mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 20:43:43 +01:00
Better fluid_lib support, support elepower metals as well
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- Fluidity for Minetest 0.5.0+
-- Fluidity for Minetest 5.0.0+
-- Copyright (c) 2018 Evert "Diamond" Prants <evert@lunasqu.ee>
fluidity = rawget(_G, "fluidity") or {}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name = fluidity
description = Adds Molten versions of commonly occuring metals. Supports default, technic and moreores.
description = Adds Molten versions of commonly occuring metals. Supports default, technic, elepower and moreores.
depends = default,fluid_lib,bucket
optional_depends = technic,moreores
@ -16,49 +16,11 @@ metal_caster.casts = {
local metal_cache = {}
function metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec_default()
return "size[8,8.5]"..
"label[0.08,3.4;Water: 0/"..metal_caster.max_coolant.." mB]"..
"label[0.08,3.75;No Molten Metal]"..
default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25)
function metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec(data)
local water_percent = math.floor(100 * data.water_fluid_storage / metal_caster.max_coolant)
local metal_percent = math.floor(100 * data.metal_fluid_storage / metal_caster.max_metal)
function metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec(water, metal)
local metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;No Molten Metal]"
if data.metal ~= "" then
metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;"..data.metal..": "..data.metal_fluid_storage.."/"..metal_caster.max_metal.." mB]"
if metal ~= nil then
metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;Metal: "..fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(metal).."]"
return "size[8,8.5]"..
@ -69,13 +31,9 @@ function metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec(data)
"\\^[lowpart\\:" .. water_percent .. "\\:default_water.png\\\\^[resize\\\\:64x128]"..
"label[0.08,3.4;Water: "..data.water_fluid_storage.."/"..metal_caster.max_coolant.." mB]"..
"\\^[lowpart\\:" .. metal_percent .. "\\:"..data.metal_texture.."\\\\^[resize\\\\:64x128]"..
metal_melter.fluid_bar(0.08, 0, water)..
"label[0.08,3.4;Water: ".. fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(water) .."]"..
metal_melter.fluid_bar(6.68, 0, metal)..
@ -106,6 +64,12 @@ local function can_dig(pos, player)
local function get_bucket_for_fluid(src)
local bucket = bucket.liquids[src]
if not bucket then return nil end
return bucket.itemname
local function allow_metadata_inventory_put (pos, listname, index, stack, player)
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
return 0
@ -243,27 +207,26 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-- Current amount of water (coolant) in the block
local coolant_count = meta:get_int("water_fluid_storage")
local coolant = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "water")
-- Current amount of metal in the block
local metal_count = meta:get_int("metal_fluid_storage")
local metal = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "metal")
-- Current metal used
local metal = meta:get_string("metal_fluid")
local metal_type = ""
local dumping = meta:get_int("dump")
if dumping and dumping == 1 then
metal_count = 0
metal = ""
metal.amount = 0
metal.fluid = ""
refresh = true
meta:set_int("dump", 0)
-- Insert water bucket into tank, return empty bucket
if inv:get_stack("coolant", 1):get_name() == "bucket:bucket_water" then
if coolant_count + 1000 <= metal_caster.max_coolant then
coolant_count = coolant_count + 1000
if coolant.amount + 1000 <= metal_caster.max_coolant then
coolant.amount = coolant.amount + 1000
inv:set_list("coolant", {"bucket:bucket_empty"})
refresh = true
@ -272,16 +235,17 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- Handle input bucket, only allow a molten metal
local bucket_in = inv:get_stack("bucket_in", 1)
local bucket_name = bucket_in:get_name()
if (bucket_name:find("bucket") and bucket_name ~= "bucket:bucket_empty") or (not fluidity.florbs.get_is_empty_florb(bucket_in) and fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_in)) then
if (bucket_name:find("bucket") and bucket_name ~= "bucket:bucket_empty") or (not fluidity.florbs.get_is_empty_florb(bucket_in) and
fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_in)) then
local is_florb = fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_in)
if is_florb then
local contents, fluid_name, capacity = fluidity.florbs.get_florb_contents(bucket_in)
local fluid_metal = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(fluid_name)
if fluid_metal and (fluid_name == metal or metal == "") then
if fluid_metal and (fluid_name == metal.fluid or metal.fluid == "") then
local take = 1000
if metal_count + take > metal_melter.max_metal then
take = metal_melter.max_metal - metal_count
if metal.amount + take > metal_melter.max_metal then
take = metal_melter.max_metal - metal.amount
-- Attempt to take 1000 millibuckets from the florb
@ -290,25 +254,25 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
take = take - res
metal = fluid_name
metal_count = metal_count + take
metal.fluid = fluid_name
metal.amount = metal.amount + take
inv:set_list("bucket_in", {stack})
refresh = true
local bucket_fluid = fluidity.get_fluid_for_bucket(bucket_name)
local bucket_fluid = bucket.get_liquid_for_bucket(bucket_name)
local fluid_is_metal = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(bucket_fluid) ~= nil
local empty_bucket = false
if fluid_is_metal then
if metal ~= "" and metal == bucket_fluid then
if metal_count + 1000 <= metal_melter.max_metal then
metal_count = metal_count + 1000
if metal.fluid ~= "" and metal.fluid == bucket_fluid then
if metal.amount + 1000 <= metal_melter.max_metal then
metal.amount = metal.amount + 1000
empty_bucket = true
elseif metal == "" then
metal_count = 1000
metal = bucket_fluid
elseif metal.fluid == "" then
metal.amount = 1000
metal.fluid = bucket_fluid
empty_bucket = true
@ -323,49 +287,49 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- Handle bucket output, only allow empty buckets in this slot
local bucket_out = inv:get_stack("bucket_out", 1)
bucket_name = bucket_out:get_name()
if (bucket_name == "bucket:bucket_empty" or fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_out)) and metal ~= "" and bucket_out:get_count() == 1 then
if (bucket_name == "bucket:bucket_empty" or fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_out)) and metal and metal.fluid ~= "" and bucket_out:get_count() == 1 then
local is_florb = fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_out)
if is_florb then
local contents, fluid_name, capacity = fluidity.florbs.get_florb_contents(bucket_out)
local fluid_metal = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(fluid_name)
if not fluid_name or fluid_name == metal then
if not fluid_name or fluid_name == metal.fluid then
local take = 1000
if metal_count < take then
take = metal_count
if metal.amount < take then
take = metal.amount
-- Attempt to put 1000 millibuckets into the florb
local stack,res = fluidity.florbs.add_fluid(bucket_out, metal, take)
local stack,res = fluidity.florbs.add_fluid(bucket_out, metal.fluid, take)
if res > 0 then
take = take - res
metal_count = metal_count - take
metal.amount = metal.amount - take
inv:set_list("bucket_out", {stack})
refresh = true
if metal_count == 0 then
metal = ""
if metal.amount == 0 then
metal.fluid = ""
local bucket = fluidity.get_bucket_for_fluid(metal)
if metal_count >= 1000 then
metal_count = metal_count - 1000
local bucket = get_bucket_for_fluid(metal.fluid)
if bucket and metal.amount >= 1000 then
metal.amount = metal.amount - 1000
inv:set_list("bucket_out", {bucket})
refresh = true
if metal_count == 0 then
metal = ""
if metal.amount == 0 then
metal.fluid = ""
-- If we have a cast, check if we can cast right now.
if metal ~= "" then
metal_type = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(metal)
if metal and metal.fluid ~= "" then
metal_type = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(metal.fluid)
local caststack = inv:get_stack("cast", 1):get_name()
local castname = get_cast_for_name(caststack)
@ -377,16 +341,16 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local result_cost = cast.cost * metal_caster.spec.ingot
local coolant_cost = result_cost / 4
if metal_count >= result_cost and coolant_count >= coolant_cost then
if metal.amount >= result_cost and coolant.amount >= coolant_cost then
local stack = ItemStack(result_name)
local output_stack = inv:get_stack("output", 1)
if output_stack:item_fits(stack) then
inv:set_stack("output", 1, increment_stack(output_stack, stack))
metal_count = metal_count - result_cost
coolant_count = coolant_count - coolant_cost
metal.amount = metal.amount - result_cost
coolant.amount = coolant.amount - coolant_cost
if metal_count == 0 then
metal = ""
if metal.amount == 0 then
metal.fluid = ""
refresh = true
@ -397,7 +361,7 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- Create a new cast
local result_cost = metal_caster.spec.cast
local coolant_cost = result_cost / 4
if metal_count >= result_cost and coolant_count >= coolant_cost then
if metal.amount >= result_cost and coolant.amount >= coolant_cost then
local mtype, ctype = get_cast_for(caststack)
if mtype and ctype then
local cmod = metal_caster.casts[ctype].mod_name or "metal_melter"
@ -407,11 +371,11 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
