function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end function is_wire(pos) local list = { "mesecons_insulated:insulated_off", "mesecons_insulated:insulated_on", "mesecons_extrawires:corner_off", "mesecons_extrawires:corner_on", "mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_off", "mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_on", "mesecons_extrawires:crossover_off", "mesecons_extrawires:crossover_on", "mesecons_extrawires:crossover_10", "mesecons_extrawires:crossover_01", "mesecons_morewires:xjunction_off", "mesecons_morewires:xjunction_on", } local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local pos_name = for i,name in ipairs(list) do if name == pos_name then return true end end return false end function up_node(pos) return { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z=pos.z+1} end function down_node(pos) return { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z=pos.z-1} end function left_node(pos) return {x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z} end function right_node(pos) return {x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z} end = { -- beware, order is important, I think, not sure though {{"air", 0 }, { u=0, d=0, l=0, r=0 }}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_off",0}, {u=0,d=0,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_off",2}, {u=0,d=0,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_off",1}, {u=1,d=1,l=0,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_off",3}, {u=1,d=1,l=0,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_off",0}, {u=0,d=1,l=1,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_off",1}, {u=1,d=0,l=1,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_off",2}, {u=1,d=0,l=0,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_off",3}, {u=0,d=1,l=0,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_on",0}, {u=0,d=0,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_on",2}, {u=0,d=0,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_on",1}, {u=1,d=1,l=0,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_insulated:insulated_on",3}, {u=1,d=1,l=0,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_on",0}, {u=0,d=1,l=1,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_on",1}, {u=1,d=0,l=1,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_on",2}, {u=1,d=0,l=0,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:corner_on",3}, {u=0,d=1,l=0,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_morewires:xjunction_off",0}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_morewires:xjunction_on",0}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:crossover_off",0}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:crossover_10",0}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:crossover_01",0}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:crossover_on",0}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_off",0}, {u=0,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_off",1}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_off",2}, {u=1,d=0,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_off",3}, {u=1,d=1,l=0,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_on",0}, {u=0,d=1,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_on",1}, {u=1,d=1,l=1,r=0}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_on",2}, {u=1,d=0,l=1,r=1}}, {{"mesecons_extrawires:tjunction_on",3}, {u=1,d=1,l=0,r=1}}, } mesecons_autowire.mapsticky = {} function is_sticky(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local name = for i,v in ipairs(mesecons_autowire.mapsticky) do local name = v[1][1] local param2 = v[1][2] local pins = v[2] if( (name == ) then return true end end return false end function rotate_pin(p) return { u = p.l, r = p.u, d = p.r, l = p.d } end function rotate_pins(p,r) local cur = p i = 0 while( i< r) do cur = rotate_pin(cur) i = i +1 end return cur end function map_add_gates() local gates = { "and", "or", "xor", "nand", "nor"} local states = { "on", "off" } local mod = "mesecons_gates" local pin = {u=1,d=1,r=1,l=0} for _,g in ipairs(gates) do for r=0,3 do for _,s in ipairs(states) do local name = mod..":"..g.."_"..s table.insert(mesecons_autowire.mapsticky, { { name, r}, rotate_pins(pin,r) }) end end end gates = { "not", "diode" } pin = {u=0,d=0,l=1,r=1} for _,g in ipairs(gates) do for r=0,3 do for _,s in ipairs(states) do local name = mod..":"..g.."_"..s table.insert(mesecons_autowire.mapsticky, { { name, r}, rotate_pins(pin,r) }) end end end gates = { "latch", "flipflop" } mod = "mesecons_regs" pin = { u=0,d=1,l=1,r=1 } for _,g in ipairs(gates) do for r=0,3 do for _,s in ipairs(states) do local name = mod..":"..g.."_"..s table.insert(mesecons_autowire.mapsticky, { { name, r}, rotate_pins(pin,r) }) end end end gates = { "and3", "or3", "nand3", "nor3" } mod = "mesecons_gates3" pin = { u=1,d=1,l=1,r=1 } for _,g in ipairs(gates) do for r=0,3 do for _,s in ipairs(states) do local name = mod..":"..g.."_"..s table.insert(mesecons_autowire.mapsticky, { { name, r}, rotate_pins(pin,r) }) end end end end map_add_gates() function get_pins_sticky(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) for i,v in ipairs( do local name = v[1][1] local param2 = v[1][2] local pins = v[2] if( (name == and (node.param2 == param2) ) then return pins end end for i,v in ipairs(mesecons_autowire.mapsticky) do local name = v[1][1] local param2 = v[1][2] local pins = v[2] if( (name == and (node.param2 == param2) ) then return pins end end return {u=0,d=0,l=0,r=0} end function get_pins(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) for i,v in ipairs( do local name = v[1][1] local param2 = v[1][2] local pins = v[2] if( (name == and (node.param2 == param2) ) then return pins end end return {u=0,d=0,l=0,r=0} end function eq_pins(i1,i2) if i1.u ~= i2.u then return false end if i1.d ~= i2.d then return false end if i1.l ~= i2.l then return false end if i1.r ~= i2.r then return false end return true end function and_pins(i1,i2) local u,d,l,r = 0,0,0,0 if (i1.u==1) and (i2.u==1) then u = 1 end if (i1.d==1) and (i2.d==1) then d = 1 end if (i1.l==1) and (i2.l==1) then l =1 end if(i1.r==1) and (i2.r==1) then r=1 end return { u=u,d=d,l=l,r=r } end function or_pins(i1,i2) local u,d,l,r = 0,0,0,0 if (i1.u==1) or (i2.u==1) then u = 1 end if (i1.d==1) or (i2.d==1) then d = 1 end if (i1.l==1) or (i2.l==1) then l =1 end if(i1.r==1) or (i2.r==1) then r=1 end return { u=u,d=d,l=l,r=r } end function direc_to_pin(dir) local u,d,l,r = 0,0,0,0 if( dir == "u" ) then u = 1; end if( dir == "d" ) then d = 1; end if( dir == "l" ) then l = 1; end if( dir == "r" ) then r = 1; end return {u=u,d=d,l=l,r=r} end function next_pos(pos,direc) local p = pos if( direc == "u" ) then p.z = p.z + 1 elseif( direc == "d" ) then p.z = p.z - 1 elseif( direc == "l" ) then p.x = p.x -1 elseif( direc == "r" ) then p.x = p.x + 1 end return p end function eq_pos(p1,p2) if( (p1.x==p2.x) and (p1.y==p2.y) and (p1.z==p2.z) ) then return true else return false end end