// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h



#include "CIrrDeviceStub.h"
#include "IrrlichtDevice.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h> // For JOYCAPS
#include <windowsx.h>
#if !defined(GET_X_LPARAM)
#define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp))
#define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp))

namespace irr
	struct SJoystickWin32Control;

	class CIrrDeviceWin32 : public CIrrDeviceStub
	friend struct SJoystickWin32Control;

		//! constructor
		CIrrDeviceWin32(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params);

		//! destructor
		virtual ~CIrrDeviceWin32();

		//! runs the device. Returns false if device wants to be deleted
		bool run() override;

		//! Cause the device to temporarily pause execution and let other processes to run
		// This should bring down processor usage without major performance loss for Irrlicht
		void yield() override;

		//! Pause execution and let other processes to run for a specified amount of time.
		void sleep(u32 timeMs, bool pauseTimer) override;

		//! sets the caption of the window
		void setWindowCaption(const wchar_t* text) override;

		//! returns if window is active. if not, nothing need to be drawn
		bool isWindowActive() const override;

		//! returns if window has focus
		bool isWindowFocused() const override;

		//! returns if window is minimized
		bool isWindowMinimized() const override;

		//! returns last state from maximizeWindow() and restoreWindow()
		bool isWindowMaximized() const override;

		//! notifies the device that it should close itself
		void closeDevice() override;

		//! Notifies the device, that it has been resized
		/** Must be publis as it is called from free function (event handler) */
		void OnResized();

		//! Sets if the window should be resizable in windowed mode.
		void setResizable(bool resize=false) override;

		//! Resize the render window.
		void setWindowSize(const irr::core::dimension2d<u32>& size) override;

		//! Minimizes the window.
		void minimizeWindow() override;

		//! Maximizes the window.
		void maximizeWindow() override;

		//! Restores the window size.
		void restoreWindow() override;

		//! Get the position of the window on screen
		core::position2di getWindowPosition() override;

		//! Activate any joysticks, and generate events for them.
		bool activateJoysticks(core::array<SJoystickInfo> & joystickInfo) override;

		//! Remove all messages pending in the system message loop
		void clearSystemMessages() override;

		//! Get the device type
		E_DEVICE_TYPE getType() const override
			return EIDT_WIN32;

		//! Compares to the last call of this function to return double and triple clicks.
		//! \return Returns only 1,2 or 3. A 4th click will start with 1 again.
		u32 checkSuccessiveClicks(s32 mouseX, s32 mouseY, EMOUSE_INPUT_EVENT inputEvent ) override
			// we just have to make it public
			return CIrrDeviceStub::checkSuccessiveClicks(mouseX, mouseY, inputEvent );

		//! Switch to fullscreen
		bool switchToFullScreen();

		// convert an Irrlicht texture to a windows cursor
		HCURSOR TextureToCursor(HWND hwnd, irr::video::ITexture * tex, const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const core::position2d<s32> &hotspot);

		//! Implementation of the win32 cursor control
		class CCursorControl : public gui::ICursorControl

			CCursorControl(CIrrDeviceWin32* device, const core::dimension2d<u32>& wsize, HWND hwnd, bool fullscreen);

			//! Changes the visible state of the mouse cursor.
			void setVisible(bool visible) override
				CURSORINFO info;
				info.cbSize = sizeof(CURSORINFO);
				BOOL gotCursorInfo = GetCursorInfo(&info);
				while ( gotCursorInfo )
					// Since Windows 8 the cursor can be suppressed by a touch interface
					if (visible && info.flags == CURSOR_SUPPRESSED)
					if ( (visible && info.flags == CURSOR_SHOWING) || // visible
						(!visible && info.flags == 0 ) ) // hidden
					// this only increases an internal
					// display counter in windows, so it
					// might have to be called some more
					const int showResult = ShowCursor(visible);
					// if result has correct sign we can
					// stop here as well
					if (( !visible && showResult < 0 ) ||
						(visible && showResult >= 0))
					// yes, it really must be set each time
					info.cbSize = sizeof(CURSORINFO);
					gotCursorInfo = GetCursorInfo(&info);

					// Not sure if a cursor which we tried to hide still can be suppressed.
					// I have no touch-display for testing this and MSDN doesn't describe it.
					// But adding this check shouldn't hurt and might prevent an endless loop.
					if (!visible && info.flags == CURSOR_SUPPRESSED)
				IsVisible = visible;

			//! Returns if the cursor is currently visible.
			bool isVisible() const override
				return IsVisible;

			//! Sets the new position of the cursor.
			void setPosition(const core::position2d<f32> &pos) override
				setPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);

			//! Sets the new position of the cursor.
			void setPosition(f32 x, f32 y) override
				if (!UseReferenceRect)
					setPosition(core::round32(x*WindowSize.Width), core::round32(y*WindowSize.Height));
					setPosition(core::round32(x*ReferenceRect.getWidth()), core::round32(y*ReferenceRect.getHeight()));

			//! Sets the new position of the cursor.
			void setPosition(const core::position2d<s32> &pos) override
				setPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);

			//! Sets the new position of the cursor.
			void setPosition(s32 x, s32 y) override
				if (UseReferenceRect)
					SetCursorPos(ReferenceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + x,
								ReferenceRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + y);
					RECT rect;
					if (GetWindowRect(HWnd, &rect))
						SetCursorPos(x + rect.left + BorderX, y + rect.top + BorderY);

