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synced 2025-03-22 10:12:36 +01:00
Usually something like __IRR_SOME_GUARD_INCLUDED__ replaced by IRR_SOME_GUARD_INCLUDED. Removing underscores at the end wasn't necessary, but more symmetric (probably the reason they got added there as well). While this touches every header it shouldn't affect users (I hope). Also a few whitespace changes to unify whitespace usage a bit. And a bunch of spelling fixes in comments. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/irrlicht/code/trunk@6252 dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
820 lines
19 KiB
820 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine" and the "irrXML" project.
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h and/or irrXML.h
#include "irrXML.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "fast_atof.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define IRR_DEBUGPRINT(x) printf((x));
#else // _DEBUG
#endif // _DEBUG
namespace irr
namespace io
//! implementation of the IrrXMLReader
template<class char_type, class superclass>
class CXMLReaderImpl : public IIrrXMLReader<char_type, superclass>
//! Constructor
CXMLReaderImpl(IFileReadCallBack* callback, bool deleteCallBack = true)
: IgnoreWhitespaceText(true), TextData(0), P(0), TextBegin(0), TextSize(0), CurrentNodeType(EXN_NONE),
SourceFormat(ETF_ASCII), TargetFormat(ETF_ASCII), IsEmptyElement(false)
if (!callback)
// read whole xml file
// clean up
if (deleteCallBack)
delete callback;
// create list with special characters
// set pointer to text begin
P = TextBegin;
//! Destructor
virtual ~CXMLReaderImpl()
delete [] TextData;
//! Reads forward to the next xml node.
//! \return Returns false, if there was no further node.
virtual bool read() IRR_OVERRIDE
// if not end reached, parse the node
if (P && ((unsigned int)(P - TextBegin) < TextSize - 1) && (*P != 0))
return parseCurrentNode();
return false;
//! Returns the type of the current XML node.
virtual EXML_NODE getNodeType() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return CurrentNodeType;
//! Returns attribute count of the current XML node.
virtual unsigned int getAttributeCount() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return Attributes.size();
//! Returns name of an attribute.
virtual const char_type* getAttributeName(int idx) const IRR_OVERRIDE
if ((u32)idx >= Attributes.size())
return 0;
return Attributes[idx].Name.c_str();
//! Returns the value of an attribute.
virtual const char_type* getAttributeValue(int idx) const IRR_OVERRIDE
if ((unsigned int)idx >= Attributes.size())
return 0;
return Attributes[idx].Value.c_str();
//! Returns the value of an attribute.
virtual const char_type* getAttributeValue(const char_type* name) const IRR_OVERRIDE
const SAttribute* attr = getAttributeByName(name);
if (!attr)
return 0;
return attr->Value.c_str();
//! Returns the value of an attribute
virtual const char_type* getAttributeValueSafe(const char_type* name) const IRR_OVERRIDE
const SAttribute* attr = getAttributeByName(name);
if (!attr)
return EmptyString.c_str();
return attr->Value.c_str();
//! Returns the value of an attribute as integer.
virtual int getAttributeValueAsInt(const char_type* name, int defaultNotFound) const IRR_OVERRIDE
const SAttribute* attr = getAttributeByName(name);
if (!attr)
return defaultNotFound;
core::stringc c(attr->Value.c_str());
return core::strtol10(c.c_str());
//! Returns the value of an attribute as integer.
virtual int getAttributeValueAsInt(int idx, int defaultNotFound) const IRR_OVERRIDE
const char_type* attrvalue = getAttributeValue(idx);
if (!attrvalue)
return defaultNotFound;
core::stringc c(attrvalue);
return core::strtol10(c.c_str());
//! Returns the value of an attribute as float.
virtual float getAttributeValueAsFloat(const char_type* name, float defaultNotFound) const IRR_OVERRIDE
const SAttribute* attr = getAttributeByName(name);
if (!attr)
return defaultNotFound;
core::stringc c = attr->Value.c_str();
return core::fast_atof(c.c_str());
//! Returns the value of an attribute as float.
virtual float getAttributeValueAsFloat(int idx, float defaultNotFound) const IRR_OVERRIDE
const char_type* attrvalue = getAttributeValue(idx);
if (!attrvalue)
return defaultNotFound;
core::stringc c = attrvalue;
return core::fast_atof(c.c_str());
//! Returns the name of the current node.
virtual const char_type* getNodeName() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return NodeName.c_str();
//! Returns data of the current node.
virtual const char_type* getNodeData() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return NodeName.c_str();
//! Returns if an element is an empty element, like <foo />
virtual bool isEmptyElement() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return IsEmptyElement;
//! Returns format of the source xml file.
virtual ETEXT_FORMAT getSourceFormat() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return SourceFormat;
//! Returns format of the strings returned by the parser.
virtual ETEXT_FORMAT getParserFormat() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return TargetFormat;
// Reads the current xml node
// return false if no further node is found
bool parseCurrentNode()
char_type* start = P;
// more forward until '<' found
while(*P != L'<' && *P)
// not a node, so return false
if (!*P)
return false;
if (P - start > 0)
// we found some text, store it
if (setText(start, P))
return true;
// based on current token, parse and report next element
case L'/':
case L'?':
case L'!':
if (!parseCDATA())
return true;
//! sets the state that text was found. Returns true if set should be set
bool setText(char_type* start, char_type* end)
// By default xml preserves all whitespace. But Irrlicht dropped some whitespace by default
// in the past which did lead to OS dependent behavior. We just ignore all whitespace for now
// as it's the closest to fixing behavior without breaking downward compatibility too much.
if ( IgnoreWhitespaceText )
char_type* p = start;
for(; p != end; ++p)
if (!isWhiteSpace(*p))
if (p == end)
return false;
// set current text to the parsed text, and replace xml special characters
core::string<char_type> s(start, (int)(end - start));
NodeName = replaceSpecialCharacters(s);
// current XML node type is text
CurrentNodeType = EXN_TEXT;
return true;
//! ignores an xml definition like <?xml something />
void ignoreDefinition()
CurrentNodeType = EXN_UNKNOWN;
// move until end marked with '>' reached
while(*P != L'>')
//! parses a comment
void parseComment()
CurrentNodeType = EXN_COMMENT;
P += 1;
char_type *pCommentBegin = P;
int count = 1;
// move until end of comment reached
if (*P == L'>')
if (*P == L'<')
P -= 3;
NodeName = core::string<char_type>(pCommentBegin+2, (int)(P - pCommentBegin-2));
P += 3;
//! parses an opening xml element and reads attributes
void parseOpeningXMLElement()
CurrentNodeType = EXN_ELEMENT;
IsEmptyElement = false;
// find name
const char_type* startName = P;
// find end of element
while(*P != L'>' && !isWhiteSpace(*P))
const char_type* endName = P;
// find Attributes
while(*P != L'>')
if (isWhiteSpace(*P))
if (*P != L'/')
// we've got an attribute
// read the attribute names
const char_type* attributeNameBegin = P;
while(!isWhiteSpace(*P) && *P != L'=')
const char_type* attributeNameEnd = P;
// read the attribute value
// check for quotes and single quotes, thx to murphy
while( (*P != L'\"') && (*P != L'\'') && *P)
if (!*P) // malformatted xml file
const char_type attributeQuoteChar = *P;
const char_type* attributeValueBegin = P;
while(*P != attributeQuoteChar && *P)
if (!*P) // malformatted xml file
const char_type* attributeValueEnd = P;
SAttribute attr;
attr.Name = core::string<char_type>(attributeNameBegin,
(int)(attributeNameEnd - attributeNameBegin));
core::string<char_type> s(attributeValueBegin,
(int)(attributeValueEnd - attributeValueBegin));
attr.Value = replaceSpecialCharacters(s);
// tag is closed directly
IsEmptyElement = true;
// check if this tag is closing directly
if (endName > startName && *(endName-1) == L'/')
// directly closing tag
IsEmptyElement = true;
NodeName = core::string<char_type>(startName, (int)(endName - startName));
//! parses an closing xml tag
void parseClosingXMLElement()
CurrentNodeType = EXN_ELEMENT_END;
IsEmptyElement = false;
const char_type* pBeginClose = P;
