EEPROM_SIZE = 255 for a = 0, 1 do for b = 0, 1 do for c = 0, 1 do for d = 0, 1 do local nodename = "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller"..tostring(d)..tostring(c)..tostring(b)..tostring(a) if tostring(d)..tostring(c)..tostring(b)..tostring(a) ~= "0000" then groups = {dig_immediate=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1} else groups = {dig_immediate=2} end minetest.register_node(nodename, { description = "Microcontroller", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = { "jeija_microcontroller_top_"..tostring(d)..tostring(c)..tostring(b)..tostring(a)..".png", "jeija_microcontroller_sides.png", }, --inventory_image = "jeija_microcontroller_top_0000.png", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype = "light", walkable = true, groups = groups, material = minetest.digprop_constanttime(1.0), drop = '"mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller0000" 1', selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, -4/16, 8/16 }, }, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, -6/16, 8/16 }, -- bottom slab { -5/16, -6/16, -5/16, 5/16, -5/16, 5/16 }, -- circuit board { -3/16, -5/16, -3/16, 3/16, -4/16, 3/16 }, -- IC } }, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("code", "") meta:set_string("formspec", "size[9,2.5]".. "field[0.256,-0.2;9,2;code;Code:;]".. "button[0 ,0.2;1.5,3;band;AND]".. "button[1.5,0.2;1.5,3;bxor;XOR]".. "button[3 ,0.2;1.5,3;bnot;NOT]".. "button[4.5,0.2;1.5,3;bnand;NAND]".. "button[6 ,0.2;1.5,3;btflop;T-Flop]".. "button[7.5,0.2;1.5,3;brsflop;RS-Flop]".. "button_exit[3.5,1;2,3;program;Program]") meta:set_string("infotext", "Unprogrammed Microcontroller") meta:set_int("heat", 0) local r = "" for i=1, EEPROM_SIZE+1 do r=r.."0" end --Generate a string with EEPROM_SIZE*"0" meta:set_string("eeprom", r) end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formanme, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) if then fields.code = "off(C)if(A&B)on(C); :A and B are inputs, C is output" elseif fields.bxor then fields.code = "off(C)if(A~B)on(C); :A and B are inputs, C is output" elseif fields.bnot then fields.code = "on(B)if(A)off(B); :A is input, B is output" elseif fields.bnand then fields.code = "on(C)if(A&B)off(C); :A and B are inputs, C is output" elseif fields.btflop then fields.code = "if(A)sbi(1,1); if(!A&B)off(B)sbi(1,0); if(!A&!B)on(B)sbi(1,0); :A is input, B is output (Q), toggles with falling edge" elseif fields.brsflop then fields.code = "if(A)on(C);if(B)off(C); :A is S (Set), B is R (Reset), C is output (R dominates)" elseif fields.program then --nothing else return nil end meta:set_string("code", fields.code) meta:set_string("formspec", "size[9,2.5]".. "field[0.256,-0.2;9,2;code;Code:;"..fields.code.."]".. "button[0 ,0.2;1.5,3;band;AND]".. "button[1.5,0.2;1.5,3;bxor;XOR]".. "button[3 ,0.2;1.5,3;bnot;NOT]".. "button[4.5,0.2;1.5,3;bnand;NAND]".. "button[6 ,0.2;1.5,3;btflop;T-Flop]".. "button[7.5,0.2;1.5,3;brsflop;RS-Flop]".. "button_exit[3.5,1;2,3;program;Program]") meta:set_string("infotext", "Programmed Microcontroller") meta:set_int("heat", 0) yc_reset (pos) update_yc(pos) end, }) local rules={} if (a == 1) then table.insert(rules, {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0}) end if (b == 1) then table.insert(rules, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1}) end if (c == 1) then table.insert(rules, {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}) end if (d == 1) then table.insert(rules, {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}) end mesecon:add_rules(nodename, rules) mesecon:add_receptor_node(nodename, rules) end end end end minetest.register_craft({ output = 'craft "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller0000" 2', recipe = { {'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons:mesecon_off'}, {'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons:mesecon_off'}, {'mesecons:mesecon_off', 