local S = lucky_block.intllib -- chest items lucky_block:add_chest_items({ {name = "mcl_core:wood", max = 5}, {name = "mcl_core:apple", max = 3}, {name = "mcl_core:iron_ingot", max = 3}, {name = "mcl_core:gold_ingot", max = 3, chance = 2}, {name = "mcl_core:diamond", max = 2, chance = 3}, {name = "mcl_core:pick_iron", max = 1, chance = 2, min_wear = 20000, max_wear = 65536} }) local mpath = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_core") .. "/schematics/" -- Default tree schematics lucky_block:add_schematics({ {"oaktree1", mpath .. "mcl_core_oak_large_1.mts", {x = 2, y = 1, z = 2}}, -- {"oaktree2", mpath .. "mcl_core_oak_large_2.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"oaktree3", mpath .. "mcl_core_oak_large_3.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"oaktree4", mpath .. "mcl_core_oak_large_4.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"oaktreeclassic", mpath .. "mcl_core_oak_classic.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, {"oaktreeswamp", mpath .. "mcl_core_oak_swamp.mts", {x = 3, y = 1, z = 3}}, {"mangrovetree1", mpath .. "mcl_mangrove_tree_1.mts", {x = 3, y = 1, z = 3}}, -- {"mangrovetree2", mpath .. "mcl_mangrove_tree_2.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"mangrovetree3", mpath .. "mcl_mangrove_tree_3.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"mangrovetree4", mpath .. "mcl_mangrove_tree_4.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"mangrovetree5", mpath .. "mcl_mangrove_tree_5.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, {"jungletree", mpath .. "mcl_core_jungle_tree.mts", {x = 2, y = 1, z = 2}}, {"sprucetree1", mpath .. "mcl_core_spruce_huge_1.mts", {x = 5, y = 1, z = 5}}, -- {"sprucetree2", mpath .. "mcl_core_spruce_huge_2.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"sprucetree3", mpath .. "mcl_core_spruce_huge_3.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, -- {"sprucetree4", mpath .. "mcl_core_spruce_huge_4.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, {"birchtree", mpath .. "mcl_core_birch.mts", {x = 2, y = 1, z = 2}}, {"birchtreetall", mpath .. "mcl_core_birch_tall.mts", {x = 3, y = 1, z = 3}}, {"darkoaktree", mpath .. "mcl_core_dark_oak.mts", {x = 5, y = 1, z = 5}}, {"brownmushroom1", mpath .. "mcl_mushrooms_huge_brown.mts", {x = 3, y = 1, z = 3}}, -- {"brownmushroom2", mpath .. "mcl_mushrooms_giant_brown.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}}, {"redmushroom1", mpath .. "mcl_mushrooms_huge_red.mts", {x = 3, y = 1, z = 3}}, -- {"redmushroom2", mpath .. "mcl_mushrooms_giant_red.mts", {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}} }) -- mineclone tree's lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"sch", "oaktree1", 0, false}, {"sch", "oaktreeswamp", 0, false}, {"sch", "mangrovetree1", 0, false}, {"sch", "jungletree", 0, false}, {"sch", "sprucetree1", 0, false}, {"sch", "birchtree", 0, false}, {"sch", "birchtreetall", 0, false}, {"sch", "darkoaktree", 0, false}, {"sch", "brownmushroom1", 0, false}, {"sch", "redmushroom1", 0, false} }) -- mineclone lucky blocks lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"nod", {"mcl_chests_small:chest"}, 0}, {"lig"}, {"fal", { "mcl_core:wood", "mcl_core:gravel", "mcl_core:sand", "mcl_core:sand", "mcl_core:stone", "mcl_core:dirt", "mcl_core:goldblock" }, 0}, {"sch", "watertrap", 1, true, { {"default:water_source", "mcl_core:water_source"}, {"default:obsidian_glass", "mcl_core:glass"} }}, {"tel"}, {"dro", {"mcl_core:apple"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_core:snow"}, 10}, {"sch", "sandtrap", 1, true, { {"default:sand", "mcl_core:sand"} }}, {"sch", "lavatrap", 1, true, { {"default:lava_source", "mcl_core:lava_source"} }}, {"exp", 2}, {"nod", "mcl_core:diamondblock", 0}, {"nod", "mcl_core:ironblock", 0}, {"nod", "mcl_core:dirt", 0}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = "mcl_core:dirt", max = 15}, {name = "mcl_core:mycelium", max = 15}, {name = "mcl_core:podzol", max = 15}, {name = "mcl_core:coarse_dirt", max = 15}, {name = "mcl_core:dirt_with_grass", max = 15}, }}, {"dro", {"default:sword_steel"}}, {"sch", "jungletree", 0, false}, {"dro", { "mcl_core:axe_iron", "mcl_core:pick_iron", "mcl_core:shovel_iron", "mcl_core:sword_iron" }}, {"exp"}, {"dro", {"mcl_core:coal_lump"}, 3}, {"tro", "mcl_core:diamondblock", "tnt_explode", true}, {"exp", 3}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = "mcl_core:acaciasapling", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:darksapling", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:birchsapling", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:junglesapling", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:sapling", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:sprucesapling", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:deadbush", max = 5}, }}, {"sch", "platform", 1, true, { {"default:sandstone", "mcl_core:sandstone"}, {"default:sandstonebrick", "mcl_core:sandstone"} }}, {"nod", "mcl_core:wood", 0}, {"nod", "mcl_core:gravel", 0}, {"sch", "sandtrap", 1, true, {{"default:sand", "mcl_core:gravel"}} }, {"sch", "obsidiantrap", 1, true, { {"default:obsidian", "mcl_core:obsidian"}, {"default:lava_source", "mcl_core:lava_source"} }}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = "mcl_core:wood", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:acaciawood", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:darkwood", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:junglewood", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:birchwood", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:sprucewood", max = 10}, }}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = "mcl_core:tree", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:acaciatree", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:darktree", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:jungletree", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:birchtree", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_core:sprucetree", max = 10}, }}, {"dro", {"mcl_core:sand"}, 20}, {"dro", {"mcl_core:gravel"}, 15}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = "mcl_core:sand", max = 20}, {name = "mcl_core:sandstone", max = 20}, {name = "mcl_core:gravel", max = 20}, }}, {"dro", {"mcl_core:obsidian"}, 14} }) -- Additional Wishing Well Styles lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"sch", "wishingwell", 0, true, { {"default:stonebrick", "mcl_core:sandstone"}, {"stairs:slab_stonebrick", "mcl_stairs:slab_sandstone"}, {"default:fence_wood", "mcl_fences:fence"}, {"default:steelblock", "mcl_core:ironblock"}, {"default:glass", "mcl_core:glass"} }} }) -- mcl_dye if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_dye") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_dye:"}, 10, true} }) end -- mcl_buckets if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_buckets") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_buckets:bucket_empty"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_buckets:bucket_lava"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_buckets:bucket_water"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_buckets:bucket_cod"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_buckets:bucket_salmon"}}, }) end -- mcl_books if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_books") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"nod", "mcl_books:bookshelf"}, {"dro", {"mcl_books:bookshelf", "mcl_books:book", "mcl_core:paper"}, 5}, }) end -- mcl_wool if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_wool") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"sch", "sandtrap", 1, true, {{"default:sand", "mcl_wool:red"}} }, {"dro", {"mcl_wool:"}, 10, true}, {"sch", "sandtrap", 1, true, {{"default:sand", "mcl_wool:green"}} }, {"dro", {"mcl_wool:white"}, 10} }) end -- mcl_flowers if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_flowers") then local tmp = "mcl_flowers:" lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", { tmp.."tallgrass", tmp.."peony", tmp.."sunflower", tmp.."double_grass", tmp.."double_fern", tmp.."fern", tmp.."waterlily", tmp.."poppy", tmp.."dandelion", tmp.."oxeye_daisy", tmp.."tulip_orange", tmp.."tulip_pink", tmp.."tulip_red", tmp.."tulip_white", tmp.."allium", tmp.."azure_bluet", tmp.."blue_orchid" }, 12}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = tmp.."tallgrass", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."peony", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."sunflower", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."double_grass", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."double_fern", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."fern", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."waterlily", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."poppy", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."dandelion", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."oxeye_daisy", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."tulip_orange", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."tulip_pink", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."tulip_white", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."tulip_red", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."allium", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."azure_bluet", max = 10}, {name = tmp.."blue_orchid", max = 10} }} }) end -- mcl_doors if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_doors") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_doors:wooden_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:acacia_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:birch_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:dark_oak_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:jungle_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:spruce_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:iron_door"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:wooden_trapdoor"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:acacia_trapdoor"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:birch_trapdoor"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:dark_oak_trapdoor"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:jungle_trapdoor"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:spruce_trapdoor"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_doors:iron_trapdoor"}} }) end -- mcl_fences if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_fences") then local tmp = "mcl_fences:" lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", { tmp.."fence", tmp.."spruce_fence", tmp.."birch_fence", tmp.."jungle_fence", tmp.."dark_oak_fence", tmp.."acacia_fence" }, 10}, {"dro", { tmp.."fence_gate", tmp.."spruce_fence_gate", tmp.."birch_fence_gate", tmp.."jungle_fence_gate", tmp.."dark_oak_fence_gate", tmp.."acacia_fence_gate" }, 5} }) end -- Screwdriver mod if minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver") then if screwdriver and screwdriver.handler then minetest.register_tool(":screwdriver:screwdriver_magenta", { description = S("Super Mega Magenta Ultra Screwdriver 2500" .. "\n(left-click to rotate face, right-click to rotates axis)"), inventory_image = "screwdriver.png^[colorize:#ff009970", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) screwdriver.handler(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE, 2500) return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) screwdriver.handler(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS, 2500) return itemstack end }) end lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"screwdriver:screwdriver"}}, {"dro", {"screwdriver:screwdriver_magenta"}}, }) end -- mcl_farming if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_farming") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_farming:beetroot_item"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:carrot_item"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:melon_item"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:potato_item"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:potato_item_baked"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:potato_item_poison"}, 3}, {"nod", "mcl_farming:pumpkin"}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:pumpkin_pie"}, 3}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:wheat_item"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:bread"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:cookie"}, 5}, {"nod", "mcl_farming:hay_block"}, {"dro", {"mcl_farming:hay_block"}, 4}, {"nod", "mcl_core:water_source", 1}, {"sch", "instafarm", 0, true, { {"farming:soil_wet", "mcl_farming:soil_wet"}, {"default:dirt", "mcl_core:dirt"}, {"default:water_source", "mcl_core:water_source"}, {"farming:wheat_8", "mcl_farming:wheat"}, {"farming:cotton_8", "mcl_farming:carrot"} }}, {"nod", "mcl_chests:chest_small", 0, { {name = "mcl_farming:beetroot_seeds", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_farming:melon_seeds", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_farming:pumpkin_seeds", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_farming:wheat_seeds", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_farming:wheat_item", max = 10}, {name = "mcl_farming:melon", max = 2}, {name = "mcl_farming:pumpkin", max = 2} }} }) end -- mcl_boats if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_boats") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_boats:boat"}} }) end -- mcl_beds if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_beds") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_beds:bed_"}, 1, true} }) end -- mcl_walls if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_walls") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_walls:cobble"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:mossycobble"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:andesite"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:granite"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:diorite"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:brick"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:sandstone"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:redsandstone"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:stonebrick"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:stonebrickmossy"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:prismarine"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:endbricks"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:netherbrick"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:rednetherbrick"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_walls:mudbrick"}, 10} }) end -- mcl_minecarts if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_minecarts") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_minecarts:minecart"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_minecarts:chest_minecart"}}, {"dro", {"mcl_minecarts:rail"}, 10}, {"dro", {"mcl_minecarts:golden_rail"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_minecarts:activator_rail"}, 5}, {"dro", {"mcl_minecarts:detector_rail"}, 5} }) end -- mcl_armor if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_armor") then local tmp = "mcl_armor:" lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", { tmp.."leather_helmet", tmp.."leather_chestplate", tmp.."leather_leggings", tmp.."leather_boots" }, 1}, {"dro", { tmp.."gold_helmet", tmp.."gold_chestplate", tmp.."gold_leggings", tmp.."gold_boots" }, 1}, {"dro", { tmp.."chain_helmet", tmp.."chain_chestplate", tmp.."chain_leggings", tmp.."chain_boots" }, 1}, {"dro", { tmp.."iron_helmet", tmp.."iron_chestplate", tmp.."iron_leggings", tmp.."iron_boots" }, 1}, {"dro", { tmp.."diamond_helmet", tmp.."diamond_chestplate", tmp.."diamond_leggings", tmp.."diamond_boots" }, 1}, {"dro", { tmp.."netherite_helmet", tmp.."netherite_chestplate", tmp.."netherite_leggings", tmp.."netherite_boots" }, 1} }) end -- mcl_fire if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_fire") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_fire:flint_and_steel"}}, {"nod", "mcl_fire:fire", 1}, {"nod", "mcl_fire:eternal_fire", 1}, {"sch", "firetrap", 1, true, { {"fire:basic_flame", "mcl_fire:fire"} }}, }) end -- mcl_tnt if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_tnt") then local p = "mcl_tnt:tnt" lucky_block:add_blocks({ {"dro", {"mcl_mobitems:gunpowder"}, 5}, {"fal", {p, p, p, p, p}, 1, true, 4}, {"nod", p, 0} }) end -- mobs_mc if minetest.get_modpath("mobs_mc") then lucky_block:add_blocks({ --{"spw", {"entity name"}, how many to spawn, tamed, owned, range, nametag} {"spa", {"mobs_mc:bat"}, 3, nil, nil, 5, nil}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:chicken"}, 4, nil, nil, 5, "Chicken Squad"}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:creeper"}, 1, nil, nil, 3, "Mr. Boombastic"}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:parrot"}, 4, nil, nil, 5, "Parrot Party"}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:sheep"}, 1, true, true, 5, nil}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:silverfish"}, 5, nil, nil, 5, nil}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:spider"}, 3, nil, nil, 5, nil}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:witch"}, 1, nil, nil, 3, "Ezmerelda"}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:wolf"}, 2, nil, nil, 3, nil}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:zombie"}, 3, nil, nil, 5, nil}, {"spa", {"mobs_mc:pig"}, 2, nil, nil, 5, nil} }) end