while(*P != L'>')
NodeName = core::string<char_type>(pBeginClose, (int)(P - pBeginClose));
//! parses a possible CDATA section, returns false if begin was not a CDATA section
bool parseCDATA()
if (*(P+1) != L'[')
return false;
CurrentNodeType = EXN_CDATA;
// skip '<![CDATA['
int count=0;
while( *P && count<8 )
if (!*P)
return true;
char_type *cDataBegin = P;
char_type *cDataEnd = 0;
// find end of CDATA
while(*P && !cDataEnd)
if (*P == L'>' &&
(*(P-1) == L']') &&
(*(P-2) == L']'))
cDataEnd = P - 2;
if ( cDataEnd )
NodeName = core::string<char_type>(cDataBegin, (int)(cDataEnd - cDataBegin));
NodeName = "";
return true;
// structure for storing attribute-name pairs
struct SAttribute
core::string<char_type> Name;
core::string<char_type> Value;
// finds a current attribute by name, returns 0 if not found
const SAttribute* getAttributeByName(const char_type* name) const
if (name)
for (irr::u32 i=0; i<Attributes.size(); ++i)
if (Attributes[i].Name == name)
return &Attributes[i];
return 0;
// replaces xml special characters in a string and creates a new one
core::string<char_type> replaceSpecialCharacters(
const core::string<char_type>& origstr)
int pos = origstr.findFirst(L'&');
int oldPos = 0;
if (pos == -1)
return origstr;
core::string<char_type> newstr;
while(pos != -1 && pos < (int)origstr.size()-2)
// check if it is one of the special characters
int specialChar = -1;
for (int i=0; i<(int)SpecialCharacters.size(); ++i)
const char_type* p = &origstr.c_str()[pos]+1;
if (equalsn(&SpecialCharacters[i][1], p, SpecialCharacters[i].size()-1))
specialChar = i;
if (specialChar != -1)
newstr.append(origstr.subString(oldPos, pos - oldPos));
pos += SpecialCharacters[specialChar].size();
newstr.append(origstr.subString(oldPos, pos - oldPos + 1));
pos += 1;
// find next &
oldPos = pos;
pos = origstr.findNext(L'&', pos);
if (oldPos < (int)origstr.size()-1)
newstr.append(origstr.subString(oldPos, origstr.size()-oldPos));
return newstr;
//! reads the xml file and converts it into the wanted character format.
bool readFile(IFileReadCallBack* callback)
long size = callback->getSize();
if (size<0)
return false;
// We need four terminating 0's at the end.
// For ASCII we need 1 0's, for UTF-16 2, for UTF-32 4.
size += 4;
char* data8 = new char[size];
if (!callback->read(data8, size-4))
delete [] data8;
return false;
// add zeros at end
memset(data8+size-4, 0, 4);
char16* data16 = reinterpret_cast<char16*>(data8);
char32* data32 = reinterpret_cast<char32*>(data8);
// now we need to convert the data to the desired target format
// based on the byte order mark.
const unsigned char UTF8[] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; // 0xEFBBBF;
const u16 UTF16_BE = 0xFFFE;
const u16 UTF16_LE = 0xFEFF;
const u32 UTF32_BE = 0xFFFE0000;
const u32 UTF32_LE = 0x0000FEFF;
// check source for all utf versions and convert to target data format
if (size >= 4 && data32[0]
== static_cast<char32>(UTF32_BE))
// UTF-32, big endian
SourceFormat = ETF_UTF32_BE;
convertTextData(data32+1, data8, (size/4)-1); // data32+1 because we need to skip the header
if (size >= 4 && data32[0] == static_cast<char32>(UTF32_LE))
// UTF-32, little endian
SourceFormat = ETF_UTF32_LE;
convertTextData(data32+1, data8, (size/4)-1); // data32+1 because we need to skip the header
if (size >= 2 && data16[0] == UTF16_BE)
// UTF-16, big endian
SourceFormat = ETF_UTF16_BE;
convertTextData(data16+1, data8, (size/2)-1); // data16+1 because we need to skip the header
if (size >= 2 && data16[0] == UTF16_LE)
// UTF-16, little endian
SourceFormat = ETF_UTF16_LE;
convertTextData(data16+1, data8, (size/2)-1); // data16+1 because we need to skip the header
if (size >= 3 && memcmp(data8,UTF8,3)==0)
// UTF-8
SourceFormat = ETF_UTF8;
convertTextData(data8+3, data8, size-3); // data8+3 because we need to skip the header
SourceFormat = ETF_ASCII;
convertTextData(data8, data8, size);
return true;
//! converts the text file into the desired format.