if output_stack:item_fits(stack) then
inv:set_stack("output", 1, increment_stack(output_stack, stack))
inv:set_stack("cast", 1, decrement_stack(cast_stack))
metal_count = metal_count - result_cost
coolant_count = coolant_count - coolant_cost
metal.amount = metal.amount - result_cost
coolant.amount = coolant.amount - coolant_cost
if metal_count == 0 then
metal = ""
if metal.amount == 0 then
metal.fluid = ""
refresh = true
@ -421,35 +385,29 @@ local function caster_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
meta:set_int("water_fluid_storage", coolant_count)
meta:set_int("metal_fluid_storage", metal_count)
meta:set_string("metal_fluid", metal)
local metal_texture = "default_lava.png"
local metal_name = ""
meta:set_int("water_fluid_storage", coolant.amount)
meta:set_int("metal_fluid_storage", metal.amount)
meta:set_string("metal_fluid", metal.fluid)
meta:set_string("water_fluid", "default:water_source")
local infotext = "Metal Caster\n"
infotext = infotext.."Water: "..coolant_count.."/"..metal_caster.max_coolant.." mB \n"
infotext = infotext .. fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(coolant) .. "\n"
if metal ~= "" then
metal_texture = "fluidity_"..fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(metal)..".png"
metal_name = fluid_lib.cleanse_node_description(metal)
infotext = infotext..metal_name..": "..metal_count.."/"..metal_caster.max_metal.." mB"
if metal and metal.fluid ~= "" then
infotext = infotext .. fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(metal)
infotext = infotext.."No Molten Metal"
infotext = infotext .. "No Molten Metal"
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec(
{water_fluid_storage=coolant_count, metal_fluid_storage=metal_count, metal_texture=metal_texture, metal=metal_name}))
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec(coolant, metal))
return refresh
local function on_construct(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec_default())
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_caster.get_metal_caster_formspec())
-- Create inventory
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
@ -10,6 +10,25 @@ dofile(modpath.."/meltable.lua")
-- Crafting components
-- Fluid bar for formspec
function metal_melter.fluid_bar(x, y, fluid_buffer)
local texture = "default_water.png"
local metric = 0
if fluid_buffer and fluid_buffer.fluid and fluid_buffer.fluid ~= "" and
minetest.registered_nodes[fluid_buffer.fluid] ~= nil then
texture = minetest.registered_nodes[fluid_buffer.fluid].tiles[1]
if type(texture) == "table" then
texture = texture.name
metric = math.floor(100 * fluid_buffer.amount / fluid_buffer.capacity)
return "image["..x..","..y..";1,2.8;melter_gui_barbg.png"..
-- Melter
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ end
-- Autofind meltable
local autofind = {"ingot", "lump", "crystal", "ore", "block"}
local modfind = {"default", "technic", "moreores"}
local modfind = {"default", "technic", "moreores", "elepower_dynamics"}
for metal,_ in pairs(fluidity.molten_metals) do
for i,v in pairs(modfind) do
@ -49,7 +49,13 @@ function metal_melter.get_metal_from_stack(stack)
return metal, metal_type
function metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec_default()
function metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec(lava, metal)
local metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;No Molten Metal]"
if metal ~= nil then
metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;Metal: "..fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(metal).."]"
return "size[8,8.5]"..
@ -57,12 +63,10 @@ function metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec_default()
"label[0.08,3.4;Lava: 0/"..metal_melter.max_fuel.." mB]"..
"label[0.08,3.75;No Molten Metal]"..
metal_melter.fluid_bar(0.08, 0, lava)..
"label[0.08,3.4;Lava: ".. fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(lava) .."]"..
metal_melter.fluid_bar(6.68, 0, metal)..
@ -81,47 +85,10 @@ function metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec_default()
default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25)
function metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec(data)
local lava_percent = math.floor(100 * data.lava_level / metal_melter.max_fuel)
local metal_percent = math.floor(100 * data.metal_level / metal_melter.max_metal)
local metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;No Molten Metal]"
if data.metal ~= "" then
metal_formspec = "label[0.08,3.75;"..data.metal..": "..data.metal_level.."/"..metal_melter.max_metal.." mB]"
return "size[8,8.5]"..
"\\^[lowpart\\:" .. lava_percent .. "\\:default_lava.png\\\\^[resize\\\\:64x128]"..
"label[0.08,3.4;Lava: "..data.lava_level.."/"..metal_melter.max_fuel.." mB]"..