'mesecons:mesecon_off', ''}, } }) function yc_reset(pos) yc_action(pos, {a=false, b=false, c=false, d=false}) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local r = "" for i=1, EEPROM_SIZE+1 do r=r.."0" end --Generate a string with EEPROM_SIZE*"0" meta:set_string("eeprom", r) end function update_yc(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) yc_heat(meta) minetest.after(0.5, yc_cool, meta) if (yc_overheat(meta)) then minetest.env:remove_node(pos) minetest.after(0.2, yc_overheat_off, pos) --wait for pending parsings minetest.env:add_item(pos, "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller0000") end local code = meta:get_string("code") code = yc_code_remove_commentary(code) code = string.gsub(code, " ", "") --Remove all spaces code = string.gsub(code, " ", "") --Remove all tabs if parse_yccode(code, pos) == nil then meta:set_string("infotext", "Code not valid!") else meta:set_string("infotext", "Working Microcontroller") end end --Code Parsing function yc_code_remove_commentary(code) for i = 1, #code do if code:sub(i, i) == ":" then return code:sub(1, i-1) end end return code end function parse_yccode(code, pos) local endi = 1 local Lreal = yc_get_real_portstates(pos) local Lvirtual = yc_get_virtual_portstates(pos) if Lvirtual == nil then return nil end local c local eeprom = minetest.env:get_meta(pos):get_string("eeprom") while true do command, endi = parse_get_command(code, endi) if command == nil then return nil end if command == true then break end if command == "if" then r, endi = yc_command_if(code, endi, yc_merge_portstates(Lreal, Lvirtual), eeprom) if r == nil then return nil end if r == true then -- nothing elseif r == false then endi = yc_skip_to_endif(code, endi) if endi == nil then return nil end end else params, endi = parse_get_params(code, endi) if params == nil then return nil end end if command == "on" then L = yc_command_on (params, Lvirtual) elseif command == "off" then L = yc_command_off(params, Lvirtual) elseif command == "sbi" then new_eeprom = yc_command_sbi (params, eeprom, yc_merge_portstates(Lreal, Lvirtual)) if new_eeprom == nil then return nil else eeprom = new_eeprom end elseif command == "if" then --nothing else return nil end if Lvirtual == nil then return nil end if eeprom == nil then return nil else minetest.env:get_meta(pos):set_string("eeprom", eeprom) end end yc_action(pos, Lvirtual) return true end function parse_get_command(code, starti) i = starti s = nil while s ~= "" do s = string.sub(code, i, i) if s == ";" and starti == i then starti = starti + 1 i = starti s = string.sub(code, i, i) end if s == "(" then return string.sub(code, starti, i-1), i + 1 -- i: ( i+1 after ( end i = i + 1 end if starti == i-1 then return true, true end return nil, nil end function parse_get_params(code, starti) i = starti s = nil local params = {} while s ~= "" do s = string.sub(code, i, i) if s == ")" then table.insert(params, string.sub(code, starti, i-1)) -- i: ) i+1 after ) return params, i + 1 end if s == "," then table.insert(params, string.sub(code, starti, i-1)) -- i: ) i+1 after ) starti = i + 1 end i = i + 1 end return nil, nil end function yc_parse_get_eeprom_param(cond, starti) i = starti s = nil local addr while s ~= "" do s = string.sub(cond, i, i) if string.find("0123456789", s) == nil or s == "" then addr = string.sub(cond, starti, i-1) -- i: last number i+1 after last number return addr, i end if s == "," then return nil, nil end i = i + 1 end return nil, nil end function yc_skip_to_endif(code, starti) local i = starti local s = false while s ~= nil and s~= "" do s = code:sub(i, i) if s == ";" then return i + 1 end i = i + 1 end return nil end --Commands function yc_command_on(params, L) local rules = {} for i, port in ipairs(params) do L = yc_set_portstate (port, true, L) end return L end function yc_command_off(params, L) local rules = {} for