// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"

#include "IParticleAttractionAffector.h"

namespace irr
namespace scene

//! Particle Affector for attracting particles to a point
class CParticleAttractionAffector : public IParticleAttractionAffector

		const core::vector3df& point = core::vector3df(), f32 speed = 1.0f,
		bool attract = true, bool affectX = true,
		bool affectY = true, bool affectZ = true );

	//! Affects a particle.
	virtual void affect(u32 now, SParticle* particlearray, u32 count) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Set the point that particles will attract to
	virtual void setPoint( const core::vector3df& point ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { Point = point; }

	//! Set the speed, in game units per second that the particles will attract to the specified point
	virtual void setSpeed( f32 speed ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { Speed = speed; }

	//! Set whether or not the particles are attracting or detracting
	virtual void setAttract( bool attract ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { Attract = attract; }

	//! Set whether or not this will affect particles in the X direction
	virtual void setAffectX( bool affect ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { AffectX = affect; }

	//! Set whether or not this will affect particles in the Y direction
	virtual void setAffectY( bool affect ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { AffectY = affect; }

	//! Set whether or not this will affect particles in the Z direction
	virtual void setAffectZ( bool affect ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { AffectZ = affect; }

	//! Get the point that particles are attracted to
	virtual const core::vector3df& getPoint() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return Point; }

	//! Get the speed that points attract to the specified point
	virtual f32 getSpeed() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return Speed; }

	//! Get whether or not the particles are attracting or detracting
	virtual bool getAttract() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return Attract; }

	//! Get whether or not the particles X position are affected
	virtual bool getAffectX() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return AffectX; }

	//! Get whether or not the particles Y position are affected
	virtual bool getAffectY() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return AffectY; }

	//! Get whether or not the particles Z position are affected
	virtual bool getAffectZ() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return AffectZ; }

	//! Writes attributes of the object.
	virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;

	//! Reads attributes of the object.
	virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;


	core::vector3df Point;
	f32 Speed;
	bool AffectX;
	bool AffectY;
	bool AffectZ;
	bool Attract;
	u32 LastTime;

} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr