) minetest.add_item(target_pos, stack_to_put) hopper_inv:set_stack("main", i, stack) return true end end end return false end