				CursorPos.X = x;
				CursorPos.Y = y;

			//! Returns the current position of the mouse cursor.
			const core::position2d<s32>& getPosition(bool updateCursor) override
				if ( updateCursor )
				return CursorPos;

			//! Returns the current position of the mouse cursor.
			core::position2d<f32> getRelativePosition(bool updateCursor) override
				if ( updateCursor )

				if (!UseReferenceRect)
					return core::position2d<f32>(CursorPos.X * InvWindowSize.Width,
						CursorPos.Y * InvWindowSize.Height);

				return core::position2d<f32>(CursorPos.X / (f32)ReferenceRect.getWidth(),
						CursorPos.Y / (f32)ReferenceRect.getHeight());

			//! Sets an absolute reference rect for calculating the cursor position.
			void setReferenceRect(core::rect<s32>* rect=0) override
				if (rect)
					ReferenceRect = *rect;
					UseReferenceRect = true;

					// prevent division through zero and uneven sizes

					if (!ReferenceRect.getHeight() || ReferenceRect.getHeight()%2)
						ReferenceRect.LowerRightCorner.Y += 1;

					if (!ReferenceRect.getWidth() || ReferenceRect.getWidth()%2)
						ReferenceRect.LowerRightCorner.X += 1;
					UseReferenceRect = false;

			/** Used to notify the cursor that the window was resized. */
			void OnResize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size)
				WindowSize = size;
				if (size.Width!=0)
					InvWindowSize.Width = 1.0f / size.Width;
					InvWindowSize.Width = 0.f;

				if (size.Height!=0)
					InvWindowSize.Height = 1.0f / size.Height;
					InvWindowSize.Height = 0.f;

			/** Used to notify the cursor that the window resizable settings changed. */
			void updateBorderSize(bool fullscreen, bool resizable)
				if (!fullscreen)
					s32 paddingBorder = 0;
						paddingBorder = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER);

					if (resizable)
						BorderX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME) + paddingBorder;
						BorderY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME) + paddingBorder;
						BorderX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME) + paddingBorder;
						BorderY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME) + paddingBorder;
					BorderX = BorderY = 0;

			//! Sets the active cursor icon
			void setActiveIcon(gui::ECURSOR_ICON iconId) override;

			//! Gets the currently active icon
			gui::ECURSOR_ICON getActiveIcon() const override
				return ActiveIcon;

			//! Add a custom sprite as cursor icon.
			gui::ECURSOR_ICON addIcon(const gui::SCursorSprite& icon) override;

			//! replace the given cursor icon.
			void changeIcon(gui::ECURSOR_ICON iconId, const gui::SCursorSprite& icon) override;

			//! Return a system-specific size which is supported for cursors. Larger icons will fail, smaller icons might work.
			core::dimension2di getSupportedIconSize() const override;

			void update();


			//! Updates the internal cursor position
			void updateInternalCursorPosition()
				POINT p;
				if (!GetCursorPos(&p))
					DWORD xy = GetMessagePos();
					p.x = GET_X_LPARAM(xy);
					p.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(xy);

				if (UseReferenceRect)
					CursorPos.X = p.x - ReferenceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
					CursorPos.Y = p.y - ReferenceRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
					RECT rect;
					if (GetWindowRect(HWnd, &rect))
						CursorPos.X = p.x-rect.left-BorderX;
						CursorPos.Y = p.y-rect.top-BorderY;
						// window seems not to be existent, so set cursor to
						// a negative value
						CursorPos.X = -1;
						CursorPos.Y = -1;

			CIrrDeviceWin32* Device;
			core::position2d<s32> CursorPos;
			core::dimension2d<u32> WindowSize;
			core::dimension2d<f32> InvWindowSize;
			HWND HWnd;

			s32 BorderX, BorderY;
			core::rect<s32> ReferenceRect;
			bool UseReferenceRect;
			bool IsVisible;

			struct CursorFrameW32
				CursorFrameW32() : IconHW(0) {}
				CursorFrameW32(HCURSOR icon) : IconHW(icon) {}

				HCURSOR IconHW;	// hardware cursor

			struct CursorW32
				CursorW32() {}
				explicit CursorW32(HCURSOR iconHw, u32 frameTime=0) : FrameTime(frameTime)
					Frames.push_back( CursorFrameW32(iconHw) );
				core::array<CursorFrameW32> Frames;
				u32 FrameTime;

			core::array<CursorW32> Cursors;
			gui::ECURSOR_ICON ActiveIcon;
			u32 ActiveIconStartTime;

			void initCursors();

		//! returns the win32 cursor control
		CCursorControl* getWin32CursorControl();


		//! create the driver
		void createDriver();

		//! Process system events
		void handleSystemMessages();

		void getWindowsVersion(core::stringc& version);

		void resizeIfNecessary();

		DWORD getWindowStyle(bool fullscreen, bool resizable) const;

		HWND HWnd;

		bool Resized;
		bool ExternalWindow;
		CCursorControl* Win32CursorControl;

		SJoystickWin32Control* JoyControl;

		bool WindowMaximized;

} // end namespace irr