// Copyright (C) 2017 Dario Oliveri // No rights reserved: this software is in the public domain. #include "testUtils.h" #include <iostream> using namespace irr; using namespace irr::core; #define EXPECT( condition, value, name) if( condition != value) \ { std::cout<< name << ": test failed"<< std::endl; return false;} //! Tests the basic functionality of the software device. bool line2DTest(void) { { line2d< f32> a(0, 0, 0, 1); line2d< f32> b(2, 0, 2, 1); line2d< f32> c(2, 0, 2, 1 + 0.00001f); EXPECT( a.nearlyParallel( b), true, "parallel Lines are parallel"); EXPECT( a.nearlyParallel( c, (f32)32), true, "nearly parallel lines are parallel"); } { line2d< f32> a( 0, 0, 0, 1); line2d< f32> b( 0, 2, 2, 1); EXPECT( a.nearlyParallel( b, 1), false, "orthogonal lines are NOT parallel"); } { line2d< f32> a( 0, 0, 100, 100); line2d< f32> b( 100, 0, 0, 100); EXPECT( a.nearlyParallel( b, 1), false, "orthogonal lines are NOT parallel 2"); vector2df t = a.fastLinesIntersection( b); vector2df u = vector2df( 50.0f, 50.0f); EXPECT( t.equals( u, roundingError<f32>() ), true, "fast intersection in known point"); EXPECT( a .intersectAsSegments(b), true, "intersect as Segments"); EXPECT( a.incidentSegments(b), true, "incidentSegments"); vector2df out; EXPECT( a.lineIntersectSegment( b, out), true, "lineIntersectSegment"); EXPECT( t.equals( out), true, "line intersect segment in known point"); EXPECT( a.isPointBetweenStartAndEnd( out), true, "point isBetween StartEnd of first line"); EXPECT( b.isPointBetweenStartAndEnd( out), true, "point isBetween StartEnd of second line"); EXPECT( a.isPointOnLine( out), true, "is point on first line"); EXPECT( b.isPointOnLine( out), true, "is point on second line"); EXPECT( out.isBetweenPoints( a.start, a.end), true, "test point is on segment with first line"); EXPECT( out.isBetweenPoints( b.start, b.end), true, "test point is on segment with first line"); } { vector2df a( 0, 0); vector2df b( 10, 0); vector2df c( 0, 10); vector2df d( 0, 40); EXPECT( a.areClockwise( c, b), true, "test if points are clockwise"); EXPECT( a.areClockwise( b, c), false, "test if points are NOT clockwise"); EXPECT( a.areCounterClockwise( b, c), true, "test if points are counter clockwise"); EXPECT( a.areCounterClockwise( c, b), false, "test if points are NOT counter clockwise"); EXPECT( a.checkOrientation( c, b), 1, "test if orientation is clockwise"); EXPECT( a.checkOrientation( b, c), 2, "test if orientation is anticlockwise"); EXPECT( a.checkOrientation( c, d), 0, "test if orientation is colinear"); EXPECT( a.checkOrientation( d, c), 0, "test if orientation is colinear 2"); } return true; }