local load_time_start = minetest.get_us_time() -- Functions which can be overridden by mods assert(item_drop == nil) item_drop = { -- This function is executed before picking up an item or making it fly to -- the player. If it does not return true, the item is ignored. -- It is also executed before collecting the item after it flew to -- the player and did not reach him/her for magnet_time seconds. can_pickup = function(entity, player) return true end, -- before_collect and after_collect are executed before and after an item -- is collected by a player before_collect = function(entity, pos, player) end, after_collect = function(entity, pos, player) end, } if minetest.settings:get_bool("item_drop.enable_item_pickup") ~= false and minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_item_pickup") ~= false then local pickup_gain = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("item_drop.pickup_sound_gain")) or tonumber(minetest.settings:get("item_pickup_gain")) or 0.2 local pickup_particle = minetest.settings:get_bool("item_drop.pickup_particle") ~= false local pickup_radius = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("item_drop.pickup_radius")) or tonumber(minetest.settings:get("item_pickup_radius")) or 0.75 local magnet_radius = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("item_drop.magnet_radius")) or -1 local magnet_time = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("item_drop.magnet_time")) or 5.0 local pickup_age = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("item_drop.pickup_age")) or 0.5 local key_triggered = minetest.settings:get_bool( "item_drop.enable_pickup_key") or minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_item_pickup_key") ~= false local key_invert = minetest.settings:get_bool( "item_drop.pickup_keyinvert") or false local keytype if key_triggered then keytype = minetest.settings:get("item_drop.pickup_keytype") or minetest.settings:get("item_pickup_keytype") or "Use" -- disable pickup age if picking is explicitly enabled by the player if not key_invert then pickup_age = math.min(pickup_age, 0) end end local magnet_mode = magnet_radius > pickup_radius local zero_velocity_mode = pickup_age == -1 if magnet_mode and zero_velocity_mode then error"zero velocity mode can't be used together with magnet mode" end -- tells whether an inventorycube should be shown as pickup_particle or not -- for known drawtypes local inventorycube_drawtypes = { normal = true, allfaces = true, allfaces_optional = true, glasslike = true, glasslike_framed = true, glasslike_framed_optional = true, liquid = true, flowingliquid = true, } -- adds the item to the inventory and removes the object local function collect_item(ent, pos, player) item_drop.before_collect(ent, pos, player) minetest.sound_play("item_drop_pickup", { pos = pos, gain = pickup_gain, }) if pickup_particle then local item = minetest.registered_nodes[ ent.itemstring:gsub("(.*)%s.*$", "%1")] local image = "" if item and item.tiles and item.tiles[1] then if inventorycube_drawtypes[item.drawtype] then local tiles = item.tiles local top = tiles[1] if type(top) == "table" then top = top.name end local left = tiles[3] or top if type(left) == "table" then left = left.name end local right = tiles[5] or left if type(right) == "table" then right = right.name end image = minetest.inventorycube(top, left, right) else image = item.inventory_image or item.tiles[1] end minetest.add_particle({ pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1.5, z = pos.z}, velocity = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0}, acceleration = {x = 0, y = -4, z = 0}, expirationtime = 0.2, size = 3,--math.random() + 0.5, vertical = false, texture = image, }) end end ent:on_punch(player) item_drop.after_collect(ent, pos, player) end -- opt_get_ent gets the object's luaentity if it can be collected local opt_get_ent if zero_velocity_mode then function opt_get_ent(object) if object:is_player() or not vector.equals(object:getvelocity(), {x=0, y=0, z=0}) then return end local ent = object:get_luaentity() if not ent or ent.name ~= "__builtin:item" or ent.itemstring == "" then return end return ent end else function opt_get_ent(object) if object:is_player() then return end local ent = object:get_luaentity() if not ent or ent.name ~= "__builtin:item" or (ent.dropped_by and ent.age < pickup_age) or ent.itemstring == "" then return end return ent end end local afterflight if magnet_mode then -- take item or reset velocity after flying a second function afterflight(object, inv, player) -- TODO: test what happens if player left the game local ent = opt_get_ent(object) if not ent then return end local item = ItemStack(ent.itemstring) if inv and