i, port in ipairs(params) do L = yc_set_portstate (port, false, L) end return L end function yc_command_sbi(params, eeprom, L) if params[1]==nil or params[2]==nil or params[3] ~=nil or tonumber(params[1])==nil then return nil end local status = yc_command_parsecondition(params[2], L, eeprom) if tonumber(params[1])>EEPROM_SIZE or tonumber(params[1])<1 or (status ~= "0" and status ~= "1") then return nil end new_eeprom = ""; for i=1, #eeprom do if tonumber(params[1])==i then new_eeprom = new_eeprom..status else new_eeprom = new_eeprom..eeprom:sub(i, i) end end return new_eeprom end --If function yc_command_if(code, starti, L, eeprom) local cond, endi = yc_command_if_getcondition(code, starti) if cond == nil then return nil end cond = yc_command_parsecondition(cond, L, eeprom) if cond == "0" then result = false elseif cond == "1" then result = true else result = nil end if result == nil then end return result, endi --endi from local cond, endi = yc_command_if_getcondition(code, starti) end --Condition parsing function yc_command_if_getcondition(code, starti) i = starti s = nil local brackets = 1 --1 Bracket to close while s ~= "" do s = string.sub(code, i, i) if s == ")" then brackets = brackets - 1 end if s == "(" then brackets = brackets + 1 end if brackets == 0 then return string.sub(code, starti, i-1), i + 1 -- i: ( i+1 after ( end i = i + 1 end return nil, nil end function yc_command_parsecondition(cond, L, eeprom) cond = string.gsub(cond, "A", tonumber(L.a and 1 or 0)) cond = string.gsub(cond, "B", tonumber(L.b and 1 or 0)) cond = string.gsub(cond, "C", tonumber(L.c and 1 or 0)) cond = string.gsub(cond, "D", tonumber(L.d and 1 or 0)) local i = 1 local l = string.len(cond) while i<=l do local s = cond:sub(i,i) if s == "#" then addr, endi = yc_parse_get_eeprom_param(cond, i+1) buf = yc_eeprom_read(tonumber(addr), eeprom) if buf == nil then return nil end local call = cond:sub(i, endi-1) cond = string.gsub(cond, call, buf) i = 0 l = string.len(cond) end i = i + 1 end cond = string.gsub(cond, "!0", "1") cond = string.gsub(cond, "!1", "0") local i = 2 local l = string.len(cond) while i<=l do local s = cond:sub(i,i) local b = tonumber(cond:sub(i-1, i-1)) local a = tonumber(cond:sub(i+1, i+1)) if cond:sub(i+1, i+1) == nil then break end if s == "=" then if a==nil then return nil end if a == b then buf = "1" end if a ~= b then buf = "0" end cond = string.gsub(cond, b..s..a, buf) i = 1 l = string.len(cond) end i = i + 1 end local i = 2 local l = string.len(cond) while i<=l do local s = cond:sub(i,i) local b = tonumber(cond:sub(i-1, i-1)) local a = tonumber(cond:sub(i+1, i+1)) if cond:sub(i+1, i+1) == nil then break end if s == "&" then if a==nil then return nil end local buf = ((a==1) and (b==1)) if buf == true then buf = "1" end if buf == false then buf = "0" end cond = string.gsub(cond, b..s..a, buf) i = 1 l = string.len(cond) end if s == "|" then if a==nil then return nil end local buf = ((a == 1) or (b == 1)) if buf == true then buf = "1" end if buf == false then buf = "0" end cond = string.gsub(cond, b..s..a, buf) i = 1 l = string.len(cond) end if s == "~" then if a==nil then return nil end local buf = (((a == 1) or (b == 1)) and not((a==1) and (b==1))) if buf == true then buf = "1" end if buf == false then buf = "0" end cond = string.gsub(cond, b..s..a, buf) i = 1 l = string.len(cond) end i = i + 1 end return cond end --Virtual-Hardware functions function yc_eeprom_read(number, eeprom) if number == nil then return nil, nil end value = eeprom:sub(number, number) if value == nil then return nil, nil end return value, endi end --Real I/O functions function yc_action(pos, L) --L-->Lvirtual Lv = yc_get_virtual_portstates(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local code = meta:get_string("code") local heat = meta:get_int("heat") local eeprom = meta:get_string("eeprom") local infotext = meta:get_string("infotext") local formspec = meta:get_string("formspec") local name = "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller" ..tonumber(L.d and 1 or 0) ..tonumber(L.c and 1 or 0) ..tonumber(L.b and 1 or 0) ..tonumber(L.a and 1 or 0) minetest.env:add_node(pos, {name=name}) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("code", code) meta:set_int("heat", heat) meta:set_string("eeprom", eeprom) meta:set_string("infotext", infotext) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) yc_action_setports(pos, L, Lv) end function yc_action_setports(pos, L, Lv) local name = "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller" local rules if Lv.a ~= L.a then rules = mesecon:get_rules(name.."0001") if L.a == true then mesecon:receptor_on(pos, rules) else mesecon:receptor_off(pos, rules) end end if Lv.b ~= L.b then rules = mesecon:get_rules(name.."0010") if L.b == true then mesecon:receptor_on(pos, rules) else mesecon:receptor_off(pos, rules) end end if Lv.c ~= L.c then rules = mesecon:get_rules(name.."0100") if L.c == true then mesecon:receptor_on(pos, rules) else mesecon:receptor_off(pos, rules) end end if Lv.d ~= L.d then rules = mesecon:get_rules(name.."1000") if L.d == true then mesecon:receptor_on(pos, rules) else mesecon:receptor_off(pos, rules) end end end function yc_set_portstate(port, state, L) if port == "A" then L.a = state elseif port == "B" then L.b = state elseif port == "C" then L.c = state elseif port == "D" then L.d = state else return nil end return L end function yc_get_real_portstates(pos) rulesA = mesecon:get_rules("mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller0001") rulesB = mesecon:get_rules("mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller0010") rulesC = mesecon:get_rules("mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller0100") rulesD = mesecon:get_rules("mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller1000") L = { a = mesecon:is_power_on({x=pos.x+rulesA[1].x, y=pos.y+rulesA[1].y, z=pos.z+rulesA[1].z}), b = mesecon:is_power_on({x=pos.x+rulesB[1].x, y=pos.y+rulesB[1].y, z=pos.z+rulesB[1].z}), c = mesecon:is_power_on({x=pos.x+rulesC[1].x, y=pos.y+rulesC[1].y, z=pos.z+rulesC[1].z}), d = mesecon:is_power_on({x=pos.x+rulesD[1].x, y=pos.y+rulesD[1].y, z=pos.z+rulesD[1].z}) } return L end function yc_get_virtual_portstates(pos) name = minetest.env:get_node(pos).name b, a = string.find(name, ":microcontroller") if a == nil then return nil end a = a + 1 Lvirtual = {a=false, b=false, c=false, d=false} if name:sub(a , a ) == "1" then Lvirtual.d = true end if name:sub(a+1, a+1) == "1" then Lvirtual.c = true end if name:sub(a+2, a+2) == "1" then Lvirtual.b = true end if name:sub(a+3, a+3) == "1" then Lvirtual.a = true end return Lvirtual end function yc_merge_portstates(Lreal, Lvirtual) local L = {a=false, b=false, c=false, d=false} if Lvirtual.a or Lreal.a then L.a = true end if Lvirtual.b or Lreal.b then L.b = true end if Lvirtual.c or Lreal.c then L.c = true end if Lvirtual.d or Lreal.d then L.d = true end return L end --"Overheat" protection function yc_heat(meta) h = meta:get_int("heat") if h ~= nil then meta:set_int("heat", h + 1) end end function yc_cool(meta) h = meta:get_int("heat") if h ~= nil then meta:set_int("heat", h - 1) end end function yc_overheat(meta) h = meta:get_int("heat") if h == nil then return true end -- if nil the overheat if h>30 then return true else return false end end function yc_overheat_off(pos) rules = mesecon:get_rules("mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller1111") mesecon:receptor_off(pos, rules); end mesecon:register_on_signal_change(function(pos, node) if string.find(, "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller")~=nil then update_yc(pos) end end) minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, node) if string.find(, "mesecons_microcontroller:microcontroller") then rules = mesecon:get_rules( mesecon:receptor_off(pos, rules) end end)