--- Microexpansion network -- @type network -- @field #table controller_pos the position of the controller -- @field #number power_load the power currently provided to the network -- @field #number power_storage the power that can be stored for the next tick local network = { power_load = 0, power_storage = 0 } local me = microexpansion me.network = network --- construct a new network -- @function [parent=#network] new -- @param #table or the object to become a network or nil -- @return #table the new network object function network.new(o) local ret = setmetatable(o or {}, {__index = network}) ret.counts = {} return ret end --- check if a node can be connected -- @function [parent=#network] can_connect -- @param #table np the position of the node to be checked -- the node itself or the name of the node -- @return #boolean whether this node has the group me_connect function network.can_connect(np) local nn if type(np)=="string" then nn = np else if np.name then nn = np.name else local node = me.get_node(np) nn = node.name end end return minetest.get_item_group(nn, "me_connect") > 0 end function network.get_ref(lstack) local tref = lstack:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference") if tref == "" then -- me.log("REF: we tried, "..lstack:get_name(), "error") -- me.log("REF: fallback", "error") local location = lstack:get_location() if location.type == "undefined" then me.log("REF: we tried", "error") end local foo = minetest.get_inventory(location) local ref = nil -- TODO: Do we need this? return nil end local ref = minetest.deserialize(tref) return ref end --- get all adjacent connected nodes -- @function [parent=#network] adjacent_connected_nodes -- @param #table pos the position of the base node -- @param #boolean include_ctrl whether to check for the controller -- @return #table all nodes that have the group me_connect function network.adjacent_connected_nodes(pos, include_ctrl) local adjacent = { {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, {x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}, {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}, {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}, {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}, } local nodes = {} for _,apos in pairs(adjacent) do local napos = me.get_node(apos) local nn = napos.name if network.can_connect(nn) then if include_ctrl == false then if nn ~= "microexpansion:ctrl" then table.insert(nodes,{pos = apos, name = nn}) end else table.insert(nodes,{pos = apos, name = nn}) end end end return nodes end --- provide power to the network -- @function [parent=#network] provide -- @param #number power the amount of power provided function network:provide(power) self.power_load = self.power_load + power end --- demand power from the network -- @function [parent=#network] demand -- @param #number power the amount of power demanded -- @return #boolean whether the power was provided function network:demand(power) if self.power_load - power < 0 then return false end self.power_load = self.power_load - power return true end --- add power capacity to the network -- @function [parent=#network] add_power_capacity -- @param #number power the amount of power that can be stored function network:add_power_capacity(power) self.power_storage = self.power_storage + power end --- add power capacity to the network -- @function [parent=#network] add_power_capacity -- @param #number power the amount of power that can't be stored anymore function network:remove_power_capacity(power) self.power_storage = self.power_storage - power if self.power_storage < 0 then me.log("power storage of network "..self.." dropped below zero","warning") end end --- remove overload -- to be called by the controller every turn -- @function [parent=#network] remove_overload function network:remove_overload() self.power_load = math.min(self.power_load, self.power_storage) end --- get a drives item capacity -- @function get_drive_capacity -- @param #table pos the position of the drive -- @return #number the number of items that can be stored in the drive local function get_drive_capacity(pos) local cap = 0 local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do cap = cap + me.get_cell_size(inv:get_stack("main", i):get_name()) end return cap end local function get_interface_capacity(pos) local cap = 0 local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) return meta:get_int("capacity") or 0 end --- get the item capacity of a network -- @function [parent=#network] get_item_capacity -- @return #number the total number of items that can be stored in the network function network:get_item_capacity() local cap = 0 for npos in me.connected_nodes(self.controller_pos) do if me.get_node(npos).name == "microexpansion:drive" then cap = cap + get_drive_capacity(npos) end if me.get_node(npos).name == "microexpansion:interface" then cap = cap + get_interface_capacity(npos) end end self.capacity_cache = cap me.log("total capacity is "..cap, "error") return cap end function network:remove_slots(inv, listname, target, csize) -- me.log("removing slots on "..listname..", target is "..target.." and csize is "..csize, "error") for i = target+1, csize do local stack = inv:get_stack(listname, i) -- me.log("network remove_slot "..listname..":"..i.." "..stack:get_name(), "error") if not stack:is_empty() then -- me.log("BROKEN: after remove_slot, still "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name().." left", "error") if true then return end foobar() -- This can't happen, we can only remove empty slots, and only 1 at that, at the end --inv:set_stack(listname, i, "") --me.insert_item(stack, self, inv, listname) me.remove_item(self, inv, listname, stack) if inv:get_stack("main", i):get_count() ~= 0 then -- me.log("BROKEN: after remove_slot, still "..inv:get_stack("main", i):get_count().." left", "error") end end end --perhaps allow list removal if target < 0 then -- TODO: audit, this sould be made impossible if it is, or removed. target = 1 end inv:set_size(listname, target) end function network:set_storage_space(count, listname) local c = count or 1 listname = listname or "main" local inv = self:get_inventory() local csize = inv:get_size(listname) local space = 0 local inside = 0 local contents = inv:get_list(listname) or {} for i,stack in pairs(contents) do if stack:is_empty() then space = space + 1 -- me.log("STORAGE: found space at "..i.." now "..space, "error") else inside = inside + stack:get_count() end end local cap = self:get_item_capacity() --the capacity is allocated outside of the condition because it updates the cached capacity if count == true then me.log("STORAGE: current: "..inside.." capacity: "..cap, "error") if inside < cap then c = 1 else c = 0 end end local needed = c - space -- me.log("STORAGE: needed: "..needed, "error") if needed > 0 then needed = needed + csize inv:set_size(listname, needed) elseif needed < 0 then needed = needed + csize self:remove_slots(inv, listname, needed, csize) end end function network:update() self:set_storage_space(true) end function network:get_inventory_name() local cp = self.controller_pos assert(cp, "trying to get inventory name of a network without controller") return "microexpansion_storage_"..cp.x.."_"..cp.y.."_"..cp.z end function network:find_loan(inv, stack) if not self.byname["loan"] then self.byname["loan"] = {} end if not self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()] then self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()] = {} end local loan_slot = self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] if loan_slot then -- me.log("init me.remove_item before update_loan", "error") self:update_loan(inv, loan_slot) -- me.log("init me.remove_item after update_loan", "error") end loan_slot = self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] if loan_slot then local lstack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_slot) if lstack:get_name() == stack:get_name() and lstack:get_wear() == stack:get_wear() then return loan_slot end self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] = nil end -- me.log("init network find_loan searching all loans", "error") for loan_slot = 1, me.loan.get_size(self, inv) do local lstack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_slot) if lstack:get_name() == stack:get_name() and lstack:get_wear() == stack:get_wear() then -- TODO: Same meta_data... self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] = loan_slot return loan_slot end end return nil end local function create_inventory(net) local invname = net:get_inventory_name() net.inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(invname, { allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack) local inside_stack = inv:get_stack(listname, index) local stack_name = stack:get_name() if minetest.get_item_group(stack_name, "microexpansion_cell") > 0 then return 0 end -- improve performance by skipping unnessecary calls if inside_stack:get_name() ~= stack_name or inside_stack:get_count() >= inside_stack:get_stack_max() then if inv:get_stack(listname, index+1):get_name() ~= "" then return stack:get_count() end end local max_slots = inv:get_size(listname) local max_items = net.capacity_cache local slots, items = 0, 0 -- Get amount of items in drive for i = 1, max_slots do local dstack = inv:get_stack(listname, i) if dstack:get_name() ~= "" then slots = slots + 1 local num = dstack:get_count() if num == 0 then num = 1 end items = items + num end end return math.max(math.min(stack:get_count(),max_items-items),0) end, on_put = function(inv, listname, _, stack) inv:remove_item(listname, stack) me.insert_item(stack, net, inv, listname) net:set_storage_space(true) end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, slot, stack, player) -- This is not remove_item, we only remove the loan. This real -- item will be removed. me.log("REMOVE: network allow taking of "..stack:get_name().." from "..listname, "error") --me.log("COUNTS: allow_take "..minetest.serialize(net.counts), "error") --print(dump2(inv:get_list("loan"))) -- me.log("LOANS: allow_take "..minetest.serialize(inv:get_list("loan")), "error") -- net:dump_loans(inv) local count = math.min(stack:get_count(),stack:get_stack_max()) local orig_count = count if listname ~= "main" then return count end local on_loan = net.counts[stack:get_name()] local main_slot = nil local main_count = 0 if on_loan then local found = false local mstack = inv:get_stack("main", slot) main_slot = slot local mbias = 0 if net.bias and net.bias["main"] and net.bias["main"][stack:get_name()] then mbias = net.bias["main"][stack:get_name()] end main_count = mstack:get_count() + mbias if main_count - on_loan >= 1 then return math.min(mstack:get_count() + mbias - on_loan, count) end local update = false --me.log("COUNTS: allow_take2 "..minetest.serialize(net.counts), "error") --print(dump2(inv:get_list("loan"))) -- net:dump_loans(inv) local loan_slot = net:find_loan(inv, stack) if loan_slot then -- me.log("found loan", "error") local lstack = me.loan.get_stack(net, inv, loan_slot) local loan_count = lstack:get_count() local ref = network.get_ref(lstack) local rinv = minetest.get_meta(ref.pos):get_inventory() local real_stack = nil if ref.drawer then local c = drawers.drawer_get_content(ref.pos, ref.slot) real_stack = ItemStack(c.name) real_stack:set_count(math.max(c.count-1,0)) else real_stack = rinv:get_stack(ref.invname, ref.slot) end local same_name = real_stack:get_name() == stack:get_name() local same_wear = real_stack:get_wear() == stack:get_wear() -- TODO: Same meta_data... if same_name and same_wear and real_stack:get_count() >= 1 then found = true count = math.min(real_stack:get_count(), count) if real_stack:get_count() ~= loan_count then update = true -- The partial update won't be able to update the count of -- this slot as we are taking the whole thing, updating now -- before the contents are removed, so the loan remains if count == main_count then local mstack = inv:get_stack("main", main_slot) -- adding 1 is enough to keep it from disappearing mstack:set_count(main_count + 1) inv:set_stack("main", main_slot, mstack) loan_count = loan_count + 1 lstack:set_count(loan_count) me.log("LOAN: allow_take to "..lstack:get_count(), "error") me.loan.set_stack(net, inv, loan_slot, lstack) end end if ref.drawer then local take = real_stack take:set_count(count) local c = drawers.drawer_get_content(ref.pos, "") drawers.drawer_take_item(ref.pos, take) -- TODO: unify with me.remove_item loan refilling code local c = drawers.drawer_get_content(ref.pos, "") else real_stack:set_count(real_stack:get_count() - count) rinv:set_stack(ref.invname, ref.slot, real_stack) end if loan_count - count == 0 then net:maybemoveloan(inv, loan_slot) -- me.log("LOAN: removed "..minetest.serialize(net.counts), "error") else lstack:set_count(loan_count - count) me.log("LOAN: allow_take loan to "..lstack:get_count(), "error") me.loan.set_stack(net, inv, loan_slot, lstack) end net.counts[stack:get_name()] = net.counts[stack:get_name()] - count me.add_capacity(ref.ipos, -count) else update = true end if not found then update = true -- me.log("Ouch, lost track, someone almost got free shit from us: "..stack:get_name().." "..tostring(count), "error") count = 0 end if update then -- a little weighty, but someone touched the count and it -- wasn't us, make em pay for it. net:update_counts() end end end return count end, on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) me.log("REMOVE: net taking of "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name().." from "..listname, "error") local func = function() if inv:get_stack(listname, index):get_count() == 0 then me.maybemove(net, inv, listname, index, stack) end net:set_storage_space(true) -- TODO: remove, should not be necessary anymore, maybemove should do it end --update the inventory size in the next step as it is not allowed in on_take minetest.after(0, func) end }) end function network:get_inventory() if not self.inv then create_inventory(self) assert(self.inv,"no inventory created") end return self.inv end function network:load_inventory(lists) local inv = self:get_inventory() for listname,c in pairs(lists) do local empties = 0 inv:set_size(listname, #c) for i,stack in pairs(c) do stack = ItemStack(stack) -- and now we try it here inv:set_stack(listname, i-empties, stack) -- me.log("LOAD META0: "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name(), "error") if listname == "loan" then -- local tref = stack:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference") -- me.log("LOAD META1: tref was "..tref, "error") -- inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties):get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", tref) -- local inv_stack = inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties) -- local inv_meta = inv_stack:get_meta() -- inv_meta:set_string("me_store_reference", tref) -- inv:set_stack(listname, i-empties, inv_stack) -- inv_stack = inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties) -- me.log("LOAD META1.1: tref was "..inv_meta:get_string("me_store_reference"), "error") -- me.log("LOAD META1.2: tref was "..inv_stack:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference"), "error") -- me.log("LOAD META1.3: tref was "..inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties):get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference"), "error") -- inv:set_stack(listname, i-empties, ItemStack(inv_stack)) --me.log("LOAD META1.4: tref was "..inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties):get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference"), "error") --me.log("LOAD META1.5: tref was "..inv_stack:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference"), "error") --local meta = inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties) --meta = meta:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference") --me.log("LOAD META2: ref was "..minetest.serialize(meta), "error") --stack:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", tref) --meta = inv:get_stack(listname, i-empties) --meta = meta:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference") --me.log("LOAD META3: ref was "..minetest.serialize(meta), "error") --me.log("loading network1: "..minetest.serialize(stack:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference")), "error") -- stack = ItemStack(stack) -- tried moving this, was here -- me.log("loading network2: "..minetest.serialize(stack), "error") end -- me.log("loading network: "..minetest.serialize(stack), "error") if stack and not stack:is_empty() then -- me.log("loading network "..listname.." "..stack:get_name().." slot "..i, "error") -- TODO: missing bias -- does this load loans? Yes. if not self.byname then self.byname = {} end if not self.byname[listname] then self.byname[listname] = {} end if not self.byname[listname][stack:get_name()] then self.byname[listname][stack:get_name()] = {} end self.byname[listname][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] = i-empties else empties = empties + 1 end end end end function network:save_inventory() local contents = {} local lists = self.inv:get_lists() for listname,c in pairs(lists or {}) do local ct = {} contents[listname] = ct for i,stack in pairs(c) do ct[i] = stack:to_string() end end return contents end function network:load() if self.strinv then -- me.log("LOADING: "..minetest.serialize(self.strinv), "error") self:load_inventory(self.strinv) end end -- We don't save this data, rather we rewalk upon first use. If 1% of -- the people play per reboot, then this saves 99% of the work. -- Also, we don't actually read or write any of this data normally, -- only for active users, using 1% of the memory. -- TODO: I think all the storage for me should be handled the same way. -- As it is, we needlessly read and write all the networks for all the users and -- writing isn't crash friendly, whereas rewalking is crash friendly. -- We don't reload the loans, that is saved and restored already. function network:reload_network() self.autocrafters = {} self.autocrafters_by_pos = {} self.process = {} for ipos in me.connected_nodes(self.controller_pos) do if me.get_node(ipos).name == "microexpansion:interface" then me.reload_interface(self, ipos, nil) end end end function network:serialize() local sert = {} for i,v in pairs(self) do if i == "inv" then sert.strinv = self:save_inventory() elseif i == "strinv" then if not sert.strinv then sert[i] = v end else sert[i] = v end end return sert end function network:destruct() minetest.remove_detached_inventory(self:get_inventory_name()) self.controller_pos = nil self.inv = nil end -- This ensure main_slot is right, and if not, update it function network:find_main(inv, ref, stack) local main_slot = ref.main_slot local mstack = inv:get_stack("main", ref.main_slot) if mstack:get_name() == stack:get_name() and mstack:get_wear() == stack:get_wear() then return mstack end for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do mstack = inv:get_stack("main", i) if mstack:get_name() == stack:get_name() and mstack:get_wear() == stack:get_wear() then ref.main_slot = i return mstack end end end -- we can't update a loan with a bias, cause we don't know the old bias for this specific loan, -- therefore we have no clue about changes to the item count, therefore we can't update the -- item count. function network:update_loan(inv, loan_slot) me.log("LOAN: updating some 4", "error") local lstack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_slot) local tref = lstack:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference") me.log("LOAN: update_loan "..lstack:get_count().." "..lstack:get_name().." with ref "..tref, "error") local rinv = nil local real_stack = nil local same_name = nil local same_wear = nil local excess = nil if tref == nil then me.log("LOAN: bad tref in loan", "error") end -- if tref == nil then return end local ref = minetest.deserialize(tref) if ref == nil then me.log("LOAN: bad ref in loan", "error") end if ref == nil then return end rinv = minetest.get_meta(ref.pos):get_inventory() local rbias = 0 local lbias = (self.bias and self.bias["loan"] and self.bias["loan"][loan_slot]) or 0 if ref.drawer then local c = drawers.drawer_get_content(ref.pos, ref.slot) if c.name ~= lstack:get_name() then me.log("LOAN: bad drawer item in loan "..c.name.." "..lstack:get_name(), "error") end c.count = math.max(c.count-1,0) -- Poor man's locking real_stack = ItemStack(c.name) if c.count > math.pow(2,15) then rbias = rbias + c.count - math.pow(2,15) c.count = math.pow(2,15) end real_stack:set_count(c.count) else real_stack = rinv:get_stack(ref.invname, ref.slot) if real_stack:get_name() ~= lstack:get_name() then me.log("LOAN: bad chest item in loan "..real_stack:get_name().." "..lstack:get_name(), "error") end end -- local excess = (real_stack:get_count() + rbias) - (lstack:get_count() + lbias) -- TODO: This assumes meta is the same save "me_store_reference". same_name = real_stack:get_name() == lstack:get_name() same_wear = real_stack:get_wear() == lstack:get_wear() -- If someone updates the chest, update loan and counts if not same_name or not same_wear then me.log("inventory out of sync", "error") -- Not at all the same, remove the loan entirely if not inv:contains_item("main", lstack) then -- TODO: Update anything that can remove to have allow_metadata check -- remote inventories first so this cannot happen me.log("missing items on loan #1", "error") end me.remove_item(self, inv, "main", lstack) -- FIXME remove_loan or change_loan? lstack, remove tref and remove that from main. lstack:set_count(0) if not real_stack:is_empty() then local llstack = ItemStack(real_stack) llstack:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", tref) me.log("LOAN: update_loan to "..llstack:get_count()..llstack:get_name(), "error") me.loan.set_stack(self, inv, loan_slot, llstack) -- FIXME change loan? if rbias > 0 then if not self.bias then self.bias = {} end if not self.bias["loan"] then self.bias["loan"] = {} end self.bias["loan"][loan_slot] = rbias -- FIXME, lstack or llstack? was lstack, wrong end end return end excess = real_stack:get_count() - lstack:get_count() me.log("update_loan exess is "..excess..", lc is "..lstack:get_count()..", rc is "..real_stack:get_count(), "error") local prev = self.counts[lstack:get_name()] or 0 self.counts[lstack:get_name()] = prev + excess me.log("COUNT: update_loan loan now to "..self.counts[lstack:get_name()].." "..lstack:get_name()..", "..excess.." more", "error") if not real_stack:is_empty() then me.log("LOAN: updating some", "error") real_stack:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", tref) local llstack = ItemStack(real_stack) me.log("LOAN: update_loan to "..llstack:get_count().." "..llstack:get_name(), "error") me.loan.set_stack(self, inv, loan_slot, llstack) else me.log("LOAN: updating some 2", "error") remove_loan(ref.pos, inv, lstack, loan_slot, ref) end if excess > 0 then local extra = lstack extra:set_count(excess) extra:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", "") me.log("update_loan adding "..excess.." "..lstack:get_name().." to main", "error") local mstack = self:find_main(inv, ref, extra) if mstack and not mstack:is_empty() then mstack:set_count(mstack:get_count()+excess) else me.log("INV: went missing, readding", "error") me.insert_item(extra, self, inv, "main") end inv:set_stack("main", ref.main_slot, mstack) me.add_capacity(ref.ipos, excess) elseif excess < 0 then local deficit = lstack deficit:set_count(-excess) me.log("update_loan removing "..-excess.." "..lstack:get_name().." from main", "error") -- We should fix this so that this cannot happen. See above. -- For now, let's see if we can fix it up. if not inv:contains_item("main", deficit) then me.log("network no extra items to meet deficit, free items", "error") end -- TODO: This isn't a copy of the original meta, it is the original meta, and screws other loans, maybe? deficit:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", "") -- was: local mstack = inv:get_stack("main", ref.main_slot) local mstack = self:find_main(inv, ref, deficit) if mstack then mstack:set_count(mstack:get_count()+excess) inv:set_stack("main", ref.main_slot, mstack) if false and mstack:get_count() == 0 then -- should be impossible, we have an outstanding loan still? foobar() end me.add_capacity(ref.ipos, excess) end end end function network:update_loan_count(inv, loan_slot) me.log("COUNT: loan_slot "..loan_slot, "error") local lstack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_slot) local lbias = (self.bias and self.bias["loan"] and self.bias["loan"][loan_slot]) or 0 local prev = self.counts[lstack:get_name()] or 0 self.counts[lstack:get_name()] = prev + lstack:get_count() + lbias me.log("COUNT: update_loan_count loan now to "..self.counts[lstack:get_name()].." "..lstack:get_name()..", "..(lstack:get_count() + lbias).." more, bias is "..lbias, "error") end -- Check everything on loan. This is the cheapest possible version. -- We don't rewalk, we don't pick up new slots that now have contents. -- We don't even verify the type of node is the same type of node. function network:update_counts() local inv = self:get_inventory() for loan_slot = 1, me.loan.get_size(self, inv) do self:update_loan(inv, loan_slot) end -- Since we are rescanning 100%, we start with no old counts and we -- rebuild the counts self.counts = {} -- no, update_loan_count doesn't read from the inventory, if this is done, it has to be done -- by a inventory reader that will re-create it. --if self.bias and self.bias["loan"] then -- self.bias["loan"] = nil --end for loan_slot = 1, me.loan.get_size(self, inv) do self:update_loan_count(inv, loan_slot) end end function network:sync_main(inv) local listname = "main" for i = 1, inv:get_size(listname) do local mstack = inv:get_stack(listname, i) if mstack:is_empty() and i < inv:get_size("main") then me.log("network sync_main, empty stack at pos "..i, "error") me.maybemove(self, inv, "main", i, mstack) else if not net.byname then net.byname = {} end if not net.byname[listname] then net.byname[listname] = {} end if not net.byname[listname][stack:get_name()] then net.byname[listname][stack:get_name()] = {} end --if not net.byname[listname][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] then -- net.byname[listname][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] = {} --end local slot = self.byname[listname][mstack:get_name()][mstack:get_wear()] if not slot then me.log("network sync_main, missing "..mstack:get_name().." at pos "..i, "error") self.byname[listname][mstack:get_name()][mstack:get_wear()] = i elseif slot ~= i then me.log("network sync_main, wrong pos for "..mstack:get_name().." at pos "..i", found "..slot, "error") self.byname[listname][mstack:get_name()][mstack:get_wear()] = i end end end end function network:remove_real(ref, inv, stack, count) if ref.drawer then while count > math.pow(2,16)-1 do stack:set_count(math.pow(2,16)-1) drawers.drawer_take_large_item(ref.pos, stack) count = count - math.pow(2,16)-1 end stack:set_count(count) drawers.drawer_take_large_item(ref.pos, stack) else local rinv = minetest.get_meta(ref.pos):get_inventory() stack:set_count(count) local rstack = rinv:get_stack(ref.invname, ref.slot) rstack:take_item(count) rinv:set_stack(ref.invname, ref.slot, rstack) end end -- Callers have to ensure net.counts exists before calling. -- Loans with bias only work for no wear and no metadata items. Only -- drawers can create bias loans and they don't support wear or -- metadata items. One should add chests first, then drawers, this will top off -- items in the drawers. If one wants to empty the chests, do the chests after the -- drawer. function network:create_loan(stack, ref, inv, int_meta, bias) local listname = "loan" local on_loan = self.counts[stack:get_name()] or 0 local lbias = bias or 0 inv = inv or get_inventory() local mstack = ItemStack(stack) local prev = int_meta:get_int("capacity") or 0 local count = stack:get_count() + (bias or 0) int_meta:set_int("capacity", prev + count) -- me.log("total loaned items: "..tostring(prev + count)) self:set_storage_space(true) local _, main_slot = me.insert_item(mstack, self, inv, "main", bias) local now_on_loan = self.counts[stack:get_name()] or 0 local items_taken = now_on_loan - on_loan if items_taken > 0 then local loan_slot = self:find_loan(inv, stack) self:remove_real(ref, inv, stack, items_taken) prev = int_meta:get_int("capacity") or 0 int_meta:set_int("capacity", prev - items_taken) count = count - items_taken if count == 0 then -- no actual loan in this case. return end if count > math.pow(2,15) then bias = count - math.pow(2,15) lbias = bias count = math.pow(2,15) else bias = nil lbias = 0 stack:set_count(count) end end if main_slot == 1 then me.log("LARGE: creating loan for "..mstack:get_name()..", mc "..mstack:get_count()..", lc "..stack:get_count()..", lbias "..(bias or 0), "error") end self:set_storage_space(true) ref.main_slot = main_slot stack:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", minetest.serialize(ref)) local loan_slot = me.loan.get_size(self, inv)+1 me.loan.set_size(self, inv, loan_slot) -- me.log("loan size is now "..me.loan.get_size(self, inv)) me.log("LOAN: create_loan to "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name(), "error") me.loan.set_stack(self, inv, loan_slot, stack) me.log("INV: slot "..loan_slot.." now has "..stack:get_count().." "..stack:get_name().." in it", "error") if bias then if not self.bias then self.bias = {} end if not self.bias[listname] then self.bias[listname] = {} end self.bias[listname][loan_slot] = bias me.log("LARGE: "..self.bias[listname][loan_slot].." "..stack:get_name()..", added "..bias, "error") end prev = self.counts[stack:get_name()] or 0 -- TODO: Contemplate wear and meta for counts. Add wear, meta; no limit large counts to no wear, no meta self.counts[stack:get_name()] = prev + count me.log("COUNT: create_loan loan now to "..self.counts[stack:get_name()].." "..stack:get_name()..", "..count.." more", "error") end -- This removes the entire loan slot, always function network:remove_loan(pos, inv, lstack, loan_slot, ref) me.log("LOAN: updating some 3", "error") lstack:get_meta():set_string("me_store_reference", "") local mstack = self:find_main(inv, ref, lstack) local main_slot = ref.main_slot if mstack == nil then mstack = ItemStack() end local omstack = ItemStack(mstack) me.log("network remove_loan of "..omstack:get_name()..", at "..main_slot, "error") local lbias = (self.bias and self.bias["loan"] and self.bias["loan"][loan_slot]) or 0 local excess = 0 local mbias = (self.bias and self.bias["main"] and self.bias["main"][mstack:get_name()]) or 0 excess = (mstack:get_count() + mbias) - (lstack:get_count() + lbias) me.log("LOAN: remove_loan "..(mstack:get_count() + mbias).." "..mstack:get_name().." "..(lstack:get_count() + lbias).." on loan, lbias is "..lbias, "error") if lstack:get_name() == "default:steel_ingot" then me.log("LARGE: remove_loan excess "..excess.." for "..(lstack:get_name())..", mc "..mstack:get_count()..", mbias "..mbias..", lc "..lstack:get_count()..", lbias "..lbias..", slot "..loan_slot, "error") end if excess < 0 then me.log("network missing "..tostring(-excess).." "..lstack:get_name().." from loan, free items", "error") mstack:set_count(0) mbias = 0 if self.bias and self.bias["main"] then self.bias["main"][mstack:get_name()] = nil end lbias = 0 if self.bias and self.bias["loan"] then self.bias["loan"][loan_slot] = nil end excess = 0 end if excess > math.pow(2,15) then me.log("LARGE: remove_loan remaining "..excess.." for "..lstack:get_name(), "error") mstack:set_count(math.pow(2,15)) self.bias["main"][mstack:get_name()] = excess - math.pow(2,15) if self.bias and self.bias["loan"] then lbias = 0 self.bias["loan"][loan_slot] = nil end else mstack:set_count(excess) if self.bias and self.bias["main"] then self.bias["main"][omstack:get_name()] = nil end if self.bias and self.bias["loan"] then lbias = 0 self.bias["loan"][loan_slot] = nil end end inv:set_stack("main", main_slot, mstack) if mstack:get_count() == 0 then me.log("network cleaning up empty main slot now", "error") me.maybemove(self, inv, "main", main_slot, omstack) me.log("network cleaning up empty main slot now, done", "error") end -- me.loan.set_stack(self, inv, loan_slot, ItemStack()) if self.bias and self.bias["loan"] then self.bias["loan"][loan_slot] = nil end local on_loan = self.counts[lstack:get_name()] if on_loan and on_loan >= lstack:get_count() + lbias then self.counts[lstack:get_name()] = on_loan - lstack:get_count() - lbias me.log("LOAN: remove_loan down to count "..self.counts[lstack:get_name()], "error") else me.log("wow, free items, network remove_loan fails to find previous loan counts, "..self.counts[lstack:get_name()].." "..lstack:get_name(), "error") self.counts[lstack:get_name()] = 0 end self:maybemoveloan(inv, loan_slot) end -- like me.maybemove function network:maybemoveloan(inv, loan_slot) local loan_size = me.loan.get_size(self, inv) local stack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_size) if stack:is_empty() then me.loan.set_size(self, inv, loan_size-1) return self:maybemoveloan(inv, loan_slot) end local do_update = false if loan_size > 1 and loan_slot < loan_size then local stack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_size) if stack:is_empty() then -- should not be necessary me.log("network BAD loan", "error") -- This trips with interface place remove on main drawers foobar() end local prev = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_slot) if prev:get_count() ~= 0 then -- TODO: Should not be necessary, find real problem, full remove, refile check, replace interface if self.byname["loan"][prev:get_name()] then self.byname["loan"][prev:get_name()][prev:get_wear()] = nil end else -- don't remove the loan before, we need the name foobar() end me.log("LOAN: maybemoveloan to "..stack:get_count(), "error") me.loan.set_stack(self, inv, loan_slot, stack) -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..stack:get_name(), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..stack:get_count(), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..stack:get_wear(), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..loan_slot, "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..minetest.serialize(self.byname), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..minetest.serialize(self.byname["loan"]), "error") -- TODO: Should not be necessary, find real problem, full remove, refile check, replace interface if self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()] then self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] = loan_slot end do_update = true else local stack = me.loan.get_stack(self, inv, loan_size) if stack:get_count() ~= 0 then -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..stack:get_name(), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..stack:get_count(), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..stack:get_wear(), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..loan_slot, "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..minetest.serialize(self.byname), "error") -- me.log("maybemoveloan "..minetest.serialize(self.byname["loan"]), "error") -- TODO: Should not be necessary, find real problem, full remove, refile check, replace interface if self.byname["loan"] and self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()] then self.byname["loan"][stack:get_name()][stack:get_wear()] = nil end else -- don't remove the loan before, we need the name foobar() end end me.loan.set_size(self, inv, loan_size-1) -- me.log("loan size is now "..me.loan.get_size(self, inv)) if do_update then -- update_loan calls us and needs this updated by the time we return self:update_loan(inv, loan_slot) end end function network:dump_loans(inv) me.log("COUNTS: dump_loans "..minetest.serialize(self.counts), "error") for i, j in pairs(inv:get_list("loan") or {}) do print(" slot "..dump(i).." "..j:to_string().." "..j:get_meta():get_string("me_store_reference")) end end