"\\^[lowpart\\:" .. metal_percent .. "\\:"..data.metal_texture.."\\\\^[resize\\\\:64x128]"..
default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25)
local function get_bucket_for_fluid(src)
local bucket = bucket.liquids[src]
if not bucket then return nil end
return bucket.itemname
local function allow_metadata_inventory_put (pos, listname, index, stack, player)
@ -186,26 +153,23 @@ local function melter_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-- Current amount of lava in the block
local heat_count = meta:get_int("lava_fluid_storage")
-- Current amount of metal in the block
local metal_count = meta:get_int("metal_fluid_storage")
local lava = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "lava")
-- Current metal used
local metal = meta:get_string("metal_fluid")
local metal = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "metal")
local dumping = meta:get_int("dump")
if dumping and dumping == 1 then
metal_count = 0
metal = ""
metal.amount = 0
metal.fluid = ""
refresh = true
meta:set_int("dump", 0)
-- Insert lava bucket into tank, return empty bucket
if inv:get_stack("heat", 1):get_name() == "bucket:bucket_lava" then
if heat_count + 1000 <= metal_melter.max_fuel then
heat_count = heat_count + 1000
if lava.amount + 1000 <= metal_melter.max_fuel then
lava.amount = lava.amount + 1000
inv:set_list("heat", {"bucket:bucket_empty"})
refresh = true
@ -219,11 +183,11 @@ local function melter_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
if is_florb then
local contents, fluid_name, capacity = fluidity.florbs.get_florb_contents(bucket_in)
local fluid_metal = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(fluid_name)
if fluid_metal and (fluid_name == metal or metal == "") then
if fluid_metal and (fluid_name == metal.fluid or metal.fluid == "") then
local take = 1000
if metal_count + take > metal_melter.max_metal then
take = metal_melter.max_metal - metal_count
if metal.amount + take > metal_melter.max_metal then
take = metal_melter.max_metal - metal.amount
-- Attempt to take 1000 millibuckets from the florb
@ -232,25 +196,25 @@ local function melter_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
take = take - res
metal = fluid_name
metal_count = metal_count + take
metal.fluid = fluid_name
metal.amount = metal.amount + take
inv:set_list("bucket_in", {stack})
refresh = true
local bucket_fluid = fluidity.get_fluid_for_bucket(bucket_name)
local bucket_fluid = bucket.get_liquid_for_bucket(bucket_name)
local fluid_is_metal = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(bucket_fluid) ~= nil
local empty_bucket = false
if fluid_is_metal then
if metal ~= "" and metal == bucket_fluid then
if metal_count + 1000 <= metal_melter.max_metal then
metal_count = metal_count + 1000
if metal.fluid ~= "" and metal.fluid == bucket_fluid then
if metal.amount + 1000 <= metal_melter.max_metal then
metal.amount = metal.amount + 1000
empty_bucket = true
elseif metal == "" then
metal_count = 1000
metal = bucket_fluid
elseif metal.fluid == "" then
metal.amount = 1000
metal.fluid = bucket_fluid
empty_bucket = true
@ -265,41 +229,41 @@ local function melter_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- Handle bucket output, only allow empty buckets in this slot
local bucket_out = inv:get_stack("bucket_out", 1)
bucket_name = bucket_out:get_name()
if (bucket_name == "bucket:bucket_empty" or fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_out)) and metal ~= "" and bucket_out:get_count() == 1 then
if (bucket_name == "bucket:bucket_empty" or fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_out)) and metal.fluid ~= "" and bucket_out:get_count() == 1 then
local is_florb = fluidity.florbs.get_is_florb(bucket_out)
if is_florb then
local contents, fluid_name, capacity = fluidity.florbs.get_florb_contents(bucket_out)
local fluid_metal = fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(fluid_name)
if not fluid_name or fluid_name == metal then
if not fluid_name or fluid_name == metal.fluid then
local take = 1000
if metal_count < take then
take = metal_count
if metal.amount < take then
take = metal.amount
-- Attempt to put 1000 millibuckets into the florb
local stack,res = fluidity.florbs.add_fluid(bucket_out, metal, take)
local stack,res = fluidity.florbs.add_fluid(bucket_out, metal.fluid, take)
if res > 0 then
take = take - res
metal_count = metal_count - take
metal.amount = metal.amount - take
inv:set_list("bucket_out", {stack})
refresh = true
if metal_count == 0 then
metal = ""
if metal.amount == 0 then
metal.fluid = ""
local bucket = fluidity.get_bucket_for_fluid(metal)
if metal_count >= 1000 then
metal_count = metal_count - 1000
local bucket = get_bucket_for_fluid(metal.fluid)
if bucket and metal.amount >= 1000 then
metal.amount = metal.amount - 1000
inv:set_list("bucket_out", {bucket})
refresh = true
if metal_count == 0 then
metal = ""
if metal.amount == 0 then
metal.fluid = ""
@ -311,13 +275,13 @@ local function melter_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local mt, t = metal_melter.get_metal_from_stack(input)
