// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "IMetaTriangleSelector.h"
#include "irrArray.h"

namespace irr
namespace scene

//! Interface for making multiple triangle selectors work as one big selector.
class CMetaTriangleSelector : public IMetaTriangleSelector

	//! constructor

	//! destructor
	virtual ~CMetaTriangleSelector();

	//! Get amount of all available triangles in this selector
	virtual s32 getTriangleCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Gets all triangles.
	virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
		s32& outTriangleCount, const core::matrix4* transform, bool useNodeTransform, 
		irr::core::array<SCollisionTriangleRange>* outTriangleInfo) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Gets all triangles which lie within a specific bounding box.
	virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
		s32& outTriangleCount, const core::aabbox3d<f32>& box,
		const core::matrix4* transform,	bool useNodeTransform, 
		irr::core::array<SCollisionTriangleRange>* outTriangleInfo) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Gets all triangles which have or may have contact with a 3d line.
	virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
		s32& outTriangleCount, const core::line3d<f32>& line,
		const core::matrix4* transform,	bool useNodeTransform, 
		irr::core::array<SCollisionTriangleRange>* outTriangleInfo) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Adds a triangle selector to the collection of triangle selectors
	//! in this metaTriangleSelector.
	virtual void addTriangleSelector(ITriangleSelector* toAdd) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Removes a specific triangle selector which was added before	from the collection.
	virtual bool removeTriangleSelector(ITriangleSelector* toRemove) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Removes all triangle selectors from the collection.
	virtual void removeAllTriangleSelectors() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Get the scene node associated with a given triangle.
	virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeForTriangle(u32 triangleIndex) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	// Get the number of TriangleSelectors that are part of this one
	virtual u32 getSelectorCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	// Get the TriangleSelector based on index based on getSelectorCount
	virtual ITriangleSelector* getSelector(u32 index) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	// Get the TriangleSelector based on index based on getSelectorCount
	virtual const ITriangleSelector* getSelector(u32 index) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;


	core::array<ITriangleSelector*> TriangleSelectors;

} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr
