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synced 2025-02-17 00:52:26 +01:00
Fix _active machine handling.
Manage time better by resource reservations. Autocrafting status is one per network, not one per server. Lengthing craft time of 81 doped wafers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,30 @@ function me.register_max(name, count)
me.maximums[name] = count
-- This reserves a machine for length seconds. This is used to
-- schedule machines and know when they are done processing a job.
-- The jobs run sequentially. A 10 second job followed by a 5 second
-- job will finish at 15 seconds, not 5 seconds. Return the new start
-- time. todo: this solves the end and the outputs, but not the
-- inputs. They can be overloaded and we might have to delay putting
-- things into the machine.
function me.reserve(net, pos, original_start, length)
if not net.pending then
net.pending = {}
net.pending.time = {}
if not net.pending.busy then
net.pending.busy = {}
local free_time = net.pending.busy[pos] or 0
local start = math.max(free_time, original_start)
local ending = start + length
net.pending.busy[pos] = ending
return start
-- Testing: HV solar is realiable, big loans are screwy.
-- Building 2 MV batteries manages to miss a single LV battery, odd.
local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
-- The autocrafters nor the machines can take really large amounts
-- of things, help them out.
@ -78,6 +101,7 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
me.log("BUILD: count is "..count.." and stack size is "..stack:get_count(), "error")
local dat = {}
local second_output = nil
local main_action_time = count * pipeworks_craft_time + 1
if net.process and net.process[name] then
dat.apos, dat.ipos = next(net.process[name])
dat.rinv = minetest.get_meta(dat.apos):get_inventory()
@ -85,6 +109,7 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
local inputs = me.find_by_output(name)
local machine_name = minetest.get_node(dat.apos).name
local typename = me.block_to_typename_map[machine_name]
me.log("Looking up "..(typename or "nil").." recipe for a "..(machine_name or nil), "error")
dat.recip = me.get_recipe(typename, inputs)
me.log("MACHINE: "..machine_name.." typename is "..typename.." and time is "..tostring(dat.recip.time), "error")
dat.recip.input = inputs
@ -100,12 +125,12 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
local total = math.ceil(count/craft_count)
-- crafting 4 carbon plates misses taking 1 carbin plate on output, make this bigger
-- we'll try 1 for now, figure out right formula. 1 looks perfect
dat.recip.time = round((total+1)*dat.recip.time/speed)
main_action_time = round((total+2)*dat.recip.time/speed) + 1 -- 1 + 1 is a second too slow on the doped for 81., 2 +0 doesn't work, a second shy
if second_output then
second_output = ItemStack(second_output)
me.log("MACHINE: "..machine_name.." is speed "..speed.." and final time is "..dat.recip.time, "error")
me.log("MACHINE: "..machine_name.." is speed "..speed.." and final time is "..main_action_time, "error")
elseif net.autocrafters[name] then
-- fill all recipe slots, wait, grab all output slots
-- "src" "dst" "recipe" "output"
@ -163,7 +188,9 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
local replace = true
local next_time = time
local next_time = me.reserve(net, dat.apos, time, main_action_time)
me.log("RESERVE: "..name.." stime "..time.." step "..main_action_time.." reserve "..next_time, "error")
-- local next_time = time
me.log("PREP: pre count is "..count, "error")
-- prepwork
me.log("PREP: count is "..count, "error")
@ -186,7 +213,7 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
local grabbed = me.remove_item(net, inv, "main", istack)
if grabbed then
me.log("ac grabbed "..name, "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Grabbed "..count.." "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Grabbed "..count.." "..name..".\n"
local slot = inv:get_size("ac")+1
inv:set_size("ac", slot)
inv:set_stack("ac", slot, grabbed)
@ -205,15 +232,15 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
-- Try and autocraft it
me.log("AC: recursive crafting "..count.." "..istack:get_count(), "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Need to craft "..count.." "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Need to craft "..count.." "..name..".\n"
local built, step_time = build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, istack, dat.isink, time)
if built then
hasit = true
next_time = math.max(next_time, time + step_time)
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Craft "..count.." "..name.." in "..step_time.." seconds.\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Craft "..count.." "..name.." in "..step_time.." seconds.\n"
me.log("can't craft "..istack:get_count().." "..istack:get_name(), "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Can't craft "..count.." "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Can't craft "..count.." "..name..".\n"
replace = replace and hasit
@ -234,10 +261,6 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
-- Existing items are already loaded.
local main_action_time = count * pipeworks_craft_time + 1
if net.process and net.process[name] then
main_action_time = dat.recip.time + 1
local main_action = function()
me.log("ACTION: prep for "..stack:get_name(), "error")
@ -273,10 +296,7 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
me.log("TIMER: registering timer for "..stack:get_name(), "error")
local action_time_step = count * pipeworks_craft_time + 1
if net.process and net.process[name] then
action_time_step = dat.recip.time + 1
local action_time_step = main_action_time
local action = function(net)
me.log("ACTION: post craft for "..stack:get_name(), "error")
me.log("TIMER: moving "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name(), "error")
@ -285,14 +305,14 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
if dst_stack:get_count() ~= stack:get_count() then
me.log("wow, missing items that should have been crafted "..stack:get_name(), "error")
-- me.log("saw "..dst_stack:get_count().." items instead of "..stack:get_count().." items", "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Missing "..(stack:get_count()-dst_stack:get_count()).." "..name..", only made "..dst_stack:get_count()..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Missing "..(stack:get_count()-dst_stack:get_count()).." "..name..", only made "..dst_stack:get_count()..".\n"
if not dst_stack:is_empty() then
me.log("TIMER: inserting "..dst_stack:get_count().." "..dst_stack:get_name(), "error")
local leftovers = sink(dst_stack)
if leftovers and not leftovers:is_empty() then
me.log("autocrafter overflow, backpressuring", "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Backpressure of "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Backpressure of "..name..".\n"
-- If any don't fit, back pressure on the crafter, we don't
-- mean to do this, and want to chunk the crafting items smaller
dat.rinv:add_item("dst", leftovers)
@ -309,7 +329,7 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
if leftovers and not leftovers:is_empty() then
me.log("autocrafter overflow, backpressuring", "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Backpressure of "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Backpressure of "..name..".\n"
-- If any don't fit, back pressure on the crafter, we don't
-- mean to do this, and want to chunk the crafting items smaller
dat.rinv:add_item("dst", leftovers)
@ -322,7 +342,7 @@ local function build(net, cpos, inv, name, count, stack, sink, time)
local leftovers = me.insert_item(second, net, inv, "main")
if leftovers and not leftovers:is_empty() then
me.log("autocrafter overflow, backpressuring", "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Backpressure of "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Backpressure of "..name..".\n"
-- If any don't fit, back pressure on the crafter, we don't
-- mean to do this, and want to chunk the crafting items smaller
dat.rinv:add_item("dst", leftovers)
@ -411,7 +431,10 @@ function me.autocraft(autocrafterCache, cpos, net, linv, inv, count)
if net.autocrafters[name] or net.process[name] then
me.log("using pipeworks autocrafter", "error")
me.ac_status = "using pipeworks autocrafter\n"
if not net.pending or not net.ac_status then
net.ac_status = ""
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "using pipeworks autocrafter\n"
local sink = function(stack)
local leftovers = me.insert_item(stack, net, inv, "main")
@ -421,10 +444,10 @@ function me.autocraft(autocrafterCache, cpos, net, linv, inv, count)
local built, step_time = build(net, cpos, inv, name, count*craft_count, stack, sink, start_time)
if built then
me.log("crafting "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name().." in "..step_time.." seconds", "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Crafting "..(count*craft_count).." "..name.." in "..step_time.." seconds.\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Crafting "..(count*craft_count).." "..name.." in "..step_time.." seconds.\n"
me.log("can't craft "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name(), "error")
me.ac_status = me.ac_status .. "Can't craft "..(count*craft_count).." "..name..".\n"
net.ac_status = net.ac_status .. "Can't craft "..(count*craft_count).." "..name..".\n"
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ local function chest_formspec(pos, start_id, listname, page_max, q)
local status = "The status of the crafter is: " ..
((net.pending and "running " .. #net.pending .. " steps\n") or "idle\n")
status = status .. (me.ac_status or "")
status = status .. (net.ac_status or "")
buttons = [[
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ me.register_node("cmonitor", {
meta:set_string("formspec", chest_formspec(pos, page, inv_name, page_max))
elseif fields.clear then
own_inv:set_size("search", 0)
ctrl_inv:set_size("ac", 16)
ctrl_inv:set_size("ac", 0)
meta:set_int("page", 1)
meta:set_string("inv_name", "ac")
net.pending = nil
@ -295,6 +295,12 @@ me.block_to_typename_map = {
-- default wiring
me.register_typename("default:furnace", "cooking")
-- These must be called after the true name of the machine is defined.
function me.register_machine_alias(alias, name)
me.block_to_typename_map[alias] = me.block_to_typename_map[name]
me.set_speed(alias, me.speed[name])
function me.get_recipe(typename, inputs)
return technic.get_recipe(typename, inputs)
@ -100,6 +100,25 @@ me.register_typename("technic:hv_compressor", "compressing")
me.register_typename("technic:mv_centrifuge", "separating")
me.register_typename("technic:mv_freezer", "freezing")
-- We need active nodes defined as well, as the recipe system doesn't otherwise have
-- recipes for them.
me.register_machine_alias("technic:electric_furnace_active", "technic:electric_furnace")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_electric_furnace_active", "technic:mv_electric_furnace")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:hv_electric_furnace_active", "technic:hv_electric_furnace")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:lv_grinder_active", "technic:lv_grinder")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_grinder_active", "technic:mv_grinder")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:hv_grinder_active", "technic:hv_grinder")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:coal_alloy_furnace_active", "technic:coal_alloy_furnace")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:lv_alloy_furnace_active", "technic:lv_alloy_furnace")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_alloy_furnace_active", "technic:mv_alloy_furnace")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:lv_extractor_active", "technic:lv_extractor")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_extractor_active", "technic:mv_extractor")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:lv_compressor_active", "technic:lv_compressor")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_compressor_active", "technic:mv_compressor")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:hv_compressor_active", "technic:hv_compressor")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_centrifuge_active", "technic:mv_centrifuge")
me.register_machine_alias("technic:mv_freezer_active", "technic:mv_freezer")
-- ======================================================================== --
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