if mt then
local metal_name = fluidity.molten_metals[mt]
if metal_name and (metal == "" or metal == metal_name) then
if metal_name and (metal.fluid == "" or metal.fluid == metal_name) then
local cnt = metal_melter.spec[t]
local heat_consume = math.floor(cnt / metal_melter.lava_usage)
if metal_count + cnt <= metal_melter.max_metal and heat_count >= heat_consume then
metal = metal_name
metal_count = metal_count + cnt
heat_count = heat_count - heat_consume
if metal.amount + cnt <= metal_melter.max_metal and lava.amount >= heat_consume then
metal.fluid = metal_name
metal.amount = metal.amount + cnt
lava.amount = lava.amount - heat_consume
inv:set_stack("input", 1, take_from_stack(inv:get_stack("input", 1), 1))
refresh = true
@ -326,34 +290,28 @@ local function melter_node_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- Refresh metadata and formspec
meta:set_int("lava_fluid_storage", heat_count)
meta:set_int("metal_fluid_storage", metal_count)
meta:set_string("metal_fluid", metal)
local metal_texture = "default_lava.png"
local metal_name = ""
meta:set_int("lava_fluid_storage", lava.amount)
meta:set_int("metal_fluid_storage", metal.amount)
meta:set_string("metal_fluid", metal.fluid)
meta:set_string("lava_fluid", "default:lava_source")
local infotext = "Metal Melter\n"
infotext = infotext.."Lava: "..heat_count.."/"..metal_melter.max_fuel.." mB \n"
infotext = infotext .. fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(lava) .. "\n"
if metal ~= "" then
metal_texture = "fluidity_"..fluidity.get_metal_for_fluid(metal)..".png"
metal_name = fluid_lib.cleanse_node_description(metal)
infotext = infotext..metal_name..": "..metal_count.."/"..metal_melter.max_metal.." mB"
if metal and metal.fluid ~= "" then
infotext = fluid_lib.buffer_to_string(metal)
infotext = infotext.."No Molten Metal"
infotext = infotext .. "No Molten Metal"
if heat_count > 144 then
if lava.amount > 144 then
swap_node(pos, "metal_melter:metal_melter_filled")
swap_node(pos, "metal_melter:metal_melter")
meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec(
{lava_level=heat_count, metal_level=metal_count, metal_texture=metal_texture, metal=metal_name}))
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec(lava, metal))
-- If true, calls for another clock cycle.
return refresh
@ -361,7 +319,7 @@ end
local function on_construct(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec_default())
meta:set_string("formspec", metal_melter.get_metal_melter_formspec())
-- Create inventory
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name = metal_melter
description = Melt and cast metals.
depends = default,fluidity,bucket,fluid_tanks
optional_depends = pipeworks
optional_depends = pipeworks,elepower_dynamics
@ -274,11 +274,6 @@ tinkering.materials = {
gold = {name = "Gold", default = "default:gold_ingot", color = "#FFFF54", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.gold},
mese = {name = "Mese", default = "default:mese_crystal", color = "#FFFF02", base = "gem", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.mese},
-- From technic
lead = {name = "Lead", default = "technic:lead_ingot", color = "#C6C6C6", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.lead},
chromium = {name = "Chromium", default = "technic:chromium_ingot", color = "#DFE8E8", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.chromium},
zinc = {name = "Zinc", default = "technic:zinc_ingot", color = "#CEE8EF", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.zinc},
-- From moreores
silver = {name = "Silver", default = "moreores:silver_ingot", color = "#D7E2E8", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.silver},
mithril = {name = "Mithril", default = "moreores:mithril_ingot", color = "#6868D7", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.mithril}
@ -287,3 +282,24 @@ tinkering.materials = {
tinkering.modifiers = {
diamond = {name = "Diamond", default = "default:diamond", modifier = modifiers.diamond}
if minetest.get_modpath("technic") then
-- From technic
tinkering.materials["lead"] = {name = "Lead", default = "technic:lead_ingot",
color = "#C6C6C6", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.lead}
tinkering.materials["chromium"] = {name = "Chromium", default = "technic:chromium_ingot",
color = "#DFE8E8", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.chromium}
tinkering.materials["zinc"] = {name = "Zinc", default = "technic:zinc_ingot",
color = "#CEE8EF", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.zinc}
if minetest.get_modpath("elepower_dynamics") then
-- From elepower
tinkering.materials["lead"] = {name = "Lead", default = "elepower_dynamics:lead_ingot",
color = "#C6C6C6", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.lead}
tinkering.materials["zinc"] = {name = "Zinc", default = "elepower_dynamics:zinc_ingot",
color = "#CEE8EF", base = "ingot", cast = true, modifier = modifiers.zinc}
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