# Melterns ![Melterns](screenshot.png) An in-development mod for [Minetest](http://minetest.net) 0.5.0+ that adds molten metals, melting, casting and creating tools. This mod is inspired by the [Tinkers Construct](https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tinkers-construct) mod for Minecraft, however it's much less-featured due to the current limitations of the Minetest API. None of the components used in this mod have been taken from TC - everything is my original creation. **Depends on [fluid_lib](https://gitlab.icynet.eu/evert/fluid_lib)!** ## Installation Just do `git clone https://gitlab.icynet.eu/evert/melterns.git` in your `minetest/mods` directory. You can also [download the repository](https://gitlab.icynet.eu/evert/melterns/archive/master.zip) but in that case you **must** change the folder name from `melterns-master` to `melterns`! ## Documentation Documentation on how to use this mod can be found on [this wiki page](https://gitlab.icynet.eu/evert/melterns/wiki). I recommend using a mod that shows you crafting recipes in order to know how to craft the nodes. ## License The MIT License See [LICENSE](LICENSE.txt)