/** \param source: begin of the text (without byte order mark)
\param pointerToStore: pointer to text data block which can be
stored or deleted based on the necessary conversion.
\param sizeWithoutHeader: Text size in characters without header
template<class src_char_type>
void convertTextData(src_char_type* source, char* pointerToStore, int sizeWithoutHeader)
// convert little to big endian if necessary
if (sizeof(src_char_type) > 1 &&
isLittleEndian(TargetFormat) != isLittleEndian(SourceFormat))
// check if conversion is necessary:
if (sizeof(src_char_type) == sizeof(char_type))
// no need to convert
TextBegin = (char_type*)source;
TextData = (char_type*)pointerToStore;
TextSize = sizeWithoutHeader;
// convert source into target data format.
// TODO: implement a real conversion. This one just
// copies bytes. This is a problem when there are
// unicode symbols using more than one character.
TextData = new char_type[sizeWithoutHeader];
if ( sizeof(src_char_type) == 1 )
// we have to cast away negative numbers or results might add the sign instead of just doing a copy
for (int i=0; i<sizeWithoutHeader; ++i)
TextData[i] = static_cast<char_type>(static_cast<unsigned char>(source[i]));
for (int i=0; i<sizeWithoutHeader; ++i)
TextData[i] = static_cast<char_type>(source[i]);
TextBegin = TextData;
TextSize = sizeWithoutHeader;
// delete original data because no longer needed
delete [] pointerToStore;
//! converts whole text buffer to little endian
template<class src_char_type>
void convertToLittleEndian(src_char_type* t)
if (sizeof(src_char_type) == 4)
// 32 bit
*t = ((*t & 0xff000000) >> 24) |
((*t & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) |
((*t & 0x0000ff00) << 8) |
((*t & 0x000000ff) << 24);
// 16 bit
*t = (*t >> 8) | (*t << 8);
//! returns if a format is little endian
inline bool isLittleEndian(ETEXT_FORMAT f)
return f == ETF_ASCII ||
f == ETF_UTF8 ||
f == ETF_UTF16_LE ||
f == ETF_UTF32_LE;
//! returns true if a character is whitespace
inline bool isWhiteSpace(char_type c)
return (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r');
//! generates a list with xml special characters
void createSpecialCharacterList()
// list of strings containing special symbols,
// the first character is the special character,
// the following is the symbol string without trailing &.
//! compares the first n characters of the strings
bool equalsn(const char_type* str1, const char_type* str2, int len)
int i;
for(i=0; str1[i] && str2[i] && i < len; ++i)
if (str1[i] != str2[i])
return false;
// if one (or both) of the strings was smaller then they
// are only equal if they have the same length
return (i == len) || (str1[i] == 0 && str2[i] == 0);
//! stores the target text format
void storeTargetFormat()
// get target format. We could have done this using template specialization,
// but VisualStudio 6 don't like it and we want to support it.
case 1:
TargetFormat = ETF_UTF8;
case 2:
TargetFormat = ETF_UTF16_LE;
case 4:
TargetFormat = ETF_UTF32_LE;
TargetFormat = ETF_ASCII; // should never happen.
// instance variables:
bool IgnoreWhitespaceText; // do not return EXN_TEXT nodes for pure whitespace
char_type* TextData; // data block of the text file
char_type* P; // current point in text to parse
char_type* TextBegin; // start of text to parse
unsigned int TextSize; // size of text to parse in characters, not bytes
EXML_NODE CurrentNodeType; // type of the currently parsed node
ETEXT_FORMAT SourceFormat; // source format of the xml file
ETEXT_FORMAT TargetFormat; // output format of this parser
core::string<char_type> NodeName; // name of the node currently in - also used for text
core::string<char_type> EmptyString; // empty string to be returned by getSafe() methods
bool IsEmptyElement; // is the currently parsed node empty?
core::array< core::string<char_type> > SpecialCharacters; // see createSpecialCharacterList()
core::array<SAttribute> Attributes; // attributes of current element
}; // end CXMLReaderImpl
} // end namespace
} // end namespace