inv:room_for_item("main", item) and can_pickup(ent, player) then collect_item(ent, object:get_pos(), player) else -- the acceleration will be reset by the object's on_step object:set_velocity({x=0,y=0,z=0}) ent.is_magnet_item = false end end -- disable velocity and acceleration changes of items flying to players minetest.after(0, function() local ObjectRef local blocked_methods = {"set_acceleration", "set_velocity", "setacceleration", "setvelocity"} local itemdef = minetest.registered_entities["__builtin:item"] local old_on_step = itemdef.on_step local function do_nothing() end function itemdef.on_step(self, dtime) if not self.is_magnet_item then return old_on_step(self, dtime) end ObjectRef = ObjectRef or getmetatable(self.object) local old_funcs = {} for i = 1, #blocked_methods do local method = blocked_methods[i] old_funcs[method] = ObjectRef[method] ObjectRef[method] = do_nothing end old_on_step(self, dtime) for i = 1, #blocked_methods do local method = blocked_methods[i] ObjectRef[method] = old_funcs[method] end end end) end -- set keytype to the key name if possible if keytype == "Use" then keytype = "aux1" elseif keytype == "Sneak" then keytype = "sneak" elseif keytype == "LeftAndRight" then -- LeftAndRight combination keytype = 0 elseif keytype == "SneakAndRMB" then -- SneakAndRMB combination keytype = 1 end -- tests if the player has the keys pressed to enable item picking local function has_keys_pressed(player) if not key_triggered then return true end local control = player:get_player_control() local keys_pressed if keytype == 0 then -- LeftAndRight combination keys_pressed = control.left and control.right elseif keytype == 1 then -- SneakAndRMB combination keys_pressed = control.sneak and control.RMB else keys_pressed = control[keytype] end return keys_pressed ~= key_invert end -- called for each player to possibly collect an item, returns true if so local function pickupfunc(player) if not has_keys_pressed(player) or not minetest.get_player_privs(player:get_player_name()).interact or player:get_hp() <= 0 then return end local pos = player:getpos() pos.y = pos.y+0.5 local inv local objectlist = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, magnet_mode and magnet_radius or pickup_radius) for i = 1,#objectlist do local object = objectlist[i] local ent = opt_get_ent(object) if ent and item_drop.can_pickup(ent, player) then if not inv then inv = player:get_inventory() if not inv then minetest.log("error", "[item_drop] Couldn't " .. "get inventory") return end end local item = ItemStack(ent.itemstring) if inv:room_for_item("main", item) then local flying_item local pos2 if magnet_mode then pos2 = object:getpos() flying_item = vector.distance(pos, pos2) > pickup_radius end if not flying_item then -- The item is near enough to pick it collect_item(ent, pos, player) -- Collect one item at a time to avoid the loud pop return true end -- The item is not too far a way but near enough to be -- magnetised, make it fly to the player local vel = vector.multiply(vector.subtract(pos, pos2), 3) vel.y = vel.y + 0.6 object:set_velocity(vel) if not ent.is_magnet_item then ent.object:set_acceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0}) ent.is_magnet_item = true minetest.after(magnet_time, afterflight, object, inv, player) end end end end end local function pickup_step() local got_item local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i = 1,#players do got_item = got_item or pickupfunc(players[i]) end -- lower step if takeable item(s) were found local time if got_item then time = 0.02 else time = 0.2 end minetest.after(time, pickup_step) end minetest.after(3.0, pickup_step) end if minetest.settings:get_bool("item_drop.enable_item_drop") ~= false and minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_item_drop") ~= false and not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops) for i = 1,#drops do local item = drops[i] local count, name if type(item) == "string" then count = 1 name = item else count = item:get_count() name = item:get_name() end -- Sometimes nothing should be dropped if name == "" or not minetest.registered_nodes[name] then count = 0 end for _ = 1,count do local obj = minetest.add_item(pos, name) if not obj then error("Couldn't spawn item " .. name .. ", drops: " .. dump(drops)) end local vel = obj:getvelocity() local x = math.random(-5, 4) if x >= 0 then x = x+1 end vel.x = 1 / x local z = math.random(-5, 4) if z >= 0 then z = z+1 end vel.z = 1 / z obj:set_velocity(vel) end end end end local time = (minetest.get_us_time() - load_time_start) / 1000000 local msg = "[item_drop] loaded after ca. " .. time .. " seconds." if time > 0.01 then print(msg) else minetest.log("info", msg) end